Emotional Toll

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I hear you Noetic. I too am having one of those weeks where it just all seems too much in here. I know realistically there aren't more cases this week than there were last but for whatever reason, THIS week, I can't take it. I am ready to pull our my hair if I read just one more story of a parent perpetrating some awful act upon their child.

I have been having the exact same kind of week. My DH as a norm asks me "What is new on Websleuths" as a part of our normal nightly chatter. I usually give him updates on cases and he sits politely and hears me out. ;) But the last week and a half I have just told him I can't even get on WS this week. There is just too much heartbreak and I need a break. I have poked my head into the 3 little boys Amber Alert thread but I just can't let my heart go through what it has with Zahra and Kyron. Reading the warrants tonight just crushed my spirit. This world is such a sad, sick, terrible place.
I am sending out a mental hug to all gathered here right now. I am just sick. I am trying not to let my imagination run away with me and just stick with known facts. I can't cope if I let my mind speculate much right now. That is hard for me cause I am a speculating fool. Its what I do here.


huggs to all of us. That poor baby.
I have been having the exact same kind of week. My DH as a norm asks me "What is new on Websleuths" as a part of our normal nightly chatter. I usually give him updates on cases and he sits politely and hears me out. ;) But the last week and a half I have just told him I can't even get on WS this week. There is just too much heartbreak and I need a break. I have poked my head into the 3 little boys Amber Alert thread but I just can't let my heart go through what it has with Zahra and Kyron. Reading the warrants tonight just crushed my spirit. This world is such a sad, sick, terrible place.

I physically feel pain in my chest tonight. I think it is because I have not been able to breathe since the documents have been released, and I have been trying to catch up. I am just horrified beyond any words that I can possibly post. Kai, your post actually made me feel a bit better because of your tag line.... "Make Every Word A Gift". I think the horror that you feel is what we all are feeling. You and the other wonderful people at WS's are the exact opposite of the evil people we are reading about. It may seem trite or silly, but the fact that some people CHOSE positive thoughts, while others seem to nurture and cultivate diseased, rotten, dispicable thoughts and lives is something I am clinging to right now. Not everyone is evil, but we certainly seem to currently be under assault from it.
I am so shocked, stunned, hurt, devastated by the news released from the search warrants.

The places mentioned in these warrants are local to me. Places that I drive to or by every day. I have read about all these sad cases of child harm in the news or heard about them on the tv and even though they break my heart they are still "far away". Poor Zahra wasn't.

To have this happen in your own "backyard" is so difficult. I have 3 grandchildren and can not even imagine the pain and heartache this type thing would cause.

For most of those outside of NC well, we would describe Burke, Caldwell and Catawba as "small towns". Not places where this kind of thing happens. I was born and raised in Caldwell County. I shop at the Fairvalue in Hudson for groceries. My grandchildren go to Hudson schools. I've even grabbed an empty box or two from dumpsters when moving (shudder). And to think...to imagine...to even have enter my mind what Zahra faced makes me so sad.

If someone had told me 6 months ago that this would happen here I would have sworn that it never could have. What on earth is happening to people that they can abuse children in such a heinous way?

I have followed Zahra's story here, on FB, HM and in the news. I have photographed places she lived, talked with neighbors and saw the memorial. My mind is in shock. My heart is in turmoil. We are facing a tornado warning tonight but the weather outside is not near as chaotic as my emotions inside.

When I get up tomorrow to go out into my community my heart will have to face that no child - even here - is safe from horrible, evil people.

Thank you for letting me rant.

And may God bless our towns in the upcoming months as we live each day knowing that a beautiful little girl such as Zahra was so badly mistreated here. Our towns were blessed to have her enter out lives and now I feel we have been cursed by the evil her parents/others destroyed her life with.

I am thankful to know that no matter what is happening on earth Zahra, beautiful angel, is resting peacefully with our Lord.
Ah. I have arrived at the appropriate place to express my feelings.

*shakes fist at heaven*

*shakes fist at complacent bystanders who hear, but choose to ignore
the silent screams of this child and others like her*

*spits on perps*

*:praying: for swift justice*

*leaves thread in no mood for hugs*

lol @Emma, ty

*pulls her combat boot back on*
I didn't see you following this one.

IT sucks! I am glad to see you on this one. You are the voice of calm cold reason, cut through this thread like a knife EmmaPeel, I implore you.
I had to step away for awhile..........
now it's even worse after NG and reading here......
I'm literally sick.
oh god emma that made me laugh

i could not of expressed my emotions any better
Dear Zahra,

I want to play a song for you, but for now I will just quote something that has struck me about you from the very beginning.

'Everyone dies, but not everyone lives.'

You live, sweetheart. You live like what life is all about, even in death.

I knew what was coming, and it was hard to be patient.

You will never, ever be forgotten.

Love, Oriah
Wanted to post this for Zahra.... a touching song,and may she be in peaceful rest:

I had to sleep in my combat boots last night......
The part that frustrates me the most is that the sexual assault may difficult to prove (given the brutal handling of her remains) and that is devastating.
I need the Thanksgiving break away from this case - I couldn't imagine it was going to get any worse - and then it did. Just let me go back to sleep, wake up again and find this is all some terrible nightmare. This is going to take more than soup to get us through it.
I came back from a break because of reading about this case. It's gotten worse than I thought. I did not know what the search documents uncovered. Why? This poor girl has suffered so much.

It makes me question.... everything. Thanks all for listening. I think I need another break.
I volunteer on a regular basis doing child advocacy work more specifically in the awareness and prevention of child abuse. I have seen, heard, and read some unimaginable things that have been done to children. I don't think I will ever be able to say that I have developed a "tougher" skin, however as I am not an extremely emotional person, I am for the most part able to supress the anger, hurt and rage in order to reach the greater goal of justice!
I did have an uncontrollable break down, when I heard about Shaniya Davis, maybe in part because she resembled my own four year old daughter, and in part the disgusting image of seeing her in the hands of her monster, gave me feelings I could never surpress.
Yesterday, I lost it again. There are no laws written to even begin to show the severity of the crimes committed against this child. Murder doesn't even begin to discribe how her life was so viciously taken away. RAPE doesn't even begin to describe the brutality she went through. ABUSE is to light to describe what those
people" she lived with did to her....

TO ZAHRA....it is unfortunate that you were not shown the amount of love you deserved in life as you are now being shown in your death. If no one has looked to the sky and told you today.... I LUV YOU!!!!
I volunteer on a regular basis doing child advocacy work more specifically in the awareness and prevention of child abuse. I have seen, heard, and read some unimaginable things that have been done to children. I don't think I will ever be able to say that I have developed a "tougher" skin, however as I am not an extremely emotional person, I am for the most part able to supress the anger, hurt and rage in order to reach the greater goal of justice!
I did have an uncontrollable break down, when I heard about Shaniya Davis, maybe in part because she resembled my own four year old daughter, and in part the disgusting image of seeing her in the hands of her monster, gave me feelings I could never surpress.
Yesterday, I lost it again. There are no laws written to even begin to show the severity of the crimes committed against this child. Murder doesn't even begin to discribe how her life was so viciously taken away. RAPE doesn't even begin to describe the brutality she went through. ABUSE is to light to describe what those
people" she lived with did to her....

TO ZAHRA....it is unfortunate that you were not shown the amount of love you deserved in life as you are now being shown in your death. If no one has looked to the sky and told you today.... I LUV YOU!!!!
I feel as you do, I am so sick inside to think that ZB family did this to her. It is behond murder, behond evil, I can't even think what word it could be. Each and every one of her family members knew of the abuse the evil step parent could do, why did they leave Z there to defend herself aganist a sure death.Why are we as WS thanking AY for taking the time to come on here and let him answer quesitions, why if he knew so much about EB did he not report her when he was married to EB. Not one of them loved and cared for Z, if they did she would not be dead and her body all over creation..This has hit me more than I even knew, as I write this the tears started comming and I just broke. I am so sorry that I as a stranger could not have been there for Z, but u can bet I will be here for the children in my county to the day I die once I finish my CASA program, I just hope and pray not another child suffers like Z has done. I am sisk of it, sick enough to try and stop the abuse aganist children. I will not pray for the people that claim to be Z family in NC, my prayers are for the children that Z died for that because of her death more children can be saved. I know Z is now resting, her work on earth has been done. Thank You Z for opening so many eyes & heartsof strangers.
I started to read through these posts and found I just cant so wanted to leave this for all of you ((((HUGS))))
ugg. Still wrapping my head around all the new info garnered or suggested by these warrants. Ugly ugly stuff.
I truly can't imagine how this case could become more horrifying. I just... don't have any words. It makes me sick.

To be honest, I don't understand how AB and EB are not locked up and vigilante justice hasn't taken place. I live about half an hour from Hickory, and the vast majority of people I've spoken to would gladly line up to give these two people even a fraction of what they did to poor Zarah.

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