Fencesitters & Not Guilty Post Here

DNA Solves
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IF this is FACT, then I can't remain on the fence. But, for now to me it's not FACT. Although, it seems that the case is caving in on them ... according to the media.

I obviously have been a reader and not a poster, but now feel the urge to join in and post on this thread.

In the past I have always leaned towards the prosecution, however with this particular case when I hear people like Walsh and others interviewed and they have so much faith in the McCann's it gives me pause. Also the fact that the media has leaked so many "facts" and then I hear that they are not accurate WELL, I just want to wait this one out and see what the police really have.

I hope and pray that these parents would not do this to their child. I also hope and pray that if someone I loved were going through something like this they would be given the ole innocent until proven guilty.

That is what has drawn me to this particular thread and I hope to stay here until something concrete is presented. I do LOVE WS. The tone of the posters is so civil and that is refreshing. IMHO
Scary pack of 'sleuthers' on this site....does anyone still believe there is a chance that the McCann's aren't guilty and possibly Maddy was abducted and out there somewhere??

Anyone not want to partake in the witch hunt?
If trying to find whoever it was that took or harmed Maddie is a witch hunt, count me in. ;)
Scary pack of 'sleuthers' on this site....does anyone still believe there is a chance that the McCann's aren't guilty and possibly Maddy was abducted and out there somewhere??

Anyone not want to partake in the witch hunt?

Betty, I am still on the fence on this one. These parents are Dr's. They are not stupid. I would think that they would be smarter/more careful if they had in fact killed her, than to put her body in a rental car that could be later investigated. Something is just not right here. I think they are definitely negligent in leaving their children alone while they went to the Tapas bar, I could even think that they might have been "swingers" but to kill your own child, then successfully cover it up, while there is a police investigation going on right under their nose, would be a miracle. I truly think that they would have had to known that they may be watched, that in todays age, parents are considered suspects just was well as anyone else. I do not think they were stupid enough to take the risk of putting her body in the back of their car 25 days after she went missing.

I guess I want to look for the good in people. I am Catholic like they are. There is no way in that I could kill my own child, and then 27 days later ask to meet with and stand in front of the holiest person on earth for the Catholic faith-the pope. These people may be arrogant, they may be irresponsible, but I truly cannot believe that they could stand in front of the pope if they had killed their child. If I had done something to my child, I would be so ashamed, I would not want to show my face to the pope. They ASKED to see him. I do not think it was a show, I truly think they wanted spiritual guidance in their time of sorrow, and not because they had killed her, but because she had been taken and they did not know if she was alive or dead. As a Catholic, a meeting with the pope is second only to God.

Do I like these people? No. I think they have conducted themselves horribly. They are selfish, arrogant people. If they truly had remorse about leaving their children with no sitter, they would have confessed that they were wrong. They do not think they did anything wrong. I really think that if they had killed Maddie, they would be arrogant enough to call 911, say it was an accidental death, and think they would get away with it. I do not think they would have hidden her body. And for that matter, lets be realistic people...WHERE could they have hidden her? They had to know there would have been a police investigation, possibly including scent dogs earlier than a month or two later. If the search dogs had come in that night, her body would have been found immediately if the parents had hidden her. If they did kill her and hide her in the caves, why not keep her there--why move her? The suspicion of guilty would even be less on them, because people would have thought a sexual predator had taken her to the caves. As far as the hair in the car, it could have been from her clothing or a favorite blanket, it does not mean that she was in that trunk. I do not put alot of stock in the cadeaver dogs.

I, like everyone else, will wait to see how this all plays out. I do not think the parents did it, and I still over hope that she may be found alive.
BethyC, I believe in their innocence. I really have a feeling that she is out there someplace, ALIVE. Until I see HARD evidence to the contrary, I will continue to believe this.
While I love to read all of the theories and comments of those here, I really do believe we know virtually nothing about the case and of all the things 'leaked' how do we know even how much of it is true? Is it 60% or more like 5%??

I fully believe, without any sinister suspicion, that Madeleine's DNA will be EVERYWHERE the parents were.....why wouldn't it be?

Me too Brefie. I wonder this...do you think all this media and publicity is a ploy on the part of Portugal LE to weed out a potential kidnapper? Hear me out here...

If the main focus of the investigation is SUPPOSEDLY on the parents, a would be kidnapper may relax alittle and think that everyone thinks Maddie is dead, thinking "hmm, I can relax and run to the gas station with her in the car. No one is looking for her anymore." Maybe this is all an act on the part of LE and the parents to get the kidnapper(s) to slip up? ANy thoughts on this?
When do you all think the kidnapper decided to take her?

-Spur-of-the-moment--saw parents checking on kids then leaving; peeked in window, and took opportunity
-The night before--became aware kids were being left alone when Maddie cried and no one answered
-Over the course of the week; scoped out situation, maybe even waited until the last night

I really think it was an inside job. Who else would feel safe taking her to another apartment on the grounds--and who else would know it was vacant--when the people had just left that morning?
When do you all think the kidnapper decided to take her?

-Spur-of-the-moment--saw parents checking on kids then leaving; peeked in window, and took opportunity
-The night before--became aware kids were being left alone when Maddie cried and no one answered
-Over the course of the week; scoped out situation, maybe even waited until the last night

I really think it was an inside job. Who else would feel safe taking her to another apartment on the grounds--and who else would know it was vacant--when the people had just left that morning?

I think if all these parents felt (and apparently they did) that there was nothing wrong with leaving children unattended while going off to dinner, it had to be a known fact at that resort. With that in mind, any staff member or other guest would be able to observe the parents going off and only checking in at intervals. How hard would it be to slip in after one of those "checking in" times and slip away with a sleeping child?? This theory makes more sense to me than all the others.

I need more concrete facts about whatever evidence the police have to turn my eyes to the Mother and Father. (I do believe this is totally their fault tho, and if they had hired a babysitter or stayed in with their children this would not have happened) They have only themselves to blame for this horrible tragedy.
That's what this thread is for. To discuss calmly, and to hear the opinions of those not convinced or may never be convinced the parents did anything wrong. Of course leaving your 3 children, three years of age and younger alone, for hours meets my criteria of beyond and above neglect and borders on abuse, but not a criminal matter. The giving the kids drugs when they weren't sick or restless, is criminal to me being their doctors and shouldn't have resorted to such tactics to help get their energetic babies and toddler to go to sleep. A content, well fed, well time spent together works everytime.

Stay and post, your input is valuable.

Thank you, :D I agree about the parental negligence. That doesn't mean they killed her. I've yet to see a piece of evidence presented (as FACT) that would convince me of that.

Scary pack of 'sleuthers' on this site....does anyone still believe there is a chance that the McCann's aren't guilty and possibly Maddy was abducted and out there somewhere??

Anyone not want to partake in the witch hunt?
I'm with you on this one as well! As hard as it is to post out on the rest of the threads, I'll post here as long as there are people here to discuss the case.

Philamena...april4sky posted this article earlier today:

It discusses the DNA and hair...police haven't confirmed this (as with everything else). It's more speculation. In fact, the police made a rare announcement today that the DNA evidence presented in the press of late was greatly exaggerated.

T-Rex... If thinking a pedophile snatched her, then that sort of "stalker" scenario actually does follow a pedophile's pattern. If one had seen her around the resort with her parents, then saw them leave her unattended night after night...it was only a matter of time. I know that people argue if it was a pedophile then why not take all 3 children or take the younger ones, they would be easier to manage. I don't agree. If he/she was fixated on Maddie, then that's the only child who would suffice. Also, if he/she was working alone (as was probably the case if it were a pedophile) then of course only one child could be taken quickly and with the least risk.
Thank you for the link! I'll go read the article now.
I'm not ready to hold the parents responsible yet. I just don't see them killing their daughter and hiding her body that night. From what I've read, there wasn't enough time. That being said, I do find some of the McCann 's actions suspecious. So few tears during interviews make me a little nervous and the visit with the Pope is huge red flag for me. Many devout, dedicated, loving Catholics have had family members go missing and zero to nil get a visit with the Pope.

Still, I need hard evidence for this one.

I am saying they did it, at this moment.....no, I don't think they had time ANYTIME after the call was made she was missing...I think it happened earlier, that day, or the night before, dinner could be an alibi, set up for the supposed abduction...that's my thought, right now, subject to change as more evidence comes to light.
I think if all these parents felt (and apparently they did) that there was nothing wrong with leaving children unattended while going off to dinner, it had to be a known fact at that resort. With that in mind, any staff member or other guest would be able to observe the parents going off and only checking in at intervals. How hard would it be to slip in after one of those "checking in" times and slip away with a sleeping child?? This theory makes more sense to me than all the others.

Not all the parents did leave their children alone in that party. Some did use the hotel services.

The staff has been reported to say they did not noice them check up on the children as they indicated. They sat, ate, drank and played trivia games.

The friend who checked in on the McCann children at 9:30, in hindsight recalls seeing the twins not Maddie, how if she was in between them?

The whole "checking" on the kids could be a cover in itself due to the fact that in most societies leaving them as they did is undeniably wrong. therefore a death would result in neglegence.
I've heard that there is an hour that cannot or will not be accounted for by the parents during that evening.
I am saying they did it, at this moment.....no, I don't think they had time ANYTIME after the call was made she was missing...I think it happened earlier, that day, or the night before, dinner could be an alibi, set up for the supposed abduction...that's my thought, right now, subject to change as more evidence comes to light.

Hi christine,

I have to admit that I haven't taken into consideration that whatever happened to Maddie may have happened before dinner or earlier that day.

Anyone know the last time that Maddie was seen that day?
I've heard that there is an hour that cannot or will not be accounted for by the parents during that evening.

Now that is interesting. How can they say they "will not" account for an hour?? Is that time when their friends cannot vouch for their time?
Now that is interesting. How can they say they "will not" account for an hour?? Is that time when their friends cannot vouch for their time?

From what I heard, the parents, during the 11-hour interview, could not (or would not) account for a one-hour period of time where no one can say exactly where Maddy was.
I would love to see evidence that the McCanns were not in some way involved with the disappearance of their daughter, and as I've said before, if I have to eat any words I write, I'll gladly do so. At this point, all the evidence as I see it points to some involvement or some unanswered questions as to the McCanns' actions.

That's not a witch hunt.

When I first visited the Ramsey forum, I realized immediately that there were many people that had spent hours and hours examining the actions, words, and details of what is known that night. Many had come to the conclusion the Ramseys were involved with the death of Jon-Benet.

I am not entirely convinced of that, but I would never, ever characterize those members of Websleuths as being on a "witch hunt."

If the McCanns by their actions that night and continuing into the days and weeks following Madeleine's disappearance have led rise to speculation that they are involved, that is certainly backed up by the announcement from the Portugese police that at this point, at lest one parent is considered suspect. If you disagree with the PJ, that is certainly your right, and you should argue and defend that with passion. That's what makes this a great place to be, the civil exchange of your opinion and facts, without using the term "witch hunt" to describe how others feel.

A little girl is missing and presumed dead by many, and we all have strong feelings about that. Strong feelings about a position don't have to be stated as negative attacks on people who disagree.

Of course, I'm only saying this to kiss up to the moderators. :blowkiss:

(seriously, thank you guys for all you do to keep this a nice place to hang out.)
I feel exactly the same delilah and I am not offended in the LEAST. Please continue to post your thoughts and feelings about the case in the calm way that you've been doing thus far.

I'm disappointed by some of the crass posts in the current "blog" thread. That is not "discussing" this case. That is bashing the McCanns exactly in the manner you speak of. It is not helpful, it is not necessary, and I don't understand how those types of posts meet the intention of what Websleuths is at heart.

I'm glad that we have this thread at least to keep a level head and discuss the case.

I wasn't talking about her thoughts and feelings on the case at all.As I said I like reading her thoughts and feelings as well as your and everyones.I will never ever call out a poster for having their own thoughts and feelings.Maybe I am wrong and the parents are not guilty.I would be so happy to tell evryone here and write a letter to G&K telling them I was sorry to have doubted Gerry and Kate.
I come this thread a few times a day in hopes that someone will post something that will change my mind and gut.

I am sorry if I came across as saying I didn't want her to continue to post.That is not what I meant.

oh darn I had a question I wanted to ask you guys but now I have forgotten it :doh: .I will be waking up in the middle of the night shouting it out waking up my husband :crazy:
So now would probably not be a good time to use the words "thick headed twit?"


Jeana, on the time line, the McCanns picked Maddie up at the creche at 6:30 for supper. A restaurant owner claimed that Maddie, her parents, and perhaps Russell O'Brien came in for dinner/light snack, but that has not been verified by the PJ.

At 7:30, the children were put to bed.

At 8:30, the McCanns arrived first at the Tapas bar. That, I think, is the unaccounted for hour--but that's based on the time line as we know it. If Maddie was picked up earlier from the creche and/or did not have the dinner, there's another hour there.
So now would probably not be a good time to use the words "thick headed twit?"


Jeana, on the time line, the McCanns picked Maddie up at the creche at 6:30 for supper. A restaurant owner claimed that Maddie, her parents, and perhaps Russell O'Brien came in for dinner/light snack, but that has not been verified by the PJ.

At 7:30, the children were put to bed.

At 8:30, the McCanns arrived first at the Tapas bar. That, I think, is the unaccounted for hour--but that's based on the time line as we know it. If Maddie was picked up earlier from the creche and/or did not have the dinner, there's another hour there.

Thank you very much!!!!
oh darn I had a question I wanted to ask you guys but now I have forgotten it :doh: .I will be waking up in the middle of the night shouting it out waking up my husband :crazy:

He's not used to being woken up or interrupted with some insight or thought about a case here? He'll get used to it, just like the rest of them.
He's not used to being woken up or interrupted with some insight or thought about a case here? He'll get used to it, just like the rest of them.

:laugh: Shhhhh don't let him know that :innocent:
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