Fencesitters & Not Guilty Post Here

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What bothers me about this case is the lack of hard evidence, or statements by the police. All we get are news items (from sources close, yada, yada). Most of it seems sensationalized, more to sell papers than get at the truth. I wonder if Portugal makes a habit of trying people in the media?

I'm not sure what to make of the McCanns, although every person reacts differently and we cannot compare their actions to the ones we might take - the ones we HOPE or THINK we might take. They do seem cold, but I believe I would act the same way. I'm used to keeping my emotions in check. I don't believe in public displays and I'm horrified when I see tv pictures of a grieving parent. I believe there should be some privacy.

I further believe a "sleuth" is one who ferrets out the truth, who investigates, not condemns without solid proof. Sherlock Holmes dealt in facts, not judgment, let the chips fall where they may. I think the more emotion and condemnation that's heaped upon the McCanns, the more entrenched I become. Yeah, if there was a smoking gun, I'd change my tune soon enough. But I've seen no smoking gun. I've seen nothing but half-baked newspaper articles and people quick to raise their own perceived parental perfections at the expense of the McCanns.

If the McCanns are guilty of Maddie's demise, they must be held responsible. But, there must be PROOF beyond a reasonable doubt, not inuendo beyond reasonable belief.

End of rant!

Great post Aftermidnight.

Your post mirrors my thoughts exactly.

Every day that goes by the more crazy this case seems to get and the less confidence I have in the Portugese police.
Their main tactic seems to have been to feed a hate campaign by deliberately leaking, usually untrue, damaging rumors that smear the McCanns. Maybe in the belief that the more they throw out there they just might get lucky and hit on something. Just fishing!!!
Or possibly to drive the McCanns out of Portugal to get rid of an embarassing problem.
I know what you mean, KOOL LOOK. And belive me, it doesn't take much for me to suspect people. But I remember how I (and most of San Diego) suspected Danielle Van Damm's parents because of their demeanor and their story seemed "off." And how many suspected Jessica Lundsford's father. And, well, on and on. Once you start suspecting someone, their every utterance and movement is tinged with significance, even though we all react to things differently and display our reactions differently. For instance, I'm pretty sure I would never, ever break down crying in public, no matter how much grief I felt. That doesn't make me a cold-hearted murderess. In fact, that doesn't mean I feel less emotion than others do. I see so many discussions here starting with a reference to a news story that proves the McCanns are guilty, yet they all end up either being demonstrated to be false or at the least quite misleading. The "100%" DNA match became 80%, and then it was pointed out that percentages are not even how DNA matches are reported. There was a lively discussion about a news story that claimed DNA tests proved Madeleine was drugged -- of course that turned out to be impossible. There was blood in the trunk, then it was body fluid, then it was hair. Mr. Mcann saying that they gave the children Calpol (Tylenol) became they were routinely drugging the children with sedatives. A report (unsubstanciated) that the tapas group drank 14 bottles of wine became set in stone and then morphed into they were swingers. Nothing at all has panned out yet because everything is getting exaggerated and twisted. I think people are being yanked around by the press, possibly with the help of some in Portugal LE. It really is frightening me.

Steadfast, I think you raise some very important points. And it is with your caution, and that of other people her such as Wudge, that will hold everyone to a pretty high standard, so to speak.

And likewise, when this evidence (or dossier ?), is presented in whatever legal venue is appropriate, there will no doubt, be scientists and investigators who will invalidate any conclusion that is not based on reliable (% liklihood, or whatever standard) methods of investigation, sample collection, chains of custody, analytical methods, and the like.

So...although we will continue to post our theories and speculation, we all know it is just that. Speculation. And ultimately, there is a very high standard for admissibility of evidence.

Keep up the good work, Steadfast. You'll keep us searching for the real evidence, and the legitimate quotes from reliable witnesses ;]

Awesome posts! IMO, FWIW!

Keep up the good work, Steadfast. You'll keep us searching for the real evidence, and the legitimate quotes from reliable witnesses ;]

:clap: :clap: :clap:

It's so difficult isn't it, all the reports, not knowing what is and what is not accurate. It's terrible. I remember it seems like yesterday a link is all we needed, how many times have you posted 'LINK PLEASE'...now we want to see the scans of the docs, people being quoted word for word.....what can you trust anymore. It IS scary. It's scary that so many rely on what the press is saying like it's the Gospel.

Brefie.. did you catch the last sentence in that article?

"Today, a source suggested to the Standard that labels for findings from Mr Murat's vehicles may have got confused with labels from the McCanns' car. "They could easily have got the labels mixed up," said the source."

THAT is not only down right scary but it is the first thing I have read lately that makes any sense to me.
Brefie.. did you catch the last sentence in that article?

"Today, a source suggested to the Standard that labels for findings from Mr Murat's vehicles may have got confused with labels from the McCanns' car. "They could easily have got the labels mixed up," said the source."

THAT is not only down right scary but it is the first thing I have read lately that makes any sense to me.

If that is true, it is total incompetence. By the Portuguese and UK police.
Brefie.. did you catch the last sentence in that article?

"Today, a source suggested to the Standard that labels for findings from Mr Murat's vehicles may have got confused with labels from the McCanns' car. "They could easily have got the labels mixed up," said the source."

THAT is not only down right scary but it is the first thing I have read lately that makes any sense to me.
Wow now that is earth shaking news if true.
But reportedly the sample was found only after the British dogs were brought back and alerted on the Renault Scenic rented by the McCanns. (and we don't know what prompted bringing the dogs back.)

Then they did a more thorough search in the trunk and found the sample.

Plus the tests were done at two different British labs, independently.

There may be things that were done incorrectly in the beginning or overlooked, but with as many powerful and wealthy people in the McCann network, I think the tests were done with the utmost attention to procedure.
reminds me of Scott Peterson 's look .....and i think the father killed her ...thats why the mom doesn't talk alot ....and looks so bad ....he is the master mind to all this....she looks so sad...He is out there wheeling and dealing ...and dragging her along
I think we're going to be real shocked when we find out who actually killed Maddy. Fox news just reported an excerpt from kate's diary. She spoke badly of her kids, calling maddy a hyperactive hysterical child.

Was very angry at her husband, stating he never helped out with the children, especiallly the twins, leaving it all to her to do. Waah Wahhhhhhhh
waaaaahhhhhhhh, welcome to motherhood.

I believe kate is a hate filled spoiled brat. Who can't stand her own kids. I watch her on the videos with her kids, she's offish.
KL, I totally agree. There were interviews with family members early on in the case about how Kate needed help with the children for the few days she was home with them every week. One of the grandmothers would come down on a regular basis to assist in their care. She strikes me as a woman who, in order to project a picture of the perfect can-have-it-all lifestyle, wanted children and then didn't know what to do with them.
What is written in our diarys is our private thoughts- everyone has days where they are stressed out and not handling things as well as other days.

I've never seen so many perfect parents as I have on this board!
What is written in our diarys is our private thoughts- everyone has days where they are stressed out and not handling things as well as other days.

I've never seen so many perfect parents as I have on this board!

Amen to that indeed.
Yes, but being stressed out and not handling things well shouldn't mean a parent has the right to be aggressive towards their children. We've all seen moms like this- screaming at their toddlers in the grocery store, swatting their little behinds because the children are overtired and annoying the mommies. I'm not saying I'm a saint; I've gotten frustrated with my kids too. But I don't go out and sedate them because I'm having a bad day.

I don't know why this woman wanted children. She went out of her way to give birth, but it was a lot more work than she bargained for. Even the help family members provided wasn't enough- she was still stressed out by her "hysterical" daughter.

Are you saying that if someone admits in their diary to a motive for hurting someone it shouldn't be used against them? Incredible!
Yes, but being stressed out and not handling things well shouldn't mean a parent has the right to be aggressive towards their children. We've all seen moms like this- screaming at their toddlers in the grocery store, swatting their little behinds because the children are overtired and annoying the mommies. I'm not saying I'm a saint; I've gotten frustrated with my kids too. But I don't go out and sedate them because I'm having a bad day.

I don't know why this woman wanted children. She went out of her way to give birth, but it was a lot more work than she bargained for. Even the help family members provided wasn't enough- she was still stressed out by her "hysterical" daughter.

Are you saying that if someone admits in their diary to a motive for hurting someone it shouldn't be used against them? Incredible!

As it stands, there is no proof the Mc's did.

Source please- for Kate admitting in her diary a motive for hurting her child - I haven't read that.
What is written in our diarys is our private thoughts- everyone has days where they are stressed out and not handling things as well as other days.

I've never seen so many perfect parents as I have on this board!

I agree diary's contain our private thoughts.
It would be outragious of the Portugese police if they have actually leaked some of her diary. Though par for the course!!!
If the quotes are "true"......as leaks up to now have been embellished and later played down....Nobody's life is perfect.
You can also take something out of context and make it sound bad!!!
I doubt its all positive, whose diary would be!!! It sounds more normal than not that she would think her husband didn't help her as much as she would have wished. Makes them both sound normal in fact!!!

Having three young children so close in age I think most mums would feel occasionally frazzled and be grateful for her families help.
Again sounds perfectly normal to me.

Maybe some people here are superwomen.
Well not me, I'm sure I would be only to grateful of the occasional help if I had twins and a toddler.
One of my best friends had three children in 26 months. When she went out somewhere, she always took a friend with her, usually with children the same age as her own so they could play together. Yes, she was grateful for the help with her children, but she also could handle them by herself for the day-to-day stuff.

I wouldn't describe her as a superwoman- far from it. She got tired and frazzled. But she was relatively calm and kind and good-natured towards all of the children. She didn't lose her temper with her toddlers, even though her oldest son was very active and inquisitive.
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