Expert Statement Analysis on Casey

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I thought some of the things that the person said about KC were kind of interesting. Then again, some of it seemed out of touch with society. For instance, the question "I'm sorry?"; if what he says holds true, then I guess I'm a big fat liar. On the other hand, it could just mean that I live in the south and have no idea what you just said.

I don't know.. I could buy some of this BS, but then I wandered on over to the Jon Benet Ramsey thread; that's when the guy lost me. He rambles on for ever about how it said "hence" in the ransom note. To me saying that word is like saying "and so". This dude needs to go back to college, and get in touch with today's society. Also, he talked about how the person that wrote the note was playing the pronoun game by using "I" and "we" interchangeably. News flash, some people are self centered and most are not experts in English grammar. Last term, I had to collaborate with some guys that majored in various studies, and a few of them would often use the word "I" in our proposal. Some of them were highly intelligent, but they made mistakes when writing. It was aggravating, at the time, but I moved on.

Also, I want to mention that the term "actually" is one that is used to fluff up sentences. Not to mention, people use it to make themselves seem smarter. Of course, I would not perceive them as such, but try reading a paper written by a teenager that has a limited vocabulary. That word will unnecessarily most of the time. People begin using those unnecessary words in high school when they are fluffing up their reports, essays, and whatever other projects that require more than three pages. When writing an essay for an English professor, one might use a ton of filler words. They do not mean much, but most professors like the flow of it. Not until a student takes a class like Technical Writing will they stop using the fillers. For those of you who do not know, Technical Writing teaches you basically the opposite of whatever you learned in Composition I. TW teaches you to get to the point, and get there fast. It doesn't matter anyway because most people do not take that class.

You'll have to please forgive my lengthy posting. I just needed to vent after I read this. It came as quite a shock to me to find out that I am a liar, and, according to this guy, I do not use words that "normal" people use.:rolleyes:

I agree, he also doesn't take into consideration "slang" or "teenage verbage". Some things he hit on, other's I think he is wrong on
I just noticed this:

"She then goes on to say that the number that called her that very day is no longer in service."

and then it hit me like a ton of bricks. She told the investigators it was a PRIVATE how could she KNOW what number was called FROM? PRIVATE NUMBER-NO NUMBER-so how did she call it back to verify it was "out of service" as is stated here?
If she recieved a phone call from whomever had Caylee...she says it was a "private" therefore she wouldn't have a way to call back correct? Soooo how would she know it was no longer in service????

Hey-I have just gone back through the thread and see that you found this also, and I think it is VERY interesting that it "jumped out" at two of us right now...perhaps the light is shining and some things will become more clear... I had not read your post when I made mine, and then went scrolling backward to read and there it was...

THIS is a VERY interesting question...
Im southwest and say "Excuse me?" or "Pardon Me?" but not "Sorry?"

I say "What?" in casual conversations with my kids, but not formally.

"Hmm?" or "Huh?" just sounds rude IMO.

Casey sounds west coast valley girlish to me. A bit Paris Hilton maybe? Cute and innocent on the surface........sarcastic and snippy underneath. Just plain annoying in my pov.

I associate Floridians with a southern drawl.
(Im in AZ so what do I know?)

We dont need to see her expressions because her face is petrified and stone cold.

Ignore her words because they are all lies.
"ABSOLUTELY" This annoys me most of all. She doesnt enunciate....It just rolls off her tongue.
"Honest to God"
"I have...... no idea"

"I came here to "put things together"......"things" meaning the detectives trying to find Caylee. "Putting them together as if making them fools.

NOW......Imagine the look on DYM's face when he snickers and says "We have alot more things put together than you realize"

I smile every time I hear him say that. It gives me a small shred of hope.
I wonder what his thoughts are on Casey's use of the word ABSOLUTELY all the time? Seems like that is her favorite word. Probably doesn't mean anything. But it is annoying to hear her say that.

ABOSOLULTELY yes, that is one of these words that really got my interest up.

Funny story: the PR person at the animal shelter where I was a photographer used that word quite often when she would go TV with an animal up for adoption.
L was a sweetie but she tended to forget things about the pets and she would just make stuff up on fly. Our hard to place dogs were "Absolutely" housebroken, absolutely got along with cats and other dogs and absolutely were almost over some health problem and absolutely had no temperament problems.
"Honest to God"

I have a niece who was once caught up in the midst of a huge bunch of lies, and she would qualify each lie with I swear to God"
I just noticed this:

"She then goes on to say that the number that called her that very day is no longer in service."

and then it hit me like a ton of bricks. She told the investigators it was a PRIVATE how could she KNOW what number was called FROM? PRIVATE NUMBER-NO NUMBER-so how did she call it back to verify it was "out of service" as is stated here?

I think what actually happened was the day Caylee went missing she tried to call the Zanny Nanny after she wasn't at the apt when Casey went to pick Caylee up. This is when she got the out-of-service message. Now she is talking about a month later and someone calls from a private number and it ends up being Caylee, they hang up when she ask Caylee to hand the phone to an adult.

Of course none of this matters because the phone records prove these calls didn't take place and there wasn't a Zanny Nanny!

Casey just needs to end this and tell us what happened. So sad!
bump for people that are interested
I have to disagree. I'm sorry is a polite way in the south to say, "what? I didn't hear you, or huh?". If you go to other parts of the country outside of the south and say "I'm sorry," you get looked at weird. But, for living here in Florida, it's said all the time.

Yep I use it a lot especially at work. It wouldn't be polite if I said huh? or what? in the job that I do. I have to be very sensitive to others.
Thanks for posting this. I noticed a lot of stalling tactics on her part when being questioned.

I find the word "perspective" interesting--could be a mistake, but also a Freudian Slip. I have perspective ideas; in other words: I'm going to lie from my perspective--you're going to believe what I say, my way of looking at things. The word s/b "prospective."
hey... this is my first post. i've been looking at this site for some time, but never felt compelled to write. but i've been getting more and more obsessed with this case, and so now it's time to chime in.

i came across this document a few days ago. i'm sure that many of you have seen this, but hopefully many have not. i do apologize in advance if this is a repost... on other sites that i go to, people get flamed hard for reposts... if i'm guilty, flame me.

okay, check this out... this investigator has an incredible knack for finding the truth and deceptions in their statements. here is his deconstruction of kc's statement when she was at universal, getting caught for lying about working there... fascinating.

also, if you want to kill some time, the ramsey ransom note is deconstructed as well and is mind-blowing.
hey... this is my first post. i've been looking at this site for some time, but never felt compelled to write. but i've been getting more and more obsessed with this case, and so now it's time to chime in.

i came across this document a few days ago. i'm sure that many of you have seen this, but hopefully many have not. i do apologize in advance if this is a repost... on other sites that i go to, people get flamed hard for reposts... if i'm guilty, flame me.

okay, check this out... this investigator has an incredible knack for finding the truth and deceptions in their statements. here is his deconstruction of kc's statement when she was at universal, getting caught for lying about working there... fascinating.

also, if you want to kill some time, the ramsey ransom note is deconstructed as well and is mind-blowing.
Hi, I'm a newbie too. I read that and it seems right on. That was interesting, especially when she spoke of her daughter in the past tense.
jbean, thanks for the welcome... i too am a charger fan. GO SPROLES.

as far as the above posters commenting on the fact that the "i'm sorry" statement is used in places and shouldn't have been pointed out because many people say that, they missed the point. whether she said "i'm sorry, excuse me, what, come again?" it doesn't matter. she was stalling, looking for a way to respond. she never thought she was going to be on the phone... it was ca who called 911.

i think that this guy is spot on. i'm buying it.
I have to disagree. I'm sorry is a polite way in the south to say, "what? I didn't hear you, or huh?". If you go to other parts of the country outside of the south and say "I'm sorry," you get looked at weird. But, for living here in Florida, it's said all the time.

Agreed. I'm only 45 y/o, but I often have problems hearing people and instead of saying "What?" I will say, "I'm sorry?".
This is very interesting and I hope it is ok to post the link. Its just something to think about and may be fun to pick apart.

This gentleman has worked on such cases as Scott Peterson, OJ simpson, Jon Bonet Ramsey, Susan Smith, etc.

It looks like he is now working on the Caylee Case tooo!!!

He teaches interviewing techniques to Law Enforcents.

At the very least, it is a very interesting science of how to detect deception in defendants written and verbal statements.


Very interesting. TY.

I wonder what his take is on her using the words, "absolutely" and "neutral place". WTH is a "neutral place"? I've never heard anyone use that phrase.
Earlier in thread poster asked about KC's overuse of "absolutely." This is her way of attempting, sometimes more than once in a sentence to make her lies and false statements sound emphatic or more convincing. Absolutely annoying.
"Neutral," "mutual," "physical," The way she speaks is always very nuanced and/or evasive. She has got this lying craft down to a fine art, it's scary...
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