Email sent to 490 people who were at Skyline School on 6/4/10

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I was just at a school event for my son last night. There was probably at least 400 people if not more. I honestly couldn't tell you who I saw or didn't see for the most part. There are few exceptions like people I talked to but in another week, I probably couldn't remember them unless someone reminded me. Last night I couldn't help but think about Kyron and the science fair and how difficult it would be to reconstruct who was there and who wasn't and if I would have noticed a child being taken away and thought it was out of place. It really was a zoo and I imagine most school events are like this. After last night I do believe that Kyron may have been taken by someone that had an opportunity and went for it. We all keep saying how hard it would be but really, whenever someone is abducted it seems unlikely that they could be taken from that place so easily but it happens and unfortunately, it happens all the time that a child or even an adult just vanishes and unless we find out what happened that is how it appears. I am still on the fence about TH and wouldn't be shocked if she did it but I am even more convinced that it is very likely someone besides her had the means and opportunity and went with it.

You make a good point about how the usual school event is a madhouse. I go to events at the schools of kids in my extended family, and it always seems there's a lot of kids rushing around. They're always so excited. Sometimes I see groups of kids with an adult I don't know, and assume that is a teacher or parent/volunteer. Sometimes I see adults with kids I don't know--and I think "well, I don't have kids going to school here, so I wouldn't expect to know most of the kids."

Would I be alarmed if I saw an adult leading one kid or two kids away, and they appeared to be heading away from the bigger groups ... like seemingly headed for the parking lot? I don't know. What comes to me is that I'd put a lot of stock in how the kid or kids were acting. If they're talking to the adult, if they appear to be going along willingly, I likely wouldn't think a thing of it.

I'm really confused by the email. If I'm a grandmother, friend of the family, aunt--I'm not likely to know who the heck I saw or didn't see. My response to the email would be "I saw a whole bunch of people. Who were they? Couldn't tell ya!" And yet I think LE had some very specific reason or reasons for doing this. I can't help feeling that there's a core group of insiders that LE is aiming this at--either looking for witnesses who were very active in school events and knew almost everyone ... or questions have been raised about someone who fits that same description.

When I worked in a big corporation with big departments, my department head used "blanketing" as one of her key strategies. Let's say someone had been going overboard using company time for personal calls. The department head would send out a blanket warning: "This is a reminder that private calls are only to be placed during breaks and lunch periods. If an emergency requires you to make a personal call when you should be working, please limit the call to less than five minutes." The warning might be aimed at just one or two people--but everyone received it. I wonder whether LE in this case is using blanketing in the same way.
There are so many of them that don't crack.
Terri thinks to much of Terri to crack.

I know Jo in Calif, No CONSCIOUS.

What gives me some feeling of hope is that looking at 'her' victim, he, Kyron, is a big HERO for every child who has lived or is now living in a similar situation and suffered such a misfortune. And I turn on David Bowie for grounding, that:

" . . .we can be heroes
We can be heroes
We can be heroes
Just for one day
We can be heroes

We're nothing, and nothing will help us
Maybe we're lying, then you better not stay
But we could be safer, just for one day."


Hopefully something good will come out of the loss of Kyron that will help other children now following in his stead. He is a big Hero to me. xox
I was just at a school event for my son last night. There was probably at least 400 people if not more. I honestly couldn't tell you who I saw or didn't see for the most part. There are few exceptions like people I talked to but in another week, I probably couldn't remember them unless someone reminded me. Last night I couldn't help but think about Kyron and the science fair and how difficult it would be to reconstruct who was there and who wasn't and if I would have noticed a child being taken away and thought it was out of place. It really was a zoo and I imagine most school events are like this. After last night I do believe that Kyron may have been taken by someone that had an opportunity and went for it. We all keep saying how hard it would be but really, whenever someone is abducted it seems unlikely that they could be taken from that place so easily but it happens and unfortunately, it happens all the time that a child or even an adult just vanishes and unless we find out what happened that is how it appears. I am still on the fence about TH and wouldn't be shocked if she did it but I am even more convinced that it is very likely someone besides her had the means and opportunity and went with it.

I need to say that yesterday-and we live in a small rural community-my grandsons,had a Christmas presentation-grages K-3.If I had not stopped to talk with certain people I would have not known who was or wasn't there- there was chaos.At one point-when I went to the restroom,my 5 year old grandson,walked up to me and said"Hi Grandma,"and I took his picture.I could have left with ANY CHILD!!!,for a period of time,and I do not think anyone would have been the wiser.I could NOT Identify ANY vehicle in the parking lot -except for my daughter's White Dodge Ram.Just saying for what it is worth-and I was trying to be somewhat aware,given the Kyron situaton.I think -we all may be grasping at straws.Sorry to say.
To me, in a situation as this, a missing child ,whose name is Kyron, you do NOT send an know the names of those you are sending those emails too. You go door to door and get the information you are requesting. To me, this approach, is very lame and down right plum lazy...This should have been done 7 months ago. If this been done 7 months ago, we may have been a whole lot closer to finding Kyron, what happened to Kyron, or even have found Kyron.

This was not JUST done, it was done in the first couple of weeks, this was just released as they are probably done with it but a good thing to get it out to make sure someone doesnt know more......
This was not JUST done, it was done in the first couple of weeks, this was just released as they are probably done with it but a good thing to get it out to make sure someone doesnt know more......

Your avitar is adorable....beautiful ...but I am not quite sure what you are saying verses what I was saying..this new the best of my knowledge came out last week...either way...knowledge is knowledge..the more the better.
I need to say that yesterday-and we live in a small rural community-my grandsons,had a Christmas presentation-grages K-3.If I had not stopped to talk with certain people I would have not known who was or wasn't there- there was chaos.At one point-when I went to the restroom,my 5 year old grandson,walked up to me and said"Hi Grandma,"and I took his picture.I could have left with ANY CHILD!!!,for a period of time,and I do not think anyone would have been the wiser.I could NOT Identify ANY vehicle in the parking lot -except for my daughter's White Dodge Ram.Just saying for what it is worth-and I was trying to be somewhat aware,given the Kyron situaton.I think -we all may be grasping at straws.Sorry to say.

So this morning LE comes to interview everyone who was at your grandson's presentation. You tell him about the few people you spoke to. You give names if you can, if you don't know the names you give descriptions of the folks you chatted with ("I think it was Timmy's grandma - she was wearing a biker jacket."). You also tell them which child you were there to see and what you were wearing, in case one of the people you chatted with can't remember your name, but knew you were wearing a blue scarf and hat and chatting with little Joey outside the restroom.

After interviewing everyone they knew was there, suspected was there and could identify as being there, they have 400 times the info they got from that interview with you. Everyone spoke with one or more people or was there to see one or more child. Socially inclined parents with good face recognition could accurately place maybe 20 people and associated children. Teachers perhaps even more than that. Slowly they piece together a list. One that doesn't depend on any one person recognizing every person there.
Respectfully, I do not believe that there needs to be proof that the person is dead to proscecute such as a body, forensic dna, etc. It could boil down to pieces of evidence (texts, emails, fb postings, cell phone pings, etc) when put all together leave no other conclusion.

I also do not feel it would be unethical for LE to not disclose all their suspicions to the parents of any missing child even when they really do believe a homicide has occured.

Cruel...cruel is what the murderess committed against an 8 year old child.


"The United States case of People v. Scott 176 Cal. App. 2d 458 (1960) held that "circumstantial evidence, when sufficient to exclude every other reasonable hypothesis, may prove the death of a missing person, the existence of a homicide and the guilt of the accused."

I believe I said "or a reasonable suspicion" that a person was murdered. I'm sure that there have been cases that were prosecuted without a body, but I would hope they had more than cell phone pings and internet postings to prove that a murder took place. AFAIK, they have not ruled out "every other reasonable hypothesis," which includes the possibility that Kyron was taken by someone other than Terri and may be still alive.

I know LE can change their minds, and often do, but IF they have sufficient evidence to prove Kyron is dead.... to not reveal that to his parents is cruel. Would you want to suddenly find out 6 months or a year down the road that LE knew all the time and had proof that your child was dead and didn't tell you?? Kaine and Desiree deserve the truth, and I can see no reasonable excuse for LE keeping that fact to themselves. I just don't think LE really knows one way or the other.
I believe I said "or a reasonable suspicion" that a person was murdered. I'm sure that there have been cases that were prosecuted without a body, but I would hope they had more than cell phone pings and internet postings to prove that a murder took place. AFAIK, they have not ruled out "every other reasonable hypothesis," which includes the possibility that Kyron was taken by someone other than Terri and may be still alive.

I know LE can change their minds, and often do, but IF they have sufficient evidence to prove Kyron is dead.... to not reveal that to his parents is cruel. Would you want to suddenly find out 6 months or a year down the road that LE knew all the time and had proof that your child was dead and didn't tell you?? Kaine and Desiree deserve the truth, and I can see no reasonable excuse for LE keeping that fact to themselves. I just don't think LE really knows one way or the other.

I don't think anyone would disagree with you on this. However, I believe that both Kaine & Desiree would override their desires for the truth in order to allow LE to build a solid case.

Imo...Kaine & Desiree are probably just as aware of the probabilities of their childs fate as LE...after all, Desiree is married to an investigator. I believe Desiree has already begun to show the signs of entering another stage of her grief in her last media statement.

If this were my child, I would not fault LE for how they needed to investigate & build their case if it meant who was responsible would be held accountable.

My heart goes out to Desiree, Tony & Kaine & K**** to have such a somber holiday to look forward to...without Kyron. :(
Because I'm busy avoiding housework (again!), I went through the list of names and "checked off" staff members, plus those who *appear* to have attended as "couples" or who, from MSM, were identified as parents. That culling whittles the list down to 113, some of whom were likely "helpers" during the class tours between 9 am and 10 am. If one looks at that figure v. 490 ... gaining confirmation looks a little more realistic.

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