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Wow. My heart just breaks for that family. I can't imagine the daily agony of not knowing where your child is. TH needs to step up and start speaking. This must end.
OMG! OMG! OMG! The anger I feel towards a certain individual who is not cooperating is so scary for me. Except for Casey A. I have not felt this type of rage towards another human. I can not imagine what Desiree and Kaine are going through and as an outsider I want to do bad things to a certain person who is not cooperating. These poor people. I better stop before I get a TO
How can a person be so evil as to torture this poor faimly?? God bless Desiree, Tony ,Baby K and the rest of thier faimly, Most of all , god bless Kyron, come home little precious one
They're trying so hard to use guilt on TMH. But let's be honest: someone who would intentionally hurt a child is likely immune from feeling guilt and empathy for anyone else, so I suspect it's not going to work to get TMH is tell them anything, assuming she knows or is responsible for Kyron's disappearance.
During the question-and-answer period after Desiree read her statement, Tony told people they can “connect the dots” in this case.

“What’s been in the media up to this point, I think that can be checked (and) you can connect the dots yourself,” he said. “If you’re a reasoning person you can come to your own opinion about that.”

They said Terri is not cooperating with police since she hired high-profile defense attorney, Stephen Houze last week.
I'm so sitting on the fence.
When DY said (I'm paraphrasing) "Kyron, don't be afraid because the police are going to find you" I got the impression that he IS still alive, and she KNOWS he is still alive. It didn't seem like blind faith to me. It seemed like 'I-know-he's-alive-and-we're-going-to-get-him'.
Maybe I'm reading too much into that or hoping too much.
Either way, my heart just breaks for her :(
I have been so busy today; so, I am trying to catch up. I am wondering if anyone has seen any report as to whether or not Terri has reacted to this or the other plea? Or even if her attorney has given a statement. TIA!!

I think the worst thing in the world would be to have your child disappear and have no idea where that child is, what happened to that child, are they hungry, are they cold, are they scared, etc. As a mother, I think that would be an ultimate hell on earth.

I think trying to appeal to Terri using baby K and J would be a good idea. Obviously her daughter is very important to her (or it appears that way). How would Terri feel if she were in DY's shoes?

DY is a very strong woman. I really don't know if there would be anything in the world that could restrain me in such a situation. I think I would probably try to beat info out of someone that I believed did something to my child. I would not even trust myself because my son is my life.

ETA: I wonder if Terri has any contact at all w/ her son J? I know the RO was supposed to keep Terri from seeing him too. I am wondering if that would also include telephone calls?? We all know teens tend to be very mouthy and inquisitive ... I would love to know what he thinks of all of this and if he wants to have contact w/ his mother or not.
There's a new video on KGW. Just repeats part of Desiree's statement. But the reporter says they'll have Tony making a statement from the Q&A part coming up in a little while.

I'm not finding video of the Q&A on any of the news sites yet.
I'm so sitting on the fence.
When DY said (I'm paraphrasing) "Kyron, don't be afraid because the police are going to find you" I got the impression that he IS still alive, and she KNOWS he is still alive. It didn't seem like blind faith to me. It seemed like 'I-know-he's-alive-and-we're-going-to-get-him'.
Maybe I'm reading too much into that or hoping too much.
Either way, my heart just breaks for her :(

I agree, I keep falling off the fence and then getting back on, and I have to say my first thought today was did they hold a press conference to get the press away from the house and she either left to see the little girl or someone took the little girl to see her, I keep thinking there is more to this. Could they be making her look like "the bad guy" because there is more to this and they are trying to get the person who has KH to relax thinking they are focusing on TH....this case is making me have nightmares at night.
They're trying so hard to use guilt on TMH. But let's be honest: someone who would intentionally hurt a child is likely immune from feeling guilt and empathy for anyone else, so I suspect it's not going to work to get TMH is tell them anything, assuming she knows or is responsible for Kyron's disappearance.
Her mom and dad are with her. Why can't they make her talk. Or is it another case like the Anthonys...screw everyone except for the murderous daughter. My god, they have to go back home in live in their community. Do they feel no shame, humiliation, guilt? I'm sorry but if they were my friends, I would wash my hands of them. Supporting a murderer of a child, who needs friends like that. Well parents of Teri step up and act like a parent.
Watching mom Desiree is just heartbreaking! For now, the focus is completely on Kyron and how this family is suffering. Only in your worst nightmares would this scenario seem real. Step-dad Tony says...connect the dots indicating they are certain Teri is the person to appeal to. Desiree is a very strong, heartfelt person. moo
Whatever they do to get her to talk, I hope it works. I am so fearful of having another Misty Croslin scenario.
Her mom and dad are with her. Why can't they make her talk. Or is it another case like the Anthonys...screw everyone except for the murderous daughter. My god, they have to go back home in live in their community. Do they feel no shame, humiliation, guilt? I'm sorry but if they were my friends, I would wash my hands of them. Supporting a murderer of a child, who needs friends like that. Well parents of Teri step up and act like a parent.

Really? Do you know something the rest of us don't know?
Gosh, i get the opposite impression, that Desiree is starting to understand that Kyron may not be OK...but is still trying to hang onto hope...

Why don't they address the person they think Kyron is with, i.e. why not say, drop him at a hospital, or a police station, or a Wal-Mart for that matter? Or why don't the police say that, if they think he is being held someplace? I don't get it...if there IS a person out there w/Kyron, which I doubt, that person is probably freaking out and might actually listen to a plea on TV...Terri does not "have" him and she is not going to help them as far as I can tell...
Did anyone else think one of the reporter's comments after the statement was odd. He said that on the day kyron disappeared TH was supposed to drive him South on I-5 to meet his mother. Why refer so specifically to the direction and the Route?
We need to connect the dots right to where Kyron is. :angel:
Very sad. I can feel Desiree's desperation. Did anyone watch the clip after Desiree's statement? The reporter mentioned that TH was supposed to be meeting Desiree that day (June 4) to turn Kyron over (they mentioned the highway), and he would be spending the weekend with Tony fishing. This was something I had never heard before. This raised eyebrows for me. For one, Kaine said in earlier interviews that they were going to take Kyron for a treat after school. It didn't seem like something they would do, if they were about to drive a couple of hours to meet Desiree? Does anyone think anything of this new information? Or at least its new information to me...
Gosh, i get the opposite impression, that Desiree is starting to understand that Kyron may not be OK...but is still trying to hang onto hope...

Why don't they address the person they think Kyron is with, i.e. why not say, drop him at a hospital, or a police station, or a Wal-Mart for that matter? Or why don't the police say that, if they think he is being held someplace? I don't get it...if there IS a person out there w/Kyron, which I doubt, that person is probably freaking out and might actually listen to a plea on TV...Terri does not "have" him and she is not going to help them as far as I can tell...

If there was an agree button on here I would push it over and over. I have asked that question since day ONE.
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