Elizabeth Johnson Trial - Day 3 - 2nd Day of Testimony, Tuesday, Sept 25

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EJ is crying??? Blinking alot her chin is quivering a good bit and wiping her eyes.
EJ is crying??? Blinking alot her chin is quivering a good bit and wiping her eyes.
I seriously have a question. Is it possible -at all- that this one is finally under the appropriate medication and is realizing she effed up, big time, and is having actual feelings about it?
I seriously have a question. Is it possible -at all- that this one is finally under the appropriate medication and is realizing she effed up, big time, and is having actual feelings about it?

not IMO
Sorry missed a couple minutes of this witness (Deanna?) due to poor feed. . . .

TPS was @ Walmart - just picked up the baby, got a sporadic phone call from EJ = not been in contact with EJ @ all since the airport and that is why she was at the store picking up baby products. When TPS clarified it was this baby and the girl from the airport . . . Deanna asking are you adopting the baby, trying to get info . . .TPS said "oh no . . . It's our baby, everything is on the up and up" (regarding signing papers). Witness had asked about the adoption and if both parents were on board at that time. At later dates within a day or 2 they talked again. . . in the next couple of conversations they were fine . . Hanna excited about having a baby brother. . . witness question what was going on with the processs when someone calls out of the blue and they decide they are just going to hand over a baby . . . seemed too good to be true . . . TPS kept saying the Father was on board @ that point. In the next 2 weeks, TPS said the Father was not on board . . . TPS would do whatever she needed to do to make Father sign the adoption papers . . . Tps talked about adopting EJ . . . sneaky way to get EJ and the baby into the house . . . jurisdiction changes - ie: moving baby out of State, if not in Maricopa County - Jurisdiction would become another County . . . Logan didn't have the means to move to another county to fight for the baby so it would be easier to get Gabriel. During a phone call when TPS was with EJ and Gabriel - they were filling out a Paternity Affidavidt (sic?) trying to buy more time to get baby away from Logan. TPS asked if she could put this witness's husband's name down on the Paternity . . . witness refused! TPS was @ courthouse with EJ and Baby was with her . . . conversation was brief . . . Deanna objected and they hung up. TPS did talk about changing jurisdictions quite a it during the whole month of December when Logan did not want to sign over parental rights for adoption. Deanna knew Logan's name from the beginning. TPS had been doing research - contacting the Atty in Tennessee they used for Hannah - (their bio-Grand daughter). TPS talked w/witness about Logan's custody rights . . . @ one point TPS indicated that Logan did have custody of Gabriel . . .sometime mid to late December. TPS talked to Deanna about EJ leaving the State after she left . . . but TPS had been talking about EJ leaving the State to change jurisdictions. Once EJ had left . . . TPS didn't say there was a plan for EJ . . . AFter EJ left the State . . . Deanna talked to TPS about wanting EJ to return because TPS wanted to get Gabriel but acknowledged Logan had custody rights. Deanna Contacted the news when she saw child on news, TPS and hubby on NG, and Craig Cherry name on the paternity affidavit . . turns out TPS was cousin to Craig Cherry while saying "I don't know how that name got on there . . EJ must have done it" witness knew that was a complete lie . . .

EJ crying out loud in the courtrooom . . . . loud sobbing . . . .(strange timing? weird outburst! IMO!)
I have a feeling all this is playing into the defense claim that it was all TS's fault.
I missed her testimony at Tammi's trial. Wowzers! Tammi sure told her the whole magilla!

Normally, anything Tammi told her (EJ goes hysterical) would normally be considered hearsay. I'm assuming that, because EJ and Tammi were co-conspiritors, her hearsay is allowed in this trial.

Finally! He's cross examining her!
So here's the defense - it was all Tammi's idea & fault.

I'm guessing the tears are to say "I didn't know that Tammi was being so awful to Logan"....
At the time witness didn't know how LE contacted her . . .no further questions from Prosecutor . . . long discussion between Defense Attys. . . EJ head buried in her hands.

Defense asking on 12/17 having a conversation with TPS over the phone . . . TPS and EJ were making certain plans to do certain things regarding paternity . .. . don't really know that EJ was involved in the planning . . . Witness admits she is assuming EJ was involved in plan due to EJ's filing paperwork in her own name. . . .Mr. Cherry name on that paper - TPS saying didn't know how Mr. Cherry name on papers as witness knew this was a lie . . . witness admits she doesn't know if EJ had anything to do with that.

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