Elizabeth Johnson Trial - Day 3 - 2nd Day of Testimony, Tuesday, Sept 25

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DNA Solves
Why are they sitting next to a radio while they are trying to get a taped statement?
Judge is back in the courtroom . . . EJ is back but jurors are not . . . they have transcripts ready to be given to jury when they are ready to hear audio . . . Jurors will have transcripts to follow along while listening but they are going to have to leave them on their chairs and the transcripts will be collected from the jurors.

EJ assured the Judge she is doing better now.

That music on recording is just awful!!!!
OMG, she lies as much as CA did.....and drones on and on just like her too
It would be nice if they would have provided a transcript for the viewers.
EJ says we came back with the child about 1:00 . . . everything is fine . . . officer left . . . Logan as in the house but EJ was not . . went back to the house and EJ and Logan talked . . . he took child with him - about 1:00. Yesterday he left and came back about 10 or 15 minutes (something about car accident?) Logan was brought back . . . EJ went to take the cell phone back and Logan left with the child again .. . Logan came back with child . . . went to return phone . . . Officer Wms (?) everything fine . . . I talked to my boyfriend . . . he left 1:30 or 2 with Gabriel - ok with him taking Gabriel . . . I just wanted to know where my child was . . . today I was absolutely perfect today we had settled everything until I got a mysterious call from this store . . .I called back 3 times,

I saw him and followed him back to the back of store , this girl wrestled me, cop has 3 people saying no one ever touched EJ, EJ alleges girl touched her . . . happened in the hallway near the employee area . . . EJ arguing about where in the hallway . . . (she is now smiling listening to the tape). EJ said she came to the store to confront Logan about where child was . . . cop asked if they would find Gabriel at the trailer . . . EJ said NO he is 7 months old. . . Cop asked why she had been lying to officers . . . about timing . . . she kept saying it happened this morning for 45 minutes . . . . EJ said she was confused and stressed. Cop said when Logan returned didn't bring child just wanted to pick up his property. Ej said play it back . . . maybe I am wrong . . I don't think I am wrong. . . Cops saying they are getting stories from other people that don't match up. . . . Cop concern where the location of the child . . . .someone calls EJ at this time of night she gets a little worried . . . especially when Logan said he would call her on his break . . . EJ said someone called from this number she hungup, she called back and busy signal, called back again they put her on hold . . . someone told her he would call her back on his break . . . .Gpa's phone number . . . . brother's number . . . EJ asks what is it going to take . . . someone to actually give me some information . . .check the phone records to . . . . another officer asking someone to make a 21 for him (phone call?) . . . inaudible EJ arguing in background . . . music loud . . .
I'm so glad the jury is hearing the audio even with the hideous background music...they have a transcript of crazy...they can see it with their own eyes and the music only serves to add to the ambiance of the psychotic moment. jmo
No further questions from Prosecutors, Defense nor Jury. Det. Duplisis up next
Det. Duplisis 12 years Peace Officer Tempe PD . . . . over 15 yrs employed there . . . for last 5 years on Persons Crimes unit . . . missing child investigation 12/28/09, he attended briefing held with Patrol and Criminal investigations unit - regarding report taken the day prior from Logan re: EJ and child missing. Attended court hearing that date at Family Court in Phoenix - he was officer assigned to answer questions for the court if they had any. Very brief meeting w/Logan outside the court - Det. had read the report and met briefly with Logan . . . Judge granted Temp Custody to Logan, papers included a warrant to take the child into custody once child found. . . . envelope ID'd impounded item into evidence . . . documents inside were ones he retrieved from court that day.
Personally - I think Miss EJ is having a very Borderline moment or Narcissistic wherein she just cannot stand to not be the center of attention and want people to have compassion for her.

Yup, sounds exactly like Casey Anthony. Two little girls that think too much of themselves.

If she and Logan were two truly messed up kids that wanted to give their child a better life then the adoption would have been agreed to by both of them. She may want to come off as a total victim in Tammi's web, but with her text on killing Gabriel she shows cold calculation. I sure hope the jury picks up on that.
Warrant was entered into NCIC, and Nat. Center for Missing and Exploited Children, on 12/30/09 he contacted AZ health statistics to flag birth file of missing child if anyone ordered duplicate copy they would be notified and followed up on various tips coming in at that time . . . on 1/5/10(?) presentation for LE . . . reviewed various police reports and assist Det. Thompson with large volume of info to have organized data to present to San Antonio LE. . . Field interrogation card aka street check . . . something thatidedon't represent a crime but there was police contact. Report made by EJ that Gabriel was missing in Dec. but later found child not missing he was located with Father @ Father's Grandparent home . . . also 99 cent store incident, and request from Logan for LE help to locate Gabriel for court ordered visits. Made recordings of digital recorder that Logan provided . . . an early model - did not have a USB flash drive . . . had to play the recording and then record it with his USB enabled recorder to make a copy on the computer. Recordings between EJ & Logan, and Logan and TPS, and phone calls between TPS Jack Smith and Logan. Recordings involving EJ included recordings whre she reported to have killed the child. Also phone call that Logan had with TPS for the first time . . and TPS w/Jack and Logan re:adoption issues. . . . TPs discussed with Logan different types of adoption ie: open adoption and spoke with Logan on multiple times about it . . . . TPS wanted Logan to "consider" adoption = det. agrees "consider is fair word". Jack and Logan conversation where EJ wanted an adoption to take place = Logan would have 5 days to consider adoption after signing if wanted to reconsider. (it should be noted EJ is smiling and adjusting her neckline - not appearing to be in any distress hearing discussion about killing her child or adoption)
This Det. contacted Craig Cherry - written on paternity papers by someone in this family in the court case. . . . Det. obtained all the originals from the clerk of the court . . . wanted to preserve them . . . found out documents are scanned, all orginals are kept for a short period of time for Quality Assurance testing and then originals are destroyed. He recogniZed envelope with original documents. On 1/14/10 this Det. participated in search warrant @ TPS - he was to document the scene by being the scribe . . . took pictures of interior and exterior of the home, took items into custody, bagged and marked and impounded items - 8 of them. Envelope contains court documents seized @ home of TPS on 1/14/10. Exhibit 9 is admitted . . . publish . . . first item in envelope is Temp. Guardianship by power of Atty - taken from TPS home . . . State of AZ county of Maricopa. . . EJ delegate to Tammi Peters Smith and Jacky Don Smith powers of temporary guardianship and consent for medical treatment, dated 12/9/09. Notary Ericka Flores signed and sealed. Another document found 12/20/09 Logan informed he had visits and she is surrendering child for visit does not believe it is a legal document. . .since she doesn't receive any compensation or child support she will supply one diaper, two wipes and one bottle as she cannot afford to replace items that are not returned to her. EJ signed.

2 custody hearings 12/17 and 12/20(?) - envelope contains 2 dvd's superior court and family court case #'s . . .recording taken from 12/17 case. Take an afternoon break before 22 minute recording.

eJ is smiling.
And they judge is back on the bench. WOW it really was a 15 minute break. Shocker.

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