Emotional Toll

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I have been so angry about this case, I haven't read here, I couldn't. But today, I was reminded that we live in an imperfect World, we live, good among evil. The good out number the evil, or we would never survive here. I believe in Karma, I believe what we do to others we come back to experience here, on Earth, in another life-time. That is what gets me through cases like this, the knowing they will come back and be the victim or worse of what they caused another human being. I believe that no one will weep for them, or know what happened to them when it is time for them to experience this "Karma". They will go unnoticed and no one will pray or cry for them. I think some of these monsters are here, back in another body, sitting in a third world county, starving, or being beaten or abused and will suffer at the hands of someone just like them. And we don't know about it, because, they are off the grid, and no one cares. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. What you do to others will come back on you seven fold, I am told..... Yiks, can you imagine?
Bad day. Really REALLY bad day.

(Just wanted to get that off my chest.)
Bad day. Really REALLY bad day.

(Just wanted to get that off my chest.)

Hang in there, Mountain Kat. Know where you're at, but hang in there.
Peace and love and HUGE hugs to you for all of your help with the SAR effort that you took for Zahra.
You made a difference.
Hang in there, Mountain Kat. Know where you're at, but hang in there.
Peace and love and HUGE hugs to you for all of your help with the SAR effort that you took for Zahra.
You made a difference.

Thanks, Oriah. But the truth is, whatever I did in the SAR thread helped me far more than it helped anyone else. It's easier to distance yourself emotionally when you can throw yourself into something that makes you feel useful. I'd give anything right now for a SAR thread, just so that I can stop looking at pictures of that awful house.

Thanks and hugs to everyone else too. I'll be fine...just need to take a break from trying to match up search warrant info with the pictures from the house. I've hit my limit on ugly, today. Time for a hot bath and kitten hugs. :)
Thanks, Oriah. But the truth is, whatever I did in the SAR thread helped me far more than it helped anyone else. It's easier to distance yourself emotionally when you can throw yourself into something that makes you feel useful. I'd give anything right now for a SAR thread, just so that I can stop looking at pictures of that awful house.

Thanks and hugs to everyone else too. I'll be fine...just need to take a break from trying to match up search warrant info with the pictures from the house. I've hit my limit on ugly, today. Time for a hot bath and kitten hugs. :)

I understand. I just want you to know that truly... from a SAR perspective, sometimes we are so tired...that having someone else pull up a grid or a search area or an idea of what might be a search area gives us a break in our heads- and sometimes contains valuable information that we are frankly too physically tired or emotionally exhausted to dig up ourselves... and pulls up things that might immensly help when someone pulls something up and hands it to you and says, "How about here?"

It makes a difference.

I know you will be fine, and I know how frustrating this case is. I just want you (and everyone who worked so hard for Zarha)to know you truly made a difference.

On the ground, in real life.
Thank you.
I understand. I just want you to know that truly... from a SAR perspective, sometimes we are so tired...that having someone else pull up a grid or a search area or an idea of what might be a search area gives us a break in our heads- and sometimes contains valuable information that we are frankly too physically tired or emotionally exhausted to dig up ourselves... and things that truly help when someone pulls it up and hands it to you and says, "How about here?"

It makes a difference.

I know you will be fine, and I know how frustrating this case is. I just want you (and everyone who worked so hard for Zarha) truly made a difference.

On the ground, in real life.
Thank you.

If you ever need another set of eyes, Oriah, please feel free to come get me. It helps me emotionally to feel that I'm doing something useful. :)
If you ever need another set of eyes, Oriah, please feel free to come get me. It helps me emotionally to feel that I'm doing something useful. :)

Thank YOU.
You are doing something incredibly useful.

Though not what we wanted to find with Zahra, and we all probably need a break....grassroots efforts do help. They makes the world change. The world has changed because of Zahra, and because of those efforts.

I am so sorry for your rough day.

Hugs, Mountain Kat. Do not doubt your contribution here.
If you ever need another set of eyes, Oriah, please feel free to come get me. It helps me emotionally to feel that I'm doing something useful. :)

DITTO. The SAR thread was a saving grace during this case. It helped to feel useful. It helped to have something to focus on. Hugs to you my friend. My self imposed break approaches. Had a really hard day and I too am floundering now that we've reached this point in Z's case.

Add to that the frantic need for action to break on another of my little ones and it has made for a tought couple months.

Love to you MK, kitten cuddles are just the RX.

and Oriah, I second what MK said. You ever want me on a SARS thread you know where to find me.
DITTO. The SAR thread was a saving grace during this case. It helped to feel useful. It helped to have something to focus on. Hugs to you my friend. My self imposed break approaches. Had a really hard day and I too am floundering now that we've reached this point in Z's case.

Add to that the frantic need for action to break on another of my little ones and it has made for a tought couple months.

Love to you MK, kitten cuddles are just the RX.

and Oriah, I second what MK said. You ever want me on a SARS thread you know where to find me.

Gosh guys- you're making me want to get a kitten! Alas, my husband will not go for another pet (or baby). For some reason, he thinks 4 boys, two dogs, 2 hamsters and a goldfish are enough. Go figure...

Hugs to all!
Oh friend. I am just done in. Emotionally, physically, the whole of me gave everything I had today.
I just hope it makes a difference.

Hope that you are well my fellow songstress :)
You always make a difference, my friend. And raise my spirits no matter how tired I get!
Gosh guys- you're making me want to get a kitten! Alas, my husband will not go for another pet (or baby). For some reason, he thinks 4 boys, two dogs, 2 hamsters and a goldfish are enough. Go figure...

Hugs to all!

Don't do it! Mine has cost me a fortune in vet bills, and she's STILL having major tummy troubles (all over my floors!). Which is a small part of why I'm having a crappy day (pun kind of intended).
Don't do it! Mine has cost me a fortune in vet bills, and she's STILL having major tummy troubles (all over my floors!). Which is a small part of why I'm having a crappy day (pun kind of intended).

Agree!! Spend the small fortune you would spend with the ASPCA or your local spay/neuter clinic. :)

I could use a hug Oriah.
Don't do it! Mine has cost me a fortune in vet bills, and she's STILL having major tummy troubles (all over my floors!). Which is a small part of why I'm having a crappy day (pun kind of intended).

Oh vet bills.....let's never speak of vet bills again. :)

Oh another note, I'm sending yet another song for of all of you out there on this thread. I'm not a religious person in the truest sense of the the word...but I am working hard tonight to see Zahra seeing and saying exactly what she thought...and knowing that somewhere the gods of the universe greeted her with open arms and a smile that said " Hi, Zahra.... do you remember me? Welcome home."

Maybe I'm grasping at straws too, because I had a bad day.
But it's comfort food and combat boots all rolled into one. :)

I really like that Oriah. Comfort food and combat boots, lol

ty friend.

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