Emotions regarding case...

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I found this on the Orlando Craiglist and thought some of you might like to read it. I don't know who wrote it but it brought tears to my eyes.


Grandma can you hear me?
Do you want me to come home?
IF you do then help them out
So I won't be alone.

Grandma do you realize
Why people hate you so?
It's because you protect HER when,
I couldn't run and had no place to go!

Grandma it's also true,
That you and my Grandpa, too...
Have made a mockery of the publics crys...
And stood behind my Mommy's lies!

Grandma they see your anger
And they see your pain,
But YOU throw out their good faith and prayers,
And call them nasty names!

And if they get a bit crazy,
It's because YOU won't stand up for me.
Grandma can't you understand,
Why don't you really see???

Grandma, I just don't understand
How my family can act this way!
Uncle Lee and Mommy high-fived
At the courthouse the other day!

Grandma, I think "that" gesture should have been saved for me,
On a day when I was found,
And came home to stay... permenantly!

Grandma, why is Mommy silent,
As you and Grandpa stand by her side?
How can you stand it...
You know how Mommy has always lied~!!!

The world loves me, Grandma...
You can believe it's true!
They search and say prayers...
And love little me... maybe more than you!

So if you love me Grandma,
Open your mouth and let it out...
Don't let anything stop you,
Just tell what it's all about~!!!

Grandma if you want me home...
You've got to tell it all~!!!
You've got to cry and forget her lies,
Because I deserve for her to fall~!!!

I'll be with you Grandma,
And you will feel me with your heart,
You've got to help and bring me home,
Now it's time for you to do your part...
This poem should be flooded all over the sites so Cindy can see it. It's the best one I've seen and especially because it is a cry from Cayll wherever she may be stashed. Just beautiful and I know it states exactly what we the public all feel for sweet little Caylee and that monster Casey.
This poem should be flooded all over the sites so Cindy can see it. It's the best one I've seen and especially because it is a cry from Cayll wherever she may be stashed. Just beautiful and I know it states exactly what we the public all feel for sweet little Caylee and that monster Casey.

I wish I knew who wrote it. But it wasn't signed. I was worried about putting it here because of not knowing who it belonged to. But it really says a lot and I wanted to share it.
I have the same feelings of sadness and grief I have had over the past 4 years regarding the missing and murdered. There are so many. When my own sister died, I felt a little bit of what the victim's family must feel. I have been a crime victim many times over and my sister, as well, before her death.
The amount of time and effort that is being used by LE, CSI, all of the people who are searching and everyone on this site to find Caylee and bring to justice to the person(s) responsible is amazing. It helps restore my faith in humanity. Just the fact that so many people, strangers really, can work together to bring this little child home brings a smile to my face and lifts my sprits. It is the one positive in all of what’s wrong. Each and every one of you deserves a hug, for the plain and simple fact that you care.

Into the night I go,
With all of my thoughts and prayers
That on the morn, when I shall awake
Caylee will be found. )O(
If Lee is the father, I will feel sadness for Casey. If this is true, I think many people will be feeling some guilt over making sarcastic comments about her.
This case has distressed me from day 1. I have a little girl who's just a little older than Caylee and who has similar coloring to this little angel. The GJ indictment and arrest made everything more real for me-I guess it was the finality of things (up to this point)-no more waiting games outside the A's house etc. I'm so so sad tonight, seeing Caylee in her Belle costume just did me in, as my girl has a similar dress. My big, gruff husband was almost in tears on seeing that picture and said, "we could've taken her and given her a good life" (ok, we live in NJ so that was a totally unrealistic statement, but you get the sentiment). As you may know, toddlers can really push your buttons; but I could never fathom hurting my girl-but then again I'm not a sociopath. My husband and I tried for 3 years to get pregnant and we were so thankful to God and the doctors that made it possible-how could someone take their child's life? We've also had a few "oops" babies in our extended family too, and all those babies have turned out to be blessings for our family-how how how can someone kill a little child? Well, I guess we have our answer-Caylee cramped KC's style. I think CA's threats and the fact that she couldn't go to PR with her friends pushed KC to do the unthinkable. Makes you consider bigger questions, "How could a loving God let someone like Casey do what she did ("allegedly") Sorry for the ramblings, just had to vent. I love this forum-so glad I found it as no one up here by me is following this case. You are all a truly caring bunch, something rare to find in strangers these days.
I have a little boy who is right at the same age when caylee left this world. I just can't imagine. Right now I'm tearing up. If I could have a few min with Casey, she would probably no longer be with us anymore.:furious:
Yes Cara's Mom !
It's Sad ! SAD ! ! ! S A D ! ! !
Mixed feelings....
No One gets to see Little ANGEL CAYLEE AGAIN ! ! !
SomeOne HURT Her!!!

KC Did NOT Protect her...
Your Mommy is suppose to protect you ...................

It is a sad ~~~ SAD~~~ S A D ! ! !

No matter what you THINK of KC ~~~
CINDY ~~~~~ ....... it is SAD TO ME>>>>
is a ***** HUGE ***** LOSS ! ! !
It is sense less ! ! !
It is "EVIL" to have Death occur to an innocent Child ! ! !

I have to pray for them "ALL"
I have been forgiven my sins.............

I pray that they are FORGIVEN their sins ! ! !

God Bless !

* * * Mixed feelings.... mostly sad for the un - necessary loss * * * * * of Caylee's LIFE ! ! !
I had my first child at age 21 in 2007. In the prime of my party time. I had some slip up with in the first 4 months and made it through. I let go of my old life as to where with the way I was leading my life, she would have been taken away. I made her my life. She was my reason for breathing. We lived together, just her and I (with my parents help while I worked, Thank You Koozit!!!) for just over 6 years and met the man that would knock your socks off. he has taken my daughter as in as if she was born from him.

Married 10 months after meeting and have 2 beautiful little boys to add to our family. My second child was planned. After a miscarriage, and heart break, he was welcomed into the world in 2006. My baby, well, was not planned. I conceived him 2 months after having my first son. Found out that I was 3 months along on Halloween 2006.

I have 3 babies, ones that I love. One planned, two not planned. One in the time where I thought partying was the fore front in my life. I still made my life straight. I have my daughter with me. (With the grace of God and her Angels, after being diagnosed T! diabetic 2 years ago.) I would have never have thought of doing anything, ANYTHING to my babies!!!

DD 11yrs old. DS 28 moths. DS2 18 months.

Caylee, come home. Bring us to you!

"Fly, fly little wing. Where only Angel sing..."
When I first heard the news today, I was excited that the charges finally came but then I felt really sad when I thought of Caylee.

My little girl is just a bit older than her too.

I really feel for the Anthony's. Regarless that they are all a little wack.

This is a little girl and she is gone. Hopefully to be found so she can be respectfully given a proper farewell and gracefully laid to rest.

It saddened me to see George today. My goodness, that must have been one of the hardest days of his life but he did what was right and did prove that he does love Caylee.

Thanks to George for reminding us that this little girl was indeed loved.

This evening, I gave my little one an extra little peck good night for you Caylee.

Rest in Peace little one.
29 years ago today I gave birth to my son Adam.

Tonight my sister is in delivery (at this very moment) giving birth to her first baby Madisyn Skye at the age of 42. Our babies will share the same birthday. ETA: She is here! Weighs 10 lbs and 6 ozs!!!!!!

Today Casey Anthony was charged with the murder of Caylee.

It's been a very bitter/sweet day for me. One that I will never forget for as long as I live.

RIP sweet Angel Caylee, you will never be forgotten.
I was so excited today to hear the news, and thought that somehow, someway, a bit of peace would come over me since the past few months certainly has brought more tears, more anger than I have ever felt in my life. Tonight, I feel more anger and want to cry harder than before.
I am so glad that Casey is back in jail..
yet, I hurt because if 12 people heard enough to believe this precious child is dead, and especially deciding within 30 minutes, then all glimmer of hope is gone for me. I always thought Casey killed her, but tried to hold out hope that it wasn't true, and that by miracle this little girl would be okay..
Reading in the believers thread each day through this always give me so much hope. I do not want them to give up hope at all, I just want to pray for them right now for believing..And if it is found that certainly there is no way this child is alive, I would love for each of them on that thread to know that Caylee will always be alive in your hearts, and she will always appreciate your hope for her, and I along with many others will keep you in our prayers and hearts..
I said earlier today after a statement Cindy made about the military, that I could never feel sorry for her..But, I am wrong, I do feel sorry for her and feel that the day she learns the truth, will destroy her. I certainly don't like the things she has said and done, but I know she loves that precious baby, and I know what it feels like to loose someone you love, I can't imagine it being a child though. I will keep her in my prayers, because the worst for her is yet to come. I pray that she will come around and realize this baby is gone, and grieve for her.
George, wow, he has been in my prayers for a long time, and I know he knows that she is gone, I can see it in his face. I commend him for hanging in there for his wife's sake, but its time for him to grieve as well..
I pray for Websleuths tonight..because as glad as we all were to hear the indictments today, none of us are going to feel better until this baby is found and removed from where her mother placed her..I pray that it will happen soon, so the entire community here can sleep better at night and focus on the next step of our pain, and that is convicting the guilty for what she has done.
Most of all, I pray to Caylee, that she keep our hearts open to TES, and to missing persons all over, and she guide our hearts into helping others each and every day..:blowkiss:

Interesting questions you asked…….I’m not a “power poster” but, I feel like I could write a book in response to your questions…….lol.

I’ve followed many cases in my lifetime…….started with Manson. The internet throws a whole new twist on it though……..information, sometimes in great quantities, flows so swiftly and abundantly now…..I love it.

What drew me in on this case was that it was a child. Immediately, it appeared there was deceit involved as to her whereabouts…….the whole story became more deceptive by the day. I have to say that this particular case has captivated me. I have been, what I would describe, as “obsessed” with several other previous (and a few current) cases. I think the blatant & obvious lying as to what happened to Caylee……….as well as a few of the shenanigans by her family……plus the desire to see justice, is what has me coming here constantly, checking for updates.

As far as handling the emotional side of it…….it’s not easy and it DOESN’T get easier no matter how many cases you’ve followed……if anything, it gets harder.
I was interested in the Jon Benet case, then the Lacy Peterson case, then it was the Brandy Hall case. Yup, I bet you never heard of the last one. She's a 36 yr. old mother of two that disappeared 2 years ago this past August in my hometown. Just vanished. No clues, no messages, no activity on the bank accounts. Cold case right now. I did participate in a couple of searches and found that it nagged at me as to how this could happen. Then it was Jennifer Kesse, Trenton D. and now Caylee Marie. I am sickened at the frenquency of how this goes on and frustrated that it happens to innocent little children. I am fed up with it. I want resolve and I want it now. I work all day, come home, turn on the TV to see the latest developments in Caylee's case. I get on the computer and check out Websleuths to see what's being talked about. I eat a little something in between the computer time and the local news and then it's time for NG at 8 and again at 10pm. Sometimes, I'm on this site until the wee hours of the morning and weekends are planned around whether or not there is going to be a search. My bag is packed by the door at all times so I am ready to go when it's time. This woman, KC, is someone of the likes I've never seen before in all of my 61 years. If she doesn't get a grip on reality soon, she's going to be walking down death row and at the door before she knows it and there won't be time to change her mind about telling the truth. This isn't Universal anymore honey and we're not taking you to your office that you didn't have. It's likely that you may already be too late for that. She had so many other options. Why did she let this happen? How could she? That's what keeps me up nights. I pray that when Tim comes back and we get a large enough group of searchers together that we find this precious little baby and give her a proper burial.
When I look at pictures of little Caylee I cannot help but wonder what she was thinking when she took her last breath, what her last day was like, what her life could have been...

I also feel for Casey, as crazy as that sounds...she threw away a beautiful child that loved her unconditionally and she is so sick that the relationship with her daughter meant nothing to her.

This family needs our prayers...not because they are victims but because they are without souls.
When I look at pictures of little Caylee I cannot help but wonder what she was thinking when she took her last breath, what her last day was like, what her life could have been...

I also feel for Casey, as crazy as that sounds...she threw away a beautiful child that loved her unconditionally and she is so sick that the relationship with her daughter meant nothing to her.

This family needs our prayers...not because they are victims but because they are without souls.

Your post brought tears to my eyes. The family is lost, but they will be found.
I was interested in the Jon Benet case, then the Lacy Peterson case, then it was the Brandy Hall case. Yup, I bet you never heard of the last one. She's a 36 yr. old mother of two that disappeared 2 years ago this past August in my hometown. Just vanished. No clues, no messages, no activity on the bank accounts. Cold case right now. I did participate in a couple of searches and found that it nagged at me as to how this could happen. Then it was Jennifer Kesse, Trenton D. and now Caylee Marie. I am sickened at the frenquency of how this goes on and frustrated that it happens to innocent little children. I am fed up with it. I want resolve and I want it now. I work all day, come home, turn on the TV to see the latest developments in Caylee's case. I get on the computer and check out Websleuths to see what's being talked about. I eat a little something in between the computer time and the local news and then it's time for NG at 8 and again at 10pm. Sometimes, I'm on this site until the wee hours of the morning and weekends are planned around whether or not there is going to be a search. My bag is packed by the door at all times so I am ready to go when it's time. This woman, KC, is someone of the likes I've never seen before in all of my 61 years. If she doesn't get a grip on reality soon, she's going to be walking down death row and at the door before she knows it and there won't be time to change her mind about telling the truth. This isn't Universal anymore honey and we're not taking you to your office that you didn't have. It's likely that you may already be too late for that. She had so many other options. Why did she let this happen? How could she? That's what keeps me up nights. I pray that when Tim comes back and we get a large enough group of searchers together that we find this precious little baby and give her a proper burial.

Hate to take up bandwidth quoting you but.............I had to.......WOW WOW WOW !!!!!!

I've already spoken to my hubby about this.......and he gave thumbs up.........I'll come search with ya'll........count me in.
Today I looked at KC and I thought what a beautiful girl she is. She had looks, brains. She could have been anything and accomplished so much.
What went wrong???
I looked at pictures of Caylee, also beautiful, and I thought of all the wonderful things in life she would miss. Her first day at school, her prom, the world too was her oyster..what went wrong.
The A's look like the average middle class family on any street in America. Good educations, nice professions.

It's heartbreaking. It will happen again to another family. I wish that we could find out what goes wrong and stop it from ever happening again!

It's truly a heartbreaking story in so many, many ways!

It's heartbreaking. It will happen again to another family. I wish that we could find out what goes wrong and stop it from ever happening again!

It's truly a heartbreaking story in so many, many ways!

Glad you posted that......same thing ran through my mind this evening. It's so scary because it could happen to any of us.....in a heartbeat.
29 years ago today I gave birth to my son Adam.

Tonight my sister is in delivery (at this very moment) giving birth to her first baby Madisyn Skye at the age of 42. Our babies will share the same birthday. ETA: She is here! Weighs 10 lbs and 6 ozs!!!!!!

Today Casey Anthony was charged with the murder of Caylee.

It's been a very bitter/sweet day for me. One that I will never forget for as long as I live.

RIP sweet Angel Caylee, you will never be forgotten.

OMG! 10 lbs 6 ounces. Your sister must be a trooper! Congrats to both of you!

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