FBI considering hate crime charges against Zimmerman #1

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Will soomeone who is claiming "profiling" please post the definition. And then explain how it fits this situation?

pro·fil·ing  /ˈproʊfaɪlɪŋ/ Show Spelled[proh-fahy-ling] Show IPA
the use of specific characteristics, as race or age, to make generalizations about a person, as whether he or she may be engaged in illegal activity.

I say the above definition pretty much describes exactly what GZ was doing that night... IMHO..It fits the situation to a "T"..JMHO
How do you "confront someone with your presence?" GZ was a resident of that condo...he had EVERY right to be anywhere. Incluing in or out o his car. He disregarded advice NOT any LAW.

GZ had a right to be anywhere. Actually so did TM...though he was just a visitor. No one made any illegal "confronttion."

GZ was asked for a description by police. He did not offer it. Was he to tell them TM was purple and 65 years old. He answered truthfully.

In fact, TM began the verbal confrontation according to his GF. "why are you followng me?"

ALL of us have a right to ask anyone in our neighborhood...after those words...to answer back. GZ "confronted NO ONE.

"If they use GZ's past calls to the police" and it is proven that young Black teens WERE the problem in that condo area...it PROVES NOTHING about race...only that GZ was doing a good job as WATCH CAPTAIN...being a good neighbor...and giving accurate descriptions.
<snip for relevance>
It is what it is. Can it be proven in a court of law? Well, if they use Zimmerman's past calls to the police over the years, they may have a tighter case. I'm not sure if that will be let in. But those calls definitely paint a picture of Zimmerman, and it's not pretty.


4 divided by 46 equals .086956. Are you really trying to insinuate that less than 10% of his calls that were regarding black individuals somehow paints a picture that he was racist?
pro·fil·ing&#8194; /&#712;pro&#650;fa&#618;l&#618;&#331;/ Show Spelled[proh-fahy-ling] Show IPA
the use of specific characteristics, as race or age, to make generalizations about a person, as whether he or she may be engaged in illegal activity.

I say the above definition pretty much describes exactly what GZ was doing that night... IMHO..It fits the situation to a "T"..JMHO

So GZ was to ignore the reality of the crime statistics in his neighborhood? If the majority of crimes were by Black teens, he has a legit reason to wonder if an unknown Black teen might be engaged in illegal activity.

Is he supposed to be worryng about Chinese women? <modsnip> THE REALITY OF JUST WHO THE CRIMINALS WERE makes a huge difference.

It's not a "genealization"if it has statistic credibilty.
4 divided by 46 equals .086956. Are you really trying to insinuate that less than 10% of his calls that were regarding black individuals somehow paints a picture that he was racist?

Perception is reality. Just ask Zimmerman.

The past calls show Zimmerman has a propensity to profile. Therefore, the past shoulders today's hate crime investigation.

Perception is reality. Just ask Zimmerman.

The past calls show Zimmerman has a propensity to profile. Therefore, the past shoulders today's hate crime investigation.


The past shows nothing of the sort. The statistics prove otherwise and statistics have no allegiance to race or ethnicity.

The man is no racist. If Black teens were causing problems as numerous neighbors stated...then it is NOT profiling to be concerned about Black teens.

Are you saying that profiling now is so widely definined that a neighborhood that has a high incidence of Black teen crime is FORBIDDEN to even worry about unknown Black teens...or that is now some crime? How can you force people to deny reality?

Maybe the answer is to look to solve the crime problem not persecute those who have to live with it!
The past shows nothing of the sort. The statistics prove otherwise and statistics have no allegiance to race or ethnicity.

The man is no racist. If Black teens were causing problems as numerous neighbors stated...then it is NOT profiling to be concerned about Black teens.

Are you saying that profiling now is so widely definined that a neighborhood that has a high incidence of Black teen crime is FORBIDDEN to even worry about unknown Black teens...or that is now some crime? How can you force people to deny reality?

Maybe the answer is to look to solve the crime problem not persecute those who have to live with it!

The reality of the situation is/was Trayvon Martin was not engaged in criminal activity that night. Zimmerman was wrong. Trayvon is the one who stood his ground and was killed for it. Zimmerman has been correctly charged and a hate crime investigation is warranted in IMO. At the very least, let's not let this situation ever happen again. Agreed?

Questions about profiling:

1. If GZ were Black , would his same actions toward TM be considered "profiling?"
2. If not, does each Neighborhood Watch need to do a statistical survey and choose someone of the same race/ethnicity of the most frequent criminals, to avoid legal problems or Federal Charges?

3. In my area, where White teens are the problem, could a Black Watch Captain face legal problems for "profiling" an unknown White teen in the neighborhood?

4. If the majority of crime is from one race or ethnicity, how do we program residents NOT to be concerned about unknown persons of the race/ethnicity? This is a serious question. If Whites ae vandalizing a Black neighborhood, should we expect those Good People to UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES...have any negative thought or extra WATCHFULNESS against an unknown white person?

5. Is answering a question "why are you following me?" with a question "what are you doing here?" Profiling? or illegal confrontation? So GZ was NOT to reply to TM. Is that what the law is?

There are posts here about why people do not trust police...is THAT profiling? Can we force people to stop that kind of thinking too?
The reality of the situation is/was Trayvon Martin was not engaged in criminal activity that night. Zimmerman was wrong. Trayvon is the one who stood his ground and was killed for it. Zimmerman has been correctly charged and a hate crime investigation is warranted in IMO. At the very least, let's not let this situation ever happen again. Agreed?


But, GZ COULD NOT KNOW THAT. Black teens were a criminal problem. He was watching him because of previous CRIMINAL incidents. It is the FAULT of those thugs that TM was watched, not one of the crime victims. And GZ was among those with his property stolen.

That crime problem is at the root of this. No one wants to talk about it, but it is.

As long as their is rampant crime, people will fear whomever fits the demographic of the perpetrators. Sadly, innocent TM did.
i have yet to hear one person explain WHY..in a neighborhood with rampant lack teen crime...it was illogical for a unknown Black teen to be watched by someone volunteering to help stop that crime?
i have yet to hear one person explain WHY..in a neighborhood with rampant lack teen crime...it was illogical for a unknown Black teen to be watched by someone volunteering to help stop that crime?

I am waiting for you to post those statistics. A breakdown of different crimes committed by blacks, whites, and Hispanic, in Retreat View. Start with homicides, we know one was committed by George.
But, GZ COULD NOT KNOW THAT. Black teens were a criminal problem. He was watching him because of previous CRIMINAL incidents. It is the FAULT of those thugs that TM was watched, not one of the crime victims. And GZ was among those with his property stolen.

That crime problem is at the root of this. No one wants to talk about it, but it is.

As long as their is rampant crime, people will fear whomever fits the demographic of the perpetrators. Sadly, innocent TM did.

BBM - Not ALL black teens were a criminal problem.

Zimmerman erred in judgment big time. He profiled Trayvon. That's why there is a hate crime investigation.

And once again, Zimmerman didn't just watch. If that were the case, Trayvon wouldn't be dead.

I am waiting for you to post those statistics. A breakdown of different crimes committed by blacks, whites, and Hispanic, in Retreat View. Start with homicides, we know one was committed by George.


Reuters claims it did an extensive investigation "including court documents and police reports." They quote an AA neighbor as saying the "elephant in the living room was BLACK teen crime." It provide some good examples.

Statitistics like this make the profiling charge bogus.

But again, if GZ were Black, would the same actions be "profiling TM?"
OF COURSE, not all! Of course not. And TM was troubled at the moent, but a good kid. And would have grown up to be a fine young man if his Mom is any indicator.

But the word "profiling" doesn't fit no matter how much you say it. Not if Black teens were a neighborhood problem. It is those kids that caused TM to be watched. We cannot close our eyes to the reality of where we live.
It just absolutely astounds me that many people are so ready to give up their freedoms to live in some controlled environment where armed 'volunteers' roam about 'watching'! How on earth can it be normal to have citizens followed and stalked just because one person, on his own, decides they look 'suspicious'. Then when one takes up for himself , Stands His Ground, and demands to quit being followed, gets blown away, yet he's in the wrong! Where does it end? Can a man follow and 'watch' women, children, their visitors, the mailman? Also, I really question the news report on the previous page that states houses in that neighborhood were cased and the attempted breakins. How do they know houses were being cased? How do they really know who was doing it? Some psychopaths love to be heroes and this case reminds me of a conversation I had the other day with a gun enthusiast who lives near me. He said that he shot up his former home when a guy got in and tried to rob him. His feeling was that crime in that neighborhood really dropped for awhile after he did that. Perhaps mr. z had some of the same thoughts, and wanted to be the hero. If one person was shot, big deal. Crime would drop, and I'll bet it has there even though Trayvon was doing nothing wrong, and was not on or near the volunteer's home trying to break in. Those supposed so high crime statistics might be the same in just about any neighborhood where thieves believe people have electronics to steal. In a mixed race neighborhood, how on earth can ANY black people be considered suspicous while walking around just because a few black people did a few crimes? It's insane.
i have yet to hear one person explain WHY..in a neighborhood with rampant lack teen crime...it was illogical for a unknown Black teen to be watched by someone volunteering to help stop that crime?

I guess this is the Elephant in OUR Living Room. LOL!

Reuters claims it did an extensive investigation "including court documents and police reports." They quote an AA neighbor as saying the "elephant in the living room was BLACK teen crime." It provide some good examples.

Statitistics like this make the profiling charge bogus.

But again, if GZ were Black, would the same actions be "profiling TM?"
That is just an article. I asked for all the crime statistics at Retreat View broken down by crime type and the race of those who committed them. You claim he was right in what he was doing because of the statistics and the FBI has no case. You claim black thugs are committing all the crimes there.
The past shows nothing of the sort. The statistics prove otherwise and statistics have no allegiance to race or ethnicity.

The man is no racist. If Black teens were causing problems as numerous neighbors stated...then it is NOT profiling to be concerned about Black teens.

Are you saying that profiling now is so widely definined that a neighborhood that has a high incidence of Black teen crime is FORBIDDEN to even worry about unknown Black teens...or that is now some crime? How can you force people to deny reality?

Maybe the answer is to look to solve the crime problem not persecute those who have to live with it!

I believe all GZ was asked to do was call it in. Here is a description and I had to use racial because the other definitions were for industry.

Racial profiling refers to the use of an individual’s race or ethnicity by law enforcement personnel as a key factor in deciding whether to engage in enforcement (e.g. make a traffic stop or arrest). The practice is controversial and is illegal in some nations.

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_profiling"]Racial profiling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

It is what it is. Whether we like it or not when we decide to take the law into our own hands we take a chance on it backfiring big time. TM was not a criminal looking to break into a home. There was no evidence to prove he was going anywhere but home. GZ was out of line following. I have NEVER heard of a law that give a private citizen the right to track down an innocent person just because they "think" he might be up to no good. We all have personal freedoms to walk about but I have never heard of a law that encourages people to take the law into their own hands. He called LE, they were on there way, his job was done, finished. It was now a police matter.

I don't think GZ did it out of hate. I think GZ has some issues with control and when you have control issues you feel no one, no one can do the job better than you. But GZ was an adult and certainly from his past issues should have known better. I know posters will say that was 7 years ago. When you have an obsession that is hard to control it's only a matter of time when that obsession gets out of control. I think GZ wants to live in a perfect world and that requires control and he was on the path to do whatever it took to get that control. FT as much as said so in his many interviews. jmo
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