Europol, Stop Child Abuse – Trace an Object - help ID victims.

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Regarding this photo, can anyone tell if the words on the bottom are written on the shirt or printed? They look to me like they were written on there, and the shirt itself looks like something that somewhere like Limited Too or the Children's Place would've sold circa 2004-2006, but I can't specifically place it. Any thoughts?
It looks to me like someone hand-wrote those words on the t shirt, imo, speculation.
Some new pictures were added recently. I just saw them in a local newspaper and was really happy to find there was already a thread about this.

1) Clothing item for children

2) T-shirt for teenage girls


3) Do you know if this t-shirt is/was popular in a specific region?

4) Do you recognise this piece of clothing?

5) Do you know where it’s possible to buy this vest?
(Part 2)

6) Do you know where such baby bottle is sold?

7) Is this porch familiar to you?

8) We are looking for the location of this arena. It’s most likely in Central or South America. Can you help us?

Source: Europol
Thanks Ngaio, absolutely fascinating breakdown of how images led to the discovery of a precise location!
From link..
"For several months, the image shown in Figure 1 was live on Europol’s website. From now on we will refer to this image as “ImageC5” in the text. Bellingcat team members and other Twitter users previously pointed out the difficulty of geolocating this image. The main reason: There are no mountains, landmarks, roads, posters, signs, brand names, or any remarkable object featured on it. Instead, there is a rather desolate landscape flooded with weeds and few rural buildings in very low resolution. What we did not know then was the dark story ImageC5 hid, the number of victims affected by it and how the story itself would allow us to geolocate this image to Kalahliya, a Ukrainian village 47 km southwest of Odessa.


Figure 1: ImageC5 as listed by Europol on their website #StopChildAbuse #TraceAnObject (left). The image was geolocated to a village called Kalahliya, which is southwest of Odessa in Ukraine. The red mark indicates the approximate location from which the original photo was taken from; just on the northeast corner of a group of building ruins (right).

The Initial Research

Our first observations about the image were as follows:
A small gradient in the terrain with a few sudden drops across the land
  • Rural houses and buildings with metal roofs (single and multiple pitch)
  • Tall dried weeds and broken branches as well as reeds and grasslands
  • An orange/brick construction with a dark roof far on the right side of the image
  • The image was edited by Europol to protect the victim. The censoring process was done in such a way that almost 10% of the landscape was reconstructed. Small fractions from other points on the image were merged into the cropped area. This caused the repetition of items in several points of the landscape."
Noting this recent news.. wondering if any of the images are associated with the ones posted by Europol? imo.
Oct 16 2019
Justice Department announces take down of Dark Web child *advertiser censored* site - CNNPolitics
"The Justice Department announced Wednesday the takedown of what it calls the largest Darknet child *advertiser censored* site, along with charges against the South Korean national who allegedly ran the site and more than 300 users of the site worldwide.
The department said in a news release that Jong Woo Son, a South Korean national, allegedly ran the site, "Welcome To Video," and is in custody in South Korea where he also faces charges. Worldwide, 337 users of the site have been arrested and charged in the US, UK, South Korea, Germany, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Czech Republic, Canada, Ireland, Spain, Brazil and Australia, according to the department.
Son was arrested and the server was seized in March 2018, according to the nine-count indictment unsealed Wednesday. Agents from the US, UK and South Korea seized eight terabytes of child exploitation videos that the department says were offered for sale by bitcoin on "Welcome To Video."
8) We are looking for the location of this arena. It’s most likely in Central or South America. Can you help us?

Source: Europol

Based on the apparent number of seats and the curvature, the arena is relatively small. This rules out soccer and baseball (popular, or relatively popular in a number of Central and South American countries. The curvature seems to rule out Basketball as well since it is played in a rectangular court.

I strongly suspect that the arena it is a *advertiser censored* fighting arena.

The tight curvature is due to the small space of the *advertiser censored* fighting floor. Likewise, the limited number of seats corresponds to the need for the spectators to be close to the “action” (I never understood cockfighting, but can acknowledge that it is cultural in some areas).

Here is a photo of *advertiser censored* fighting arena in Central America. Note the similar small arena size and tight curvature. This arena, like photo 8, also appears to be only partially enclosed.

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Based on the apparent number of seats and the curvature, the arena is relatively small. This rules out soccer and baseball (popular, or relatively popular in a number of Central and South American countries. The curvature seems to rule out Basketball as well since it is played in a rectangular court.

I strongly suspect that the arena it is a *advertiser censored* fighting arena.

The tight curvature is due to the small space of the *advertiser censored* fighting floor. Likewise, the limited number of seats corresponds to the need for the spectators to be close to the “action” (I never understood cockfighting, but can acknowledge that it is cultural in some areas).

Here is a photo of *advertiser censored* fighting arena in Central America. Note the similar small arena size and tight curvature. This arena, like photo 8, also appears to be only partially enclosed.

View attachment 209587

The arena looks larger to me. More like an amateur soccer arena. The strong curvature could be because it’s close to one of the two goals. I think the picture is taken way up high. You can tell there’s at least one row of seats lower than the “block” of seats in the pictures. I think that bottom row may be the top row of another block located closer to the field. It’s possible there are even more blocks below that one. But we can’t tell for sure of course.

It looks like a very rural area with those hills in the background. I feel like this arena must be easily recognised if seen by the right people.
Hi first day as member. Through work and out and about, I see people from SA and CA daily. Can you rule out any countries ? Say like not Venezuela or not Peru. Just wondering so I can ask the right folks. May not be possible. Ty
Welcome to Ws!
It sounds like they think the arena may be in one of those places, but not necessarily.imo
If the arena is an octogon, which is possible but not certain from this picture alone, then the area would be about 1200 sq ft, based on a 16 foot wall, which is an estimate based on the number and sizes of chairs. It could be a decagon with an area of about 1700 sq feet, including the seating space. So it's probably a very small arena or outdoor theatre.

Of course, it's possible that not all the walls are equal length.
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The arena looks larger to me. More like an amateur soccer arena. The strong curvature could be because it’s close to one of the two goals. I think the picture is taken way up high. .

Even with the possibility of the it being at the end, the curvature seems too tight for soccer field.

There is also the question of whether a purely amateur field would have an arena in central or south america. I am thinking that soccer arenas in most of the region could be of two general types:
- Major league professional
- Minor league professional

The absolute minimum width for Fifa soccer field is 45 meters. I imagine that even minor league teams would need a field close to the Fifa minimum to train for major league promotion. The curvature does not seem to support a 45 meter wide field or a field close to that size.

If the arena is an octogon, which is possible but not certain from this picture alone, then the area would be about 1200 sq ft, based on a 16 foot wall, which is an estimate based on the number and sizes of chairs. It could be a decagon with an area of about 1700 sq feet, including the seating space. So it's probably a very small arena or outdoor theatre.

Those possible dimensions and shape would support a *advertiser censored* fighting arena as well as a theatre. In regards to the *advertiser censored* fighting or theatre possibility, the seats are full seats, and not bench style. Could this mean a more established arena?

I think it is also important to note that there are no apparent spectators, and.... no litter in between the seats. In contrast, the area looks freshly swept. Perhaps the picture was taken just prior to an event, or in between events?

Such a possibility could imply an arena employee as being the source of the abuse. It could also imply the abuser as either a local or expatriate "patron", sponsor, or relatively wealthy special fan of the events in the arena. Thus, he has access before events and in between events to watch training, hang out with coaches, bird owners, cast members or players etc.
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Going further into speculation....

An expatriate “big fish in a small pond” type *advertiser censored* fighting or theatre afficionado / patron might well stand out locally. Likewise, an expatriate may favor certain cities in the region as notorious sources of readily available victims, or simply because there is a larger expatriate community present. Unfortunately, we don't have details on whether the perpetrator is local, or foreign.
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I have seen products similar to these in £1 shops in London, not sure how widespread they are, but likely global, writing appears to be German, so that may be a lead to the manufacturer or intended market. I'll confirm on my next visit, pity we can't read the product barcode. Also visible on the lower photo is a possible watermark in what may be Kanji characters, can anyone read that ?

I just joined, and don't know if it's solved or not, or if it's the original pic. The writing is definitely German (20 stuck means 20 pieces). Pretty sure it's a screenshot taken from Alibaba website. (Asia's
I just joined, and don't know if it's solved or not, or if it's the original pic. The writing is definitely German (20 stuck means 20 pieces). Pretty sure it's a screenshot taken from Alibaba website. (Asia's
Welcome to Ws BananaSoup, thanks for the information!


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