Ebola outbreak - general thread #8

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Re being more educated about this disease. I for one have been reading about it for about 6 months. MOst of my family and friends have read up about it a lot as well. Not everyone just reads the media hysteria...........google ebola and there are a lot of articles that aren't just from the media. Most people I know here aren't too worried about it and it certainly isn't affecting their everyday lives worrying about it, especially now since the nurses in America and Spain have survived the disease from the blood of survivors and also because there is constant press about a vaccine on its way....

No I think what the Joe Schmows as you called it are worried about is an outbreak occurring that gets out of hand. People are wanting to know that there governments and medical authorities are taking every precaution to ensure this doesn't happen, as it handled incorrectly it can happen.

The notion that many in the general public are uneducated or not as intelligent as some in forums I have read really bugs me and I think is arrogant. Common sense does not need education....

Amen! I cannot stand to listen to most of these talking heads on TV who think they are so superior to everyone else. They refuse to admit it when they are wrong - they refuse to acknowledge that their previous methods have been insufficient and THEN they have the audacity to act like the people asking for a common sense approach - using quarantines that have worked for centuries, and that are in place in other countries already - that WE are ignorant, fear driven, idiots!
AP IMPACT: US health care unprepared for Ebola


The U.S. health care apparatus is so unprepared and short on resources to deal with the deadly Ebola virus that even small clusters of cases could overwhelm parts of the system, according to an Associated Press review of readiness at hospitals and other components of the emergency medical network.
I couldn't watch the entire video ... I'll go back to it, but I did hear that her last contact with an infected person was Oct 21st. It's only been 8 full days!?!

If I called her what I wanted to call her, I would have to wash my own mouth out with soap:)
Let's not pretend that temp really had anything to do with it in NJ. An imprecise device to measure external (not internal) temp offered the pretext, and even after they checked her temp with a reliable device and knew she didn't have one, they held her, tested her for ebola (twice), and even when she passed those tests they kept holding her anyhow. And we all know that she wouldn't have left for 21 days, if she hadn't raised the fuss she did. It clearly wasn't about the temp.

Actually, the fact that Ms Hickox registered a fever of 101 degrees had everything to do with the way in which she was quarantined and nothing to do with the fact that she was quarantined.

NJ Ebola Preparedness Plan
Released in press conference 10/22/14 (Wednesday)
<snipped for space and focus>

"Newark Liberty International Airport On the Ground Staffing and Coordination of Next Steps:
Beginning on October 16th an active screening at Newark Liberty International Airport was implemented for passengers who had begun their travel in an affected West African country. OHSP is working with Customs Border Patrol (CBP) to document the number of passengers screened per incoming flight. This screening includes: Temperature checks, Visual inspection for symptoms, History of risk of exposure" .....

"If CDC advises DOH of a traveler who is asymptomatic but has some or high risk of exposure, DOH will determine whether that traveler will be subject to State quarantine.
- At that point, DOH will advise local health officials and OHSP and OAG will coordinate to meet the traveler, serve him/her with the quarantine order and assist.
- Symptomatic travelers will be immediately transferred to one of three designated New Jersey hospitals under CBP escort." .....

If she had not registered a fever at the airport on 10/24/14, she would likely have been classified as asymptomatic. (We don't KNOW if she displayed any other troubling signs or symptoms)

"Providing Safe Housing and Transportation After Screening At Newark Liberty International Airport:

"The Department of Human Services (DHS) has made temporary housing arrangements for asymptomatic, at-risk individuals who are non-New Jersey residents, but who are in transit to other domestic destinations upon arrival at Newark Liberty International Airport.
Individuals who will be sheltered are those who arrive in Newark from West Africa and who DOH determines, after being evaluated by the CBP and CDC, are to be quarantined." .....
IMO all the erronous panic the media has created has overwhelmed the system - a poster about a week posted a link wherein at that point over a 1000 people have invading health systems across us because of fever - its not like fever is a unique symptom of 5.212.212 iliness'. And it keeps going on like this it is going to be a problem in and of itself . I would love to find out how many millions have been spent idling 90 million dollar aircrafts, guys in space suits walking all over, deconmainting places that are fine, etc etc. Millions................................

and there have been lots of erratic reports regarding if the nurse had fever at the airport. It all means nothing. Fever = body fighting infection. The fact that she returned to normal and has remained at normal temp indicates, clearly, that her body is not fighting an infection of any kind if we forget ebola 8 days out with no fever means the body is not fighting any infection, much less Ebola -of any kind at all!

the worse the infection the higher the temp -- a person with a normal body temp for 8 days who feels fine indicates everything is fine wiht her - she should proceed with her life , and if that changes , she will do what she needs to to take care of herself and those around her.

Media acts like these folks dont care about anyone - noone is going to want to give a loved one or friend anything - a flu a cold etcetc

for some reason normative human behaviors seem to be thrown out by media as it relates to this

how many times have all of us say stay back , not feeling to well , or want to take a sip of beverage and one would say no i am feeling off today

AP IMPACT: US health care unprepared for Ebola


The U.S. health care apparatus is so unprepared and short on resources to deal with the deadly Ebola virus that even small clusters of cases could overwhelm parts of the system, according to an Associated Press review of readiness at hospitals and other components of the emergency medical network.
I agree wiht your post ---all 7 people in AMerica have been treated and are fine that is a 0% mortality rate - dont we wish flu had rate! Four people, outside of Africa, have been killed by Ebola - why that fact does not resonote with the media is bewildering at best .

Influenza and Pneumonia: 53,826 died --------------------

THe media should be reproting these facts;

nfant Mortality rate: 6.07 deaths per 1,000 live births (meaning you have a better chance of dying being born than getting Ebola, and yet you are still here)


Re being more educated about this disease. I for one have been reading about it for about 6 months. MOst of my family and friends have read up about it a lot as well. Not everyone just reads the media hysteria...........google ebola and there are a lot of articles that aren't just from the media. Most people I know here aren't too worried about it and it certainly isn't affecting their everyday lives worrying about it, especially now since the nurses in America and Spain have survived the disease from the blood of survivors and also because there is constant press about a vaccine on its way....

No I think what the Joe Schmows as you called it are worried about is an outbreak occurring that gets out of hand. People are wanting to know that their governments and medical authorities are taking every precaution to ensure this doesn't happen..
Hi Jersey!

I believe the key to a cure or control is education, then trial/error, then statistics, then re-educate. I believe truth related to this disease should always be told in full, not in half-truths to satisfy agenda wielding experts trying squash public hysteria, bc once somebody proves them wrong panic sets in. The experts in the field know how deadly serious Ebola is. I think the protocol should come from them.

Here are some numbers.

The percentage represents all deaths caused by Ebola in the entire world over 42 years by comparison:


Heart disease: 596,577 (1.03926232489687%)

Cancer: 576,691 (1.075099143215344%)
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 142,943 (4.337393226670771%)
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 128,932 (4.808736388173611%)
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 126,438 (4.903589110868568%)
Alzheimer&#8217;s disease: 84,974 (7.296349471603078%)
Diabetes: 73,831 (8.397556581923581%)
Influenza and Pneumonia: 53,826 (11.518596960576673%)
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 45,591 (13.599175275821981%)
Intentional self-harm (suicide): 39,518 (15.689053089731262%)

I am bothered that so many intelligent people have bought into Kaci Hickox's narrative that this entire incident is completely based on whether or not she had a fever. If you read the NJ Ebola Preparedness Plan http://nj.gov/governor/news/news/552014/pdf/20141022a.pdf (published 10/22/14) it is clear that Kaci Hickox was subject to quarantine regardless of symptoms. The symptoms (or perceived symptoms) are what forced her isolation in the hospital. Her transportation and release to her home in Maine (with the expectation that she follow Maine health department policies) was also spelled out in the plan. She did not "win" a battle with NJ. She will also not likely win a battle with Maine. At this point, 4 of the 5 states that West African passengers can fly into have policies/plans virtually identical to NJ. Many other states are adopting very similar policies.

Ms Hickox flew into NJ on Friday 10/24. Since her arrival approximately 750 other individuals have flown into the US from the effected regions of West Africa (based on oft quoted # of 150 per day.) It is not simple to determine how many of that 750 are health care workers. However, since the State Department has advised for months against pleasure or business travel to the region, the percentage would likely be significant. Those health care workers have quietly gone about their business, gotten screened, and established themselves in quarantine, self monitoring or returned to their daily lives. We have not heard complaints from any of them. We have heard of a few who wish to remain nameless who are self quarantining. Perhaps, Ms Hickox is over-reacting to the situation? Perhaps if she had remained calm and professional, as her colleagues apparently have, she would not be the center of controversy right now. Whether you agree or disagree with a government mandate, refusal to cooperate is rarely the solution. Someone mentioned (several pages back) a wish that KH spend the remainder of her quarantine working to help the people that she traveled half way around the world to assist. Raising awareness, fundraising, lobbying her congressional representatives would seem (to me) to be a better use of this time.

I sincerely hope that after all the hullabaloo she has created, that she does not become symptomatic.
and if the media would look at the numbers in last post the truth would be :

One has a better chance of dying by slipping in the shower, eating a cheese burger, or getting too much sun, in a single year than dying from Ebola in nearly a half century. One even has a better chance of killing oneself on purpose than getting Ebola!

We can comfortably be more afraid of our cars! In, 2012, 92 people were killed on the roadways of the U.S. each day.

Ok let me rephrase that. I could not go out and about, Make people worry that their kids are going to sick because i was in the same room with them. people are not going to change.

Actually, that's not true. People CAN change with enough education and with enough time witnessing things just like the success of self monitoring without quarantine. When HIV/AIDS showed its ugly face in America, there were indeed many many scared people who thought being in the same room with in infected individual could infect them. They thought shaking hands with an infected individual was dangerous, or giving a hug. People believed this no matter what researchers told them. Nurses refused to take care of them at hospitals, insisting it was easy to catch. Believing it didn't make it true or okay to shun people with the disease or to demand that infected children be thrown out of school.

Eventually, they learned, through the diligent efforts of those who understood the disease.

Catering to irrational fear just enables it and worse, reinforces it.
I am bothered that so many intelligent people have bought into Kaci Hickox's narrative that this entire incident is completely based on whether or not she had a fever. If you read the NJ Ebola Preparedness Plan http://nj.gov/governor/news/news/552014/pdf/20141022a.pdf (published 10/22/14) it is clear that Kaci Hickox was subject to quarantine regardless of symptoms.

Kaci Hickox had her temp taken at the airport, and the first one was normal. She was subsequently detained for 3 hours at the airport, after which she eventually registered a fever. I stated exactly what you said above, and a poster went ballistic on me (her post was removed).
That is not even close to the same thing... This nurse treated and had direct contact with infected individuals...

But she was treated as if it WAS the same thing. Same with the teacher in Maine who flew to Dallas and had NO contact with anyone even remotely connected to ebola, and the school district CAVED into pressure from completely irrational and yes, ignorant individuals. That's just wrong on so many levels.
I sincerely hope that after all the hullabaloo she has created, that she does not become symptomatic.

I hope that no matter that she has created "all the hullabaloo." I try not to read comments after articles because there are some really nasty human beings in our society, but I have read some after the many articles about Kaci. There are people who have wished that she would go ahead and get sick and die. There are those who have said they HOPE she gets ebola and they will shout from the rafters how "right" we were to insist on quarantine. Some have said they just won't be able to contain their smug smiles if she gets sick.

I don't care how vigorously one disagrees with her stance-those comments and the individuals making them are despicable. It wouldn't surprise me one iota to hear that she has received death threats.
Sorry if this has been posted. I have no comment. Just the facts ! :)


''Kaci Hickox and her boyfriend stepped out of their home Thursday morning and rode away on bicycles, followed by state police who were monitoring her movements and public interactions.'''

Yesterday when I said I was a homebody and would be okay staying home for 3 weeks, I thought "well, except I would want to ride my bicycle."
Someone, please help me out here. Does anyone know if any of the European airports have ebola screening? Do any of the European countries have mandatory quarantine?

Just wonder because, so far as I know, there are no mass ebola casualties in Europe.
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