Family wants to keep life support for girl brain dead after tonsil surgery #4

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New Beginnings Community Center provides office space specifically designated for individuals or groups committed to providing treatment to individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and other physical and cognitive disabilities.

office space- not outpatient
I'm thinking by moving Jahi to the facility or moving her to home there will be an endless supply of donations being made to this family and in reality all of that money will be going towards their bank accounts etc.

no better than George and Cindy IMO.

They can't force people to donate to them. I don't understand what the big deal is. There are always donations for parents who have lost a child, because they cannot work for weeks or even months.
Does anyone know if the family is planning on moving to NY to be near Jahi?

I asked this question a couple of days ago and also wondered if anyone from the family had actually visited the "facility" in New York that has offered to care for Jahi. To date, there have been no reports that family/friends or someone from the attorney's team has visited New Beginnings. This convinces me that the entire scenario of Jahi being cared for by this facility is bogus, an exercise in futility, a stall tactic, whatever, and that there is really no specific plan to have the teen transferred there. I hope that NO parent would consider transporting a family member to a "health care" facility that is clear across the country without visiting said facility and assuring themselves that this is, indeed, a place that can properly care for and maintain their loved one. :moo:
Mmhmm... digital footprints here, there, and everywhere. Including at the hospital, where some have claimed reports have been altered :angel:


all the records at CHO I assume are digital

you create a record
you add to it
you may modify it
but you'll never delete it

PPACA mandate in 2010
New Beginings does not seem to have an NPI ( National Provider Identifier ) number, which is required for a facility to bill insurance.
They can't force people to donate to them. I don't understand what the big deal is. There are always donations for parents who have lost a child, because they cannot work for weeks or even months.

ITA. Fools and their money...On the other hand, there's a fraud issue. But that's for the donors to pursue if they're so inclined. I'm thinking they're fine with putting their money up for this. jmo

all the records at CHO I assume are digital

you create a record
you add to it
you may modify it
but you'll never delete it

PPACA mandate in 2010

Would there not be an indication that the electronic records were modified/altered? I mean, even here, at WS, we have to explain why we are altering our posts.

And I agree with you, in case I wasn't clear :seeya:
So there are three sites for jahi. #1 by her family, #2 by a hairdresser/family friend, and #3 by someone else in Nebraska with no apparent ties to the family which says it was started 15 days ago but has NO donations at all for it. Hmmmm
Can I just mention about CHO using the term "the body" and "the deceased"? Drs, RNs, and in fact all medical folks are trained to use the 'proper' terminology when talking about a patient and their body.

For instance, I would not use the term "hoo-haw" to describe a vagina...not as an RN. As me, sure...but not professionally. I wouldn't use the term "ticker" to refer to the heart. It's what we're taught...and what we do.

So when the hospital refers to Jahi as "the body" or "the deceased", it's because that's the proper way to describe Jahi's's the medical condition that her body is in right now.

It is also a technique to sort of 'force' Mom to accept Jahi is dead...or at least, not contributing to the false perceptions Mom has, that Jahi is alive. Although, at this point, I don't believe Mom is going to ever believe - at least publically - that Jahi is dead...she's far too vested in believing Jahi is alive. Vested in many ways.

(And while I'm at the whole terminology thing, I got to wondering about that mucus incident. Why did Jahi need her mother to wipe her nose for her? She was 13, and able to use her hands/ why was Mom wiping the nose? Just something that's been bugging me...)

Herding Cats
They can't force people to donate to them. I don't understand what the big deal is. There are always donations for parents who have lost a child, because they cannot work for weeks or even months.

No, they can't but they (the family) can come up with some BS "sob story" about how the hospital is treating them and their child in order to get people to donate money knowing full well the money is not going towards to NB facility.
The main go fund me page was created by the mother.

Something has been smelling rotten in denmark since day one.

I am on team Jahi's Family.

I don't see any teams here.

A catastrophic bleed caused this child's blood pressure to drop precipitously and the loss of pressure and oxygen caused a complete and irreversible death of her brain and brainstem.

A vivacious happy child is dead, but her physical shell remains artificially supported by machines. It is not Jahi.

The family seeks to maintain the physical shell, rather than honor the memory of the wonderful child.

I just don't see any teams here.
Our agency rate for an RN is $150/visit for home health. This is the quote given if a patient/family wants to continue care aft insurance has determined care is no longer necessary. This is for intermittent care.

I know someone who had home health care for their elderly mother who was left paralyzed and unable to speak after an infection. The mother was quite wealthy and the family arranged for 3 RNs on 3 shifts and it cost $250k/year. The mother lived four years (died about six years ago.) The children said it would have been around half that if she were in a nursing home, but this way she was in her own home with one-to-one care. I don't know how they arranged for the nurses but it seems like an agency would have been even more expensive.
Can I just mention about CHO using the term "the body" and "the deceased"? Drs, RNs, and in fact all medical folks are trained to use the 'proper' terminology when talking about a patient and their body.

For instance, I would not use the term "hoo-haw" to describe a vagina...not as an RN. As me, sure...but not professionally. I wouldn't use the term "ticker" to refer to the heart. It's what we're taught...and what we do.

So when the hospital refers to Jahi as "the body" or "the deceased", it's because that's the proper way to describe Jahi's's the medical condition that her body is in right now.

It is also a technique to sort of 'force' Mom to accept Jahi is dead...or at least, not contributing to the false perceptions Mom has, that Jahi is alive. Although, at this point, I don't believe Mom is going to ever believe - at least publically - that Jahi is dead...she's far too vested in believing Jahi is alive. Vested in many ways.

(And while I'm at the whole terminology thing, I got to wondering about that mucus incident. Why did Jahi need her mother to wipe her nose for her? She was 13, and able to use her hands/ why was Mom wiping the nose? Just something that's been bugging me...)


Herding Cats

I've been thinking about terminology as well. One time I was greatly offended when I saw my chart that said "advanced maternal age" I was 35! I didn't feel so bad when my mother commented it used to be called "geriatric maternity" in her days. Anyway, IMO, terminology should be as precise as possible on the part of the caregiver's side. I don't want there to be any confusion in my chart as to what is what. Hoo hoos and tallywackers are for the rest of us.
Angela Clemente & Associates and a skilled team of experts along with Attorney Chris Dolan are handling all aspects of Jahi's case. Ms. Clemente will notify me later this afternoon about providing an additional statement.

Angela Clemente & Associates is a Private Investigator company. She is very much into self-promotion. She seems to have a 17+ year history in the hospital area, and it sounds like in hospital laboratory work, but it is unclear exactly what. Maybe she was a lab manager, maybe she was a medical technologist, maybe she was a phlebotomist. It isn't clear. It also doesn't sound as if she has the credentials to be directing patient care (ie: Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant).

Why would NB in Medford, NY need a Private Investigator to work with Dolan for Jahi?

Why would someone with medical credentials want to promote NB as a place to care for a legally dead, brain-dead individual requiring fairly complicated supportive measures, especially those that would require a licensed MD - such as prescriptions, ventilator settings, general care orders, orders for tests or other care equipment? This just doesn't add up.
Would there not be an indication that the electronic records were modified/altered? I mean, even here, at WS, we have to explain why we are altering our posts.

And I agree with you, in case I wasn't clear :seeya:

Yeah, you create a record

then you add to it

you may modify it - describe why you're modifying the record

but the system will not allow for a deletion; time stamp of transaction, user record stamp is always available . . .
I've been thinking about terminology as well. One time I was greatly offended when I saw my chart that said "advanced maternal age" I was 35! I didn't feel so bad when my mother commented it used to be called "geriatric maternity" in her days. Anyway, IMO, terminology should be as precise as possible on the part of the caregiver's side. I don't want there to be any confusion in my chart as to what is what. Hoo hoos and tallywackers are for the rest of us.

It is funny, isn't it?

The physician history and physical starts with "Chief Complaint". Which is really a medical description of the problem(s) you are experiencing. You might be complaining about the hospital food, but your Chief Complaint is really searing pain in your chest and shortness of breath. I always found that funny.
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