Ebola outbreak - general thread #1

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CDC Director today: Ebola Outbreak "is spiraling out of control."

Jmo After watching the video, above I can understand why.
How can clinics keep people in quarantine that don't want to be there? How do clinics help if the people are afraid, deny they have it, think it's a conspiracy, wont follow basic protective measures?
The towns can be plastered with posters, government and leaders can inform, healthcare workers can educate, but the people themselves have to make the changes that stops ebola from spreading. Jmo

I want to clarify my post because it sounds harsh. I think it is vary hard for people in general to change, but these communities are being told they need to change their traditions, - how they eat (communal bowl), how they care for their ill loved ones, how they bury and grieve for their loved ones. Although the changes are temporary, the way they do these things provides them stability and comfort. A team of sociologists and psychologists need to be working with communities also. Jmo

Oh my word!!!! The man was hungry. These scenes are difficult to watch. Jmo.


It was hard to watch, The look on the poor guys face as they capture him was the hardest part for me.

It cannot be easy to convince yourself you are a biohazard.

The first link seems a little confused. It says the patient was diagnosed in the first paragraph but then quotes a university spokesperson saying the student has suspected Ebola. I suppose that has covered all the bases.....

I suppose that makes 'suspected' the winner at the moment 2-1. I really hope it is a false alarm and the test comes back negative.

The whole situation is so grim though. I wonder how bad things have to get before the developed world steps up support efforts to an adequate level.
[h=2]Group says world is losing battle against Ebola[/h]

The latest missionary to come down with the disease, a male obstetrician, was not immediately identified by the group Serving In Mission. The group did not specify how he contracted the disease, but it can be spread through vaginal fluids. He did not work in an Ebola ward.
Ebola response lethally inadequate:


In a speech to the United Nations, the international president of MSF, Dr Joanne Liu, said repeated calls for help had been ignored.

She said: "Six months into the worst Ebola epidemic in history, the world is losing the battle to contain it.

"Leaders are failing to come to grips with this transnational threat.

"The WHO announcement on August 8 that the epidemic constituted a 'public health emergency of international concern' has not led to decisive action, and states have essentially joined a global coalition of inaction."

MSF said military and civilian teams capable of dealing with a biological disaster were needed immediately as the spread of Ebola "will not be prevented without a massive deployment".
21-year-old Guinean student who arrived in Dakar and reported himself into a hospital. Like Sawyer, the student reportedly was in full knowledge that he had Ebola, but made the trek to Dakar in hopes of getting a better treatment.

Decontee Sawyer, widow of Patrick Sawyer, recently suggested that the search of better treatment may have been a factor in her late husband’s Lagos sojourn. Mrs. Sawyer initially explained that Patrick had no trust in the health care system in Liberia and had possibly headed to Nigeria with the hope of receiving better treatment for his ailment.

I didn't realize that they thought the student knew he probably had ebola. I wonder if this is accurate. Jmo

Yoda, I would very much appreciate the updates. Thanks for them. :)
Suspected case in Thailand.
jmo Article is very thorough in explaining dates, responses, etc. Excellent job by the journalist.

I will keep posting suspected cases as I come across them, unless someone objects.


Thanks for the update. Maybe that's a bad translation, but Ebola is not just contracted through direct contact with patients hands.
Also, I roll my eyes when I see claims that it's not easily contracted. How many people Patrick Sawyer infected? How many are already dead?
It's obviously very infectious, if one person can infect over 10 people that were not in close contact for a prolonged period of time. I guess these doctors try to not induce panic, but what good does it do to provide wrong information?
Finally! And a bit late since many colleges have already begun terms. JMO

CDC issues an advisory to colleges
In addition, it advised measures that few colleges and universities have adopted, like having people returning from those countries take their temperature twice daily until the 21-day period has passed, even if they have no symptoms and no risk of exposure under guidelines the C.D.C. has developed. It instructs colleges, “If a student, faculty or staff member has had a high- or low-risk exposure, state or local public health authorities should be notified, and school officials should consult with public health authorities for guidance about how that person should be monitored.”
The C.D.C. says that anyone who was recently in the outbreak region and develops a fever of 101.5 degrees or higher, or has other possible signs of the disease, should seek immediate medical care and warn a hospital or doctor’s office in advance of their arrival. It advises steps to minimize proximity to others, like not taking public transportation.

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