Eric B. death certificate *MERGED*

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I think it's very possible that KC doesn't even know who the father is.

I agree....the fact that JPC had such a HUGE AND OBVIOUS dislike for KC makes me go "hmmmmmmmm".....WHY??

Maybe they "hooked up" for a one night stand and Caylee came 9 mos later? Maybe only she and JPC know what happened?

He obviously didn't trust KC and said she wasn't allowed in the bedrooms?? Why???? There is some history there, that's for sure!

SORRY for being OT!!!

I agree, we can rule this kid out as the father and anxiously await LA DNA report!!
I agree that JPC resembles Caylee.

Four things though.

1. He comes from money and you would think Casey would have gotten money from him.
2. Friends say he never met her until well after Caylee was born, like 2 years later.
3. That name has never been circulated by LE, the family, or anyone else for that matter.
4. JP is supposed to dislike Casey anyway.

Back to the thread at hand. The gentleman that is deceased, a mere child when Caylee was conceived can be pretty much ruled out at the father. The family tried to pass this young man off as the father and it falls flat into the bucket of lies imo.

hi broderick, this is a copy of a post i made before i saw a pic of jpc, which wasn't until very recently.

eddeva said:
this is a stretch, but what if casey simply doesn't like the father.
maybe daddy is someone who doesn't particularly like casey either and knows better than to trust her. the idea of having someone casey can't manipulate, control, lie to or charm being a permanent fixture in her life and getting to call the shots about his daughter could easily have outweighed any cash benefit for casey.
two people can dislike eachother intensely and still be very, very physically attracted to one another.

oddly it answers two of the questions you posed. as for the other two ... maybe they lied about not having met before for reasons we don't know and perhaps the name's never been out there b/c only casey knows it.
you're questions are well thought out though and certainly worth pondering
hi broderick, this is a copy of a post i made before i saw a pic of jpc, which wasn't until very recently.

oddly it answers two of the questions you posed. as for the other two ... maybe they lied about not having met before for reasons we don't know and perhaps the name's never been out there b/c only casey knows it.
you're questions are well thought out though and certainly worth pondering

single mothers get so much more attention than boring old married ones. they are so common!
Because Cindy told LE that is who Casey said the father was.

Wouldn't it be possible for LE to get DNA from the deceased Man's family and check their DNA against Caylees to see if they are telling the truth? I know, far fetched, but it's a thought. :confused:
At the risk of being wrong...I will continue to assert that UNTIL it is PROVEN to me that JPC is NOT Caylee's bio Dad, I will always suspect that he is.

JPC didn't even know Casey in late 2004, when Caylee was conceived. Not sure exactly when they meant, but I am positive it was quite some time after that.
I think it's very possible that KC doesn't even know who the father is.

I agree....the fact that JPC had such a HUGE AND OBVIOUS dislike for KC makes me go "hmmmmmmmm".....WHY??

Maybe they "hooked up" for a one night stand and Caylee came 9 mos later? Maybe only she and JPC know what happened?

He obviously didn't trust KC and said she wasn't allowed in the bedrooms?? Why???? There is some history there, that's for sure!

SORRY for being OT!!!

I agree, we can rule this kid out as the father and anxiously await LA DNA report!!

jpc looks just like her!! just google jp c**** and you will come up with a site that has side by side pics of each of the potential daddy's, caylee, and caysee.

having said that, when my son was 18mo i met my now hubby and he had a roommate that we lived with for a short time and HE (the roommate) looked EXACTLY like my son. it was weird. when all of us would go out, peeps thought he, me and my son were a family. ps. i KNEW who the father was and they did not resemble each other in the least. so you never know.....
Who is JPC and where can I see his pic?

JPC is a young man from a wealthy family. He owns the condo that himself and KC's ex RM live in. Also, the condo KC's new friend AMY lives in (an in-between living place between living her former Oveido home and moving into the A home with KC..) The one she stole from. Pics of JPC..will find and re-post later. Hopefully, a more computer savey person will beat me to the punch!...
Wouldn't it be possible for LE to get DNA from the deceased Man's family and check their DNA against Caylees to see if they are telling the truth? I know, far fetched, but it's a thought. :confused:

not far fetched at all, maryann.
Even 15 year old's can father children. I just don't believe this guy did.
JPC didn't even know Casey in late 2004, when Caylee was conceived. Not sure exactly when they meant, but I am positive it was quite some time after that.

I COMPLETELY agree that all official reports state that JPC never met KC prior to Caylee's conception or birth. The CONFUSSING thing is that Caylee is the spitting image of him! So MANY lies! Which are true and which are true lies?
My best guess is that this is all part of another one of Casey's Lies that she pushed to the limit.

I'd bet she never met Eric & just "Borrowed" his name & Obituary because she needed to produce a person that had just died in a car accident that she could claim was Caylee's father.

Instead of just saying that "Caylee's Father can't make it to the party" she says that he "Was killed on the way to the party"

It's all BS & it most likely started out as a little lie ...

She may have used this lie to Borrow money from her parents or maybe she told her parents that she was going to Kentucky for the funeral ......Whatever it was it was a lie.

I really don't think Casey has any Idea who Caylee's father. I think she slept around so much that it could be anyone of a Dozen different men.

Casey obviously can't tell this to "Mom & Dad" because she's their "little princess" so she makes up some BS lie about Caylee's father being an old friend from school who moved away & when the time came for the him to show up at Caylee's party Casey killed him off in a car accident .....Problem solved!

She probably sucked up every last bit of sympathy her parents showered her with too....!!
IMO Caylee looks exactly like a dark haired Cindy. Everytime I see her little face I can see her Gramma.
the little girl with the glasses? Is this who you are looking at? I think in that pic she looks like the Caylee laying on the couch with her chin in her hands.

Dying to see the picture! And I'm not sure what his last name is..

Is it not ok to post his name even though he is deceased?
I have also thought caylee's daddy was JPC for months.

And he who protests most has something to hide? He can't stand Casey. Wonder where
all that emotion came from?

Most men can't see through *advertiser censored* and a wiggle to someone's true emotion....unless....

he's already experienced the *advertiser censored* and wiggle..*giggles* Ok going to a time out now

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