Evidence Removed from Anthony Home-Official Crime Scene

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EVIDENTURY ITEMS removed overnight from the A's house -

Vacuum Cleaner
A Pillow
2 Large Boxes full of "unknown items"

Adding: MyFoxOrlando Live is reporting that investigators were at the Anthony home for "a good six hours last night."
Investigators removed several bags of evidence from the home early Friday morning, including three vacuum cleaners and a small pillow. A total of three vehicles were filled with evidence. Lead investigator Sgt. John Allen said investigators will return on Friday to remove more evidence.

That is a load of stuff...
Pet hair. It likes to travel and sticks to almost everything.
Maybe there was a small pillowcase in with the body? One that would match Caylees linen?

I wonder how often those A's changed their vaccum cleaner bags...
Pet hair. It likes to travel and sticks to almost everything.

That is perfect didn't think of that one. Also wasn't there a ring that was missing one that she said Jeff gave her, Cindy asked about it on one of the visits. There is going to be a lot to come.
Why would they confiscate vaccume cleaners? Fibers? I hope they own a bag one and not a canister one where you just dump it every day? Also the pillow, I wonder if they think she was suffocated?
Why do I get the feeling that CA and GA are some how involved. MOO...Something isn't right.
again....karma meet the anthonys...

I still thank God that little Caylees voice cried out to that man.....God bless him.....

(think the only highlight yesterday after finding the body--then reading about the german dog peeze and someone hear saying I wonder....--I needed the laugh at that point!)

Here is my thoughts on what they are looking for...If memory serves me correct, there was a receipt that showed KC had bought 2 cross necklaces..And it was thought that KC had put one on Caylee before disposing of the body..I would guess that this could be the item that was found in the bag with the remains...I also think that there could have been a bathing suit in the trash bag...But I would guess that if LE can find the other matching cross in the house that was KC's it will be game over...Just my thought.

I keep thinking about the cross necklace also... or sand. Caylee supposedly loved the sand box. I can see sand in the bag. Just terrible
I'm sure they're looking for anything with Caylee's DNA to make indisputable matches. They're probably also looking for more of KC's DNA. But what do I know??? I'm no crime scene investigator.:cool:
this might have allready been posted but i havent seen it yet. didnt caseys school friend say that if she hid caylee it would be in that area because thats where their little hideout was?

But Kiomarie brought an investigator out to that spot. Are we sure it's the same spot?
I hope they find whatever they need. But I have to throw this out there. This finally makes the A family make sense. If they are all in on a cover up, the code talk, the feeding of the stories to each other, the lies, the constant b.s. was all to save each member of the family.
"Earlier this week, the state attorney's office decided to not seek the death penalty for mother Casey Anthony, but a source from the state attorney's office said Thursday that if the body does belong to Caylee, the death penalty may be back on the table."

I hope they put the DP back on the table.
IMO...I don't think they should allow any of them to talk to one another. I think they should seperate them all.
So who's taking care of the pets in that house? Yesterday, they shewed LA's girlfriend out when she went to take care of them.

The vacuum cleaners (three!) could have been used to clean out the car and they are hoping something is lingering inside them, maybe?

Man, what could they find about all this time? Makes you think, doesn't it? We could be hoarding all sorts of incriminating evidence of our own. "Oh, look. She bought this book back in 1977 and let all her lovely DNA inside."
:waitasec: I'll check back later, I have a few closets to dismantle. :eek:

Scary stuff.
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