Ebola outbreak - general thread #4

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Harmony 2

Retired WS Staff
Oct 12, 2008
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New clean fresh start- let's try to do better.
I certainly feel for the troops and their families too. Let's hope more countries do their part so we can beat this thing.
I thought all LEO carried PPE's(personal protective equipment) as a standard issue in their vehicles. I don't mean a full on hazmat suit with a rebreather, but gloves and masks at the very least. No way I'd have gone in without them.
I am sorry to say that imo people are blindly following what the "experts" are saying and not really paying attention to what is right in frint of their eyes.
As far as that poor dog... I am praying that the real reason it was put down was NOT because they don't expect his owners to be coming back home.

The next few days will either make this situation very clear in my mind OR make me question everything we are being "told".

I need to check my facts. patient zero was exposed on 9/1
Sept. 15: Marthalene Williams falls ill and dies. 19 year old pregnant teen No one suspects she is infected with Ebola.

Sept. 24: Marthalene's half brother, Sonny Boy Williams, dies back in Liberia, while Thomas Duncan begins to show symptoms in Dallas. Duncan is not aware people are dying back in his old village.

Sept. 25: Marthalene Williams is suspected of having died of Ebola.


So in 23 days it was a done deal... Start to finish.
Sure seems like Writebol and The Dr. had been ill 7-10 days before being flown out...
I know everyone reacts differently.

All posts are MOO
Imo, our troops should not be there, there should be no inbound travelers from those areas allowed, and the medical/volunteer/missionaries should all be on chartered flights and held in quarantine offshore for 21-25 days.
There just isn't a good timeline for Dr. Brantly and Writebol.
I shouldn't even compare the cases.
They got Z-mapp and Dr. Brantly got a blood transfusion from a recovered Ebola patient.
Sadly, I don't believe that Mr. Duncan had a type match for a transfusion. He may have requested no transfusions as well. They did try meds with him.

Everyone handles illness differntly...Maybe there wasnt a washer in the apartment.
At my house if you get really sick, like cant make it to the potty sick... You get a special mattress in the tub or on the floor. You are also asked to carry "the bucket" with you from room to room just in case you encounter an occupied potty... I go bleach wild and have been known to pull out the leaf and lawn hefty bags to protect carpet, beds and furniture.
I know...
Had someone in my home come down with Ebola, I would have done everyyhing WRONG. BLEACHING LOADS OF SHEETS AND TOWELS. Taking bags of soiled stuff to the curb for pick up...
Leaving it was the right thing to do. I just really hope that no one else in the apartment gets it. Maybe they just shut a door and contained it that way.

Oh and about the Spanish woman... She had her eyebrows plucked prior to going to the ER? (could be a rumor)
I have always disagreed with MMS saying these people would be too sick to be out and about.
Especially jealthcare workers. They will plod on until they drop. Literally.

All posts are MOO
Report: Immigrant in Kenosha County jail being monitored for Ebola

A woman from Liberia who's being held in the Kenosha County jail is being monitored for Ebola and being kept separate from other inmates, ABC sister station WISN-TV in Milwaukee reports.

Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth says the Liberian immigrant doesn't show any sign of being sick, but because she just arrived in the country from West Africa, he's not taking any chances.

The Kenosha County jail is a holding facility for U.S. immigration detainees.

From the Washington Post:

In a country still recovering from 14 years of civil war, Ebola is posing a new threat to children, with challenges never seen here before. Some children have been forced to leave homes where relatives are infected, cleaving families into the sick and the well. Others face stigma if parents or siblings contract the disease, or they are shunned if they get it themselves and are fortunate enough to survive. And Liberia has a new wave of orphans, like the one caused by the war. ...

UNICEF announced last week that 3,700 children in the three nations hardest hit by Ebola — Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone — had lost one or both parents. ...

Some children understand that they have lost one or both parents. Others cling to hope that a mother or father will emerge from an Ebola treatment center and take them home.

Imo, our troops should not be there, there should be no inbound travelers from those areas allowed, and the medical/volunteer/missionaries should all be on chartered flights and held in quarantine offshore for 21-25 days.

Our waiting so long to employ hospital ships has irked me for months. And the excuse that we can't restrict travel because it would stop us from getting aid in and out (nonsense) is insulting to our intelligence.

Isolation is the most time-proven foundation of any solution, and the refusal to focus on it months ago and now is going to cause even more needless deaths.


I wonder if the generation of children who survive the outbreak will ever truly get over the trauma.

On the subject of bush meat I think we need to actually think this through logically as there appears to be a degree of hysteria attached to this as well.

In Africa people eat bush meat just the way hunters in other countries hunt and eat whatever edible birds and mammals frequent their local forests. Man has hunted since the dawn of time.

For those in Africa, eating bush meat is not a lifestyle choice - they are impoverished and require a source of protein in their diet.

For those living outside Africa as another FM described, it is like comfort food - food from home that reminds them of their childhood. So, whilst it is illegal, I do not think it is worthy of the degree of disgust and opprobrium expressed.

I am not keen on the idea of that Spanish cheese which contains live maggots and I think several 'food' items from the US are the stuff of nightmares. People have different tastes developed depending on where they grew up and what they are accustomed to eating.

Bush meat is sometimes infected with ebola - in the same way that chicken is sometimes infected with salmonella. Cooking kills the virus, so scrupulous hygiene is required when preparing it (just like chicken).

People keep bringing up 'all these Africans eating bush meat' as the cause of all these Ebola outbreaks and I get the impression that some think the continuation of the current outbreak is due to in part to bush meat consumption. I do not think this is correct.

There have been possibly 30-40 separate outbreaks of Ebola since its' discovery in the mid 1970s. Some of them have been attributed to the preparation and eating of bush meat, some of them have not.

The current outbreak came from ONE child who did not eat any bush meat as far as we know, but may have come into contact with an infected animal carcass. Since then, all of the transmission has been human to human according to WHO - absolutely nothing to do with what people were eating.

If bush meat was as infected as some are suggesting on here and it is being imported into The Western world in the quantities described - please explain why we have not had any Ebola outbreaks in America and Europe in all the years that immigrants from Africa have been living her?

Also, why hasn't the rural impoverished population of Africa been wiped out - there would have been far more outbreaks if all bushmeat was infected. In some years since Ebola was discovered, there have been no outbreaks recorded at all.

This page has a question about bushmeat:


Is there a risk of Ebola transmission from illegal bushmeat?

The risk to the UK population of acquiring Ebola virus from bushmeat is very low.
It is illegal to import bushmeat into the UK. Cooking will kill the virus, but there is some risk in handling raw bushmeat and the Food Standards Agency advice has always been that people should avoid illegal bushmeat as you can never be certain of its safety.
Bush meat is sometimes infected with ebola - in the same way that chicken is sometimes infected with salmonella. Cooking kills the virus, so scrupulous hygiene is required when preparing it (just like chicken).

No, it is not like chicken/salmonella.

It is not just about COOKING the possibly infected meat to kill the Ebola virus. Bush meat involves killing and then dismembering animals such as primates, the dismemberment process includes lots of blood and guts exposure which is what causes the infection. If the animal is infected it would be the same as dismembering, cooking and eating a dead human Ebola victim -- i.e. HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS and virtually impossible to do safely. You can be SURE the hunters are NOT wearing hazmat suits! And neither are the shoppers OR the cooks preparing the meat!

So no it is not at all like chicken and the minor risk of salmonella (which many folks don't even get sick from).

For the record of course most bush meat is NOT infected, if it were then many species in africa would be wiped out by now, but there is little doubt that these diseases (HIV, Ebola, and probably SARS) came from bush meat.
Our waiting so long to employ hospital ships has irked me for months. And the excuse that we can't restrict travel because it would stop us from getting aid in and out (nonsense) is insulting to our intelligence.

Isolation is the most time-proven foundation of any solution, and the refusal to focus on it months ago and now is going to cause even more needless deaths.
BBM. Ironic that we in usa are taking precautions and isolating anyone even remotely suspected of the disease, yet are not in favor of isolating the country that has the disease. Looking at some of the horrific photos that are getting put up here, I can't imagine how this disease can get irradicated in Africa. Too many people, too little help, no facilities, lack of education, etc. Even if the disease were slowed, it will likely gain ground quicky to due to those things. I have no answers.
A Colorado Springs Ebola expert had scathing criticism for the CDC

Andrew Price-Smith is the director of Global Health at Colorado College and a recognized expert on Ebola. Price-Smith says he can't believe Monnig was advised to go into Duncan's apartment without protective gear and then afterwards wasn't on the CDC's watch list for possible exposure. He says if that deputy does test positive for Ebola, there will be some serious questions about the CDC.

“It’s amazing to me that the CDC didn't follow up with him even though he entered the house, so that's pretty negligent," said Price-Smith, calling it "careless."


Not sure if this was posted. Dr. Gil Mobley (microbiologist and emergency trauma physician) calls it like he sees it...

Regarding the CDC: “If they’re not lying, they are grossly incompetent,” said Mobley, a microbiologist and emergency trauma physician from Springfield, Mo.

“Once this disease consumes every third world country, as surely it will, because they lack the same basic infrastructure as Sierra Leone and Liberia, at that point, we will be importing clusters of Ebola on a daily basis,” Mobley predicted. “That will overwhelm any advanced country’s ability to contain the clusters in isolation and quarantine. That spells bad news.”


Not sure if this was posted. Dr. Gil Mobley (microbiologist and emergency trauma physician) calls it like he sees it...



My personality wants to understand and know everything possible. I do not blindly trust or put faith in one side. With so many individual ebola experts and specialists coming out saying they disagree (to put it politely) really nags at me.
As a single poor woman, mother, grandmother, who accepts no assistance from the government, I feel it is 100% my responsibility to be able to protect and take care of my family. I want to understand this thing.


My personality wants to understand and know everything possible. I do not blindly trust or put faith in one side. With so many individual ebola experts and specialists coming out saying they disagree (to put it politely) really nags at me.

There is no way the CDC is simply incompetent, they store and handle the most deadly diseases on the planet. If they were actually as incompetent as they sound they would have killed themselves off ages ago (and taken the state of Georgia with them).

IMO they are lying and they aren't very good at it; they must really believe the American public is stupid OR they just plain don't care what the sheeple think. After all what is the American public gonna do about it? NOTHING! We will sit quietly as we see our country getting infected and continue to go along quietly until it spirals completely out of control.
Just saw on the news (FOX no link yet)

Airline workers striking over "unsafe conditions relating to EBOLA."
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