Emergency Hearing re: remains-UPDATE MOTION DENIED

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DNA Solves
Score ONE for the State and a big fat zero for Baez and his new blonde sidekick Baden. The court does not seem to be very happy with all of the "celebrity experts" being called in.:clap:

That makes me happy, I think *celebrity experts* need to be done away with, to much corruption.
About the duct tape being reported on WFTV - there has been nothing released officially so I'm taking all these leaks with a grain of salt

What I do know is that the body was partially skelatized and there was hair - because it was said in court

AND that the coroner HAS made a premilinary ID of the body

Other than that everything is conjecture

I'm hearing this trial might not be for another year?????
Some of the "guests" are people like me who are logged in but refresh the page to only find that they are logged out again.

Or others may be WS members who can't log in at work.

well some people really want to be members and cant. I only have webmail and couldnt reg for months til my FIL took pity on me and let me use his email address from our ISP. til then I was one of those pesky guests - not through my choice.
All the jury has to do is look at the pictures of KC partying AFTER Caylee was dead. She was overjoyed with her freedom. It was no accident.

Oh I so agree, if this were an accident then there would have been remorse even if she was hidding it. There was nothing but joy and happiness and molly homemaking with TL....no way this says accident.
well some people really want to be members and cant. I only have webmail and couldnt reg for months til my FIL took pity on me and let me use his email address from our ISP. til then I was one of those pesky guests - not through my choice.

I'm wondering if servers don't have a lot to do with it. I can't get anywhere with AOL, but I've been getting on here and posting just fine these past 2 days w/Safari, so try a different server if you're having problems.
No one needs to get upset about what I wrote. It was not meant to hurt anyone's feelings or defend anyone. I was stating plain and simple facts on why there may be so many guests, so it's not fair to shut them out.

Anyway, let's try to get back on topic about the hearing.

1. Admission of hair on skull...that allows further opportunity for chloroform, etc as the death hair band in vehicle is said to have been "destroyed by testing" which allowed defense some help in saying they never got a chance to test it.
2. Forensics requested by defense...damage to skull? fractures on bones? Abuse
3. Judge and LE sticking to their guns not letting baden "Hollywood-ize" case.
4. Interesting to see Allen get up and walk over to prosecuter during hearing..whats up with that?
5. defense admitted no problem accepting that this IS INDEED Caylee. Puts a damper on CA/GA spin cycle.

felt at times like she was tyring to drop names...everytime she mentioned who she was bringing in--she would mention how well known they are....
It's probably a good thing that I am not a state's attorney. I would have been tempted in the hearing to say that I would accept the defense experts at the autopsy if the defense was willing to stipulate that this was Caylee, and that they had concrete knowlege of the circumstances (through personal participation) of how she came to be in this particular location and of the cause of her death.
I'm wondering if servers don't have a lot to do with it. I can't get anywhere with AOL, but I've been getting on here and posting just fine these past 2 days w/Safari, so try a different server if you're having problems.

Maybe you mean try a different browser?
As for the server, it would appear that the new larger server Tricia implemented awhile back still is not large enough to handle the traffic.
It's going to be impossible to get on here when the trial begins.
If the hair in the bag matches the hair in the car, that means that Zanni would have had to kidnap Caylee and kill using KC's car! KC's never mentioned that aspect of the 'napping.
Bless you, judge strickland!!!

I didn't get to see the hearing, I'm waiting for a video link to go up, but

ME TOO, ME TOO - bless you Judge Strickland! and bless you SA guy who argued for dignity for Caylee. Caylee deserves all the best efforts she can be given in this horrible situation. THANK YOU for doing your best to protect her at this point!

It may only be her body that now, but Caylee deserves all the respect, love and protection that can be given!

If the hair in the bag matches the hair in the car, that means that Zanni would have had to kidnap Caylee and kill using KC's car! KC's never mentioned that aspect of the 'napping.

There is no way this kidnapping story will fly. I can't imagine one juror that would think it's normal to party and play hausfrau when the daughter was just kidnapped - it makes no sense. I too was thinking maybe Casey was going to get off or be found guilty of lessor charges because she did such a good job of hiding the body, but what a dumba$$ to put it right behind your house! No, no my friends, she is toast.
I don't know what it is, but Baden, Baez and the KFN lady all give me a feeling that they "belong" together. They all give me a "yucky" feeling. I think we can officially call the defense "The Scheme Team".
(1) The State
(2) The Defense Legal Team And Hangers On
(3) The Defendant

My impression is that #2 and #3 have different goals. For example, all the high powered scientists in the world and legal minds can't make 1+1=3. The forensics may be enough to convict many times over. These scientists won't take the stand and lie; if they are questioned appropriately then they wind up as helping the state corroborate the findings.

Therefore, their involvement to me is suspect; if the interest of the defendant where truly paramount, a plea would be in the works, or something along the lines of a reduced sentence for a diminished capacity. Instead I suspect these people want to play games to make themselves feel important or otherwise advance their own interest. KC is probably does not have the courage to direct them to negotiate a plea. She might be playing with her life as a consequence.

Hopefully, the state will not cave when the defense rolls over to some type of insanity argument if things don't bounce their way on the forensics. I would recommend that the strategy be to make the defense intimate their is no mental defect. This is the defenses escape hatch.

If there is evidence for aggravating factors, I hope the state has the courage to ask for the DP and proceed with the trial regardless of any defense attempt to cry uncle.
GRRRRR I am so upset....I can't get on this website let alone thread and the minute I do I get bumped!!!! Can we lock the guests out PLEASE?????????

Hi, I'm one of those "guests" you want to lock out. "Guest" doesn't automatically mean you're not a member...it can mean not signed in.:)

Thank you to all who kept us updated.
OhmyGod I want to cry. This is worse than I thought it would be, honestly. Duct tape around the mouth? She could have been suffocated or beaten? BY HER MOTHER?? OhmyGod.
I haven't even gotten to the last page of this thread -b/c it's so slow - but - it's very possible KC put the tape on Caylee's mouth AFTER she was dead to make it look like she was in fact kidnapped. Not that it makes things any better.:behindbar

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