family sources say there is a four hour window for abduction

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Thank you, thats what I keep saying. She would have still been drunk at that time. That is why i do not believe she was.. Until LE comes out and says Db was drunk I wont believe it.. Its a ploy.

If she is a heavy drinker, from what I've seen of drinkers in my life, she would have been able to function in a stumbling around kind of way....
I've been watching and reading and listening so far in the Lisa thread but I've got to jump in on this one. Five to ten "stoop" size glasses of wine plus medication - is IMO too much alcohol to process in five short hours - depending on how frequently she drank - she might have been able to get up - but hardly coherent. Then there is the apparent "blackout"....

I'm an average sized woman of average weight in good physical condition and I would have been "under the table" with five glasses, and not sober or functioning well after even seven hours of sleep.

Again, according to Debbie she takes her medication once a day, in the morning.

And what exactly is a "stoop size glass of wine"? We have absolutely NO way of knowing what size servings of wine DB was drinking.

But whether anyone has an opinion or not about how snockered she must have been at 3:30 am, the fact still remains that the body processes an average sized drink at the rate of 1 hour per drink. That's not my opinion, that is a scientific fact. So regardless of how much she drank, or what size servings she had, she still had 5 hours for her body to be actively processing whatever alcohol was in her system. That is not an insignificant period of time. (IMO)
Irwin was initially angry to discovery the kitten and the lights were on. He knew the family was in such dire financial straight that their cell phones could not make outgoing calls because of nonpayment. He was concerned about the electric bill and finding a cat at the foot of his bed.

He must have been in a bad mood when he came home to wake up DB (so early in the morning and not care about waking up the kids) about the lights and the door and the DH would have just turned off the lights, checked the kids (kiss them good night) and came to bed, not be all hell bent on the lights on...I guess if they were having money problems then maybe but even then I still do'nt see it happening..just adding more to their story IMHO

Irwin says he woke up Bradley and asked her about the alarming signs in the home. Irwin said he realized he had not checked on Lisa and rushed to do so and found her crib empty.

um why rushed? and call for panic at that time? I have left the door mistake and have left lights on and when I see this the next morning or my DH does he doesn't go about "rushing" around the house to check the kids...just seems adding something to the story to make it sound like they were scared of something

This discovery sent the couple into a panic. The family's three cell phones were also missing from a counter. Irwin dashed to Brando's house demanding to know whether she had Lisa. She said she did not and asked why Lisa would be there instead of her own home.

IDK maybe it's the use of the words but I would not demand from my neighbor I would be scared and shook up not knowing where my child is..almost seems like he was angry "demanding"
If she is a heavy drinker, from what I've seen of drinkers in my life, she would have been able to function in a stumbling around kind of way....

Coming from a family that had alcoholics in it and being a big drinker at one time myself, it sometimes more often than not, makes the alcoholic more drunk and faster because they constantly have alcohol in their system. I just know from myself, that I used to be able to drink more than i can now, but in saying that I also know that 5 glasses of wine will have me giddy and laughing but not drunk and I have gotten beyond drunk before and I have blacked out on more than one occasion and I know the next morning which is hours away, well I am still drunk when I wake up. I dont want to see anyone the next day. Also, when you drink and I dont care who you are, you have to pee, and once those flood gates are open, fahgetabouit.. Didnt DB have to use the bathroom at all during this time. I dont care how drunk she was, she would have had to. At that time, didnt she check on the baby while making a bathroom run. Doesnt make sense.
Ok-My thing is this.The family is saying a 4 hr window.Lets go back and review this..DB said in one of her interviews that she last saw Lisa at 10.30,check on the boys,went to the computer room,opened the window.then went to bed.RIGHT!-OK..So now we have a new time line of..DB went in house,did the computer until when...the neighbor stayed outside until 1130 and saw the lights out.So if we are to believe this new time line of the kidnapping happening with 4 hrs of DB going into the house-The FAMILY must NOT believe the 12.15 witnesses walking down the street with a baby.The kidnapping had to have happened after DB got off the computer, the neighbor going into her house at 1130,but before 12.15 IF the 12.15 witnesses are to be believed..I hope the police check her computer to see if DB even got on the computer after coming in a 1030 and see when she logged off.MO-The Family's timeline can not be true!!
I hope you all can understand what I an trying to convey here..I just am not believing this 4 hr window with all DB AND SB and 12.15 witnesses times!!It just does'nt add up-what 4 hrs are they talking about??KWIM!!
Ok-My thing is this.The family is saying a 4 hr window.Lets go back and review this..DB said in one of her interviews that she last saw Lisa at 10.30,check on the boys,went to the computer room,opened the window.then went to bed.RIGHT!-OK..So now we have a new time line of..DB went in house,did the computer until when...the neighbor stayed outside until 1130 and saw the lights out.So if we are to believe this new time line of the kidnapping happening with 4 hrs of DB going into the house-The FAMILY must NOT believe the 12.15 witnesses walking down the street with a baby.The kidnapping had to have happened after DB got off the computer, the neighbor going into her house at 1130,but before 12.15 IF the 12.15 witnesses are to be believed..I hope the police check her computer to see if DB even got on the computer after coming in a 1030 and see when she logged off.MO-The Family's timeline can not be true!!
I hope you all can understand what I an trying to convey here..I just am not believing this 4 hr window with all DB AND SB and 12.15 witnesses times!!It just does'nt add up!!KWIM!!

Speaking of DB's comments about being on the computer that night...I'm am positive I heard or read that somewhere, but I sure can't find a link to that info now.

Does anyone else have a link to this?
This four hour window thing reminds me of a magic trick. You know, abracadabra, please look at me wave and gesture so you don't see me switch the cards with my other hand... Here, here, look at this four hour window which is actually a half hour window so you don't see this gaping hole from 4:30 onwards that the baby spent in her crib and everybody forgot about her...

I agree, and I don't think it's going to work - they aren't good enough magicians.

And it also reminds me of the accepted fact that sometimes liars give out too much information trying to cover their tracks. Too much information is often a sign of spinning and fabricating. And I think they will get caught in their own web eventually.
So if she was the one who opened the window that night she probably broke/bent the screen in her drunken stupor and doesn't remember it. I wonder if she doesn't remember what else happened that night and is afraid if she is questioned by police that she is likely to remember and she will not like what she finds. She made the comment herself that she was afraid to look out back because she was afraid of what she would find. There has to be a reason for that statement.
Thank you, thats what I keep saying. She would have still been drunk at that time. That is why i do not believe she was.. Until LE comes out and says Db was drunk I wont believe it.. Its a ploy.

But you believe other things she has said, correct? How do you decide what you do and don't believe? (not questioning your opinion, just curious)
Well, quietly through FOX and JJP is a stretch.

LE hasn't released a single thing in this case. Everything is coming from the family, grocery store clerk, neighbor's, motorcycle dude and the pink hair lady - MW and the media interpretation of what the sources are telling them.

What about the dog hitting on the decomp? Where did that info. come from originally, I mean, how did MSM get that info?...LE is the only source I can think, right?
What about the dog hitting on the decomp? Where did that info. come from originally, I mean, how did MSM get that info?...LE is the only source I can think, right?

It's in the search warrant.
Thank you, thats what I keep saying. She would have still been drunk at that time. That is why i do not believe she was.. Until LE comes out and says Db was drunk I wont believe it.. Its a ploy.

My only problem with that is, I would hate to admit to the world that I was blasted out of my mind when my baby was "kidnapped" on my watch. I would think a better story would be to say, DB started feeling ill, drank a bunch of nyquil and went to sleep at 10:30. Or stomach started hurting so bad and throwing up and crawled from the bathroom to bedroom and could barely move I was so sick. I can just see a lot better lies to come up with than the "blacked out drunk" lie that wouldn't make me appear to be a bad mother. I'd rather appear that I was just a mother who was so sick that she couldn't care for her kids or call out on her phones to reach anyone. But then the neighbors come into play, which they aren't telling the whole truth anyway. I just don't know.
If she was drinking on the front stoop she may not have had the choice because other neighbors who passed them would have seen and heard them drinking and would no doubt have told the police.
But you believe other things she has said, correct? How do you decide what you do and don't believe? (not questioning your opinion, just curious)

I dont really recall believing anything she has said so far other than her baby is gone. (correct me if I am wrong please). But I keep saying that everything that has come out of her mouth is a lie. I dont believe she was drunk, I dont believe she blacked out, I dont believe she doesnt know MW and I dont believe she is sorry in the sense that we would be sorry that our child is gone. I think the whole thing is staged. JMO but I really feel like she is a pathological liar and she believes her lies to a point as well.
My only problem with that is, I would hate to admit to the world that I was blasted out of my mind when my baby was "kidnapped" on my watch. I would think a better story would be to say, DB started feeling ill, drank a bunch of nyquil and went to sleep at 10:30. Or stomach started hurting so bad and throwing up and crawled from the bathroom to bedroom and could barely move I was so sick. I can just see a lot better lies to come up with than the "blacked out drunk" lie that wouldn't make me appear to be a bad mother. I'd rather appear that I was just a mother who was so sick that she couldn't care for her kids or call out on her phones to reach anyone. But then the neighbors come into play, which they aren't telling the whole truth anyway. I just don't know.

I can understand what you are saying but remember, she was caught on camera buying the wine so what better excuse to use, that she blacked out. I am sure its been used as a defense before. Now if she was on camera buying Nyquil I would expect her to have said she took that. We have to remember also that this wine was for a family function apparently, and she decided that night to drink it.. I still cant buy that. This is the main reason I think she was involved, not the only one by far but the main reason. I cant shake the feeling that she wasnt drunk at all.
And strangely enough, we hear from JI and DB themselves that JI was the one who walked out of the interviews...not DB. Why do you think THAT is? :waitasec:

Personally, I think it's because he had already been up for over 24 hours and had just found his daughter missing and then was subjected to accusations and the same questions over and over again for another 10-20 hours. I can see where his mind was about to explode and he needed a break. My only screaming thought would have been go find my baby! When you are innocent of any wrong doing and KNOW that you have given all the pertinent information, then I can see him being frustrated.
LE never accused her of murder that I'm aware. According to DB and JI themselves, LE kept asking them about an accident occurring in the home.

DB said herself in an interview that LE said *paraphrasing here* 'we know you killed your baby'
Personally, I think it's because he had already been up for over 24 hours and had just found his daughter missing and then was subjected to accusations and the same questions over and over again for another 10-20 hours. I can see where his mind was about to explode and he needed a break. My only screaming thought would have been go find my baby! When you are innocent of any wrong doing and KNOW that you have given all the pertinent information, then I can see him being frustrated.

I agree completely! (DB is a whole other story!! She should be sitting there answering the questions because she was the adult in the home responsible for that baby and the boys! She has no excuse for needing a break!!)
This four hour window is about as believable as Casey Anthony saying she dropped off Caylee at the Sawgrass Apartments between 9 and 1 on the last day Caylee was seen alive.

It does sound like JI has a quick temper, though. I still can't get past why he would think the neighbor had Lisa. It almost sounds like he thought the neighbor took Lisa on purpose. What in the heck is that about? Why would the neighbor do that if she was drinking with DB earlier? I hate that as the days go by, this is case is making less and less sense to me!

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