Estate of Rebecca Zahau et al v. Shacknai et al

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Isn't it possible that the PI who was served at Dina's residence is just a friend, or BF/ love interest?

Just because someone is at your home, who happens to be a PI, doesn't "automatically" mean the homeowner is "in fear for their life." That's a bit of a leap of logic, IMO.

Is it possible she was sleeping with earplugs in, maybe trying to get over a cold? With her phone off? Maybe she was afraid she would not hear the doorbell, so she had a friend come over to answer the door while she rested? Possible, right?

Actually, if I knew I was going to be served, I would have my attorney there, not a PI. But that's just me.

And if I was in fear of my life or safety, I'd have a police presence, or a private security firm present, not a PI.

Surely Dina knew she was going to be served-- it's not a big secret. Why would someone fear the Sheriff's deputy serving them? Then again, the last time police tried to get Dina to answer her door in Coronado...didn't go so well. Maybe she was embarrassed at the 13+ times police were called to her residence in AZ in the past, and didn't want to face them again-- especially if the officer happened to remember her from the many domestic violence calls? Who knows. It seems interesting to me that a sheriff's deputy was chosen to serve her. There are services that do that sort of thing-- I wonder why the sheriff's office was involved?

Maybe the PI was doing a little "gate keeping"? I think Dina was probably more in fear of media cameras capturing the moment, than she was in "fear for her life." IMO.
Did anyone notice it kind of states that the guy it was served to lives there, e.g, says " residing therein at their usual place of abode at 6135 Caballo..."

I think the language is standard and scripted to refer to the defendant of the civil matter, and the "their" refers to the intended served person, not necessarily a plural.

IMO, that's a red herring. "Their usual place of abode...." refers singularly to Dina Shacknai, in this instance, IMO.

The PI guy, IMO, was a just a gate keeper. Dina, IMO, is trying hard to stay out of the media and the public since the civil suit was filed in July. Her last media "appearance" was in the interview in Phoenix Magazine that was published in August-- but the interview was probably completed far in advance of the July 14 filing of the civil suit, IMO.

After an entire year of media tours, interviews, and pubic appearances, openly accusing Rebecca and her minor sister of harming Max, Dina apparently wishes to remain in seclusion at this point in time.

I wonder why?
I agree you are right on both points, the first just struck me as odd when reading it. I don't think she has a PI for protection so that point just flew by me and I didn't even get it with LA's comment! :facepalm:

It wouldn't do for Dina to be photographed by the media receiving this at her doorstep, now would it. I would love to see that in the news. However, I feel the media wasn't interested in it.

I see Dina did recently, circa Oct 10th, donate to the YMCA and she probably tried to get as much publicity as she could out of that. I couldn't find where it was ever stated how much she donated for help with furnishing (I took that to be couches, etc. for a new kids center). Because of the timing I suspect this was to counteract possible publicity around the lawsuit.
Or maybe the PI is helping Dina prepare for the "Maxie's House Second Annual Halloween Party and Fundraiser"? It was to be a yearly event was it not? Halloween is rt around the corner.

Btw: I don't see Dina as being fearful of Jonah hurting her in any way shape or form. That is not why the PI is there! My goodness Dina's own twin, Nina, is on the record in that interview as stating "Jonah is a genius who would never hurt anyone"! She dismissed any talk to the contrary as " crazy talk".
So NR & DS both have the same lawyer from San Diego John Marino and AS has a different lawyer the same one JS used from Winston & Strawn of Chicago. Interesting.
You know the old saying, "Buy one, get one free". Probably applies here.


So NR & DS both have the same lawyer from San Diego John Marino and AS has a different lawyer the same one JS used from Winston & Strawn of Chicago. Interesting.

Where did you read that NS and DS are using the same lawyer?

I haven't seen that yet. There is no notice of appearance filed yet for DS.

From Nina's memo - Page 3, line 27/28 and page 4 line 1.

There are no allegations that Romano, an alleged resident of San Joaquin County (Doc. 1, p. 3:20-21) was anywhere at or near the premises at the time of the death.

I'm confused, didn't Nina tell her lawyer she didn't touch the gate or that she was carrying her Coach wristlet when she walked down to the mansion that fateful night?
From Nina's memo - page 3/4

There are no allegations that Romano, an alleged resident of San Joaquin County (Doc. 1, p. 3:20-21) was anywhere at or near the premises at the time of the death.

I'm confused, didn't Nina tell her lawyer she didn't touch the gate or that she was carrying her Coach wrislet when she walked down to the mansion that fateful night? My, my...

Double speak? Since the time of death was determined to be much later than when Nina claims she was at the mansion then of course she and her lawyer would claim the above. Unfortunately we will never know the true time of death thanks to the lack of the ME making it to the scene in a timely manner and the lack of LE protecting evidence that may or may not have been on Rebecca's body.

Double speak? Since the time of death was determined to be much later than when Nina claims she was at the mansion then of course she and her lawyer would claim the above. Unfortunately we will never know the true time of death thanks to the lack of the ME making it to the scene in a timely manner and the lack of LE protecting evidence that may or may not have been on Rebecca's body.


I agree, probably semantics. Since the ME unprofessionally took so long to arrive at the scene do we really know RZ's true TOD? Possibly a good argument for the Zahau attorneys. Nina also may not have been near RZ when she was murdered, but was she near RZ when she was tortured and stalked? The memo only mentions Nina was not near during TOD, but no argument exists for the stalking.
Where did you read that NS and DS are using the same lawyer?

I haven't seen that yet. There is no notice of appearance filed yet for DS.

OOOOPS oh for pete's sake I read what time posted and thought it was for DS :blushing:
I agree you are right on both points, the first just struck me as odd when reading it. I don't think she has a PI for protection so that point just flew by me and I didn't even get it with LA's comment! :facepalm:

It wouldn't do for Dina to be photographed by the media receiving this at her doorstep, now would it. I would love to see that in the news. However, I feel the media wasn't interested in it.

I see Dina did recently, circa Oct 10th, donate to the YMCA and she probably tried to get as much publicity as she could out of that. I couldn't find where it was ever stated how much she donated for help with furnishing (I took that to be couches, etc. for a new kids center). Because of the timing I suspect this was to counteract possible publicity around the lawsuit.

BBM for focus.

October 10, 2013 noted philanthropy from both DS and JS, coincidentally. (Competitive philanthropy, or just coincidence?)

This is the only brief article that I have found on DS's YMCA donation, so it wasn't publicized very widely, FWIW. The donation does not appear to be from Maxie's House funds, but from DS herself, from the article wording. I hope that she continues to personally patronize worthy causes. DS is a wealthy woman, and can certainly afford to generously patronize many worthy charities if she chooses. I think it would be nice to see her give away a lot of her money to worthy charities. It would go a long way toward rehabilitating her reputation, IMO.

The October 10, 2013 announcement of DS's donation coincided with this October 10th, 2013 announcement from Max In Motion:

October 10, 2013 – Arizona Youth Soccer Association is thrilled to announce that MaxInMotion™ has awarded more than $160,000.00 in scholarship funding for the 2013-14 season. The funding will be used to support youth soccer players throughout Arizona in financial need.

This year, 722 applications for financial support were submitted. In the end, 465 players were approved to receive over $160,000.00 in scholarship funding. Coupled with the donation of over $100,000.00 last season, MaxInMotion™ has now funded over $260,000.00 in two years. The next anticipated grant cycle will begin in June of 2014.
BBM for focus.

October 10, 2013 noted philanthropy from both DS and JS, coincidentally. (Competitive philanthropy, or just coincidence?)

This is the only brief article that I have found on DS's YMCA donation, so it wasn't publicized very widely, FWIW. The donation does not appear to be from Maxie's House funds, but from DS herself, from the article wording. I hope that she continues to personally patronize worthy causes. DS is a wealthy woman, and can certainly afford to generously patronize many worthy charities if she chooses. I think it would be nice to see her give away a lot of her money to worthy charities. It would go a long way toward rehabilitating her reputation, IMO.

The October 10, 2013 announcement of DS's donation coincided with this October 10th, 2013 announcement from Max In Motion:

She may end up with far less money after this lawsuit!
She may end up with far less money after this lawsuit!

IMO, Dina did not help herself by accusing Rebecca Zahau of murdering her son. All the more reason that the Zahau's want Rebecca vindicated.
IMO, Dina did not help herself by accusing Rebecca Zahau of murdering her son. All the more reason that the Zahau's want Rebecca vindicated.

Hi Kittychi!

I agree. In my opinion, the WDS could clear up quite a few accusations that have been spewed not only about Rebecca, but also her minor sister XZ and her sister Mary. Even though the WDS is not about Maxie's alleged murder, I tend to believe many details about his death will come out during the trial. Maybe even clear up whether the two minor Shacknai kids were indeed still in the home. The WDS may ultimately prove Maxie's death was an accident. If the WDS does not move forward, I am afraid Dina will continue to accuse RZ and XZ for Maxie's death. I believe Rebecca, unselfishly would want more than anything to prove to the world her little sister is not a murderer.
IMO, Dina did not help herself by accusing Rebecca Zahau of murdering her son. All the more reason that the Zahau's want Rebecca vindicated.

I'm sure the Zahaus didn't file a WDS for retaliation purposes. That would make it technically frivolous.

I get what your saying though. A trial might help clear suspicions (for all involved). But I have little faith anybody would change their mind no matter how much evidence is shown. I've seen it in other cases. People confirm the evidence that supports their opinion and discount the evidence that does not.

Personally, if my loved ones still had faith and love for me, I'm not sure how motivated I would be to "clear my name".

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