Elizabeth Johnson's Court Hearings & Charges

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"We cannot physically drag someone off to court unless a judge orders them to be there," said Maricopa County Sheriff's Deputy Jesse Spurgin, a spokesman for the department. "We have to have a court order allow us to use any reasonable means."

In that case, Spurgin said, they could, as a last resort, strap Johnson to a wheelchair or gurney if she refuses to come willingly.

Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/community/...riel-elizabeth-johnson0309.html#ixzz1DF7zUG9K

Oh I hope she refuses after reading that....

Hope they have that court order to drag her fragile butt in there. All cowards should be made to face the music. Going to court seems to be the worst punishment of all to her. I hope the judge gets on with it and stops the games.
This is just SO frustrating! Poor Logan, I can't even imagine what he must feel every single day.

Thank you for your post. That nasty little smirk. I have always hoped it meant Gabriel was alive because who could act like that if she were not absolutely sure of that fact. I just think this goes way beyond projection of her own troubled history. Tammi has falsely accused Logan of threatening her, threatened him on camera (he better watch out) and apparently has a "poo poo will sue" list of people who have the nerve to state the obvious. Her desire to punish anyone and everyone who interferes with her compulsive/ addictive needs is mind numbing.


This article tells the whole story about today and court.

Judge in Baby Gabriel case wants mother in courtroom

The Maricopa County Superior Court Judge presiding over the trial of Baby Gabriel's mother was not amused at her refusal to appear in court for a Tuesday hearing.

The Honorable Paul McMurdie told her attorney "something to the effect of, 'If she not here (next time) I am going to make you go and get her," said Jerry Cobb, spokesman for the Maricopa County Attorney's Office.

"He made it clear that he wants and expects her there," Cobb said.

Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/community/...riel-elizabeth-johnson0309.html#ixzz1G3wWSFOB

BBM: Guess we know who runs that courtroom.......NEXT TIME????? How about this time Judge????
My only hope is that the Truth finally be revealed......and Texas starts talking about charging her without a body.

(I think now everybody and their dog knows what happened to Gabriel). :(
My only hope is that the Truth finally be revealed......and Texas starts talking about charging her without a body.

(I think now everybody and their dog knows what happened to Gabriel). :(

How could we ever know the truth? This is a woman who even lied about how her mother died, morphing a death by drowning (which is sad enough) into a made-for-movie whopper where she and her twin witnessed their mother being gunned down on a city street (and SHE becomes the victim/star).

My hope is that the prosecutors in AZ can get a conviction on the pending charges and that TX can follow.

[ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5181493&postcount=67"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Elizabeth Johnson-Background Info[/ame]

And thanks to BeanE for the cited post- time's up- we miss you- come back.
How could we ever know the truth? This is a woman who even lied about how her mother died, morphing a death by drowning (which is sad enough) into a made-for-movie whopper where she and her twin witnessed their mother being gunned down on a city street (and SHE becomes the victim/star).

My hope is that the prosecutors in AZ can get a conviction on the pending charges and that TX can follow.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Elizabeth Johnson-Background Info

And thanks to BeanE for the cited post- time's up- we miss you- come back.

I think she told the truth in that phone call & text message to Logan and with that interview with Detective S.

I hope today she has to answer some tough questions from Logan & his attorney.
I think she told the truth in that phone call & text message to Logan and with that interview with Detective S.

I hope today she has to answer some tough questions from Logan & his attorney.

Hi Iluvmua- I don't think EJ is going to be questioned by LM or his attorney today. She has exercised her right to remain silent (except when she writes postcards). The defense still has a pending Motion to Dismiss but I don't think Det. Salame has been deposed yet.

Here is one news outlet that promises to update the story as it develops:

Judge Orders Elizabeth Johnson To Appear In Court


eta- see you found it too lol
Her court should be starting any minute shouldnt it ? It is 8:22 AZ time
I hope she is refusing to come so maybe they can pull her by her hair all the way there.... (that wasn't very nice I know :angel: )
I hope she is refusing to come so maybe they can pull her by her hair all the way there.... (that wasn't very nice I know :angel: )

Can they not taser her if she refuses to go to court?

If Texas does file murder charges, I don't think EJ will be put in prison but rather a mental hospital.
Just for the Arizona charges alone, how many years is EJ looking at ?

No show so far-


eta- both courtpio and fox news now say EJ did not appear. Courtpio says she was not ordered to appear. Guess the judge blinked.

From your link, now the judge is saying she has to be present May 2nd. Didn't the judge say that about this one also?! This is so frustrating!!!
No show again today...so apparently EJ continues to be in complete control. Is there no one willing to hold this girl accountable? Is there no one willing to make a believer out of her? Come on Judge, you said she would be present for this court hearing, apparently she doesn't take you seriously...why should she...you've proven to her that she calls the shots, not you! This whole mess just makes me sick,what a complete injustice for Gabriel and Logan.

And yet again the brat gets her way......... :banghead:
This is so unfair. I can't believe she is able to just choose not to show up for court. My heart goes out to Logan and family. I can only imagine how frustrating this is for them. Why isn't this judge thinking of Gabriel and the victims in this case? Why is EJ in control? Ridiculous...
This is so unfair. I can't believe she is able to just choose not to show up for court. My heart goes out to Logan and family. I can only imagine how frustrating this is for them. Why isn't this judge thinking of Gabriel and the victims in this case? Why is EJ in control? Ridiculous...

I imagine the judge in Texas will be quite different. Texas does not mess around when it comes to murder cases. Thank God. :great:

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