Evidence -- Body, Blood, Clothes, etc.

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Is it possible he hit her and knocked her flat out but didn't kill her. Thinking he did, he panics and eventually crams her into the hiding place which is what actually asphyxiates her?
Added this article for reference related to this thread for discussion! :blowkiss:
*NOTE: More Info In Article!

DNA shows Annie Le's blood on Yale lab tech Raymond Clark boots; green pen clue eyed: Investigators
Friday, September 18th 2009, 5:19 AM
* DNA tests proving Annie Le's blood is on Clark's boots, which have his name on them.

*Tests identifying his DNA on her body and clothing.

*More tests identifying her DNA and hair on him and his clothing.

And then there is the green pen.

Clark did not want to be just some guy who cleans mouse cages, so he distinguished himself by always signing in for work with a pen that used green ink. Every day, including the day of the killing.

Investigators believe he dropped the pen at the scene and was unable to retrieve it after it fell into a crevice.

He apparently hoped to fish it out when he showed up at the lab the day after the killing with a backpack containing wire, fishing hooks and bubble gum.

Even more damning than the pen is his swipe card, which indicates he spent nearly an hour in the room with Le's body after the murder. One can only imagine what was going through his mind.



Thanks so much for posting this link. There is a lot of new info in here that I have never heard before.

Thanks for the link, esqgerl!

From the link:
Evidence found in the ceiling and the space where her body had been hidden contained both Le's and Clark's DNA -- and that was the final piece of the puzzle that led to Clark's arrest, according to the Hartford Courant.
The lab tech also aroused suspicion by trying to hide cleaning equipment, which authorities later found contained blood spatters, according to the paper.
More blood and a bead from Le's necklace were found in another area of the lab, indicating she struggled with Clark, the Courant added.

Clark was described by co-workers as a "control freak."

And ABC News reported that early on Sept. 8, the day Le disappeared, Clark sent her a text message asking to meet with her to discuss the cleanliness of mice cages.

Clark's obsession with controlling things at Yale's Amistad animal research center in New Haven may have set the stage for the awful crime, authorities said.

I find this section to be very unfair. It was one lab tech quoted about shoe covers who should have been wearing them and would have known it. Everyone has to take a training course before they are given access to animal rooms. The lazy still try to cut corners.

He texted her about her animals and he tried to "control" things in the animal room because IT WAS HIS JOB.

The lazy and lacksidasical at my place say similar things about me. I don't give a rat's @ss. (LOL!) My work is going well and that's what I'm there to do.

It's another example of the media using a he said/she said and blabbering on with no understanding of the situation.
Added this article for reference related to this thread for discussion! :blowkiss:
*NOTE: More Info In Article!

DNA shows Annie Le's blood on Yale lab tech Raymond Clark boots; green pen clue eyed: Investigators
Friday, September 18th 2009, 5:19 AM
* DNA tests proving Annie Le's blood is on Clark's boots, which have his name on them.

*Tests identifying his DNA on her body and clothing.

*More tests identifying her DNA and hair on him and his clothing.

And then there is the green pen.

Clark did not want to be just some guy who cleans mouse cages, so he distinguished himself by always signing in for work with a pen that used green ink. Every day, including the day of the killing.

Investigators believe he dropped the pen at the scene and was unable to retrieve it after it fell into a crevice.

He apparently hoped to fish it out when he showed up at the lab the day after the killing with a backpack containing wire, fishing hooks and bubble gum.

Even more damning than the pen is his swipe card, which indicates he spent nearly an hour in the room with Le's body after the murder. One can only imagine what was going through his mind.



Weird - I wonder what sort of crevice they are referring to? Usually these sort of labs have little in the way of crevices to make them easier to keep clean.
Furthermore - who signs in when there is such an elaborate swipe-card system??
Weird - I wonder what sort of crevice they are referring to? Usually these sort of labs have little in the way of crevices to make them easier to keep clean.

Maybe was in his pocket and fell out where he hid her in the wall
Maybe was in his pocket and fell out where he hid her in the wall

Ahh...that would make more sense. Good call! I was thinking he lost it in the room where the assualt was supposed to have occured.
Thanks to all for posting the updates. Lots of crucial and incriminating information in those articles. I am going to bookmark them for later reference.
Plea time! Only a FOOL would go to trial with this much evidence!
Has the broken 'bead' from a necklace been said it was definately Annie's or could it be from his helper???
I started a thread for us to talk about this stuff.......who helped RC???
Wonder how they knew what was in the backpack.. Did they find it in the car or apt? Did he empty it out in the lab in front of the same LE that saw him with the cleaning products? Either way how stoopid!

Can you please tell me about that LE and cleaning products detail? I missed that!

The NY Post yesterday said that a black trash bag tied up at the top was found in the backseat of his car and confiscated. To my knowledge they haven't released what was actually found, if anything, in that trash bag. Maybe it was the backpack in question.

I want to hear how they definitely know the fishing hooks, wire and bubblegum were all used to get the green pen out of the crevice, since Clark is apparently refusing to talk to police and there aren't video cameras in the basement. Maybe his lawyers will argue he just likes gum and fishing tools at all times.
Can you please tell me about that LE and cleaning products detail? I missed that!

The NY Post yesterday said that a black trash bag tied up at the top was found in the backseat of his car and confiscated. To my knowledge they haven't released what was actually found, if anything, in that trash bag. Maybe it was the backpack in question.

I want to hear how they definitely know the fishing hooks, wire and bubblegum were all used to get the green pen out of the crevice, since Clark is apparently refusing to talk to police and there aren't video cameras in the basement. Maybe his lawyers will argue he just likes gum and fishing tools at all times.

Hi F_.stills, Not even trying to cover his tracks, shown by all the evidence said to connect him to the crime, I doubt his lawyers will have that out.

If he followd suit with his nonchalance, I think they will find the assembled rigging he created to get that green pen out of it's crevice among the approx 150+ items of evidence!

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