Excused from the Rule of Sequestration

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Ok. I'm back to normal now.

Temporary lapse in judgment is over. I'm back now to not feeling any sympathy for the Anthonys. But I still don't wish pain upon them. I hope they are aware of whatever the Defense plan is and that Casey doesn't completely destroy what is left of them.

Although I think the Anthonys, especially Cindy, (to some degree) contributed to the overall perfect storm that allowed Casey to kill Caylee I still don't think it's right that Casey continues to torture them.

Nor me. CA may be an uber-***** but she and GA do not deserve any of this.
ICA could have got off her butt and got a job, earned her way out of the house and her dependence on them if that's what made her hate them so much.
GA is THE least likely person to have ever hurt Caylee IMO and that has to be the most disgusting thing this girl has ever said if that is what she alleges.
When he talks about Caylee that is pure anguish in his face.
Ok. I'm back to normal now.

Temporary lapse in judgment is over. I'm back now to not feeling any sympathy for the Anthonys. But I still don't wish pain upon them. I hope they are aware of whatever the Defense plan is and that Casey doesn't completely destroy what is left of them.

Although I think the Anthonys, especially Cindy, (to some degree) contributed to the overall perfect storm that allowed Casey to kill Caylee I still don't think it's right that Casey continues to torture them.

OK, that's good ... seriously, I have my lapses too where I see Cindy in court and the pain on her face and sometimes I feel some sympathy ... briefly ... then I think of all the people, especially the young people, that have been dragged into this case, who had to get lawyers, and lose time from work/school, incur travel expenses for interviews and depositions ... and, well, I'm back to feeling they should get whatever is coming to them ....

It actually pleases me that Cindy and George are in the mess they're in now ... and that their words mean nothing, because, IMO, they would have no problem whatsoever with someone else being convicted of Caylee's murder ... Jesse Grund? perhaps Roy Kronk? .. does anyone really think that Cindy or George would be bothered by that? I sure don't ...
Ok. I'm back to normal now.

Temporary lapse in judgment is over. I'm back now to not feeling any sympathy for the Anthonys. But I still don't wish pain upon them. I hope they are aware of whatever the Defense plan is and that Casey doesn't completely destroy what is left of them.

Although I think the Anthonys, especially Cindy, (to some degree) contributed to the overall perfect storm that allowed Casey to kill Caylee I still don't think it's right that Casey continues to torture them.

Something bothers me about CM's statement the other day stating there would be devastating news revealed at trial for the A's. They have know for a long time that the A's could be targets but what if KC said something about an extended family member who could not confirm or deny the information. The perfect storm is not over by any means. I would put nothing past this team or KC. jmo
Something bothers me about CM's statement the other day stating there would be devastating news revealed at trial for the A's. They have know for a long time that the A's could be targets but what if KC said something about an extended family member who could not confirm or deny the information. The perfect storm is not over by any means. I would put nothing past this team or KC. jmo

I posted awhile back that I thought Cindy's brothers were going to be the latest to be accused by ICA of molestation, either them or someone in George's family. I based that on Mr Aston's comments at hearing about things she said in her "remote past" to the Doctors, that and them leaving Ohio when she was 3 yrs old.
I'm telling you....(MO of course)....they have ALL known that this precious little one was dead....how she died and where she was buried. The problem was that ICA borrowed the shovel and moved her body,and no one knew where.....CA can blame herself for her little "cameo" that got the ball rolling....otherwise I think we would have never known who Caylee was. Someone mentioned the tow company owner, and the fear of him talking....it took them way tooooooo long to call LE. They know that their daughter lies, why wait for her to EXPLAIN. GA is ex-LE!......They are all in on it....MO
Something bothers me about CM's statement the other day stating there would be devastating news revealed at trial for the A's. They have know for a long time that the A's could be targets but what if KC said something about an extended family member who could not confirm or deny the information. The perfect storm is not over by any means. I would put nothing past this team or KC. jmo

They want to protect this psychopath? Better them than JG, RK AH, TL, etc. Karma baby! They have spit on Caylee. Let ICA spit on them I say. They should be used to it. Probably going to be the best bet so as not to incense the jury more than necessary in a SODDI defense. :maddening:
Nor me. CA may be an uber-***** but she and GA do not deserve any of this.
ICA could have got off her butt and got a job, earned her way out of the house and her dependence on them if that's what made her hate them so much.
GA is THE least likely person to have ever hurt Caylee IMO and that has to be the most disgusting thing this girl has ever said if that is what she alleges.
When he talks about Caylee that is pure anguish in his face.

Hopefully if the DT and ICA go this way it will just insure she gets a needle in her arm. I have wondered from all the behavior back and forth if CA and GA don't suffer from the same syndrome as abused children and women. We know she used Caylee as a means of emotional blackmail. I knew she was trying to pull a guilt trip of some sort with GA when she screamed at him to act like a father instead of a cop. All because he demanded answers. You bet she had everything to do with his and CA's separation. GA said as much but didn't provide much detail. If you think about it in that aspect I'm sure there are plenty of indications.
ITA!! Your post is right on target!

I think things are becoming crystal clear as to what the defense will be. They will somehow introduce that Caylee's death was an accident, and that Casey was so frightened of her parents she fled her parents home and made up a story of Caylee being kidnapped. The duct tape was part of making it look like a kidnapping. The party pictures were her way of coping with the grief and fear. She immersed herself among people having fun as a distraction, but when she was alone she was overcome by grief and fear of her parents.

I think the defense opening statement will be our biggest clue as to what sort of defense they're going to do.

Ooh, I wonder if they will explain the computer searches for self defense, how to make chloroform, shovel, neck breaking that ICA was going to do something about her parents abuse of her? Don't ask me what the shovel is about, never have gotten that one. Neck breaking would show intent to murder therefore she will have to go with local rock band.(true, I swear) The chloroform and self defense could be seen as self protection with no intent to kill I suppose.
Something bothers me about CM's statement the other day stating there would be devastating news revealed at trial for the A's. They have know for a long time that the A's could be targets but what if KC said something about an extended family member who could not confirm or deny the information. The perfect storm is not over by any means. I would put nothing past this team or KC. jmo

For a few seconds that bothered me too,but this is CM the hot shot veteran lawyer we're talking about. At least that's what they called him a year ago, before we watched him floundering around and decided otherwise..
Ooh, I wonder if they will explain the computer searches for self defense, how to make chloroform, shovel, neck breaking that ICA was going to do something about her parents abuse of her? Don't ask me what the shovel is about, never have gotten that one. Neck breaking would show intent to murder therefore she will have to go with local rock band.(true, I swear) The chloroform and self defense could be seen as self protection with no intent to kill I suppose.

What about "household weapons?"
Ooh, I wonder if they will explain the computer searches for self defense, how to make chloroform, shovel, neck breaking that ICA was going to do something about her parents abuse of her? Don't ask me what the shovel is about, never have gotten that one. Neck breaking would show intent to murder therefore she will have to go with local rock band.(true, I swear) The chloroform and self defense could be seen as self protection with no intent to kill I suppose.

CA tried to claim those searches as hers, as mistakenly searching for Chlorophyll ( duh) so I wonder what she will say now if the ICA/DT agrees with her... do you suppose her memory will suddenly come back so she recalls it wasn't her at all. This has got to be a confusing time for them, trying to remember wth they have said..!
CA tried to claim those searches as hers, as mistakenly searching for Chlorophyll ( duh) so I wonder what she will say now if the ICA/DT agrees with her... do you suppose her memory will suddenly come back so she recalls it wasn't her at all. This has got to be a confusing time for them, trying to remember wth they have said..!

If they had simply told the truth, they wouldn't be confused about anything they have said in the past. The truth doesn't change.

I have questioned whether this could all be a ploy?? That the defense and the Anthony's are putting on a show, but after seeing the Anthony's attorney call the defense out like that... even bringing up their media appearances after Judge Perry was visibly upset about the media shows that lines are being drawn now. IMO.

Add onto the fact that it is the defense that is objecting to Cindy and George being present during the trial makes things a little clearer. I don't think the defense cares one bit what the Anthony's will try to do now. They already have the evidence they need to prove that Cindy and George are nothing but liars and everything that LE has accused Casey of... the Anthony's are guilty of too. All they want is for the jury to see them as the liars that they are and create some kind of reasonable doubt as to who could have possibly murdered Caylee.

I know Cindy and George had nothing to do with Caylee's murder. I believe that a jury is going to know that Cindy and George had nothing to do with Caylee's murder... covering up for the murderer? Yes. Tampering with evidence for the murderer? Yes. Obstructing the investigation into the murder of their precious granddaughter, Caylee? Yes.

I'm actually a little frightened to watch this trial now?!?!
CA tried to claim those searches as hers, as mistakenly searching for Chlorophyll ( duh) so I wonder what she will say now if the ICA/DT agrees with her... do you suppose her memory will suddenly come back so she recalls it wasn't her at all. This has got to be a confusing time for them, trying to remember wth they have said..!

Not only that she searched for chlorophyll because of her dogs eating grass, but now she has to change it to, "How to make Chlorophyll" ??? :confused:
She's trying to find out if chlorophyll is poisonous to her dogs and she looked up how to make it ?? Oh, and she must have used some remote PC software because the searches were made while she was at work ... Cindy's about as bright as her daughter ... the prosecution is gonna have fun with her ...
Well said! "I'm actually a little frightened to watch this trial now " quoting

What a wake-up CALL !
I'm not sure I want to watch this trial! I have a weak,sensitive stomach! :sick::sick::sick::sick::sick:
If they had simply told the truth, they wouldn't be confused about anything they have said in the past. The truth doesn't change.

I have questioned whether this could all be a ploy?? That the defense and the Anthony's are putting on a show, but after seeing the Anthony's attorney call the defense out like that... even bringing up their media appearances after Judge Perry was visibly upset about the media shows that lines are being drawn now. IMO.

Add onto the fact that it is the defense that is objecting to Cindy and George being present during the trial makes things a little clearer. I don't think the defense cares one bit what the Anthony's will try to do now. They already have the evidence they need to prove that Cindy and George are nothing but liars and everything that LE has accused Casey of... the Anthony's are guilty of too. All they want is for the jury to see them as the liars that they are and create some kind of reasonable doubt as to who could have possibly murdered Caylee.

I know Cindy and George had nothing to do with Caylee's murder. I believe that a jury is going to know that Cindy and George had nothing to do with Caylee's murder... covering up for the murderer? Yes. Tampering with evidence for the murderer? Yes. Obstructing the investigation into the murder of their precious granddaughter, Caylee? Yes.

I'm actually a little frightened to watch this trial now?!?!


Actually I am too. I just hope we get 12 intelligent jurors. The only thing that makes me uneasy is that it was George who last saw Caylee alive other than her mother who murdered her. And that everything found with Caylee could be traced back to the Anthony home.

Thankfully it can be well documented that Casey had full control of her car. Which also points back to holding Caylee's body.

What's really going to sink Casey is her own words and demeanor on the jail tapes. It's going to be very obvious that Caylee was the last thing on her mind and you can see the visible grief from her parents.
Ooh, I wonder if they will explain the computer searches for self defense, how to make chloroform, shovel, neck breaking that ICA was going to do something about her parents abuse of her? Don't ask me what the shovel is about, never have gotten that one. Neck breaking would show intent to murder therefore she will have to go with local rock band.(true, I swear) The chloroform and self defense could be seen as self protection with no intent to kill I suppose.

The defense team has a daunting task before them! They'll have to explain the computer searches (the local band is possible for Neck Breaking), the chloroform, her behavior during the 31 days, the duct tape, all her lies, her Diary of Days, the tattoo..........everything. And the explanations will have to be logical and reasonable. But, then, all they really have to do is give the jury "reasonable doubt."

I'm confident though that the state's evidence will refute an accident.

As for GA and CA............their behavior for the last 2 and 1/2 years will be used against them and it's going to get ugly.
Ok. I'm back to normal now.

Temporary lapse in judgment is over. I'm back now to not feeling any sympathy for the Anthonys. But I still don't wish pain upon them. I hope they are aware of whatever the Defense plan is and that Casey doesn't completely destroy what is left of them.

Although I think the Anthonys, especially Cindy, (to some degree) contributed to the overall perfect storm that allowed Casey to kill Caylee I still don't think it's right that Casey continues to torture them.

I don't know why your apologizing. Cindy and George are not dumb and I personally have to thank them, because had Cindy not called the police and said (not quoted) I want to have my daughter arrested my grand baby is missing and her car smells like a damn dead body and George backing it up. That is what got people looking for Caylee and that is why she was found. If it wasn't for Cindy's phone call, we may have never even heard of Caylee. That statement is going to make a big impact on the jury, and the pizza explanation will not work.
CA tried to claim those searches as hers, as mistakenly searching for Chlorophyll ( duh) so I wonder what she will say now if the ICA/DT agrees with her... do you suppose her memory will suddenly come back so she recalls it wasn't her at all. This has got to be a confusing time for them, trying to remember wth they have said..!

Or she could say it was her "newest" medication talking. :crazy:
I don't know if this is Baez, Mason or ICA's strategy but wowzers is it a wrong call!!! So wrong!!

My vote is that this is Mason's brainchild....may be why KC is so chummy with him now. "Ole Granddad Horse Attorney" has now become KC's "knight in shining armour". I think we are now seeing just how smarmy CM really is, in order to win his cases.

I have had hatred for quite awhile for CA...and absolutely no sympathy or empathy, but this carp that I think that the defense is going to do to CA/and GA has me feeling sick to my stomach. Yes, Cindy is a narcissitic, lying, pain in the arse, but no one, even her, should be accused of the things that KC will accuse her of....especially after supporting her for these almost 3 years. Gee, KC will take their money and buy "nachos" and "ponytail holders", but now is going to totally destroy her parents. I hope that CA thinks long and hard about what she will be saying on the stand, and finally wises up and tells the truth about her murderess spawn! Let the phones at the SA be ringing off the hook!
Wow ... what a slap in the face for Cindy especially ... if this is a defense strategy, at the very least, KC could have gotten word to her mother that she has to do what her lawyers are telling her to ...
But that's not what it sounds like at all ... maybe as things get worse and worse for KC, she gets more and more angry at the people she feels put her in jail in the first place ... her parents
First Cindy with her 911 calls, then George testifying in front of the GJ ... bet KC's all set with the two of them and willing to let her defense run right over them to save her hide ...
Jokes on her, though, IMO, she's alienating the ONLY people who have defended her and will be going away for a long, long time ... guess she's not concerned about who's gonna put money in her prison account ? .... JMO

Bold mine.

With all the touchy-feely going on, KC probably thinks that "Grandpa Cheney" will be keeping her commissary account full...since he thinks she is such a intelligent, nice young lady...doncha know! :crazy:
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