
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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prior to discovering caylee's remains ..there WAS NO physical evidence linking casey to Caylee's murder, only circumstantial .

that crime scene wooded glade and that garbage bag therein will be the Pandora's Box (figuratively speaking) that could reveal trace fibers and DNA linkin Casey to the actual dumping of dear Caylee's remains.
death band hair in the trunk

this to me is the single most damning piece of evidence
I think the only possible defense Casey has is to throw her mother under the train. I do believe that Cindy knows so much more than she lets on and I also believe that it is possible that she's involved in Caylee's death. I really want to know what evidence was collected along with Caylee's remains and why the A's felt the need for immunity. I have always felt since day one that Cindy and George are lying about the events of the 15th and 16th. It honestly wouldn't suprise me to find out that Cindy was in the house while Caylee was killed and somehow responsible as well. JMHO

Can you imagine a battle between Casey and Cindy over this?:eek: If Cindy does know more than she's telling, this might get her to tell it.

We have NO IDEA of all the physical evidence LE has collected & has on/against Casey. Im sure it's a boatload. As of right now we have the hair from her trunk which was from a deceased Caylee, the spot in the trunk, and the air samples, which all point to Casey, but again, we have no idea what surprises LE has against this murdering .

On Nancy Grace tonight they posted on the screen some of the websites that were found on the computer. Here they are:


ugh - I can't remember now who posted this.

Well we know how she was probably planning to earn her living.

As for physical evidence, I agree with those posters who say we don't know everything the prosecution has at it's disposal.

The strongest evidence to date,IMO, is the hair in the trunk.
As a very analytical person... the one thing that convinced me Caylee was dead was the death banded hair in the trunk. And yes, dead at the hands of Caasey.

While, that goes a very long way... if they want to have be convict Casey for the death penalty... they'd need Casey's finger prints on the duct tape. And some indication that Caylee was alive at the point of the duct tape. Maybe finger prints alone would do it... especially if the defense was still screaming... the nanny did it... the nanny did it!
At this time the strongest physical evidence tying Casey to the crime is the vehicle. Tests prove that a body dead for 2.5 days was in the vehicle, Caylee's hair with a death band, and the stain all prove that Caylee was dead in the trunk of the car which was not out of Casey's posession during the time after Caylee was last seen. We've been told that something physical ties the site where the body was placed back to the Anthony home. I'm confident that all this along with a multitude of circumstantial evidence will leave no doubts as to who did this.
Two things so far, the deathband on the maternal Anthony hair- only 2 % of the population may have a similar reading (but would have to be deceased!) Dead squirrels and dead people do not crawl into cars.

and the tests on the air in the trunk. Kobi made an awesome point on NG..by saying "Science doesn't lie". 5 elements known to be of human decomp were identified.
I'm clearly not a forensic scientist but this article http://etd.lsu.edu/docs/available/etd-01242005-145140/unrestricted/Collier_thesis.pdf raised questions in my mind about the hair. In the studies done here, the PMI interval on all that showed a yellow or lighter colored band was less than 89 days. Even the control sample that was alive had this light band. It was a 59 year old male. It was only those with a PMI of over 90 days that had this dark band. Now, Caylee couldn't have been in the trunk for 90 days. If they only did mitochondrial DNA it could be others that link back to Eve.

My other big question with the forensics, so far...does carbon tetrachloride show up in air samples of swine decomposition. All the other gasses shown in the chart also are present with pig or pork, which could have been in the garbage from Tony's apartment. If it is not present there, where else can it show up?
I don't think so...carbon tetrachloride is a gas used in freon for refrigeration Cleaners use it to dry-clean our clothes. Some people use it to dissolve grease. Sometimes it is in fire extinguishers.

I am not a chemist so I don't know why it would be found at autopsy.
I don't think so...carbon tetrachloride is a gas used in freon for refrigeration Cleaners use it to dry-clean our clothes. Some people use it to dissolve grease. Sometimes it is in fire extinguishers.

I am not a chemist so I don't know why it would be found at autopsy.

It was found in the trunk of the car, air samples.
Hmmm, quite interesting and not very strong evidence against Casey if her mother cleaned the trunk before they finally got around to taking it.
It was found in the trunk of the car, air samples.

I do know it is similar to chloroform. It is sweet smelling and odorless. Some people if they have it can use it as a spot cleaner but I think it is controlled and only sold to businesses.

Our impression of GA and CA is they must have every cleaning agent available. My goodness, it looked like they removed at least 4 types of vacuums. George was into detailing cars, he may use it to remove stains but I don't think he touched it because the tow truck saw it.

KC may have used something to clean it or maybe CA.
I do know it is similar to chloroform. It is sweet smelling and odorless. Some people if they have it can use it as a spot cleaner but I think it is controlled and only sold to businesses.

Oh. Still wouldn't high levels of chloroform test as chloroform not similar? I am no scientist as you can see, lol!

ETA: I know everyone is wondering if it could be a cleaning agent or bug spray.
Oh. Still wouldn't high levels of chloroform test as chloroform not similar? I am no scientist as you can see, lol!

They are two separate gases. Labs would not confuse them.
I just read that they now use Carbon Tet in pesticides.
prior to discovering caylee's remains ..there WAS NO physical evidence linking casey to Caylee's murder, only circumstantial .
that crime scene wooded glade and that garbage bag therein will be the Pandora's Box (figuratively speaking) that could reveal trace fibers and DNA linkin Casey to the actual dumping of dear Caylee's remains.

I see you live in an insane asylum, so maybe you're confused about above in bold. (hahaha... kidding!)

No really, why wouldn't the hair with the death band be physical?
It was found in the trunk of the car, air samples.

This may be reason the crime scene investigators removed the pesticides from the Anthony home. They are looking at the ingredients and have to air test it against the original....Good Find...21merc7
Evidence of a dead body in HER vehicle is the strongest physical evidence IMO.

I do think though, that is its true that duct tape was involved (has that been confirmed?) there will be prints on it. She was just too careless for there not to be.
Toledo, if you read the document I linked above, if the data is true, and if it is a dark band rather than light, it must have come from someone that was dead over 90 days. That doesn't fit the possibile timeline. If it was a light band, even Cindy or especially her mother could have this light band, even though alive.
I haven't read the whole thread yet, but wanted to respond to this post.

Yes. Casey HAS testified to that. She signed a sworn statement which will be used as evidence against her saying that she gave Caylee to the fake nanny etc. Her statements she made during the phone calls and the video taped visits in jail can also be used as testimony unless a judge deems them inadmissible for some reason.

I believe the physical evidence linking Casey to the murder will not be made public and remains in the treasure trove of information held by the SA's office. I think they have items which will directly link Casey to the decomposition of Caylee and the site where they found her.

There will be plenty of circumstantial evidence to tie her to Caylee's murder, when, where, and how she dumped her body. I also believe part of this will include the A fam and will lead to charges there.

* above respectfully bolded by me. :)

SeriouslySearching you make excellent points. I just wanted to add that so many people seem to continually disregard the importance and significance of circumstantial evidence. Even before they found Caylee's remains for example, although the SA didn't have a slam dunk case it was the totality of the circumstantial evidence that that got the GJ to indict Casey, and IMO also would have gotten them a conviction for murder.

I have also long time now believed that SA has kept much of their evidence close to the vest contrary to popular belief otherwise! Although I am certain that the defense team will try everything in the book to discredit LE, (Yuri & Mellich mostly)the meter reader and his find, as well as all of the crime scene investigation because it truly is the only viable defense that they have. What jury is going to buy the "nanny" story when she simply cannot even be verified?!
IMHO - They have had 5 months to produce the "nanny", or anyone who has seen or witnessed the "nanny". Now, if the FBI cannot produce the "nanny" and the private detectives hired by the Baez law firm cannot produce a "nanny", then logical common sense would be that there is NO Nanny, and the defense would be crazy to use that as a defense. To me, this lack of physical evidence of no "nanny" is quite compelling and sometimes lack of physical evidence (like a person) is something to consider.
Who is to say though, that Cindy and Casey didn't decide to use the nanny story? True, the nanny doesn't exist but did Cindy know that at the time? This is the same woman who called 911 in a panic and then sat down with her daughter to make a myspace page while waiting for the police. I don't know how Casey would be able to point the finger completely at her mom but I think she has a very good chance of at least bringing her down with her.

Tell me about it! I always thought that was so odd that they took the time to sit and make a new myspace page! Too weird for me, as I would be too hysterical crying to focus on making a new web page!
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