Fast Food Workers Want $15/hr

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Which European country specifically are you referring to?

Hmmmm, let's see,

Germany, Sweden, Luxembourg, England, Iceland, Belgium, Switzerland, Portugal, Norway, Austria, Spain, France, to name a few. Each of these countries has a comprehensive healthcare plan which covers all of it's citizens without bankrupting them individually. What they don't have, apparently, is a class of HAVES hell bent on making sure the HAVE NOTS are not afforded an equal human right to health care. It should be a major source of shame and embarrassment for the U.S.
Wonder how many of these people asked for a raise before they went on strike.

Um... Probably none. Because they knew they didn't deserve it. :rolleyes:

So, If I am making a lot of money per year, and someone doesn't like it, lets just call for a Boycott! So stupid!
This is insanity. Minimum wage is a livable wage here. My husband has a degree (with honors) from a prestigious university, and just NOW makes a little over $15 an hour, after 7 YEARS in his field. I hate to say this...fearing I will come across and some sort of jerk...but it's fast food. It takes no education, no experience, no job history in most cases, etc. I don't believe fast food workers should start out at $15 an hour. I believe wage should reflect history. If someone works their way up to $15 by promotions, awesome. Starting out at that? NO. It's not reflected in the work, or the credentials required to work there.

Now, before I'm jumped on I grew up DIRT poor. We rarely had electricity and I knew the real feeling of going hungry. Days and days without food. My parents worked menial jobs, and their hard work was rewarded. They never expected high pay for the jobs they were doing. They had absolutely no education and experience to support the demand of high wages. They worked and learned, and succeeded. They didn't demand something before they deserved it. I worked my butt of to get through college with no aide. (Several jobs, no sleep, the works.) I worked low paying jobs. I didn't expect high pay, simply because I was there and poor. I had achieved nothing that demanded high pay. I WORKED to improve my standing and my pay.

So, maybe $15 is New York or San Fransisco isn't much. In MANY states, it's insulting to people who worked hard to be experienced and educated. A worker at McDonalds should NOT be making as much as a college professor, teacher, researcher, etc. It's ludicrous.
If lower echelon jobs were paid slightly more, then the professional jobs might end up being paid what they're worth as well. Just sayin'.
If lower echelon jobs were paid slightly more, then the professional jobs might end up being paid what they're worth as well. Just sayin'.

I don't think so. I think it will just cause everyone to be even more entitled, and make demands they have no cause for. A professional actually HAS a cause to demand better pay. Education, experience, work history, industry regard. How does working the stove at McDonalds demand over a double increase in wages?

I have worked fast food, for what it's worth. It takes absolutely no skill or education to do so.
I'm somewhat puzzled by the disdain and condescension some are displaying regarding low wage earners, specifically, fast food workers. True, these jobs do not require education beyond the basics, and they are not likely to work their way up a corporate ladder, because that kind of career growth is not part of McDonald's corporate structure. But what's with all of the insinuations that it's not a hard job, or they don't work hard, or that they are somehow less deserving of a living wage because they haven't for whatever reason had a higher education, or lack the capacity to have a higher education? There is an awful lot of "I want you to suffer and struggle because I had to" going on on this thread. It's really disheartening. Wouldn't we all be better off working to help lift people up, rather than revel in making sure to "keep them in their place"? I fully support a living wage at a minimum for all workers, regardless of how "worthy" their contribution is deemed by society.
I'm somewhat puzzled by the disdain and condescension some are displaying regarding low wage earners, specifically, fast food workers. True, these jobs do not require education beyond the basics, and they are not likely to work their way up a corporate ladder, because that kind of career growth is not part of McDonald's corporate structure. But what's with all of the insinuations that it's not a hard job, or they don't work hard, or that they are somehow less deserving of a living wage because they haven't for whatever reason had a higher education, or lack the capacity to have a higher education? There is an awful lot of "I want you to suffer and struggle because I had to" going on on this thread. It's really disheartening. Wouldn't we all be better off working to help lift people up, rather than revel in making sure to "keep them in their place"? I fully support a living wage at a minimum for all workers, regardless of how "worthy" their contribution is deemed by society.

have you owned a company that pays salaries and benefits for employees?
I'm somewhat puzzled by the disdain and condescension some are displaying regarding low wage earners, specifically, fast food workers. True, these jobs do not require education beyond the basics, and they are not likely to work their way up a corporate ladder, because that kind of career growth is not part of McDonald's corporate structure. But what's with all of the insinuations that it's not a hard job, or they don't work hard, or that they are somehow less deserving of a living wage because they haven't for whatever reason had a higher education, or lack the capacity to have a higher education? There is an awful lot of "I want you to suffer and struggle because I had to" going on on this thread. It's really disheartening. Wouldn't we all be better off working to help lift people up, rather than revel in making sure to "keep them in their place"? I fully support a living wage at a minimum for all workers, regardless of how "worthy" their contribution is deemed by society.

No one is owed anything. It probably is somewhat demeaning to be a fast food employee, but it's honest work and it pays the bills. Someone earlier mentioned the CEO of McDonald's and his salary...the thing is McDonald's is a franchise, so most of the CEO's money comes from the franchise fees...the actual owners (small business owners) are feeling the squeeze from both directions, corporate who wants more money, and for the owners to pay for remodeling, new software, new training, and the employees who need to get paid, and still needing to make a a little research, it's not incredibly profitable right now at least to be a franchise owner. (I don't know why they don't start their own businesses instead of franchising but that's a different subject).

Living wage is a sweet theory, but it lacks in any reality of real life application. Doubling everyone's salary would more than double the cost that customer's have to buy, with no improvement to the food...really? Would you pay 10 bucks for a double cheeseburger with fries? (I don't eat at Mickey D's at the answer would be no way! )

ETA: By the way McDonald's corporation actually does have an interesting career path for employees who wish to move up and over to corporate...I know someone with a very high end corporate Human Resources job now, that got started as an employee in a company owned store.
The teachers in my right to work state have not had a raise in 7-8-9 years, while our health insurance cost has tripled.

My veteran teacher husband is happy he has a fact he is happy he has both of his teaching jobs.
(HS & college)

It takes both to provide adequately for our family; and he has done so for more than 20 years. He also works in construction in the summer.

My Army National Guard officer son works 2 jobs + reserves. His girlfriend works at 2 places too. They have no children. She has grad school coming up.

Many people work at multiple jobs to make ends meet....
I don't mean to offend anyone, but I find this to be a joke. These workers are demanding double their pay. Really? Will that make them get an order correct? :waitasec:

I came from nothing. I worked 3 jobs in high school to help my mom pay the bills. And yes, I worked in the fast food industry. I worked hard, and got lots of raises. Therefore I did not "deserve" a good wage, I earned it! I also worked hard to not make that my career. It was as some say, a stepping stone.

So, yeah this bugs me. Who are these people that think they are entitled to DEMAND twice their pay?

Frankly I'm pretty tired of these people who feel they are "entitled" to things. What ever happened to working hard to earn it? :waitasec:

My Papaw always told me, "Work as hard as you can for what you are worth, eventually the pay will catch up."

No one deserves anything, except for life. You pay your dues, you put hard work in, and eventually, you get what you deserve.

If you haven't earned it, then you don't deserve it!
I work for a small business where some employees make more than the owner. Oh, and because min. wage has increased to $8.95 per hour and health insurance costs are skyrocketing, raises are no longer guaranteed where I work. Currently I am an employee and I used to be part owner of a successful small business. I've seen both sides of the fence. The small businesses suffer in cases like this - like your franchise owners. The larger ones take the hit by increasing prices.

i agree! With 16 TRILLION in debt as it is, how on earth can we justify a minimum pay raise increase?

As a country we can't even pay our own way out of an astronomical debt.

When we become more solvent in OUR OWN COUNTRY, then maybe we can pay a better salary. Until then, this is all moot.
I know exactly where you are coming from. I tried to run a small country store with a cafe and had to close it up after less than a year. Hopefully we will get someone in office who can actually turn this around.

Sooooooo, you are saying you are dependent on the government for your success - or lack thereof?
Really, it's hard to feel sorry for someone who worked 2-3 jobs as a single parent, bought a house, used the equity to buy a small business and works 60+ hours a week for less pay than their lowest paid employee? Have you checked your phone bills, electric, cell etc. for what you are currently paying in taxes? Small businesses pay that PLUS! I pay city tax and county tax, intangible tax, income tax. I match many of the taxes taken from my employess paychecks PLUS pay their worker's comp and their unemployment taxes. I've never had an employee file a worker's comp case yet in the past 3 years my worker's comp payments have doubled. What about gas tax? Tax on the air freight that brings in my inventory? Those are just a few of the many taxes outside of what the foes of small business want people to think is the low tax rates we pay.

Be proud! Keep doing what you are doing, and do not ever feel guilty for that! EVER!
i agree! With 16 TRILLION in debt as it is, how on earth can we justify a minimum pay raise increase?
As a country we can't even pay our own way out of an astronomical debt.

When we become more solvent in OUR OWN COUNTRY, then maybe we can pay a better salary. Until then, this is all moot.

Just DEMAND it,,, like the fast food peeps! :rolleyes:
I believe the demographics of fast-food workers has changed drastically over the past few years. These are traditionally jobs for teenagers. Kids - who don't have mortgages or babies to feed or college tuitions to pay. Since the recession, there are likely many more fast-food employees who lost their higher paying jobs in other sectors and are trying to make ends meet. If they have more money to spend, other businesses benefit. It's pretty simple, really.

This is not an issue of "entitlement." It's basic economics.
Just DEMAND it,,, like the fast food peeps! :rolleyes:

Are you willing to pay 3$ for that dollar McChicken? Are you willing to pay 3$ for that McDouble?

If you raise minimum wage, that is what you are asking for.

I realize you were being factitious, but most may not realize that.
Hmmmm, let's see,

Germany, Sweden, Luxembourg, England, Iceland, Belgium, Switzerland, Portugal, Norway, Austria, Spain, France, to name a few. Each of these countries has a comprehensive healthcare plan which covers all of it's citizens without bankrupting them individually. What they don't have, apparently, is a class of HAVES hell bent on making sure the HAVE NOTS are not afforded an equal human right to health care. It should be a major source of shame and embarrassment for the U.S.

There is no such thing as a human right to health care paid for by the government, you've been sold a bill of goods on that.

According to wiki, there is no minimum wage in Germany "However, the law states that paying a worker an "immoral wage" is illegal. There is no general consensus what constitutes "immoral" payment. One judge at a court in Krefeld, Germany, ruled that a cashier at a supermarket has to earn the equivalent of approximately 7USD per hour."

Sweden also has no minimum wage.

Luxembourg does have minimum wage based on skill sets. €1,874.19 per month and €10.8335 for unskilled workers over 18; increased by 20% for a skilled employee; decreased by 20% to 25% in the case of an adolescent worker. (Roughly 10-13 an hour)

NY is 7th on list for highest rent, Luxembourg is their minimum wage, like that of the US is a small part of their population.

France is also around 12 bucks an hour
England is less at around 9.83
you can see the rest here List of minimum wages by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Are you willing to pay 3$ for that dollar McChicken? Are you willing to pay 3$ for that McDouble?

If you raise minimum wage, that is what you are asking for.

I realize you were being factitious, but most may not realize that.

People who are gainfully employed and can afford it will be willing to pay. If they're not, they don't have to. We do still have free will.

And the "powers-that-be" should be able to figure out how to be profitable without screwing their customers over.
I believe the demographics of fast-food workers has changed drastically over the past few years. These are traditionally jobs for teenagers. Kids - who don't have mortgages or babies to feed or college tuitions to pay. Since the recession, there are likely many more fast-food employees who lost their higher paying jobs in other sectors and are trying to make ends meet. If they have more money to spend, other businesses benefit. It's pretty simple, really.

This is not an issue of "entitlement." It's basic economics.

Basic economy says, if you raise minimum wage to 15$ an hour, that the dollar burger you pay for at McDonald's will now increased to 3$ Which means the wage increase affects everyone.

Capitalize is the basis for our society. Raise wages, you raise the price of the product.

NO COMPANY is going to lower it's profit margins because the government says they have to pay their employees more.

They are only going to INCREASE the price of the product to make up for the governments mandate.
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