Evidence connecting JR, CWW and/or MS to one another. How/when do their paths cross?

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And if $10,000 really changed hands, it seems like CWW could have used that money for a pretty nice honeymoon. If MS was not the source of that money, where did it come from? It will be interesting if LE is able to trace some siphoning of funds from TS' business in the time from when the three amigos were at the wedding, to the time of the murder.

I wonder when was the first time the office rent didn't get paid? Unless there was already some cash stored at the house, it is pretty hard to have $10,000 just materialize with no trail. It came from somewhere (again, assuming it existed).

Wedding present? :gaah:

Regarding point #3, I've been wondering if MS had a nickname. I asked skinner and he ignored me. Anyways I saw this in his facebook page which leads me to conclude his nickname was Romantic.

RE: The first facebook post shown here (post #436)

I wonder why Mark wouldn't consider himself a good father?
RE: The first facebook post shown here (post #436)

I wonder why Mark wouldn't consider himself a good father?
Idk, good question. That is under the photo of him playing in the snow with his girls..

Also he shared something on 5/5 about invisible illnesses. I wonder if that was about his buddy cww.
bbm above
FightTO :loveyou:Excellent post! :loveyou: I was wondering where you were, and missed your great contributions and thought process. Don't stay away so long, ok?
(Oh, I'm so transparent...:shame:)

I've missed y'all too! :loveyou:

Exactly, it's just like when Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart said "I know it when I see it" when defining *advertiser censored*. Or when evidence like photos of Casey Anthony out partying surfaced when her child was missing and supposedly with a fictional nanny.
RE: The first facebook post shown here (post #436)

I wonder why Mark wouldn't consider himself a good father?

That comment has always bugged me but I took it as more snarky in intent... Aka playing the snow doesn't make me a good father, thanks though..
Regarding point #3, I've been wondering if MS had a nickname. I asked skinner and he ignored me. Anyways I saw this in his facebook page which leads me to conclude his nickname was Romantic.

Also interesting to me that MS only liked (thumbs up) the comment that said he has come a long way. He didn't like the comment that called his wife beautiful, just the comment about what he perceived as a compliment. SMH.
1.) Today is Wedn. I thought we were supposed to be seeing Sunshine Law docs' beginning today !! ?? (I've been waiting all day....). Anyone know anything about that?

2.) If MS is behind the murder of his wife, I don't think it would be any big deal for him to round up $10K of Teresa's income to give to her murderer, JR. Oh, gheesh............ I just realized, SURELY then MS also gave CWW a little cash payout - cash to cover all trip expenses, of course, & 'pay' - - if JR got $10K, I would guess CWW got $50K, PLUS promises of running the practice with MS after MS got rid of Teresa by murdering her. Again, so very sad, MS would have siphoned the $50K (my guess on the amount...) off Teresa's earnings, over a fairly lengthy period of time.

Oh, it just GETS ME that Teresa worked a 'day job' and MS, if he set this up, took Teresa's own earned income AND USED IT TO MURDER HER !!

3.) Another thought to the gruesomeness of the crime. Didn't Teresa weigh about 100 lbs.? What are heights & weights on CWW & JR, please? (I googled & can't locate them..... tyia...).

4.) Last, I just cannot figure out how in the world MS would have been able to communicate with CWW over time to plot, plan & scheme the murder? How could those 2 have done it w/o leaving 'electronic footprints' such that MS would long have been arrested & charged by now??? I am baffled on that. It is scaring me that the ONLY WAY MS may wind up arrested & charged is if CWW talks - - surely law enf.' has SOME evidence, SOME proof of MS & CWW interacting???

Does anyone want to predict odds on CWW ratting MS out?
1.) Today is Wedn. I thought we were supposed to be seeing Sunshine Law docs' beginning today !! ?? (I've been waiting all day....). Anyone know anything about that?

2.) If MS is behind the murder of his wife, I don't think it would be any big deal for him to round up $10K of Teresa's income to give to her murderer, JR. Oh, gheesh............ I just realized, SURELY then MS also gave CWW a little cash payout - cash to cover all trip expenses, of course, & 'pay' - - if JR got $10K, I would guess CWW got $50K, PLUS promises of running the practice with MS after MS got rid of Teresa by murdering her. Again, so very sad, MS would have siphoned the $50K (my guess on the amount...) off Teresa's earnings, over a fairly lengthy period of time.

Oh, it just GETS ME that Teresa worked a 'day job' and MS, if he set this up, took Teresa's own earned income AND USED IT TO MURDER HER !!

3.) Another thought to the gruesomeness of the crime. Didn't Teresa weigh about 100 lbs.? What are heights & weights on CWW & JR, please? (I googled & can't locate them..... tyia...).

4.) Last, I just cannot figure out how in the world MS would have been able to communicate with CWW over time to plot, plan & scheme the murder? How could those 2 have done it w/o leaving 'electronic footprints' such that MS would long have been arrested & charged by now??? I am baffled on that. It is scaring me that the ONLY WAY MS may wind up arrested & charged is if CWW talks - - surely law enf.' has SOME evidence, SOME proof of MS & CWW interacting???

Does anyone want to predict odds on CWW ratting MS out?

:seeya: MM !!

I too am waiting for everybody to come back together so we can talk about the news.

And another case that I am following today... which is very active here on the threads... has thousands of emails and text which led them to their conclusion on a case .

It can be done without somebody giving information ..it can be done from just gleaning from electronic trails. Even those trails that people have deleted and thought were gone *poof*.

That comment has always bugged me but I took it as more snarky in intent... Aka playing the snow doesn't make me a good father, thanks though..
An attempt to appear humble.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
:seeya: MM !!

I too am waiting for everybody to come back together so we can talk about the news.

And another case that I am following today... which is very active here on the threads... has thousands of emails and text which led them to their conclusion on a case .

It can be done without somebody giving information ..it can be done from just gleaning from electronic trails. Even those trails that people have deleted and thought were gone *poof*.


could you share what other case that was?
It's the 50'ish married 'embezzler' police officer who staged his own suicide - he was 'on duty', said he was out chasing 2 whites & 1 black on foot - boom boom he's dead. THE CASE BLEW WIDE OPEN TODAY!! It's all here on WSl! I am trying to read the WSl threads but there are SO many of them --- I did note that cop AND HIS WIFE'S FBks. are/were quite enlightening....
An attempt to appear humble.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

Being the mother of two, that response has bothered me also. Playing in the snow with your children DOES make you a good father!! Having they're mother killed DOESN'T!!
What thread will the documents be in when/if they get here?
Being the mother of two, that response has bothered me also. Playing in the snow with your children DOES make you a good father!! Having they're mother killed DOESN'T!!
Agree. Almost riding on the coattails of others.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
Being the mother of two, that response has bothered me also. Playing in the snow with your children DOES make you a good father!! Having they're mother killed DOESN'T!!

I thought the same thing. It could be a bad decision if one was sick or something but still a weird comment.
Angela's mother would be wrong.
Pictures of the actual wedding ceremony show he was a groomsman, but not best man. AW had a maid of honor and one bridesmaid. CWW had a best man and one groomsman. MS was the other groomsman.
Thanks, for pointing that out. Trying to keep the picture , no pun intended straight. I still think MS is a very good friend and being a groomsman is very telling especially at this age of their lives, and not the first marriage under the belt. So a groomsman and not best man I don't think makes him less as a friend.
1.) Today is Wedn. I thought we were supposed to be seeing Sunshine Law docs' beginning today !! ?? (I've been waiting all day....). Anyone know anything about that?

2.) If MS is behind the murder of his wife, I don't think it would be any big deal for him to round up $10K of Teresa's income to give to her murderer, JR. Oh, gheesh............ I just realized, SURELY then MS also gave CWW a little cash payout - cash to cover all trip expenses, of course, & 'pay' - - if JR got $10K, I would guess CWW got $50K, PLUS promises of running the practice with MS after MS got rid of Teresa by murdering her. Again, so very sad, MS would have siphoned the $50K (my guess on the amount...) off Teresa's earnings, over a fairly lengthy period of time.

Oh, it just GETS ME that Teresa worked a 'day job' and MS, if he set this up, took Teresa's own earned income AND USED IT TO MURDER HER !!

3.) Another thought to the gruesomeness of the crime. Didn't Teresa weigh about 100 lbs.? What are heights & weights on CWW & JR, please? (I googled & can't locate them..... tyia...).

4.) Last, I just cannot figure out how in the world MS would have been able to communicate with CWW over time to plot, plan & scheme the murder? How could those 2 have done it w/o leaving 'electronic footprints' such that MS would long have been arrested & charged by now??? I am baffled on that. It is scaring me that the ONLY WAY MS may wind up arrested & charged is if CWW talks - - surely law enf.' has SOME evidence, SOME proof of MS & CWW interacting???

Does anyone want to predict odds on CWW ratting MS out?

Those who understand computers understand the importance of cryptography - in ALL forms of communication. Even the founders of the country used their own forms of cryptography to communicate with one another so that the British could not understand what they were talking about. I'd venture to guess the two of them developed their own form personal form of verbal or written cryptography and unless LE can figure it out and prove it, they will be hard to pressed to get anything of importance from CWW and MS communication. JMO -

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