Evidence That is Incompatible With an Accident Theory

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Yes, don't you think it's kind of odd though, that she was digging in the backyard, ostensibly to remove some Bamboo... ( chuckle ) something she had never done before...

wow i almost forgot about the shovel. hmmm??? lemme think on that for a moment. question?? was this explanation for the shovel given by casey or manufactured,oops sorry, given by cindy??
How about--Casey gave George the gas cans on June 24, he started to put them away but they were all reddish brown and wet on the bottom and smelled bad, so he rinsed them off in the yard before putting them away (in the back of his mind wondering why his gas cans smell like decomp but not wanting to "upset" Casey or Cindy into one of their famous tantrums).

And he could have washed them off in the backyard. JMO
BBM LOL Zsa Zsa...ITA ...I am just saying..even when I get to googling...the good lord knows what I come across :) :(

I meant IF she was bringing her from the garage to the backyard, BESIDE the pool doesnt seem like the logical place to set her body as another poster mentioned. It would seem to me the dogs hit there beside the pool because that was where Casey set her after pulling her OUT of the pool :( The playhouse is where IMO she put her until she could figure what to do with her.

Have to go make dinner now...dont think Im just hiding out. I appreciate all your comments in this thread even if I dont agree with everything :)

Oh she would have laid there a couple of hours because decomp starts from the inside out. I may be wrong but I don't think dogs would alert to someone who had been dead for a few minutes.
BBM LOL Zsa Zsa...ITA ...I am just saying..even when I get to googling...the good lord knows what I come across :) :(

I meant IF she was bringing her from the garage to the backyard, BESIDE the pool doesnt seem like the logical place to set her body as another poster mentioned. It would seem to me the dogs hit there beside the pool because that was where Casey set her after pulling her OUT of the pool :( The playhouse is where IMO she put her until she could figure what to do with her.

Have to go make dinner now...dont think Im just hiding out. I appreciate all your comments in this thread even if I dont agree with everything :)

If you want to search the old threads on the subject, extensive research has been done ( by JWG?) as to who searched for what on the home computer, and it was shown to my satisfaction that the Chloroform search was done by KC when CA was at work.( I already knew it, because CA lied about it- unlike her daughter who lies about everything, CA lies to cover up incriminating material ) They are extremely detailed and I do believe he is a computer expert. If you read them you would have to come to the same conclusion .
wow i almost forgot about the shovel. hmmm??? lemme think on that for a moment. question?? was this explanation for the shovel given by casey or manufactured,oops sorry, given by cindy??

Not only did she dig in the backyard for 'Bamboo' she was in such a hurry to do so that she could not wait long enough for GA to come home and go in the shed to use his- she went over to BBurner's house and borrowed one. She didn't try for very long apparently as by the time he finished what he was doing and went in the shower, she had taken it back...
BBM LOL Zsa Zsa...ITA ...I am just saying..even when I get to googling...the good lord knows what I come across :) :(

I meant IF she was bringing her from the garage to the backyard, BESIDE the pool doesnt seem like the logical place to set her body as another poster mentioned. It would seem to me the dogs hit there beside the pool because that was where Casey set her after pulling her OUT of the pool :( The playhouse is where IMO she put her until she could figure what to do with her.

Have to go make dinner now...dont think Im just hiding out. I appreciate all your comments in this thread even if I dont agree with everything :)

I'm not a trained cadaver dog handler, but I don't think the dog would hit in a spot where Caylee was just set after drowning and being pulled out of the pool. If I'm not mistaken doesn't decomp have to be present for the cadaver dogs to alert? So if this is the theory then Caylee would have to have been left in the pool long enough after death to start decomposition and be decomposed enough for the dogs to hit. Also nothing about the body and items with the body are consistent with a pool theory imho. Caylee was not found with a swim suit and pool toys. Also you have the duct tape. Duct tape doesn't stick well to wet surfaces especially wet skin. To me there is no evidence of the pool being involved in Caylee's death. I'm more in to thinking there was an object that had decomp residue on it perhaps from Casey's car that was placed in the yard such as the gas cans as AZlawyer mentions.
Without thinking it through, several things immediately come to mind:

If an accident, why let it go this far without confessing?
Her behavior during the time Caylee was missing is inconsistent with an accident or a psychological trauma - partying, lying & stealing (old behaviors) etc. Friends indicated no idea anything was wrong during that time- Casey was happy and her usual self.
"I'm a spiteful *****" remark to Lee , Chloroform and home weapon searches - inconsistent with accident

If ( and that's a HUGE "if") Caylee's death was an" accident" ,it would have easily be proven in toxicology and autopsy as chloroform poisoning and that to be reason Casey couldn't play accident card,
I, believe, if possible she would have easily 'yelled " accident and went on with her life, she knew how evil using chloroform on her 2 yr old daughter would send up upstream for rest of her life.
For me in regards to the accident theory the bottom line is this. A healthy two year old girl is dead. So I'm pretty sure natural causes like cancer, heart failure, and the like can be ruled out. This girl was last witnessed in the care of her mother. A mother who did not report the child missing ever (remember it was Cindy that reported Caylee missing). Further when confronted by Cindy Casey asked for "just one more day". During the investigation into her daughters disappearance Casey lied to police under oath and did not offer any credible information to helping find Caylee. While Caylee was missing her mother was out partying, stealing, and going on shopping sprees with the stole money. I could go on but I'm pretty sure everyone on here and reading here knows the details of this case.

With all that being said the jury is going to want answers for why this little girl is dead. An accident theory is not what the evidence adds up too imho. The totality of this evidence points in ones persons direction and that's Casey. Her testimony and the evidence in this case paint a very clear picture in my opinion, and an accident or SODDI just doesn't add up when you look at everything as a whole. Personally I don't believe the defense is even going to attempt to pursue an accident theory because they know that ship sailed long ago. Casey's best opportunity for "getting away" with this was squandered by JB for fame. Her best bet would have been to claim accident early on and made a plea. She didn't because as JB put it, it wasn't in his client's best interest to disclose information that would lead to Caylee being found (paraphrased). Her next best bet would have been to enact her speedy trial rights and get this trial going before the body and other evidence turned up.

Her defense imho is pretty much painted into a SODDI defense now, and one that in my opinion doesn't hold any water unless JB & Co. can produce an actual Zanny that matches all the criteria of being the "Zanny". Now in our court system yes she doesn't even have to put up a defense it is the job of the SA to prove her guilt. However a two year old girl is dead and was last in the "care" of her mother.....that's the bottom line imho.
If ( and that's a HUGE "if") Caylee's death was an" accident" ,it would have easily be proven in toxicology and autopsy as chloroform poisoning and that to be reason Casey couldn't play accident card,
I, believe, if possible she would have easily 'yelled " accident and went on with her life, she knew how evil using chloroform on her 2 yr old daughter would send up upstream for rest of her life.

She could always say Caylee had fleas and she tried to kill them with Chloroform. She learned about that from a search her Mother had made on the Internet one afternoon,when she was supposed to be working, but wasn't.
It's all CA's fault. She is to blame.
Its just discusting to think of her towing around Caylees decomposing body through the backyard setting Caylee in the playhouse and then dragging her over to another spot in the yard. I would think she would have been afraid of George coming home like she was afraid to leave Caylee in the car as lambchop mentioned. She was really comfortable in the yard with her dead daughter. Just plain scary..
Its just discusting to think of her towing around Caylees decomposing body through the backyard setting Caylee in the playhouse and then dragging her over to another spot in the yard. I would think she would have been afraid of George coming home like she was afraid to leave Caylee in the car as lambchop mentioned. She was really comfortable in the yard with her dead daughter. Just plain scary..

Actually I think the "washing of the gas cans from the car on 6/24" probably makes more sense as to how decomp was spread throughout the yard. JMO
She could always say Caylee had fleas and she tried to kill them with Chloroform. She learned about that from a search her Mother had made on the Internet one afternoon,when she was supposed to be working, but wasn't.
It's all CA's fault. She is to blame.

ROFL. I love you, ZsaZsa!!!!

So would this add up to innocence by reason of stupidity? I don't think they allow that kind of defense in court.

Of course, there was the twinkie defense...heck, in that vein, Casey could claim that she ate too much jalapeno dip and in her overly spiced up state she heard voices telling her to kill Caylee. Makes as much sense as anything else the defense could dream up...

This was no accident, and it is amazing the amount of evidence that proves it. She didn't accidently tape Caylee's mouth shut. She didn't accidently get Caylee's decomp all over the backyard and in her car. I could go on and on. I can't imagine, if the defense has any sense at all, going into court and claiming it was an accident. SODDI is all they have left.
How about--Casey gave George the gas cans on June 24, he started to put them away but they were all reddish brown and wet on the bottom and smelled bad, so he rinsed them off in the yard before putting them away (in the back of his mind wondering why his gas cans smell like decomp but not wanting to "upset" Casey or Cindy into one of their famous tantrums).

I have always thought that and for me it connects to why George said to the towyard guy please don't let that be my grand daughter in the trunk.

I think he kept quiet about the decomp smell and was terrified when he smelled it again in the car.
Actually I think the "washing of the gas cans from the car on 6/24" probably makes more sense as to how decomp was spread throughout the yard. JMO

I thought that too until I the playhouse I dont think he washed or placed them in there .
Its just discusting to think of her towing around Caylees decomposing body through the backyard setting Caylee in the playhouse and then dragging her over to another spot in the yard. I would think she would have been afraid of George coming home like she was afraid to leave Caylee in the car as lambchop mentioned. She was really comfortable in the yard with her dead daughter. Just plain scary..

Casey may very well have been carrying something else around with her from the trunk - like Caylee's clothes or her shoes or something. You know, the small stuff before she dug the hole and went it was finished planned to go to the trunk to get Caylee.
She could have used both.
One to render her unconscious, and the duct tape to kill her...
That's my theory, she chloroformed her first, then finished the job off with duct tape and heart stickers. Don't know which killed Caylee though...
Casey may very well have been carrying something else around with her from the trunk - like Caylee's clothes or her shoes or something. You know, the small stuff before she dug the hole and went it was finished planned to go to the trunk to get Caylee.

Could be but would she really just keep moving them around in the backyard set them in the playhouse and then next to the pool. That makes me think about the statement about the clothes not even being found yet. Do you think maybe she buried her clothes and shoes?
Could be but would she really just keep moving them around in the backyard set them in the playhouse and then next to the pool. That makes me think about the statement about the clothes not even being found yet. Do you think maybe she buried her clothes and shoes?

She is not a big person - I can see her with a bag of stuff in one hand and the shovel in the other walking around looking for a good spot. Saying to herself here is good and sitting the bag or whatever it is down and then thinking no my dad would see I dug here and moving off to another spot - then finally after a few tries giving up and driving down to the brush and tossing the bag containing Caylee off into the bushes.
Is there a thread to dicuss what Caseys parents believe happened. I would love to get input on what WS people think they are buying.
I think that ranged from Caylee's Alive, to Zanny the Nanny took her, to SODDI planted the body (or SODDI- Jesse, etc., etc. is Zanny).
I'm really stuck on burying the clothes and shoes wheres lambchop when you need her she should be able to shoot me down in no time...
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