Elizabeth Johnson's Court Hearings & Charges

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courtpio MC Superior Court
Attorneys in the Elizabeth Johnson case are making their final arguments in the competency hearing.
coreyrangel Corey Rangel
Judge in Elizabeth Johnson competency hearing is expected to make a ruling today #babygabriel
4 minutes ago »
coreyrangel Corey Rangel
Prosecutors say there is a difference between willing and able & they believe Elizabeth Johnson is ready for trial #babygabriel
5 minutes ago »
coreyrangel Corey Rangel
Elizabeth Johnson competency hearing: Her atty say EJ hasn't given him any new info since he took case, can't prepare for trial


(thanks to beanecasesignal)
coreyrangel Corey Rangel
Judge in Elizabeth Johnson competency hearing rules EJ is incompetent 2 stand trial at this point #babygabriel
1 minute ago
courtpio MC Superior Court
Breaking News--Judge Paul McMurdie ruled that Elizabeth Johnson is Incompetent to stand trial but is restorable.
41 seconds ago
courtpio MC Superior Court
Judge McMurdie said the defense failed to show that Elizabeth Johnson could not be restored to competency.
1 minute ago
So sad....No headway in finding little Gabriel...Praying for him and his daddy.
courtpio MC Superior Court
Judge McMurdie said the defense failed to show that Elizabeth Johnson could not be restored to competency.
1 minute ago

Elizabeth's worst nightmare. Off to the luney bin. Wow!! I think she will talk now and be restored quickly. I actually think this is a good thing...If they went straight to trial, she still may not talk. I think it is a blessing in disguise.
I'm sorry, I still don't think there's a thing in the world wrong with this girl other than sheer defiance. But apparently she has even the professionals snowed.
So SAD that this little child has to suffer because of his immature ,deranged,spiteful mother. If he can be found & placed it would be wonderful.
God bless you & keep you from harm dear Gabriel.
So SAD that this little child has to suffer because of his immature ,deranged,spiteful mother. If he can be found & placed it would be wonderful.
God bless you & keep you from harm dear Gabriel.

If he can be found, he can certainly be place right back with his daddy who loves him and misses him, and his whole loving family.

What a blessed day that would be!
I've believed baby Gabriel was dead since seeing that drugged looking pic of him on the floor in the motel room......but, there is still that little glimmer of hope. Hope that Gabriel is alive and will be returned to his daddy.

Judge rules Johnson incompetent, delays trial in baby Gabriel case
By Mike Sakal, Tribune

...[Logan] McQueary on Friday expressed frustration with his child’s mother.

“I think Elizabeth is just playing around and not owning up to what she’s done,” he said. “It’s taken a long time to get to this point, but I know she’s capable of talking. I don’t think her attorneys know what to do, but they can’t do anything until she talks.

“She’s being a coward and making the case all about her.”


“I think she’s mentally ill,” Raynak said outside the courtroom... “This woman is not restorable to competency. It’s never going to happen,” Raynak said. “She has no sense of reality and there is no sense of dealing.
... “Not once has she talked about a single fact of the case. Never have I had anyone with a complete lack of inability to focus in on what matters. The closest person on Earth, she won’t confide in,” he said, referring to his client’s grandfather Robert Johnson. “We can’t conduct a defense when she’s going to broadcast what we say to everyone,” referring to recorded jail conversations with relatives and apparent attempts to reach out to news media.


Prosecutors argued that Johnson knows what’s going on.

“She’s very fond of her attorneys until something happens that doesn’t go her way, then she gets upset,” said Maricopa County deputy prosecutor Angela Andrews...
I have followed this case from the beginning. (lurk is a better word..can't you tell by my posts?) IMHO, the prosecutors are correct. She knows exactly what she is doing. Is she mentally ill? Probably, almost without doubt. It's her way or no way. Everyone is out to get her and she is the victim. NOT! People like her get called out for certain behaviors and they will dig their heals in and tantrum like a 2 year old. Makes me sick!

My heart aches for Gabriel.

Judge rules mother of missing Arizona boy, Baby Gabriel, incompetent


After the Friday hearing, Gabriel's father, Logan McQueary, said he was disappointed with the judge's ruling.

"Very frustrating. It's been a long time now and this isn't about her. She's making everything about her but it's really about Gabriel who's still missing and we don't know where he is," said McQueary. "She thinks she's smarter than everybody else. I think that's kind of what she's going with right now. If she doesn't talk she thinks everything is just going to go away."
Extremely sad news for Gabriel and Logan (and the rest of the family). :(

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