EJ's phone call to TPS 1/22

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Gosh, nmk, I cannot remember the name of the facility that she is in.

It seems that the rules would be the same no matter which place she is in, though. Does the Phoenix jail have a website discussing jailhouse rules?

I have found out that:
Unless there are security or disciplinary restrictions placed upon a jail, or an area within the jail, phones are available to inmates from approximately 7:30 AM to 10:00 PM. (Times vary from facility to facility.) Inmates can only make calls to outside parties if the call is charged to the receiving party as a collect call. Incoming calls to inmates are not available.

I have also learned through some prison hook up message boards (I go where the case takes me) that a call from an AZ state prison cuts out after 15 minutes.

I have also gathered that from reading other forums for prisoners wives that they speak of the prices of phone calls in 20 minute increments, so I am assuming that the average allowed time from an AZ county jail is 20 minutes.

I am including all of this because it might actually be useful if Tammi tries to play off another phone call.

ETA: There is apparently a two call per day limit, every call is screened, and the number being called must be preapproved by the jail.

I found it !!!!!
Call Duration - The system shall be capable of adjusting pre-set call duration limits through
software at the request of MCSO. The duration limits may vary according to facility, type
of call or temporary restriction. A warning tone at two minutes and again at one minute
before automatic call termination shall be provided. The current durations are set for 12
minutes on collect calls and 20 minutes on legal calls. The current maximum duration for
Long Distance calls is 20 minutes.

That phone call was impossible.
Could the phone call have been set up by the FBI then? Interrogating EJ? They can break all the general rules if they want, right? I really don't know what the FBI does on the inside during these investigations, so forgive me if I've got it all wrong.
she is so fake. wtf.

I am sorry, but if tammi doesn't know that gabriel is ok, I think she would be sad, distraught, not able to sit there smiling and laughing.

You got that right Mamaeb. I would think she would put her house up for sale and up the reward on the little guy. Maybe even hire a PI.

She has been adding so many people to her fb as if she is trying to confuse who her real friends are and who is not. It seems to be like a big advertising scheme to her (her buisness, her book). It makes me sick.
I have found out that:
Unless there are security or disciplinary restrictions placed upon a jail, or an area within the jail, phones are available to inmates from approximately 7:30 AM to 10:00 PM. (Times vary from facility to facility.) Inmates can only make calls to outside parties if the call is charged to the receiving party as a collect call. Incoming calls to inmates are not available.

I have also learned through some prison hook up message boards (I go where the case takes me) that a call from an AZ state prison cuts out after 15 minutes.

I have also gathered that from reading other forums for prisoners wives that they speak of the prices of phone calls in 20 minute increments, so I am assuming that the average allowed time from an AZ county jail is 20 minutes.

I am including all of this because it might actually be useful if Tammi tries to play off another phone call.

ETA: There is apparently a two call per day limit, every call is screened, and the number being called must be preapproved by the jail.

I found it !!!!!
Call Duration - The system shall be capable of adjusting pre-set call duration limits through
software at the request of MCSO. The duration limits may vary according to facility, type
of call or temporary restriction. A warning tone at two minutes and again at one minute
before automatic call termination shall be provided. The current durations are set for 12
minutes on collect calls and 20 minutes on legal calls. The current maximum duration for
Long Distance calls is 20 minutes.

That phone call was impossible.

Thanks so much NMK for finding this info. Now if I remember correctly, TayJay said they only have cell phones, not landlines. I don't know if cell phones can be bugged, the way landlines can, but either way she is smart enough to know that LE can get her cell records. So I don't think she made up this phone call. According to the above info, it couldn't have been done 'normally' from the jail....so perhaps it was [a] fascilitated by her attorney over a laptop (if his/her cell wasn't allowed in), something LE actually set up themselves for their own reasons, or....[c] I don't know, any other ideas?! Idea [a] would stink (because it likely wouldn't have been recorded). Idea would be better because it WOULD have been recorded.
Could the phone call have been set up by the FBI then? Interrogating EJ? They can break all the general rules if they want, right? I really don't know what the FBI does on the inside during these investigations, so forgive me if I've got it all wrong.

I wondered about this too for 2 reasons: the length of the call, and the fact that it said "unknown number" on Tammi's caller id. It was kinda funny TS is so kindly "helping LE" by keeping her on the phone long enough to trace where the call's coming from, since we all know EJ is in jail. I fell down laughing at that one. Does she not understand she is a POI herself??Sometimes I kinda feel sorry for TS 'cause she just can't seem to understand that a closed mouth gathers no foot!

I wonder if all prisoner calls from that jail come across as "unknown id", maybe so if they are made from calling cards. I'm sorry, I'm behind on reading all the posts if that's been covered. That might be why Tammi said it was a third party call? I think it so surprised her about "unknown caller" being EJ, and I wonder if she would have even taken the call if she had known it was from "a prisoner in the jail", kwim? I even wonder why she answered an unknown caller id call at all?

My take on Tammi's mention at the end about sending EJ to the needle in Texas is that Tammi was simply mad at EJ by that point for yelling at her, taking her to task, and she said the cruelest thing she could think of in the moment. Infantile and spiteful. I'll not be soon forgetting the claim that she sent Logan a text saying "may God forgive you for what you have caused her to do". Apparently, the woman can be viciously cruel when she doesn't get what she wants.

I wish I could talk myself into thinking she did it as leverage to get EJ to talk, but TS hasn't been interested in that from the very beginning when the only options EJ were giving us were a street give-away or sadly, a dumpster burial. Ya'd think she'd have pressured her to talk THEN, huh?
I do know that cell phones, like any other contraband can be smuggled into a jail, even a really tough one.
I am wondering if this was a set up. If there really was a call, could EJ be talking with LE and they were trying to get a confession from TPS to corroborate her story? Otherwise I don't see how such a call could exist given the fact that TPS only has a cell phone and the call lasted over 20 minutes. TPS said in the beginning that EJ was trying to trick a confession from her. Why would she need a confession if she were on it, too. Unless it was a sting.
I am wondering if this was a set up. If there really was a call, could EJ be talking with LE and they were trying to get a confession from TPS to corroborate her story? Otherwise I don't see how such a call could exist given the fact that TPS only has a cell phone and the call lasted over 20 minutes. TPS said in the beginning that EJ was trying to trick a confession from her. Why would she need a confession if she were on it, too. Unless it was a sting.

I so agree on this. I think LE/FBI is offering her a deal and she if she give up TS.
Aso on jail calls they are collect. You have to accept them, and they tell u right before your time is up.

Either TS is fu of it or EJ is talking. I'm hoping the 2nd choice.
What jail is she in right now? I am digging at the legitimacy of the call. (I should so totally already know this.)
I don't know if this question has been answered yet, but Elizabeth is in the Estrella Jail, in the Maricopa County jail system.

Also, I know for a fact that inmates do sometimes make 3-way/ third party calls to cell phone numbers on the outside, as I was on the receiving end of a few of them (by a former employee of mine who became incarcerated) while I was living in Phoenix.

I believe it is against the rules, but I also know it is not uncommon at all for inmates to make third party calls with the help of someone on the outside who has a landline number.
Here's the basics on how it works...

The inmate calls a landline phone (that is already anticipating the call), the person who answers the landline phone puts the call through to the cellphone, using their 3 way calling feature, while the inmate is still on the phone.

That is also why the cellphone would not register the jail number, but instead would register the landline's number, (which in this case was said to show 'unknown', meaning the landline owner had their number blocked on purpose).

Another inmate likely took pity on Elizabeth, and set the 3 way call up for her (with the help of a friend who has access to a landline phone on the outside).

Really quite common, and easy to do, if you have someone willing on the outside who has a landline phone with the third party feature.
Here's the basics on how it works...

The inmate calls a landline phone (that is already anticipating the call), the person who answers the landline phone puts the call through to the cellphone, using their 3 way calling feature, while the inmate is still on the phone.

That is also why the cellphone would not register the jail number, but instead would register the landline's number, (which in this case was said to show 'unknown', meaning the landline owner had their number blocked on purpose).

Another inmate likely took pity on Elizabeth, and set the 3 way call up for her (with the help of a friend who has access to a landline phone on the outside).

Really quite common, and easy to do, if you have someone willing on the outside who has a landline phone with the third party feature.

So now I wonder who the third party is??? Grandpa.. the twin brother...her lawyer... FBI???????
The way Tammi says "Out of the blue, it's Elizabeth," makes me think that she knew the third party, whoever she was originally talking too.

However, i have serious doubts that there was a call, unless she used a jailhouse cell or has a guard trading her phone time for favors. The three way call could have been done pretty easily, but not the extra 8 minutes. I don't think it was an FBI sting, I don't think it happened at all.
The way Tammi says "Out of the blue, it's Elizabeth," makes me think that she knew the third party, whoever she was originally talking too.

However, i have serious doubts that there was a call, unless she used a jailhouse cell or has a guard trading her phone time for favors. The three way call could have been done pretty easily, but not the extra 8 minutes. I don't think it was an FBI sting, I don't think it happened at all.

I don't know...I would think that LE would be pretty accomodating to any request by EJ's lawyer to "blindside" TPS with a phone call from EJ that she might think is "not allowed" and therefore not being recorded because of the "unknown" caller ID. Sounds like a good plan to me. Pretend that EJ somehow was able to make a call without LE knowing about it so they could "discuss" things. But TPS is way too paranoid now to say anything and I'm sure she believes her own phone is tapped so she will not say anything incriminating at this point.

Sounds like this is going to be EJ's defence so her lawyer will be working all the angles to try to get TPS to incriminate herself IMO.
I don't know...I would think that LE would be pretty accomodating to any request by EJ's lawyer to "blindside" TPS with a phone call from EJ that she might think is "not allowed" and therefore not being recorded because of the "unknown" caller ID. Sounds like a good plan to me. Pretend that EJ somehow was able to make a call without LE knowing about it so they could "discuss" things. But TPS is way too paranoid now to say anything and I'm sure she believes her own phone is tapped so she will not say anything incriminating at this point.

Sounds like this is going to be EJ's defence so her lawyer will be working all the angles to try to get TPS to incriminate herself IMO.

I honestly think TPS phone has BEEN tapped, for awhile. She was involved and causing problems before EJ even left, AND she had custody of Gabriel at the time while Logan was fighting for full custody through the courts. I don't think LE had any problem connecting the dots there.
I honestly think TPS phone has BEEN tapped, for awhile. She was involved and causing problems before EJ even left, AND she had custody of Gabriel at the time while Logan was fighting for full custody through the courts. I don't think LE had any problem connecting the dots there.

Forgive me if this is a stupid question...but can a cell phone even be tapped? They don't have a home phone, just cells.
Forgive me if this is a stupid question...but can a cell phone even be tapped? They don't have a home phone, just cells.

According to ATF, they can be monitored. I have never gotten a straight answer on whether they can be tapped, in the typical way.
According to ATF, they can be monitored. I have never gotten a straight answer on whether they can be tapped, in the typical way.

I think that they're not "secure" as in conversations on them can be picked up and monitored. But I think you would have to know when someone was on one to do that. They can "tap" the house though I suppose and get any conversations between people in the house and one sided phone conversations taking place in the house? Not sure if their POI designation would allow LE to do this though. :waitasec:
Forgive me if this is a stupid question...but can a cell phone even be tapped? They don't have a home phone, just cells.
I don't know about it being tapped, per se. But ANY person with a scanner can pick up cell phone and cordless phone conversations in their general area.
I'm sure an investigator would have much better means to gather their info, and legal means to do things that a regular citizen can't. But I know that someone in that area (even sitting in a car somewhere) could have heard any cell or cordless phone conversations from a scanner but it's not legal to listen to them. ETA: Supposedly any scanners made in the last 10 years are NOT capable of doing this, nor can they be modified to do so. But FWIW and IMO, it can be done, just not legally.

Here's a link with some info: http://www.scannermaster.com/Articles.asp?ID=165

SNIP: Can I listen to cellular phone calls? Can scanners be modified to listen to it?
By federal law monitoring private phone conversations is prohibited. No scanners made in the last 10 years have been capable of monitoring cell phones or are capable of being modified to do so. Most cellular phones are now TDMA or CDMA digital which is completely different from APCO-25 digital and couldn’t be monitored even if the cellular frequency range was still included in the radio. Government agencies can purchase scanners which still contain the cellular band but special ID is required.
I don't know if this question has been answered yet, but Elizabeth is in the Estrella Jail, in the Maricopa County jail system.

Also, I know for a fact that inmates do sometimes make 3-way/ third party calls to cell phone numbers on the outside, as I was on the receiving end of a few of them (by a former employee of mine who became incarcerated) while I was living in Phoenix.

I believe it is against the rules, but I also know it is not uncommon at all for inmates to make third party calls with the help of someone on the outside who has a landline number.

Were you able to hear the 3rd party? Would Tammi know who the 3rd party was?
I don't know...I would think that LE would be pretty accomodating to any request by EJ's lawyer to "blindside" TPS with a phone call from EJ that she might think is "not allowed" and therefore not being recorded because of the "unknown" caller ID. Sounds like a good plan to me. Pretend that EJ somehow was able to make a call without LE knowing about it so they could "discuss" things. But TPS is way too paranoid now to say anything and I'm sure she believes her own phone is tapped so she will not say anything incriminating at this point.

Sounds like this is going to be EJ's defence so her lawyer will be working all the angles to try to get TPS to incriminate herself IMO.

We're thinking along the same lines. Also if Eliz is trying to cut a deal, she has to bring some definite proof to the table. No proof, no deal. Her attorney has to give the SA something irrefutable to, at this point, find Gabe.

So if she says Tammi arranged another couple, she has to cough up a traceable phone call, text, net message, witness, or failing any of that, an admission by Tammi.

That's my understanding. IANAL.

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