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DNA Solves
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I have been thinking about possible motivations for Terri to have handed Kyron off, rather than killing him. (I hate writing that last part.) Here are some reasons I thought of for why she might have made that choice:

1) Money. Several aspects of Terri's behavior pattern that we know of indicate that she may be money-motivated. (And, as we have learned to be the unfortunate truth, Portland turns out to be a hub of child *advertiser censored* activity.)

2) Alibi. If Kyron was eventually found in the hands of others, she could deny all involvement. She could say that he must have been abducted by these predators. This would especially be effective if there had been a go-between (someone whom she sold him to, who then turned around and sold him to the someone else), as it would be harder to trace. The people he would be found with wouldn't necessarily know where he had come from, who his stepmother was to identify her, etc. (Like Elisa Baker, I do not think she expected all this publicity.)

3) Alibi. If Kyron were eventually murdered (which, I am sorry to say, I would think likely once his case was so publicized and focused on), she would have no physical connection to that crime and the evidence of it. She could plead complete ignorance of his death, and be telling the truth.

4) Convenience. Her attempt to hire someone to do her "dirty work" in the past demonstrates her unwillingness to get directly involved in murder. Finding someone who would PAY HER to take care of her "problem" would be like two birds with one stone.

So, I am thinking there are definitely reasons to imagine that she might have sold Kyron, rather than killing him. But I am not sure that would mean he still alive now.

Just my own horrifying speculation and opinion.
I have been thinking about possible motivations for Terri to have handed Kyron off, rather than killing him. (I hate writing that last part.) Here are some reasons I thought of for why she might have made that choice:

1) Money. Several aspects of Terri's behavior pattern that we know of indicate that she may be money-motivated. (And, as we have learned to be the unfortunate truth, Portland turns out to be a hub of child *advertiser censored* activity.)

2) Alibi. If Kyron was eventually found in the hands of others, she could deny all involvement. She could say that he must have been abducted by these predators. This would especially be effective if there had been a go-between (someone whom she sold him to, who then turned around and sold him to the someone else), as it would be harder to trace. The people he would be found with wouldn't necessarily know where he had come from, who his stepmother was to identify her, etc. (Like Elisa Baker, I do not think she expected all this publicity.)

3) Alibi. If Kyron were eventually murdered (which, I am sorry to say, I would think likely once his case was so publicized and focused on), she would have no physical connection to that crime and the evidence of it. She could plead complete ignorance of his death, and be telling the truth.

4) Convenience. Her attempt to hire someone to do her "dirty work" in the past demonstrates her unwillingness to get directly involved in murder. Finding someone who would PAY HER to take care of her "problem" would be like two birds with one stone.

So, I am thinking there are definitely reasons to imagine that she might have sold Kyron, rather than killing him. But I am not sure that would mean he still alive now.

Just my own horrifying speculation and opinion.

This post makes a lot of sense.

Unless...and I hate to think this...her hatred had grown to where the fantasies in her emails about hurting Kyron just seemed irresistible.
I have been thinking about possible motivations for Terri to have handed Kyron off, rather than killing him. (I hate writing that last part.) Here are some reasons I thought of for why she might have made that choice:

1) Money. Several aspects of Terri's behavior pattern that we know of indicate that she may be money-motivated. (And, as we have learned to be the unfortunate truth, Portland turns out to be a hub of child *advertiser censored* activity.)

2) Alibi. If Kyron was eventually found in the hands of others, she could deny all involvement. She could say that he must have been abducted by these predators. This would especially be effective if there had been a go-between (someone whom she sold him to, who then turned around and sold him to the someone else), as it would be harder to trace. The people he would be found with wouldn't necessarily know where he had come from, who his stepmother was to identify her, etc. (Like Elisa Baker, I do not think she expected all this publicity.)

3) Alibi. If Kyron were eventually murdered (which, I am sorry to say, I would think likely once his case was so publicized and focused on), she would have no physical connection to that crime and the evidence of it. She could plead complete ignorance of his death, and be telling the truth.

4) Convenience. Her attempt to hire someone to do her "dirty work" in the past demonstrates her unwillingness to get directly involved in murder. Finding someone who would PAY HER to take care of her "problem" would be like two birds with one stone.

So, I am thinking there are definitely reasons to imagine that she might have sold Kyron, rather than killing him. But I am not sure that would mean he still alive now.

Just my own horrifying speculation and opinion.

This does make sense, but all of it is STILL high risk for her. She's going to trust that someone else won't come forward and out her? She's going to trust that this won't come back on her somehow someday? I just don't see her trusting another individual with something like stealing or murdering a child and thinking that's she in the clear because technically, she didn't get her hands dirty.

No, if she hated Kyron as much as Desiree says, then she did this by her own hands. She needed to to get something out of it, satisfaction, joy, whatever it is she was looking for. This wasn't just to get him out of the way for a little while, this was to make him go away permanently. I don't know that handing him off to someone would be permanent enough of an solution for Terri. What if Kyron finds his way back someday? She just can't take or would want to take the risk of him being alive.

I also think that when the MFH thing didn't pan out, she realized she couldn't trust another person to do her dirty work for her. And she also realized she had to do this herself, and that another person doing it wouldn't be good enough for her. If she was planning on getting away with this crime, she's going to make darn sure she's the one that plans and it does it, nobody else.
I was wondering if Kaine's statements about Kyron being alive aren't part of his therapy or something. I wonder if his therapist wants him to focus on the positive to help him move through this. Also giving him "jobs' like going to the mall to hand out flyers and holding press conferences to keep Kyron's name out there.

Both Kaine and Desiree must know somewhere in the back of their mind that Ky is probably deceased with the way LE is conducting the searches. But they hold on to that last shred of hope in order to keep going every day. Would a therapist suggest this rather than trying to prepare them for the worst...I don't know. I'm not an expert.
I was wondering if Kaine's statements about Kyron being alive aren't part of his therapy or something. I wonder if his therapist wants him to focus on the positive to help him move through this. Also giving him "jobs' like going to the mall to hand out flyers and holding press conferences to keep Kyron's name out there.

Both Kaine and Desiree must know somewhere in the back of their mind that Ky is probably deceased with the way LE is conducting the searches. But they hold on to that last shred of hope in order to keep going every day. Would a therapist suggest this rather than trying to prepare them for the worst...I don't know. I'm not an expert.

It must be difficult finding a therapist anyway in this situation. How effective can the therapy be if Kaine and Desiree can't talk about everything they know (i.e. it might affect the investigation)? I wonder if LE has a therapist they use for crime victims or something of that nature?
I've only been reading about Kyron recently, so may have missed this.

Did anyone (Kaine or Desiree) ever mention any unusual behavior or anxiety on the part of baby K after Kyron went missing? I'm still wondering if she witnessed anything, and due to her young age, might not have been able to express it directly.
Kaine believes the baby was present. I believe they've said that she goes room to room looking for Kyron. She is probably very used to him going back and forth between his two homes and not being there at times, so wonder if that behavior could indicate that she saw something. Surely they tried to ask her something, but maybe not that first week when they didn't suspect Terri yet. I'd be wondering if the going room to room doesn't indicate that what ever happened was at the home or outside the home. In the interview where Kaine mentioned the baby seeing something horrific, I believe he was talking the worst case scenario being the worst and Kryon being handed off both being horrible for a toddler to witness.
I have been thinking about possible motivations for Terri to have handed Kyron off, rather than killing him. (I hate writing that last part.) Here are some reasons I thought of for why she might have made that choice:

1) Money. Several aspects of Terri's behavior pattern that we know of indicate that she may be money-motivated. (And, as we have learned to be the unfortunate truth, Portland turns out to be a hub of child *advertiser censored* activity.)

2) Alibi. If Kyron was eventually found in the hands of others, she could deny all involvement. She could say that he must have been abducted by these predators. This would especially be effective if there had been a go-between (someone whom she sold him to, who then turned around and sold him to the someone else), as it would be harder to trace. The people he would be found with wouldn't necessarily know where he had come from, who his stepmother was to identify her, etc. (Like Elisa Baker, I do not think she expected all this publicity.)

3) Alibi. If Kyron were eventually murdered (which, I am sorry to say, I would think likely once his case was so publicized and focused on), she would have no physical connection to that crime and the evidence of it. She could plead complete ignorance of his death, and be telling the truth.

4) Convenience. Her attempt to hire someone to do her "dirty work" in the past demonstrates her unwillingness to get directly involved in murder. Finding someone who would PAY HER to take care of her "problem" would be like two birds with one stone.

So, I am thinking there are definitely reasons to imagine that she might have sold Kyron, rather than killing him. But I am not sure that would mean he still alive now.

Just my own horrifying speculation and opinion.

Until Kyron points his tiny little finger right at his Stepmother in the line up as the one who delivered him to the Perp...sorry, not buying it.
This post makes a lot of sense.

Unless...and I hate to think this...her hatred had grown to where the fantasies in her emails about hurting Kyron just seemed irresistible.

What fantasies about hurting Kyron? Is there a link so I can read them? Thanks.
Exactly! As a self described hoarder Terri would need a storage facility for all her secret purchases from Kaine.

Hoarders surround themselves with their things--they make them feel secure--IMO, shopaholics hide their secret purchases...
Until Kyron points his tiny little finger right at his Stepmother in the line up as the one who delivered him to the Perp...sorry, not buying it.

True. But if Kyron were drugged beforehand, he would not know that his stepmother had handed him off. (In fact, a person often loses memory of events immediately prior to going unconscious, so he might not even remember anything leading up to being drugged, if it was all done quickly enough.) OR, the third party might have been the one to remove him from the school (perhaps the "other person" seen by the Horman truck?). That way, his report would fit with the abduction story.

All pure speculation and opinion. Sorry to say, I doubt it is true, in any case.
This does make sense, but all of it is STILL high risk for her. She's going to trust that someone else won't come forward and out her? She's going to trust that this won't come back on her somehow someday? I just don't see her trusting another individual with something like stealing or murdering a child and thinking that's she in the clear because technically, she didn't get her hands dirty.

No, if she hated Kyron as much as Desiree says, then she did this by her own hands. She needed to to get something out of it, satisfaction, joy, whatever it is she was looking for. This wasn't just to get him out of the way for a little while, this was to make him go away permanently. I don't know that handing him off to someone would be permanent enough of an solution for Terri. What if Kyron finds his way back someday? She just can't take or would want to take the risk of him being alive.

I also think that when the MFH thing didn't pan out, she realized she couldn't trust another person to do her dirty work for her. And she also realized she had to do this herself, and that another person doing it wouldn't be good enough for her. If she was planning on getting away with this crime, she's going to make darn sure she's the one that plans and it does it, nobody else.


I would agree with that under normal circumstances, but she has already shown, on multiple occasions, that she takes a lot of risks involving other people. In my opinion, the way she went about attempting the MFH plot is very risky. Getting involved in the sexting thing at the time she did shows inappropriate trust of others. Plus, a person who is involved in human trafficking would be unlikely to out her, because it would necessarily mean outing him/herself. This is a person who wants to keep a very low profile, rather than put him/herself into the line of fire.

Kaine said one thing that is puzzling. He told Kyron to not worry, that home is safe and it's just him and the baby. Kaine denies that Kyron was mistreated or in danger at home that he knew of, so if Kyron is alive he might not even realize that home was not safe, just that he's away for awhile for some reason. I'm hoping that emails and evidence hasn't shown that Kyron was treated very badly or abused before going missing. Also, hoping that he really doesn't believe Kyron deceased and was talking to a boy in Heaven.
Kaine said one thing that is puzzling. He told Kyron to not worry, that home is safe and it's just him and the baby. Kaine denies that Kyron was mistreated or in danger at home that he knew of, so if Kyron is alive he might not even realize that home was not safe, just that he's away for awhile for some reason. I'm hoping that emails and evidence hasn't shown that Kyron was treated very badly or abused before going missing. Also, hoping that he really doesn't believe Kyron deceased and was talking to a boy in Heaven.

If Terri kidnapped him and forced him into the hands of other captors, of course Kyron would know that the place Terri lived was not safe, even if she'd never laid a hand on him in anger before that moment.
As far as the thread topic goes, I get the feeling Kaine just can't let his mind accept that Kyron won't be coming home. And with some suggesting that he should have seen/ignored signs, and that he's party responsible for not preventing's gotta be eating him up anyway, without the spoken words.

How many of us have lived with an alcoholic, drug addict, someone with a mood disorder? Many people try to work through issues like that. How many would have the thought that their spouse would take a hit out on them, or kidnap or kill their child? KH is less than perfect, just like the rest of us. None of this is his fault. I feel for the guy.
Until I few weeks ago... I did not think Baby K (who just barely celebrated her 2nd birthday) would remember anything... and was simply relieved she wasn't physically injured... simply hoped she wouldn't be further emotionally traumatized.

Then two things happened... I heard about a young lady who was 19 months old when her mother and siblings were murdered and she was left alone in the house to die. She remembers hiding from the bad guy.

My own daughter... who is almost 7. A few weeks ago she told me a story...

"Do you remember when you got the minivan stuck in the snow Mom?? You pulled over to take a few pictures, before you were good at taking pictures... and got stuck. Dad had to come get us out in his blue car."

I have gotten stuck exactly twice in my whole life, ONE time in any minivan and her dad has had only one blue car. We only had the minivan and the blue car for 6 months. It was muddy because it had snowed a bit and was melting, I actually got stuck in the mud. The only other time I got stuck occurred a few days after she told me this story. :innocent:

All of this allows me to positively tighten the time line. She was between 20-22 months old when this happened.

I was completely amazed. Not only that she remembered it, but that she remembered so much about it. We had never talked about it, we had forgotten about it until she mentioned it.

There is also an event from when she was 27 months old... which she remembers in quite a bit of detail. This is all a switch for me because I hardly remember anything from when I was 16, much less when I was 6, or 2. :waitasec:

I think it is entirely possible that Baby K may be able to recount at least some part of the day Kyron disappeared... someday. But she may be 6, 10, 14, or 16 before she is able to... I don't think it would be enough to solve the case if it remained unsolved... and I think it needs to just happen on it's own. I do believe it is possible however. :twocents:

You're very right - thank you. I didn't mean to sound so blase' about it -- just my mind thinking the best case scenario. Also praying that baby K didn't see anything horrific, and hoping she was sleeping during the time "whatever happened - happened.

No doubt we may see her 15 years from now talking about Kyron and what became of him, or better yet that he had been found, and what kind of toll that took on her.

Not sure how old baby K is, but when she gets to the talking stage, I wonder if she'll be able to express anything about what happened to Kryon. Unlikely, I know, but one can hope.


Kaine said one thing that is puzzling. He told Kyron to not worry, that home is safe and it's just him and the baby. Kaine denies that Kyron was mistreated or in danger at home that he knew of, so if Kyron is alive he might not even realize that home was not safe, just that he's away for awhile for some reason. I'm hoping that emails and evidence hasn't shown that Kyron was treated very badly or abused before going missing. Also, hoping that he really doesn't believe Kyron deceased and was talking to a boy in Heaven.

For me - Kaine is angry now. (As he well should be - grieving stages, court dynamics, everything he's discovering etc.) Kaine's statement to the camera - was scripted carefully - served a couple of purposes, all in one statement "to the camera ... to Kyron ... to whoever else is watching:

He was reassuring Kyron, where-ever he is, (hoping against hope he can see a TV), that Dad was keeping the baby safe from Terri.


The added benefit of that solid soundbite was it was heart-wrenching at the same time being a huge slap - direct hit - a nice clean passive-aggressive attack on Terri and recent court moves, i.e. - paraphrasing:
"home is safe. just dad and baby. that's it. (unsaid but perfectly clear: safe = no Terri.) that's why it's safe. and it's gonna stay that way."


Take THAT team Terri. And I'm thinking there's more from where THAT's coming from too.
For me - Kaine is angry now. (As he well should be - grieving stages, court dynamics, everything he's discovering etc.) Kaine's statement to the camera - was scripted carefully - served a couple of purposes, all in one statement "to the camera ... to Kyron ... to whoever else is watching:

He was reassuring Kyron, where-ever he is, (hoping against hope he can see a TV), that Dad was keeping the baby safe from Terri.


The added benefit of that solid soundbite was it was heart-wrenching at the same time being a huge slap - direct hit - a nice clean passive-aggressive attack on Terri and recent court moves, i.e. - paraphrasing:
"home is safe. just dad and baby. that's it. (unsaid but perfectly clear: safe = no Terri.) that's why it's safe. and it's gonna stay that way."


Take THAT team Terri. And I'm thinking there's more from where THAT's coming from too.

I find it so interesting to read all of the different perspectives on this! It's great to be part of a group with so many different minds working the same problem!

I felt like Kaine was speaking from incredible guilt - he didn't know that by being married to Terri, he was putting his children in danger. Now he knows - too late. I saw it as almost bargaining: " I know you were in danger, now I know how to keep you safe, come home and I'll keep you safer this time..."

But when you say that about the stab at Terri, I can see it that way, too.
If Terri is the monster she is made out to be, she isn't going to respond or be affected by anything Kaine says. I think Kaine is speaking from guilt and trying to get a dig in at Terri, but I don't think it will land.
"Look at every scenario that has him alive still today. Look at those scenarios and have your child witness another child have to go through that right in front of their face. It's horrific. I don't care how you describe it. So yeah, I think he's alive. I think it was an awful day. I sure hope that K**** didn't witness what happened that day, but I'm pretty confident she was there based on what we know. And that's a horrific thing for a child to have to witness."

If LE is prepping the parents by releasing those emails to them, to gear them up for the realization that Kyron is dead, what on earth could Kaine mean by this statement?

I admit to being about as confused as a person can get. But I've read this over and over in the past few hours and .... well.

This thread is going way off track. Let's get back on topic, please.
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