Evidence That is Incompatible With an Accident Theory

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That's my theory, she chloroformed her first, then finished the job off with duct tape and heart stickers. Don't know which killed Caylee though...

I did read a scientific artlcle a little while ago that suggests if you made homemade chloroform a dose would only last about 15 minutes. I hope I remember where. So maybe it was just enough to knock Caylee out to apply the duct tape.

That part is really confusing to me - Caylee must have been "out" for the tape to be applied. Or deceased of course.
I'm really stuck on burying the clothes and shoes wheres lambchop when you need her she should be able to shoot me down in no time...

I think if she had buried them there in the backyard, the LE would have found them during the initial search. I think she was just hoping to. Sorry, not Lambchop......
How about--Casey gave George the gas cans on June 24, he started to put them away but they were all reddish brown and wet on the bottom and smelled bad, so he rinsed them off in the yard before putting them away (in the back of his mind wondering why his gas cans smell like decomp but not wanting to "upset" Casey or Cindy into one of their famous tantrums).

If GA testified to this I would find it to be a plausible explanation.
If GA testified to this I would find it to be a plausible explanation.

I'm wondering if George was telling himself this is where the squirrel(s) ended up and that's what the smell on the gas cans was. At least initially telling himself that until they retrieved the car.
I read the study about chloroform online when the documents were released. I did a google search using the search terms found on the computer and that information was in the first few links. I am not suggesting someone WOULD do such a thing, but believe it or not it IS there. I was merely suggesting that one could have come across the chloroform study and from there googled the terms pertaining to it. Aside from that I dont see high enough levels found in the trunk (not naturally occurring), to indicate that she did make and use chloroform. My logic also tells me this doesnt even make sense to MAKE a drug when so many are so easily accessible that would achieve better results if being used for nefarious purposes. JMO.

In regards to the decomp beside the pool and in the playhouse. I would like to know how long after death does it take for cadaver dogs to hit on something. I am going to see if I can find an answer for that. Either way, I do believe that a deceased Caylee was in that backyard in more then one place. When I look at the flurry of calls to Cindy on the day we all seem to believe Caylee died, I can not help but ask why that was?

I do not disagree that Casey is responsible for Caylees death, but the evidence that has been released thus far doesnt add up to premeditated murder beyond a reasonable doubt (for me). I am sure there is a lot more evidence to come that could either add or subtract from all the different theories discussed here so far. It has been a long drawn out case already, but justice needs to be the most important thing here. That I fully agree with!
As I recall chloroform was searched about the same time as the searches for killing fleas. When I searched for fleas I found information stating that chloroform kills fleas. So maybe this is where the chloroform search came from. IMO

The area the dogs hit on(next to the pool) is removed from the area where she would have to "set" Caylees body down. The dogs hitting there does not add up to me IF I am looking to convict her of premeditated murder. I am looking forward to seeing how they are going to explain that away to be honest.

That is interesting you bring that up. I had asked in the chemist thread a while back. If chloroform kills humans, then why not flies. There was 200 parts per million in that trunk according to dr vasss. Normal levels are 200 parts per billion. So how did all those flies live through that?
I thought that too until I the playhouse I dont think he washed or placed them in there .
wow that does make a lot of sense - I was going with GA washing off the gas cans but you make a good point.
That is interesting you bring that up. I had asked in the chemist thread a while back. If chloroform kills humans, then why not flies. There was 200 parts per million in that trunk according to dr vasss. Normal levels are 200 parts per billion. So how did all those flies live through that?

And did you get an answer?
I think if she had buried them there in the backyard, the LE would have found them during the initial search. I think she was just hoping to. Sorry, not Lambchop......

maybe.......she did bury the clothes in the backyard and the anthonys found them one day messin in the yard and when they got the car back they put two and two together and realized finally what happened. i always wonder why the grandparents went lookin in the yard when this all went down. ialways felt as if they saw something before that they could not explain in the backyard and when they got car back it just sent them back there.
maybe.......she did bury the clothes in the backyard and the anthonys found them one day messin in the yard and when they got the car back they put two and two together and realized finally what happened. i always wonder why the grandparents went lookin in the yard when this all went down. ialways felt as if they saw something before that they could not explain in the backyard and when they got car back it just sent them back there.

Right and there was a reason for the shovel I know shes not very bright but really burying a body in the backyard when her daughters going to be missing as soon as everyone finds out. I would think her parents might notice a 3 x 3 burial spot in the yard. She only had the shovel for 15 minutes or so what could you bury in that time. There were new pavers, sand, bambo and if I recall they moved a bush. How much did the police dig I dont recall. Plus they never found any shoes and there was nothing on the clothes they did find to give them any clues. Just a thought..
Could be but would she really just keep moving them around in the backyard set them in the playhouse and then next to the pool. That makes me think about the statement about the clothes not even being found yet. Do you think maybe she buried her clothes and shoes?

Nutty, huh. Who knows if that statement was true. Certain things that she has said, I've just quit trying to figure out - one would have to become what she is, in my opinion, a sociopath. And since none of us on here can figure her out and we can empathize with this beautiful child that none of us ever personally knew - well I am glad we don't totally understand KC - that would be scary as *
So if the mandible was not held in place you would not believe that?
Oh I'd believe it even if they had never found her body. I have believed she killed her since the beginning and nothing has changed my mind...this fact just reinforces it for me. :blushing:
That is interesting you bring that up. I had asked in the chemist thread a while back. If chloroform kills humans, then why not flies. There was 200 parts per million in that trunk according to dr vasss. Normal levels are 200 parts per billion. So how did all those flies live through that?
Hi nts!
I think if I am not mistaken that the high levels that were present inside of the trunk were abnormal as opposed to the normal levels of chloroform you would see typically in a decomposition, however, I do not believe the levels were SO high that they were in a dangerous range where they (the levels) would even have an effect any longer. That's what I think...but then again, not a chemist so maybe ask dogmom again... :)
So far I am finding articles that state 3-5 minutes after death scent" begins and 5-15. But this one is pretty informative.

snipped by me ----"Five to fifteen minutes after death, protein synthesis in the body grinds to a halt. With nothing to maintain the protective lining of the gut, digestive enzymes eat the body from the inside out, splitting proteins into amino acids. At the same time, the body’s resident bacteria, unhindered by an immune system, feast on the amino acids and skyrocket in number. As the bacteria produce chemicals such as ammonia and ptomaines (with such apt names as putrescine and cadaverine), they produce the distinctive smell of decaying flesh. Each stage of decomposition produces distinct peaks and ebbs in the levels of various chemicals, including the ptomaines, which is a great help to both the pathologist who wants to determine the time of death and the chemist trying to emulate the smell of it."


I will keep looking for a definitive answer.
maybe.......she did bury the clothes in the backyard and the anthonys found them one day messin in the yard and when they got the car back they put two and two together and realized finally what happened. i always wonder why the grandparents went lookin in the yard when this all went down. ialways felt as if they saw something before that they could not explain in the backyard and when they got car back it just sent them back there.

You could be right - I remember them searching the back yard so that could be the reason. This part for me is hard - why not just grind up some adult pills and mix with sugar for her - to knock her out? I suspect she'd been giving her antihistimines for awhile to make her sleep when she didn't have a baby sitter.
She is not a big person - I can see her with a bag of stuff in one hand and the shovel in the other walking around looking for a good spot. Saying to herself here is good and sitting the bag or whatever it is down and then thinking no my dad would see I dug here and moving off to another spot - then finally after a few tries giving up and driving down to the brush and tossing the bag containing Caylee off into the bushes.

That's almost exactly how I picture it going down. She was going to bury the body in the back (remember we are not dealing with a genius here, nor someone who thinks even so much as 10 minutes into the future), realized hom hard burying a body actually is, and simply dumped it in the woods.
I read the study about chloroform online when the documents were released. I did a google search using the search terms found on the computer and that information was in the first few links. I am not suggesting someone WOULD do such a thing, but believe it or not it IS there. I was merely suggesting that one could have come across the chloroform study and from there googled the terms pertaining to it. Aside from that I dont see high enough levels found in the trunk (not naturally occurring), to indicate that she did make and use chloroform. My logic also tells me this doesnt even make sense to MAKE a drug when so many are so easily accessible that would achieve better results if being used for nefarious purposes. JMO.

In regards to the decomp beside the pool and in the playhouse. I would like to know how long after death does it take for cadaver dogs to hit on something. I am going to see if I can find an answer for that. Either way, I do believe that a deceased Caylee was in that backyard in more then one place. When I look at the flurry of calls to Cindy on the day we all seem to believe Caylee died, I can not help but ask why that was?

I do not disagree that Casey is responsible for Caylees death, but the evidence that has been released thus far doesnt add up to premeditated murder beyond a reasonable doubt (for me). I am sure there is a lot more evidence to come that could either add or subtract from all the different theories discussed here so far. It has been a long drawn out case already, but justice needs to be the most important thing here. That I fully agree with!

I looked that up once but have no idea now where I found the answer- in a study 98% of the cadaver dogs used could detect human decomposition on a cloth from a person who was deceased for 3 hours.
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