Elisa Baker - Life Before Adam

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Oh oops! I didn't get to the end of the thread before posting the above, I had been so impressed with the research by Kamille and agatha that as soon as I saw Allusonz' post I did a search and posted them. Credit to those posters. Nevermind ;)

I noticed the discrepancy with dates too. Perhaps Kamille can double check the records that were researched?
I admit, like Jacie, I have thought (and posted on this site) that EB may have been abused as a child/young adult. What appears to be a long-term need to manipulate, dominate and then abuse people makes me wonder about this. It's a disturbingly cruel and sadistic streak, that I agree with others is reminiscent of sociopathic behaviour. Whether that can come from out of the blue I'm not sure (I'm not a psychologist or psychiatrist), but I know from experience that this kind of person can come from an environment where that behaviour may be learned or may be genetic. Honestly, tlcox, you impress me as one smart cookie, with the admirable qualities of great intuition, sensibility and empathy – gentle, compassionate qualities, which are the polar opposite of the character of the stereotypical abuser. It's heartwarming to see the pattern broken. You are inspirational :)
BBM I so agree. The old saying "Follow the Money" comes to my mind. Why didn't LE get warrants for KF's facebook and myspace accounts? Would warrants regarding international people have to come through the FBI versus state or local LE? I wish MSM would look into this.

They may or may not have (depending on whether there are further warrants that are not released) checked KF's facebook or MySpace accounts, but they certainly did have a warrant for his IMVU account. KF is friends with a member of EB's family on MySpace. (Mods please delete that last comment if it is not allowed).

The Warrant for IMVU was dated 8th November 2010 and stated:

Premise to be searched:
IMVU accounts associated with the following persons:
Elisa Annette Baker aka Elisa Young DOB 06/06/1968,
Adam Troy BAker DOB 08/06/77,
A... Y.... DOB ../../....,
K... F...... DOB unknown Age 27
IMVU User ID: sweetlilspitfire69

Evidence to be seized:
Records concerning the identity of the user of any and all accounts associated with the above names and dates of birth listed in the premise to be searched. Any and all information consisting of name, postal code, country, e-mail address, date of account creation, IP address at account set-up, logs showing IP address and date stamps for account accesses, stored user files including photographs, videos, chat logs, chat room entries, avatars, status updates, blogs and classifieds, and the contents of private messages in the user's inbox, sent mail and trash folders, all address book contents, buddy lists, subscriber information, account information and any and all other correspondence made within the confines of the IMVU website.
Do not list the full names of the EB's exes -- use initials or first initial and last name ONLY. If you are copying from a media article, replace the full names with initials.
No man gives a strange woman in another country 10k out of the goodness of his heart. Someone got something in return, you can count on that...the question is: what?


but I dont know what.. For that much money.. I'm sure EB didn't have many things worth that much. It seems there must have been something risky/illegal involved.. And something that could be sent out of the country.. Curious..

I also agree that this is going to play into this story....

So,going by EB's past acts, it would seem she would just up and leave if things were going badly(of course taking all of both of their belongings). Why not this time? Zahra wasn't her birth child. She could leave both her and Adam, and be on to the next guy (be it the $10,000 K guy or SY, who it appeared she had already hooked up with. There had to be a reason for her to stay. What was it? Was there a money-making venture here (drugs?) or other. She left many times before, why stay this time & not just move on to the next guy?
Another thought....Their...(she & Proctor's).. divorce wasn't final until 1992, but the relationship ended Christmas Day in 1990 when Elisa walked out. She gained custody of Amber and Brittany; Douglas went to live with Proctor.

Interesting that she took the 2 girls but not the boy.

So,going by EB's past acts, it would seem she would just up and leave if things were going badly(of course taking all of both of their belongings). Why not this time? Zahra wasn't her birth child. She could leave both her and Adam, and be on to the next guy (be it the $10,000 K guy or SY, who it appeared she had already hooked up with. There had to be a reason for her to stay. What was it? Was there a money-making venture here (drugs?) or other. She left many times before, why stay this time & not just move on to the next guy?

If it were drugs, I think she could have handled that alone, without AB. I wish we knew more about the 10K and KF.
I dom't know where to put this, so if mods want to place it in another thread, that's okay with me.

Meth is prevelant throughout England. The site below tells one the cost.
"Cost Top Prices can vary from region to region. The prices given here are an average of street prices reported from 20 different parts of England.

A half a gram of crystal meth is £25 and £15 for one hit on the street."

Now my thinking is, why would KF buy meth from someone in the US when he could easily get it in his own country? $10,000 worth of meth...that is a huge figure. How much meth would that be?

All this leads me to believe KF was not buying meth from EB. But what was he buying?
If it were drugs, I think she could have handled that alone, without AB. I wish we knew more about the 10K and KF.

Lilspitfire knows more about it, she's just not sharing (to us anyway). Sounded like it was a done deal since that was the reason she gave for being concerned EB would flee, indicating to me at least that EB was already in posession of the 10K.
I dom't know where to put this, so if mods want to place it in another thread, that's okay with me.

Meth is prevelant throughout England. The site below tells one the cost.
"Cost Top Prices can vary from region to region. The prices given here are an average of street prices reported from 20 different parts of England.

A half a gram of crystal meth is £25 and £15 for one hit on the street."

Now my thinking is, why would KF buy meth from someone in the US when he could easily get it in his own country? $10,000 worth of meth...that is a huge figure. How much meth would that be?

All this leads me to believe KF was not buying meth from EB. But what was he buying?

I tend to agree with you..that and trafficing internationally would bring it to a whole new level.
Not to say they weren't stupid enough to try it, just that it would be a bad choice.

but I dont know what.. For that much money.. I'm sure EB didn't have many things worth that much. It seems there must have been something risky/illegal involved.. And something that could be sent out of the country.. Curious..

I also agree that this is going to play into this story....

BBM: Correct me if I'm wrong, but Mr. 10 K was never physically in the US, right?
I can't decide if the UK dude is key to this or the biggest red herring ever. I am stymied and waiting to discover what exactly was learned in the investigation. I recall that EB's family member divulged the UK monies during court and the statement was that she reported EB had received monies over the course of a year that totalled 10K. I do not recall any info coming out that confirmed LE's finacial forensics ever validated it, but if they did, it is possible that EB was scamming the man using the prevelant internet ruse of pretending to be having a relationship and having financial difficulties and also the old, if I had the money I would come see you but . . . IYKWIM
I can't decide if the UK dude is key to this or the biggest red herring ever. I am stymied and waiting to discover what exactly was learned in the investigation. I recall that EB's family member divulged the UK monies during court and the statement was that she reported EB had received monies over the course of a year that totalled 10K. I do not recall any info coming out that confirmed LE's finacial forensics ever validated it, but if they did, it is possible that EB was scamming the man using the prevelant internet ruse of pretending to be having a relationship and having financial difficulties and also the old, if I had the money I would come see you but . . . IYKWIM

Sounds like her usual way of operating, but why did lilspitfire have such concern that EB would flee, if she didn;t still have a large chunk of that $$$. Or maybe it was a true statement just to keep her behind bars. Her own daughter seemed might scared of her.
I have a question Mods if its not allowed plese delete.
Wasnt KF one of the soldiers present at the thing where Zahra had her pic taken?
BBM: Correct me if I'm wrong, but Mr. 10 K was never physically in the US, right?

Well.. interesting thought. I don't actually know for sure. I guess I just assumed that whatever he bought for $10,000 got shipped to him one way or another (post, internet, something). But I don't know for CERTAIN that he's not been in the U.S. Does anyone know?
Sounds like her usual way of operating, but why did lilspitfire have such concern that EB would flee, if she didn;t still have a large chunk of that $$$. Or maybe it was a true statement just to keep her behind bars. Her own daughter seemed might scared of her.

Good question, but based on what we have learned thus far about EB's life and seeming MO as pertains to men in her life pre-AB, I suspect that her daughter was illustrating to the court her ability to raise funds from the most unlikely places (such as the UK guy). I agree her testimony indicated she had a serious fear that EB would be released and either seek retribution or come up with funds to elude LE and escape to her next exploit. All just MOO and speculation based on the facts at hand.

RE - http://injail.catawbacountync.gov/WhosInJail/:
BIGAMY 3/7/2011 110CRS 1152

I take it that EB has court coming up very soon for the Bigamy Charge and obstruction of justice i.e the ransom note.

Can anyone shed some light whether she would have to appear for this?

RE - http://injail.catawbacountync.gov/WhosInJail/:
BIGAMY 3/7/2011 110CRS 1152

I take it that EB has court coming up very soon for the Bigamy Charge and obstruction of justice i.e the ransom note.

Can anyone shed some light whether she would have to appear for this?

IMO, both of these charges are 2 sure things the DA has. I hope they don't postpone again. I say get it over with and get these felonies on her record. I keep checking Rad Berky's tweets and Jennifer Moxley's FB page, so far no reports of them going to Hickory tomorrow. I will check first thing tomorrow morn.

I am wondering if EB's attorney will question the confesson of writing the note.

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