Ebola outbreak - general thread #8

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If someone leaves NOW, then "quarantine for 21 days on return" is something they have to consider.

But pertaining to Kaci, that's not a very compelling argument, since that wasn't part of real life when she chose to go to Africa to help. In fact, it wasn't even part of the equation when she got on the plane back to the US. She gets off the plane and they more or less lock her up for 21 days, with little-to-no explanation. She's done nothing illegal, and she's not sick. It's understandable why she would feel violated in having her liberty taken away.

I don't know, are they going to sign a waiver, that if they go out and cause business to close and people to miss work. will they be responsible for it

maybe a ankle bracelet to make sure they don't leave the house for 21 days. like the rest we have seen do. the public get scared and there nothing we can do to change the public minds about anything. I cant afford to miss 21 days of work because i happen to be in the same place 10 days after they come back and come down with ebola. laws change all the time.

to add: My prayers are with her, I really hope she does not come down with it. I thank her for her services
Spencer is not allowed to go to work at Columbia for 21 days post last exposure to an ebola patient. If they don't want him around their people, I don't want him around either.

There is no reason why this woman couldn't be quarantined in her home if they are going to go that route. Both Amber Vinson and Dr. Spencer were acting on recommendations given at the time. Both would certainly have acted differently had they been given different instructions. They shouldn't have to be thrown into a tent with no bathing facilities just to make scared individuals feel "safe" when they could be in the hospital within an hour or so of experiencing symptoms at home, just as Nina Pham was after she self isolated.

They could be placed into home quarantine under court order like Louise and family were in Dallas. Even a monitoring bracelet would be more humane and compassionate than what is currently being done to that nurse.
There is no reason why this woman couldn't be quarantined in her home if they are going to go that route. Both Amber Vinson and Dr. Spencer were acting on recommendations given at the time. Both would certainly have acted differently had they been given different instructions. They shouldn't have to be thrown into a tent with no bathing facilities just to make scared individuals feel "safe" when they could be in the hospital within an hour or so of experiencing symptoms at home, just as Nina Pham was after she self isolated.

They could be placed into home quarantine under court order like Louise and family were in Dallas.

I agree. I think she could be quarantined in her home. But she is being held in NJ and my understanding is that she is from New York.
So New York would have to agree to have her quarantined in her home.
There is no reason why this woman couldn't be quarantined in her home if they are going to go that route. Both Amber Vinson and Dr. Spencer were acting on recommendations given at the time. Both would certainly have acted differently had they been given different instructions. They shouldn't have to be thrown into a tent with no bathing facilities just to make scared individuals feel "safe" when they could be in the hospital within an hour or so of experiencing symptoms at home, just as Nina Pham was after she self isolated.

They could be placed into home quarantine under court order like Louise and family were in Dallas. Even a monitoring bracelet would be more humane and compassionate than what is currently being done to that nurse.

I'm good with a monitoring bracelet.
Has it been said/stated where Kaci Hickox's destination was, was it NY or was she re boarding for a flight to elsewhere.? TIA
I had read somewhere that she now lives in Maine, but don't remember where I read it in order to provide a link.
I had read somewhere that she now lives in Maine, but don't remember where I read it in order to provide a link.

Thought I read that as well, so if she did not have an elevated temp she would have boarded the plane for maine, if that is where is was going. jmo
Hickox, 33, a Texas native who now lives in Maine, detailed the treatment she received after flying to New Jersey's Newark airport in an article published in the Dallas Morning News, in which she said of her colleagues who have volunteered to fight Ebola in West Africa, "I am scared that, like me, they will arrive and see a frenzy of disorganization, fear and, most frightening, quarantine."

Thought I read that as well, so if she did not have an elevated temp she would have boarded the plane for maine, if that is where is was going. jmo

She was tested for ebola, was she not? She was negative, no discernible virus in her blood, which is where is shows up first. There are so many other alternatives to throwing this woman into a tent in a paper gown with no bathing facilities; it just boggles the mind that so many people are just absolutely hunky dorey with this as though there could not be more thought, more compassion, more mutually beneficial solutions to address the situation involving someone who has done nothing wrong but who is being referred to with scathing disdain.
She was tested for ebola, was she not? She was negative, no discernible virus in her blood, which is where is shows up first. There are so many other alternatives to throwing this woman into a tent in a paper gown with no bathing facilities; it just boggles the mind that so many people are just absolutely hunky dorey with this as though there could not be more thought, more compassion, more mutually beneficial solutions to address the situation involving someone who has done nothing wrong but who is being referred to with scathing disdain.

Personally, I feel like the American public has been treated with scathing disdain by the CDC and MSF. Samaritan's Purse requires a 21 day quarantine after being in ebola-land--they don't buy what MSF is selling.
Personally, I feel like the American public has been treated with scathing disdain by the CDC and MSF. Samaritan's Purse requires a 21 day quarantine after being in ebola-land--they don't buy what MSF is selling.

This is a woman who has been minding her own business, helping others, not "selling" anything. She's done nothing to you and shouldn't be declared guilty by association. There certainly are ways to protect the public from this person without treating her like crap.
Personally, I feel like the American public has been treated with scathing disdain by the CDC and MSF. Samaritan's Purse requires a 21 day quarantine after being in ebola-land--they don't buy what MSF is selling.

I guess I've missed something. What is MSF? Thanks.
This is a woman who has been minding her own business, helping others, not "selling" anything. She's done nothing to you and shouldn't be declared guilty by association. There certainly are ways to protect the public from this person without treating her like crap.

I actually didn't say that she was selling anything, I said CDC and MSF. But now that I think about it, she is selling the same thing they are selling. I'm on the side of Columbia U and Samaritan's Purse.
Personally, I feel like the American public has been treated with scathing disdain by the CDC and MSF. Samaritan's Purse requires a 21 day quarantine after being in ebola-land--they don't buy what MSF is selling.

Do they? Didn't Dr. Brantly work for Samaritan's Purse? As I recall, he was going to fly back to TX for some wedding. His wife and children already flew (couple of days before he got sick) and he was going to follow but got sick.
As far as I can tell nobody was going to quarantine him, and he was going to attend a public event (wedding).
But he got symptoms before he could follow his wife back to US.
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