Facebook: 'Justice For Devon And Damon Routier'

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Jan 15, 2010
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There was a facebook page titled "The Case of Darlie Routier" or The Darlie Routier Case". I have not been able to find it in a week. Only the Free Darlie page. Anyone know what happened?
Was it a Darlie support group or against Darlie?
It was more of a case discussion facebook page, slanted more towards her guilt. I thought that Cami from Websleuths was one of the posters but was never positive it was her. All of the sudden it just went away. I have searched for it but cant find it. I can find the Free Darlie site but not The Case of Darlie Routier. I guess the site was taken down.
It was more of a case discussion facebook page, slanted more towards her guilt. I thought that Cami from Websleuths was one of the posters but was never positive it was her. All of the sudden it just went away. I have searched for it but cant find it. I can find the Free Darlie site but not The Case of Darlie Routier. I guess the site was taken down.

yes I am one of the posters, the page was taken down by Facebook because the Free Darlie page complained. It's been replaced by Justice for Devon and Damon. Come on and join, we welcome all members--supporters and antis.
Thanks Cami. I joined that one about 3 weeks ago. Love it too!
I'm there Cami! Been there for about 3 weeks. Only post occasionally. I actually posted about not letting the supporters get under their skin where we have a posting war with them.
I'm there Cami! Been there for about 3 weeks. Only post occasionally. I actually posted about not letting the supporters get under their skin where we have a posting war with them.

Sometimes that's really tough, LOL, as you can see. I'm Christine on the Facebook page, who are you?
Cami - I'm Patty on the Facebook page. I've pm'd you before on here, I went to high school with Waddell and we were friends. I have talked to him a couple of times since the Routier case, but I dont really bring it up. It still bothers him to this day to re-live seeing those boys. I feel for the officers who had to see them that way. Its an image they will have a hard time with for the rest of their lives.

Only the evidence they felt was necessary to get a conviction was introduced into court. I dont think they would have had a problem if she was found not guilty of Damon's murder to have gotten a guilty verdict on Devon. They definatley did not show their whole hand.
Cami - I'm Patty on the Facebook page. I've pm'd you before on here, I went to high school with Waddell and we were friends. I have talked to him a couple of times since the Routier case, but I dont really bring it up. It still bothers him to this day to re-live seeing those boys. I feel for the officers who had to see them that way. Its an image they will have a hard time with for the rest of their lives.

Only the evidence they felt was necessary to get a conviction was introduced into court. I dont think they would have had a problem if she was found not guilty of Damon's murder to have gotten a guilty verdict on Devon. They definatley did not show their whole hand.

Yeah trying telling that to a supporter. I know from the MacDonald case they do not introduce all the evidence in court..only enough to get a conviction. I know from the news reports and their testimony they had a real hard time with this case and still see those two boys as they lie there. One of the officers had to throw all his sons' power rangers clothes away. They see a side of life we could never imagine and I don't know how they can stand it.

I support all the cops on this case, they did a fantastic job.
The Justice for Devon and Damon page is fantastic, it's incredible how many people are still so interested and passionate about this case.

The link posted to the Devon and Damon Routier Story on Youtube is brilliant, I found it very informative and thought-provoking.
The Justice for Devon and Damon page is fantastic, it's incredible how many people are still so interested and passionate about this case.

The link posted to the Devon and Damon Routier Story on Youtube is brilliant, I found it very informative and thought-provoking.

It is bloody brilliant, she did a fantastic job. I like how she included both sides of the issue and just leaves it up to you to make your decision.
one thing I find VERY disturbing is that Darin talks about the boys murder like it's the weather. On this facebook group I found an interview and I mean....I'm stunned.... in one segment Darin is shown touring the TV interviewer through the empty, gutted Eagle Drive home re-enacting what happened. In detail. No tears, nothing. He gets on his knees and simulates how he tapped one of the boys faces. No reaction, no sadness, no emotion and i think this interview was only 2 yrs after darlie's conviction. Another thing that bothers me is that he is so blase about WHY this happened. His answer is that he had the prettiest house and THEN he says "my wife has a beautiful body". :banghead: Um, huh?!?! Okay, Darin, you're right!! If your wife has a nice figure it's to be expected that a maniac breaks in and brutally stabs your young sons and dashes away like a thief in the night!! Never do you hear him say "why us? why would someone do this?" It's always this cocky attitude. Of course someone attacked MY family, I had the PERFECT life everyone WANTED. Earth to Darin, you were losing your home and your wife was suicidal! Rant over!
one thing I find VERY disturbing is that Darin talks about the boys murder like it's the weather. On this facebook group I found an interview and I mean....I'm stunned.... in one segment Darin is shown touring the TV interviewer through the empty, gutted Eagle Drive home re-enacting what happened. In detail. No tears, nothing. He gets on his knees and simulates how he tapped one of the boys faces. No reaction, no sadness, no emotion and i think this interview was only 2 yrs after darlie's conviction. Another thing that bothers me is that he is so blase about WHY this happened. His answer is that he had the prettiest house and THEN he says "my wife has a beautiful body". :banghead: Um, huh?!?! Okay, Darin, you're right!! If your wife has a nice figure it's to be expected that a maniac breaks in and brutally stabs your young sons and dashes away like a thief in the night!! Never do you hear him say "why us? why would someone do this?" It's always this cocky attitude. Of course someone attacked MY family, I had the PERFECT life everyone WANTED. Earth to Darin, you were losing your home and your wife was suicidal! Rant over!

Can you post a link? I don't think I've ever seen that one.
one thing I find VERY disturbing is that Darin talks about the boys murder like it's the weather. On this facebook group I found an interview and I mean....I'm stunned.... in one segment Darin is shown touring the TV interviewer through the empty, gutted Eagle Drive home re-enacting what happened. In detail. No tears, nothing. He gets on his knees and simulates how he tapped one of the boys faces. No reaction, no sadness, no emotion and i think this interview was only 2 yrs after darlie's conviction. Another thing that bothers me is that he is so blase about WHY this happened. His answer is that he had the prettiest house and THEN he says "my wife has a beautiful body". :banghead: Um, huh?!?! Okay, Darin, you're right!! If your wife has a nice figure it's to be expected that a maniac breaks in and brutally stabs your young sons and dashes away like a thief in the night!! Never do you hear him say "why us? why would someone do this?" It's always this cocky attitude. Of course someone attacked MY family, I had the PERFECT life everyone WANTED. Earth to Darin, you were losing your home and your wife was suicidal! Rant over!

Yeah and did you notice in that same interview the paramedic who teared up talking about working on Damon?

The paramedics had to go to counselling. Nabors went home and threw all his son's power rangers gear away because all he could see was Devon lying there in his PR underwear soaked in blood.

Vile creep...



Right before watching the first linked interview I was in the bathroom looking at the surgical scar on my neck. I just had surgery and the scar is not too dissimilar than Darlies. Only mine is real and very deep. My thoughts were running along the lines of not wanting people to be looking at my scar and being afraid or repulsed or distracted. Like how it would effect my grandson or would my sister feel sorry for me. Then I watched the interview and there is Darlie with a scar from a night her children were murdered, celebrating at the gravesite with an open collar shirt. I would think she would have went out of her way to hide such an injury. To not be reminded of it and to keep others from being taken aback by such brutality at the hands of an attacker that left her children butchered. Her surviving boy would want to understand why mommy had such a boo boo. Yet she never tried to cover it up. Instead she seemed to wear it as a badge. It"s as if there is not an emotional connect to the injury.
Darin acts like that night was an exciting night in his life and enjoys relaying the story. He is a creepy one, that's for sure.
ETA: I think it is telling that Darlie says she thinks the intruder may have knocked her "unconscience" not unconcious.
Right before watching the first linked interview I was in the bathroom looking at the surgical scar on my neck. I just had surgery and the scar is not too dissimilar than Darlies. Only mine is real and very deep. My thoughts were running along the lines of not wanting people to be looking at my scar and being afraid or repulsed or distracted. Like how it would effect my grandson or would my sister feel sorry for me. Then I watched the interview and there is Darlie with a scar from a night her children were murdered, celebrating at the gravesite with an open collar shirt. I would think she would have went out of her way to hide such an injury. To not be reminded of it and to keep others from being taken aback by such brutality at the hands of an attacker that left her children butchered. Her surviving boy would want to understand why mommy had such a boo boo. Yet she never tried to cover it up. Instead she seemed to wear it as a badge. It"s as if there is not an emotional connect to the injury.
Darin acts like that night was an exciting night in his life and enjoys relaying the story. He is a creepy one, that's for sure.
ETA: I think it is telling that Darlie says she thinks the intruder may have knocked her "unconscience" not unconcious.

And why is she exposing Drake when the intruder is out there and could come back to finish the job? If you notice Darin, he is not engaged in the SS business at all, shoulders slumped, hands in pockets, backing away. The SS party is proof to me Darlie has an histrionic personality disorder. She's playing to the cameras and then she gives an interview claiming her heart is broken yet she's smiling and chewing gum. Her heart doesn't look broken to me, in fact the source of her stress is gone.

Unconscience, LOL, freudian slip. YOu cannot outrun your subconscious and it demands honesty. hence our body language and our fruedian slips that give us away.
Yeah and did you notice in that same interview the paramedic who teared up talking about working on Damon?

The paramedics had to go to counselling. Nabors went home and threw all his son's power rangers gear away because all he could see was Devon lying there in his PR underwear soaked in blood.

Vile creep...




Thanks for posting the links Cami. I have only seen bits and pieces of the interview before. It was nice to see it all in one piece. Thanks again Cami.
Thanks for posting the links Cami. I have only seen bits and pieces of the interview before. It was nice to see it all in one piece. Thanks again Cami.

You're welcome Jennifer.

How can Darlie claim in the second part of this interveiw..."I know the truth, I know what happened", yet claim she can't remember in the first part of the interview.

Her story about Damon running into her shoulder....lie. Damon could not have walked with 4 mortal wounds into his lungs and liver, the most he could do was drag himself away from her. His bloody hand print and butt print were wiped up from that couch where he tried to stand and failed. Her story completely changed from the initial interview to the voluntary statement to include Damon walking and talking and wetting towels at the sink. Every time the detectives threw her a bone, she changed her story to meet that bone.

Too much contradiction for me.

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