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I find it so interesting to read all of the different perspectives on this! It's great to be part of a group with so many different minds working the same problem!

I felt like Kaine was speaking from incredible guilt - he didn't know that by being married to Terri, he was putting his children in danger. Now he knows - too late. I saw it as almost bargaining: " I know you were in danger, now I know how to keep you safe, come home and I'll keep you safer this time..."

But when you say that about the stab at Terri, I can see it that way, too.

I agree with you, ami.. I think it was spoken out of this unbearable guilt that Kaine is carrying..I felt like it was him reassuring Kyron that its safe now. When you come home it will be safe for you..just you, me , and sis.. As is to say with out saying the words..I am so sorry, Ky..but daddy knows now and daddy has made it safe at home..

hoping against all odds that Kyron could be one of the lucky ones such as Elizabeth Smart{as in that she was still alive and reunited with her family after 9 months..NOT THE STRANGER ABDUCTION thing, tho}
I think that I, myself would hold out hope against all odds until it was proven to me that he was gone..gone forever..It sooo hurts my heart for Kaine and Desiree especially right now as we are all getting in the holiday spirit, excited to be with family this week, and then move right into the Christmas season with all of the tree trimming and decorating, all the hustle and bustle of shopping for our loved ones..It is so very sad to me that these two are stuck in this rut of a nightmare..My feelings that even if they just were blessed with the closure of "knowing" atleast they could begin the long, hard, heartbreaking road to grieving the death of their son.. atleast to have the peace in their minds and hearts that Kyron is safe from harm now, and is in the loving arms of the angels with God..

But they have not even that and it is almost more than I can bear to even think about much less ever even dream of being the one that is presently living this nightmare.. These two parents do have other children{both of them do} and those two children deserve to have their mommy's and daddy's to love, nurture, and live their lives...until Kyron is found these kids do not have their parents{and I think most know exactly what I mean by this statement..that it doesn't need further explaining}..

May God be with these families in this upcoming week and following weeks of the holidays..May God grant them peace atleast for a reprieve.. They will be in my thoughts and in my family's prayers especially this week..
I agree with you, ami.. I think it was spoken out of this unbearable guilt that Kaine is carrying..I felt like it was him reassuring Kyron that its safe now. When you come home it will be safe for you..just you, me , and sis.. As is to say with out saying the words..I am so sorry, Ky..but daddy knows now and daddy has made it safe at home..

hoping against all odds that Kyron could be one of the lucky ones such as Elizabeth Smart{as in that she was still alive and reunited with her family after 9 months..NOT THE STRANGER ABDUCTION thing, tho}
I think that I, myself would hold out hope against all odds until it was proven to me that he was gone..gone forever..It sooo hurts my heart for Kaine and Desiree especially right now as we are all getting in the holiday spirit, excited to be with family this week, and then move right into the Christmas season with all of the tree trimming and decorating, all the hustle and bustle of shopping for our loved ones..It is so very sad to me that these two are stuck in this rut of a nightmare..My feelings that even if they just were blessed with the closure of "knowing" atleast they could begin the long, hard, heartbreaking road to grieving the death of their son.. atleast to have the peace in their minds and hearts that Kyron is safe from harm now, and is in the loving arms of the angels with God..

But they have not even that and it is almost more than I can bear to even think about much less ever even dream of being the one that is presently living this nightmare.. These two parents do have other children{both of them do} and those two children deserve to have their mommy's and daddy's to love, nurture, and live their lives...until Kyron is found these kids do not have their parents{and I think most know exactly what I mean by this statement..that it doesn't need further explaining}..

May God be with these families in this upcoming week and following weeks of the holidays..May God grant them peace atleast for a reprieve.. They will be in my thoughts and in my family's prayers especially this week..

What a beautiful post, so heartfelt and true. I think I feel Kyron is alive too, because I can't see TH having the time or energy to kill Kyron and find such a good hiding spot that they haven't found his body. I want that to be the case. I have this scenario in my head that DEDE helped her and they found some cult or underground network to take him. I keep thinking TH said bad things were going on in the home and they had to get him out, because KH would never give him to DY or let him leave. I don't believe these were true accounts, just this is how they got someone to "help" them. This gives you hope that Kyron is alive and safe. I can't go to the other places in my mind. I know that people who deal with the underground, will NEVER give up locations, or names; even if they are wrong about the accusations later, they won't give up any info. So I hope this is the case with these two woman, and Kyron is off somewhere living a life not in harms way, but time will bring him home. The one pic of him, out in the yard with snow and all bundled up, remains me of "Home alone for the Holidays". What a cute kid!
I really see Kaine's statements as a way to be kind to Desiree more than anything else.

I'm sure he and Desiree are both in a fragile state and it's just more positive to keep hope alive than to come out and say something negative at every press conference.

It's not quite denial, but more like a euphemism - Kyron is "alive" in Kaine's heart. :beats: Kaine's not ruling anything out, even miracles.

The vast majority of human beings who go through grief do think of the loved one as still "alive" in some way. Who hasn't picked up the phone to call a departed relative or imagined them still living their lives somewhere, especially during the holidays. So I don't really find it confusing that Kaine continues to say things like this - just woefully sad. :(
Kaine said one thing that is puzzling. He told Kyron to not worry, that home is safe and it's just him and the baby. Kaine denies that Kyron was mistreated or in danger at home that he knew of, so if Kyron is alive he might not even realize that home was not safe, just that he's away for awhile for some reason. I'm hoping that emails and evidence hasn't shown that Kyron was treated very badly or abused before going missing. Also, hoping that he really doesn't believe Kyron deceased and was talking to a boy in Heaven.

I was thinking that maybe he told him that because he believes that Terri harmed him in the disappearance, or dissolved his trust anyway.
I don't think Kaine is thinking of Desiree when he says Kyron is alive...this is at the same time when Desiree seems to be acknowledging that he may not be...I think Kaine is just sticking to what he has been saying all along and what the official line of everyone involved is, including LE. No proof of death, no crime scene=proceeding as though Kyron is alive. And this case is so bizarre, he just may be.
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