Elizabeth Johnson Trial - Day 6 - 5th Day of Prosecution's Case - Monday, Oct 1

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
And the 22nd is when Analisa babysat for Gabriel, when EJ left cranky and came back happy. Can we now guess why she came back happy?

Testimony was the babysitter sat with Gabe on the 19th.
Testimony was the babysitter sat with Gabe on the 19th.

I must have missed that, because I thought earlier testimony placed Elizabeth at that glass church in Scottsdale on the evening of Dec 18.
I must have missed that, because I thought earlier testimony placed Elizabeth at that glass church in Scottsdale on the evening of Dec 18.

Today's testimony by the babysitter on page 1.
I think Analisa was wrong with the dates. The court hearing was on the 17th, and my understanding from Logan's testimony was that EJ told him on the 18th he was never going to see Gabriel again. There was also testimony that EJ picked up Gabriel from TPS at the glass church the evening of the 18th.
The 18th was when EJ cleaned out her bank account in Scottsdale.
Sgt. John Thompson - with Tempe PD - current in patrol . . . we was patrol, then bureau of criminal detectives . . . .det supv called him when he was homicide detective for 11 years . . . over the weekend situation other det. had been working on it but they may need further assistance. . . . debriefed with other det's who worked it over the weekend. . . helped prepared a flyer in a particular area of Texas they thought EJ had been. Exhibit #127 - flyer he helped to create - admitted and published . . . missing person EJ & Gabriel - AGZ4214 on the license white olds Delta 88 - her Gpa's car . .. . where she was last to known to have been description . . photos of vehicle herself and her child - colored flyer - this is black & white copy. He emailed this to several LE in Texas . . . Victoria, Federal & State and border patrol . . . going down towards corpus christie it was a little easier to cross into mexico . . . they had a way to send secret texts to each other but no capability to send flyer with pictures. . . that is why they emailed who could give out to their LEO's. Updated other LEo's of this investigation . . . updated NLEts system, and put out bulletin - situation in Tempe - here are people and vehicle we are looking for. . . .court date had been missed needed to be included in flyer if LE found her...they were in contact with Myspace and requested an emergent disclosure - got content of Myspace account and emails within EJ system that were not visible to others, done with Det. Larsen....messages sent to and from her acct. . . and found a Yahoo account was the email she had provided to Myspace account... contacted Yahoo for attempted or logins to her account inquiry . . . later they asked for specifics to her Yahoo account... she logged in on 12/21 in Richardson, TX . . . and Quality Inn @ Fiesta Park, San Antonio . .. . got this info on 12/30 . . . .also logged in from Miami Beach . . . once they got info backfrom MySpace - they reviewed content to her acct.... and then got official certificate from Myspace to her account... Exhibit - declaration from Myspace custodian records - received Emergent Disclosure request - reviewed records and what they sent was true and accurate and what they asked for.... they also got TPS records as well.... Exhibit #22 is admitted. 91521048 Myspace acct. 12/31/09 - by this point they were notified EJ had been located . . . she had a GPS unit @ the time she was contacted . . . given initial info about waypoints on GPS unit . . . she was not with Gabriel... transition from trying to find EJ but backtrack to determine where she had been to try and find Gabriel.... 1/4/10 - asked to become a co-case agent with Det. Ramirez . . . who was going to be out of state for a few days someone needed to be available while Ramirez out of State. . . case might be transitioning to a homicide investigation and needed homcide investigator.....

Adopting children March 2008 - 2009 . . .

Yahoo account . . . log ins . . . wanted to see everything like emails - where she had been and what she had done . . .retrace her steps . . .personal emails that EJ had thru Yahoo . . .. 12/21 info EJ was giving away baby things . . . contact info in Tempe . . .

take afternoon break for 15 min.
It looks live InSession pulled the feed for the day. Grrr...
Honestly . . . court runs until 4:30 and it often is running an hour late to begin with, and up to 30 minutes late after breaks . . . this has been sooooooo frustrating! InSession is NOT making friends here!
Hey . . . we are back! Det. is reading emails (I think) between EJ and Logan?
Camille Kimball ‏@CamilleKimball

This message was sent to "sassie cassie" an old friend dating back to Boston days. #ElizabethJohnson #BabyGabriel

Camille Kimball ‏@CamilleKimball

Tells sassie cassie "i gave baby up for adotpion" then congrats her for HER pregnancy. #ElizabethJohnson #BabyGabriel

Camille Kimball ‏@CamilleKimball

Msge to Logan read aloud in court:" I am sorry...but it's for the best." #ElizabethJohnson #BabyGabriel
Camille Kimball ‏@CamilleKimball

"I am not even sure you are the father. Yes, I slept with Gary....etc." #ElizabethJohnson #BabyGabriel

Camille Kimball ‏@CamilleKimball

Logan response: "I love gab to death he is my son thanks for making me cry. I trusted you." #ElizabethJohnson #BabyGabriel

Camille Kimball Camille Kimball ‏@CamilleKimball

Logan:"i don't care what a dna test says he is still my son." #ElizabethJohnson #BabyGabriel
12/15/09 1:03pm . . . from Logan to EJ . . .
from bottom up for chronology ... one he just read from 12/13/09
12/13? 8:31 pm
I understand completely - just want best for Gabe. ..I am upset with you you told all those lies and called CPS....you left me no choice but consider adoption if you are not there to watch him while I am working .....he deserves a family ..... the family wants us to listen and see Gabe ....I will drop all back support and current support....they are good to him...we have been co-dependent on each other....I never realized how bad our relationship was until I took those classes on Sunday (EJ is crying) I forgive you and I just want this over with and get on with our lives.

Logan to EJ....please don't fight me o this ....I can take care of Gabriel - don't do this becuase you are mad @ me...Ican take care of him and give him good life.

12/16/09 6:05 pm EJ to Lwgan...I can't take of him right now you dn't support us in any way I have paid for everything by myself....he has been returned to me ...in my custody you have no right to take my son away from me whn I took care of him...you came and went as you pleased....filed false CPS case and it is closed....plus not even sure you are the Father....I slept with Gary and another guy....you are not able to take care of Gabe....you have no car, no home...can't even pay child support.....I have that letter to give the Dr......I have never been diagnosed with Bi-polar....just post partum....

I am not mad @ you....if DNa says you are Father then you will pay child support...you cannot take my baby from me plus he is not even yours....I have been a great mother - what have you done.

Logan to EJ.....I knew you had trust issues ....you slept with multiple guys...you are messed up Ej.....thanks for making me cry....I took more care of Gabe than you....you just put him in his room and he was crying.....you kept pushing me away and I wasn't good for anything....why wouldn't you tell me before? you just shut me out

12/22/09 EJ to logan...you don't care about me or us or our family...you treated me lke enemy instead of woman you love......you ditch me ...so I am going....(msg cut off)

12/30/09 6:49 am From TPS to EJ....response to a message EJ had sent to Tammy on 12/29/09 = original message on 12/29 from TPS to EJ...7:51 pm.....12/30 6:43 pmTammy I will never come forward.....just got new job under fake name...owner is helping me get new id.....I have always taken care of myself by myself....I cannot email anymore - as they might be traced but I know you were worried.

TPS to EJ....thank you ....I love that little angle .... a mother must truly love her child to give him up.

status on her page 12/29/09 ....on mYspace posting.....picture of EJ....post is profile "kiss my *advertiser censored* suckars" ....mood advnturous....posted 5 hrs ago.

1/5/10 phone call took place (Tempe PD - notified EJ was in FL who was going to call her Gpa that afternoon). Representative from media would be there and audio record phone conversation and attempt interview. Media agreed to allow PD to come to their van (KPHO - Channel 5)....listend to phone call and obtained copy of phone call... originally was Rbt Johnson and EJ and television reporter and TPS and JS were prsent during phone call....everyone but EJ was in AZ and she was in FL....she was in jail in FL at that time...exhibit #134 - cd with Channel 5 phone call. - entered exhibit #134 and publish..... passing out transcript to jurors.....gonna hear choppiness....they have take out parts that are not relelvant or taken out for other reasons - often happens during recordings....publish.

PC recording....
EJ - "They can do what they want with him."

What a cold cold cold....you know.
I cooperate w/FBI everyday.....TPS saying you called every day....I never even had your info.....

I don't remember names.....just remember her name was cheryl....didn't have an address for tPS either ..... i thought that was normal on closed adopt don't know the address...if they can find him and do their investigation....Gabriel....are you worried he is dead or alive? no im not....I have known them a couple days......thught you met them@ park and gave them the baby....no they came to hotel the day before....they came to my hotel and they were seen @ hotel.....hotel people saw them....

TPS said something about 6 flags.....yea that is the area.

Don't remember car they drove.....I was emotional wreck.....TPS....do your regret your decision? yes I do.....you need to do everything....

video cut out
Now I think IS pulled the plug on video as they do every day in court at 4:00. Grrrr!

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