Elizabeth Johnson's Court Hearings & Charges

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I would think if a prisoner refused to go to court, court would go on without them. No big deal, sorry but now you are charged to max. If you refuse to be here, then your attorney can not represent you! That is the way I have seen it work, you don't show up, you are guilty!
Wouldn't EJ now be charged with failure to appear? Not that it's a huge charge but if past criminal conviction carries any weight when sentencing for the kidnapping occurs then this would be one charge she couldn't deny.
I am very late to the table today, but I have to say I am stunned. Since when is not going to court even an option when you are the (jailed) defendant?!?
As NG would say, "Unleash the lawyers." We need some legal explanation here for why the hearing was held over to next week. When does that happen?
As NG would say, "Unleash the lawyers." We need some legal explanation here for why the hearing was held over to next week. When does that happen?

Hi, pittsburghgirl. We have a thread for legal questions where our verified attorney, AZlawyer, answers our questions. Everyone is welcome to ask questions there. The thread is here:
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95402"]Legal and Law questions - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Who does this girl think she is? She can change her story umpteen times, destroy peoples lives, choose to not appear in court, etc. She is disgusting. Maybe she needs another mani/pedi. or was she having a bad hair day. UUUGGGHHH she and Casey need to get together, they would be perfect for each other. Honestly I am at a loss with this girl, what is she thinking???

Is she reading from CA's playbook. Baby taken in a park (but her version changes slightly) and CA refused to appear in court once.
I think she was afraid of the media since her attorney asked for the judge not to allow media in the next hearing. She probably knows how bad she looks and how much the public dislikes her. I think they should have forced her to appear even if she had to be restrained. I wonder if she didn't have one of her epic meltdowns? Insanity plea?
I think she was afraid of the media since her attorney asked for the judge not to allow media in the next hearing. She probably knows how bad she looks and how much the public dislikes her. I think they should have forced her to appear even if she had to be restrained. I wonder if she didn't have one of her epic meltdowns? Insanity plea?

maybe she was just concerned that her always fashionable jumpsuit made her look fat on TV?....:crazy:
I'm sorry, but we're not talking about a stolen car or a drug charge. We're talking about a missing baby. A MISSING BABY! I just CANNOT understand why on Earth she is allowed to sit her pretty butt in jail and do as she pleases!!!! They are showing her that keeping quiet is helping her! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
'Rift' In Team Searching For Baby Gabriel
Gabriel's Father Is Distancing Himself From Famed Private Investigator
POSTED: 9:09 pm MST March 9, 2010
UPDATED: 10:27 pm MST March 9, 2010


The attorney for Gabriel's father, Logan McQueary, sent a statement Tuesday night, distancing Gabriel's family from private investigator Jay J. Armes.


Now, McQueary's attorney Tim Maloney has released a statement that said, "Please be advised that Mr. Jay J. Armes is not authorized to speak on behalf of Mr. Logan McQueary. Mr. Armes has refused to return my client's property and continues to interfere with an ongoing police investigation." Maloney went on to write that the McQuearys appreciate the work Armes has done, but request he turn over any other information or evidence to the San Antonio Police Department.



I support Logan 100%, and am very glad he has retained an attorney, and is taking these actions, to ensure and protect the best interests of his son Gabriel.


It said in the story that EJ refused to leave her cell and fired her public defender. Can she do that since she isn't paying? What is wrong with her? Does she really hate Logan so much that she will spend the rest of her life in jail so that he doesn't have Gabriel? Is there anyone that can get through to her? Is there a chance that she would try to talk to Logan given their history? It seems like they have had a lot of ugly break ups in the past, only to get back together again. Maybe she might be pursuaded to talk to him if she thinks they might get back together again and he could get some information on his son. I just don't see any other way. She seems to be adapting to her new environment and jail doesn't faze her anymore. She holds the answers and someone has to find a way to get them out of her.
It said in the story that EJ refused to leave her cell and fired her public defender. Can she do that since she isn't paying? What is wrong with her? Does she really hate Logan so much that she will spend the rest of her life in jail so that he doesn't have Gabriel? Is there anyone that can get through to her? Is there a chance that she would try to talk to Logan given their history? It seems like they have had a lot of ugly break ups in the past, only to get back together again. Maybe she might be pursuaded to talk to him if she thinks they might get back together again and he could get some information on his son. I just don't see any other way. She seems to be adapting to her new environment and jail doesn't faze her anymore. She holds the answers and someone has to find a way to get them out of her.

Personally, given her actions and statements to date, I think the only person who could possibly get truthful information from Elizabeth is her attorney. Her attorney is the only person who can offer something that Elizabeth may feel is worth telling the truth for - less prison time. I'm not sure, however, that less prison time is appealing to Elizabeth right now.

If she gets, and serves, 20 years, she'll still be a young woman when she gets out. I think 20 years of no responsibilities and all her basic needs (housing, food, clothing, books to read, possibly even that college education she wants) met, is probably quite appealing to her.

The only thing that would come out of Logan talking with her is more abuse and pain for him, and nothing that would effectively help know what Elizabeth did with Gabriel.

Personally, given her actions and statements to date, I think the only person who could possibly get truthful information from Elizabeth is her attorney. Her attorney is the only person who can offer something that Elizabeth may feel is worth telling the truth for - less prison time. I'm not sure, however, that less prison time is appealing to Elizabeth right now.

If she gets, and serves, 20 years, she'll still be a young woman when she gets out. I think 20 years of no responsibilities and all her basic needs (housing, food, clothing, books to read, possibly even that college education she wants) met, is probably quite appealing to her.

The only thing that would come out of Logan talking with her is more abuse and pain for him, and nothing that would effectively help know what Elizabeth did with Gabriel.


I guess I just look at it this way. EJ is still in love with Logan. What set her off was him rejecting her. She told him that if he didn't want to be a family and raise Gabriel with her then he couldn't have him. Her whole motivation has been to hurt him. If she still has feelings for him she might soften up. He might have to play a role, in effect trick her, to get her to tell him the truth. They have a long history together. I believe they started dated in middle school. He may have been the only man to understand her in her mind. I just don't see her telling her attorney. She obvisously doesn't listen to him or she would have gone to court. She does what she wants to do, when she wants to do it. Maybe I'm not realistic but I thought if Logan came in and told her what she wanted to hear she might open up. But I guess you are right, it is too risky for him. She would probably just lose it with him and he'd never get anything out of her. I just don't know what else can be done.
Thinking why she refused to appear in court....What would've come out yesterday, that's not going to come out next week ???
Personally, given her actions and statements to date, I think the only person who could possibly get truthful information from Elizabeth is her attorney. Her attorney is the only person who can offer something that Elizabeth may feel is worth telling the truth for - less prison time. I'm not sure, however, that less prison time is appealing to Elizabeth right now.

If she gets, and serves, 20 years, she'll still be a young woman when she gets out. I think 20 years of no responsibilities and all her basic needs (housing, food, clothing, books to read, possibly even that college education she wants) met, is probably quite appealing to her.

The only thing that would come out of Logan talking with her is more abuse and pain for him, and nothing that would effectively help know what Elizabeth did with Gabriel.


I agree. I think so far EJ likes jail and maybe even feels safe there. She probably hasn't had a lot of environments in her life where her basic need for security has been met. MOO.
I'm familiar with that, but I'm not sure what their basis is for it. It's usually with pedophiles, people charged with homicide, etc. Not with the charges against her.

But I readily admit, I strongly feel everybody should be in gen pop. Choose to commit the crime, choose the consequences. I'm sick of the coddling of criminals, particularly those who hurt defenseless children.

High profile cases, famous people, cops.... there are many reasons they house people separately. They are suppose to be identifying young men that are likely to be sexually assaulted now as well. Really anyone they have reason to believe has a higher chance than the average population of being targeted. Gang members in prison that denounce their gang affiliation are also eligible for special housing.
Thinking why she refused to appear in court....What would've come out yesterday, that's not going to come out next week ???

I think it is a control issue.

Didn't Casey Anthony pull the same stunt and refuse to come to the initial hearing? And the judge delayed the hearing and told them to go get her and bring her to the courtroom, period?

EJ seems to be very immature and this is such a two year old move. You can't make me, I won't do it.
I sincerely hope the last 24 hours has been a living hell for Elizabeth. I can't wish her enough discomfort, misery, confusion, and pain. I hope the voices in her head never cease screaming what a wicked, evil, disgusting, piece of wasted flesh she is. I hope peace never finds her. She is the epitome of evil IMO.
Maybe she's been doing some research in jail. Lots of court proceedings are slowed down by legal jockeying. First the atty is fired so court is delayed til new representation has been appointed, then next time the new counsel has to appear in court but asks for a continuance since they are "new to the case" (and usually gets the continuance) further delaying progress. This can go on over and over AND for awhile. If she wanted to buy time, then she picked a brilliant strategy. If she is as smart as we are told, then I can imagine her coming up with this on her own but it's equally plausible to me that her lawyers advised/warned her about the consequences of firing them and she used the information to her advantage. On the other hand, maybe she really feels that her lawyers are not doing their job and didn't want to appear incourt without counsel that she had confidence in.

As far as LM seeing EJ or talking with her, I can't think of a single reason to not try it no matter how unpleasant it might be for either of them. Perhaps he has tried; maybe EJ refused his visit and I just haven't heard about it but... if he hasn't, then why not? Yes, she might lie to him or turn him away at the jailhouse door but then again, who knows? I get the feeling that it's a huge war of the wills on both their parts but isn't a little discomfort seriously outweighed by the potential for some usable info? It's no time for either of them to stand on misplaced principles. There were TWO parents determined to have it their way despite how the other parent felt and perhaps even more determined to win because of how the other parent felt. It's about Gabriel!!

I know what I'm saying will not be popular with many of you and I imagine LM has second-guessed himself plenty about leaving G in a situation which he himself found intolerable/dangerous. We all make mistakes but I think we'd all also agree that parents shouldn't avoid discomfort at the expense of their children's safety. So, lesson learned. Filing this under the heading of "Hindsight is 20/20", maybe some interaction between them could advance the search.
I still have this in my mind, that JJ said EJ was protecting the person who has GB. I really believe it. If she gave GB to a strange couple, then why would she be protecting them....I believe she knows GB is safe and to reveal who has him is not material to her present case, as I don't think she believes her charges/jail time will be any different if she does disclose this info.

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