Evidence That is Incompatible With an Accident Theory

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Okay,I'm confused ,because the thread title is evidence that is incompatable with an accident theory ,so aren't we supposed to be discussing why we think it's not an accident,not that it was? :waitasec:

Yes of course it is MJ. But with discussion about why it isn't an accident comes discussion of why it could be.
That was not the point of my post at all and I am sorry if I confused you.

LOL if you think about it, no one is suggesting it IS an accident but we have a thread about why it isn't one anyway.
But those that think it might be one aren't suggesting it from a legal aspect but more of a practical angle.
Could an accident theory be brought in by GA and CA's statements that the pool box/ladder had been moved and they theorised they Caylee may have accidently drowned?
Not sayin anyone would buy it, but just wondering if the A's statements could be used to introduce the accident defense.

My position is that the pool ladder position, even if it could be proven to be true, is not evidence of anything other than a possibility. There are likely a zillion possibilities. There are electrical outlets and things plugged into them; toxic substances around the home; various objects that could have been mishandled by a 2 year old causing great bodily harm and death, etc. etc. IIRC, someone posted a dream or vision or something about KC maybe shaking her, or maybe she fell, and then later KC noticed she was going into convulsions, etc. Any of the above could have happened. But there is no evidence of which I'm aware to support any of them and imo, there is a plethora of evidence to exclude each of these "mere possibilities." Reasonable doubt does not include "mere possibilities." JBean posted an excellent "cookie" analogy on the jury thread here.

If this is indeed what happened, which I think there is overwhelming evidence to contradict, KC lost her best chance to prove it by allowing her child's body to rot away in an animal and bug infested swamp. So, it would be sort of like she brought it on herself and deserved it from this depraved, callous behavior, imo.
Incompatible with an accident

Nobody called for assistance
Everyone went on with life as if nothing happened
Duct Tape found on Caylee's body
Hello WS :)

Bump! Seems like I need to read this thread. :waitasec:

I feel like I signed onto bazaar-o Websleuths today...

The journal entry where Casey went on to say she was happy with her life, trusts her own judgement and knows that she made the right decision, hopes the end justfies the means. She wants to know what the future holds for her.
All the lies.
Partying when Caylee was missing.
The heart sticker and tape.
Decomp in the trunk. And Caylees hair
The laundry bag matched one in the Anthonys home.
The tattoo
The dogs hit on some places at the home.
Oh and the myspace Caylee is missing that was made before Caylee ever went missing.
When someones baby has been injured in an accident they usually call 911 and seek help right away. She chose to go party and lie to everyone about where Caylee was.
Hello WS :)

I would need the duct tape explained before I could begin to see how this was an accident. There is no debate on whether or not there actually was duct tape, right? Both "sides" agree there was duct tape on Caylee's remains? TIA.

It's probably already been said but I haven't read back through the thread...the duct tape, no accident there.
Hello WS :)

I would need the duct tape explained before I could begin to see how this was an accident. There is no debate on whether or not there actually was duct tape, right? Both "sides" agree there was duct tape on Caylee's remains? TIA.


The person who found the remains observed duct tape on her skull, the Medical Examiner documents duct tape across her nose and mouth. It doesn't really matter if the defense agrees or not, does it?
The person who found the remains observed duct tape on her skull, the Medical Examiner documents duct tape across her nose and mouth. It doesn't really matter if the defense agrees or not, does it?

and I also think they have kinda mocked it or sidelined it...iirc, brad even denied it at one point.....
I have thought that the duct tape was put on right after she had an accident to make it look like someone else had kidnapped her. I go back and forth as the duct tape may not have been the murder weapon but a cover up???
Who on God's green earth would really go for the "accident" theory anyway after all this time? I mean, she has had since last July to come clean and has refused. All the evidence proves to intentional. KC knows this. She and her defense would look like fools to go that route. If it truly were an accident, why all the lies????

ITA. While I don't believe at all this was an accident, KC is dumb because she probably could have pulled it off when she had the opportunity to. Too late now. JMO.
Also the 1st phone call from prison..when KC groans and says what a waste it was calling when her friend starts crying about Caylee. Not to mention when she complains that all her parents care about is finding Caylee.

ITA. If I was in jail under suspicions of abuse/child neglect/whatever and my child was missing, I'd be on the horn with my parents, friends, and everyone else and telling them over and over PLEASE FIND MY BABY! WE CAN DEAL WITH ME LATER - GET OFF THE PHONE AND FIND MY BABY!

I'd be screaming from the jail cell, FIND MY BABY!! I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT MY BABY!

That first phone call right there was all the proof in the world that she did this! JMO.
Not that we can count on anything that Casey does as being logical, but it defies reason for her to sit in jail as long as she has, or for JB et al to allow this to go as far as it has, especially with the DP on the table IF THIS WERE AN ACCIDENT. Even they would not make a gamble like this. If she had told her family or her defense team that it was an accident, they would have taken that ball and run with it IMO.

The 31 days are going to be hard to get past. If Cindy had not forced the issue, she would have kept up the charade as long as it worked. On the 16th of June, if there were some kind of accident, even an overdose, it would not make sense for her Not to frantically let her parents know what happened.

There was a plan, all the Internet searches, writings and journal point to the fact that she wanted to get rid of her daughter, and have her freedom.
I bet she hasn't told her defense what happened either, and they're treating her like delicate glass..JMO
I bet she hasn't told her defense what happened either, and they're treating her like delicate glass..JMO

It's a win/win situation between Casey and her attorneys. She feeds them BS and they feed it right back to her in a different form, such as, "we'll get you out of this, just keep our pockets fed and our names in the limelight."

As we can see, Casey has done nothing for Baez other than a disservice.

As we can see, Baez has done nothing for Casey other than a disservice.

Nothing is going to get Casey out of this, mainly because she handed the State a conviction on a silver platter, motive and all.
I think that she would have lied about an accident because her mom and dad might throw her arse out without Caylee. Lets face it Caylee was her meal ticket, she did not have to hold a job, contribute to the household no responsibilities what so ever. She could play victim for the rest of her life which she is pretty good at. She knew her mom would never forgive her and that her life would change entirely. She did not want to hear for the rest of her life about how she was such a bad mom Caylee drown. I do not however believe she would have called for help if Caylee fell in the pool I think she wanted her gone. So I still feel she is responsible. I just dont see her going out her way to help Caylee. So by not hepling her "the end justifies the means". Still Murder..
Even if it was an "accidental overdose"....then it would still show Casey was drugging her daughter, so she would want to hide that as well. The duct tape is not an afterthought. It served it's purpose and silenced her sweet child forever.

No one tries to cover up an "accident" and goes on to behave the way Casey did. If she was a miserable mess that was locked up in her room crying everyday, it could be a little more believable. Stealing money, buying beer, clubbing and getting tattoos showed she was ecstatic about her new life. Proving in my opinion that this was pre-meditated.

But I have to wonder, what is the story that she told the lawyers? What will their defense be and how will they defend everything in this case?
All the searching and all the how to instructions so much trouble for her then she finally figures out all I really have to do is put the ladder by the pool and let my daughter out of the house. She wanted her gone. Then to cover it up I'll duct tape her and say someone took her..She could not have placed her carefully in the woods with all her stuffed animals and flowers and such and then claim someone completely detached from Caylee put her there so nicely. It was a premeditated accident/murder. IMO
It's probably already been said but I haven't read back through the thread...the duct tape, no accident there.

Yup and the car trunk, and the tattoo, and the 31 days, and the carefree date with Tony the night Caylee went missing............

Oops sorry JBean, just reread your post. OT
IIRC According to Lkb whom has already seen the crime scene photos, the location/placement of the duct tape will be challenged.

From what I read in the medical examiners report, the duct tape was attached to the hair mat at the bottom of the skull. The hair had to be cut away to remove the tape. I am curious about this hair mass that apparently fell off of her skull with duct tape attached. Filled up with 14 inches of water and did not float. I just don't get it. Did the duct tape float up to the skull? Was it actually adhered to the hair? I don't believe it was ever wrapped around the skull as so many do.

Because the defense is going to challenge the duct tape placement, then the accident theory is still possible. However, when Jb stated to Kb that kc was not in those woods, you in lala land, then I feel he is ruling out the accident theory.

On the other hand, Kc seems to be sticking to the nanny or nany story.

IMO Accident is still possible, but barely.
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