Family dog kills owner in back yard in Broward

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I haven't had as dramatic an experience as Cathie but I have, too, been bitten by my dog. We have a standard poodle who had a lousy life until we adopted him. We got him a little before he turned 2. He had been kept in a crate most of his life except for an hour of exercise a day and when he was used for stud. After he made puppies that were not of the required color (he is silver), the breeder decided to get rid of him. When we went to meet him, I literally fell in love with him at first sight. He was so friendly and immediately came over to me and nuzzled my hand and cuddled. It felt like he was begging to be rescued. I picked him up the next morning and drove directly to the groomer. He was infested with fleas. Took him home and he was perfect. No marking, gentle with my kids, cuddly. Never met a dog like him. Took him to the vet and we began to get some history on my boy. We noticed that he has a lot of extra skin around his neck, on his back and butt. The vet said that is from crappy food and no exercise. Then when the breeder wanted to ditch the dog, they had him lose weight quickly. My dog still has this extra skin and we have had him for about 6 years now. I have no doubt that he would give his life for me. My dogs all sleep in my bed (I know it isnt a great idea but they have never shown signs of challenging my position as pack leader) and at the time, I had a crate style bed which has a substantial space (a lip) between where the mattress plank is and where the bed base begins. Anyway, my boy was laying beside my bed one night around 2 AM when I heard him thrashing around violently. My husband jumped up and turned on the light. Somehow the dog had rolled onto his back and gotten one of his feet stuck into that space of the bed. While rolling around, he had turned his foot sideways and couldn't get it out. He was beside himself and trying to chew off his own foot. My husband is a brute and he managed to subdue the dog long enough to assess the situation. We needed to take the bed apart with a screwdriver to get the foot out. I had to hold onto the dog so he wouldn't injure himself while DH ran for tools. Like a dope, I reached out and grabbed his collar to hold him still. I was a little too close to his mouth and he turned and bit my thumb to the bone. He wasn't trying to hurt me or he would have been biting repeatedly. He just bit and held and he was scared to death at being stuck. I just called for my husband to hurry. I pushed deeper into my dog's mouth to make him gag and release my hand instead of pulling away which makes dogs bite harder. We managed to get him out and then we had to throw a sheet over him to calm him down. He was running in circles like a mad-dog. He finally calmed down in my lap. Next time in a situation where one of my dogs is scared like that, I will know better. I got a preventive tetanus shot and healed up OK. He is still the best dog I have ever had. My injury was my own dumb fault.
kgeaux said:
Am I the only one questioning what they say in the article???

A pit bull is NOT "akin" to a Presa Caniro....not even as in "kinda akin." They aren't the same breed. They aren't even a RELATED breed. This article is obviously trying to raise the ire of its readers by an incorrect association.

A presa canrio is the type of dog the two lawyers in San Fransico owned....the dogs who mauled the neighbor to death.

Not even "kinda" a pit bull....two different animals, two different breeds.

It sounds to me as though this owner was not in charge of her animal. That's what happened, no need to drag the pitty into it.


Reconstruction of the breed began in the early 1970's by various aficionados who sought to preserve the heritage of the Presa Canario. Throughout the next decade, breeders began searching for what they believed were the most traditional examples in temperament, courage, guard instinct, and aspect. Several breeds were used in the reconstruction by several breeders for various objectives. These breeds may have included the Bullterrier, the American Pit bull Terrier, the Great Dane, the Neapolitan Mastiff, the Fila Brasileiro, the American Bulldog, the English Bulldog, the Bullmastiff, the Spanish Mastiff, the Doberman, the Dogue de Bordeaux, the Spanish Alano and the Perro de Ganado Majorero. Clearly, the gene pool for the modern Presa Canario is quite extensive and can still produce atypical specimens of this nascent breed.
OneLostGrl said:


Reconstruction of the breed began in the early 1970's by various aficionados who sought to preserve the heritage of the Presa Canario. Throughout the next decade, breeders began searching for what they believed were the most traditional examples in temperament, courage, guard instinct, and aspect. Several breeds were used in the reconstruction by several breeders for various objectives. These breeds may have included the Bullterrier, the American Pit bull Terrier, the Great Dane, the Neapolitan Mastiff, the Fila Brasileiro, the American Bulldog, the English Bulldog, the Bullmastiff, the Spanish Mastiff, the Doberman, the Dogue de Bordeaux, the Spanish Alano and the Perro de Ganado Majorero. Clearly, the gene pool for the modern Presa Canario is quite extensive and can still produce atypical specimens of this nascent breed.
If they didn't slobber so much, I'd like to have a Bull Mastiff someday. But that slobber! lol!
I think pitties are adorable!!! And, though it is true that they are responsible for more DEATHS than most other breeds, they are actually less likely to attack than most breeds, including the faithful Labrador!!! It's just that if they DO attack, you're a goner- LOL! That said, I'm afraid of ANY dog that I don't own myself and strongly believe in the enforcement of leash laws. Nor would I be stupid enough to keep any dog that growled at my own children (or myself)! Just googling dog bites shows that any time a breed's popularity increases, so do reported attacks by that breed. Unfortunately, I do think that certain breeds, like pitties, attract a certain kind of owner and pittie owners seem to be NOT the nicest people. Can't blame that on the dog, though!
Although human death by dogs is always a horrible event and I wish they never happen, the truth is that it is NOT a big problem in the USA. I did a presentation on that subject in the 90's. About 20 people are killed annually in the USA by dogs. Most are the family's dog or a relative's. Bees kill 0ver 100 people a year and that number is rising annually. Heck, parents kill more children every year at a higher rate than other animals combined!

My point is to be responsible for your charges. Animals and children. Don't get a Ferarri if you can't drive.
kgeaux said:
No dog should ever be loose, including pits, so I really sympathize with your predicament. I own a pit, though, and I wonder what the pit in your neighborhood was doing when he had your daughter backed against a car? Was he snarling, growling, being aggressive? If he was being aggressive, animal control really needs to pick the dog up, because it's obvious his owners are irresponsible.

IF the pit was not growling, etc. could it have been wanting to make friends? I ask because some people panic at the mere sight of a pit. These dogs don't know their reputation and it can be confusing to them when they are making "lets be friends" moves and people are responding with baseball bats!

There are millions of pits in America and really only a small portion of them are involved in attacks and maulings.......and almost every dog that ends up in that situation has an irresponsible owner who has let the dog loose or left the dog unneutered, left the dog around kids, etc.
The "neighborhood pitbull" has been out again several times lately. I called animal control the other day and the lady said "Well, have you taken your neighbor to court?" :waitasec: "Have you filed a complaint?"
I thought that the numerous phone calls from the neighborhood have served as complaints (???).
Soooo...yesterday a neighbor of mine was out at her sidewalk, talking on her cell phone, obviously angry. It turns out the dog went up to her husband, growling. She filed a complaint.
This afternoon, my daughter went into our backyard, only to be confronted by the same dog IN OUR BACKYARD! He started barking and growling at her. I got her in the house and called animal control. The officer came out and I signed a complaint/court summons. The officer explained to me that the dog thinks that the neighborhood is it's territory because it's been allowed to run so much, unlike many dogs that view THEIR yard as THEIR territory.
I am so angry at these people I could spit! I agree wholeheartedly with whoever said that it's not the dog that's bad as much as the dog owner!

Sidenote: the dog owner's grown daughter drove past when I was outside talking with the animal control officer and glared at me! Like this is MY fault! :slap:
Obtrusive animalsdon't have a right to roam free or escape because of absentee owners. Some of these dogs are brutal and I never want to hear about how loving they are at home.When they kill ...I don't want to know how they grabbed puppy stuff. I am here to comment on how they killed human beings or mauled human beings.

It happens over and over. Sometimes they kill their owners. Some breeds are not for society.

This isn't hard. Be prudent in your selection of pets.
I agree, concerned! I am really upset that we have to check our own yard before we walk out into it. Something is really wrong with that picture!:mad: I am just very happy I went to my back door when I did.
Taximom said:
Uhm, thanks for the picture. I'm pretty sure that's what the neighbors next door have...I had no idea. They have 3 little children! That dog is always running around the neighborhood. She's never shown any aggression though. Yikes. I will have to check this out.

The owner is a cop. Ha! Wish me luck.
I thought what the animal control officer said tonight about the dog's territory growing because he runs so much is interesting. Sounds like what you are dealing with, too.
Good luck!
Does anyone know how I can find out of the presa canario is legal in my state?
I guess I was assuming there was a master list of all states somewhere with the info. I'll just call the dog warden and maybe send him/her a digital picture of the dog. I could be wrong, but that picture provided by Shadow is dead-on. No pun intended.
IdahoMom said:
I was not fast enough with the speakers. :doh:

I hate it when freaks do this. I won't even give them the satisfaction of calling them "religious" freaks, because there is no religion there at all.
IdahoMom said:
OMG...I was googling about Presa Canarios and I found this hideous site. Diane Whipple did not deserve to die! (Turn your volume down before you click on the hideous thing)

OMG.. first of all that scared the living crap out of me and 2nd of all that was a horrible site!
That awful site even brings up Matthew Shepard. :(

I just glanced through more and they list a picket schedule on the main page for various armed services funerals. OMG. I really am going to throw up.
Taximom said:
That awful site even brings up Matthew Shepard. :(

I just glanced through more and they list a picket schedule on the main page for various armed services funerals. OMG. I really am going to throw up.
OK...I deleted my post with the link. Can ya'll delete the quoted posts so no one has to see that bad thing? Please? Thanks.
I know. It is really bad. Unfortunately, the victim, Diane Whipple wound up on trial, instead of the horrible dog owners.:slap:

Sometimes, free speech isn't so good. :(
I believe in free speech...but that site is absolutely hateful! Those people need to be ashamed of theirselves. And they're supposed to be Christians. Well they are as Christian as Al Quaeda is Muslim.
IdahoMom said:
I agree, concerned! I am really upset that we have to check our own yard before we walk out into it. Something is really wrong with that picture!:mad: I am just very happy I went to my back door when I did.

Did animal control not pick the dog up??? What are the laws in your area? If both you and a neighbor have filed complaints and the dog is still allowed to run free, what will it take to have the animal impounded? Do you maybe need to call the police and make a report with them too? I wonder if it would help to tell animal control that if the dog attacks, you'll sue them for doing nothing to protect the public?

This dog obviously has irresponsible owners, so you can't count on them to "fix" the situation. So you need to know the laws in your area and force the owners to act responsibly or they need to lose their dog.
I owned a Presa (he was a rescue, had been found abandoned at a shelter). He was great with me and I never saw any sign of aggression from him. However, I never left him alone in the room with anyone, he stayed right by my side and I never "played" with him. I always knew that if he ever "won", I'd lose my dominant status and would have to get rid of him.

(played as in wrestling, tug of war, any competition type of play)

He was indeed, very beautiful.

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