FL - 17 killed in Stoneman Douglas H.S. shooting, Parkland, 14 Feb 2018 #2 *Arrest*

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Yeah, that mom in the video should have known better than to ask her son to take the garbage out. She should have been prepared for him to go get a huge kitchen knife and threaten her with it. Stupid mother! What was she thinking!

In case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm. And you are not correct about those instances of rage being perfectly avoidable.

My autistic son nearly stabbed me in the neck with a pair of scissors one morning two years ago for waking him up for school. He was 17 then. I really thought I was going to die.

I am really sorry to read what happened to you MzOpinion8d, what a terrifying experience! :( this is one of those extreme cases I mentioned on my message and in no way reflects the behaviour of thousands and thousands of autistic children in every country of the world who attend class every day alongside non-autistic children and they do not pose a risk to them at all.

As for the video you mentioned I have not watched it. I have commented on a couple of threads I can't watch videos from Bulgaria -just the ones on Youtube and not all are allowed, don't know why- so my comment "those instances of rage" was not referring to that specific video I have not watched but in general.

You and I both have had experience dealing with autistic children. You as a parent 24/7 and during 19 years. Me as a teacher for 9 years and roughly 6,5 hours per day Monday to Friday. I am sorry if it upset you to read my opinion but it was based on my experience and knowledge of autism. That has been and is my reality. You have had a different one and for that I am sorry. I am glad to read you are OK and recovered from that stabbing.
As we explore the factors that contributed to this most recent shooting, here is another to consider:

Media Contagion is Factor in Mass Shootings, study says

"Mass shootings are on the rise and so is media coverage of them," said Jennifer B. Johnston, PhD, of Western New Mexico University. "At this point, can we determine which came first? Is the relationship merely unidirectional: More shootings lead to more coverage? Or is it possible that more coverage leads to more shootings?"

.... She cited several media contagion models, most notably one proposed by Towers et al. (2015), which found the rate of mass shootings has escalated to an average of one every 12.5 days, and one school shooting on average every 31.6 days, compared to a pre-2000 level of about three events per year. "A possibility is that news of shooting is spread through social media in addition to mass media," she said.


It’s the proliferation and easy access to media! Yes, it’s all media’s fault! It’s the common factor in all horrible mass shootings!

Everything now makes sense! Now we can solve all our our problems!


I would like to see the local law enforcement officers and FBI employees who took no action against this killer fired. Their inaction is inexcusable.

Perhaps that would wake people up in all LE agencies and maybe prevent a future incident. JMO
There has been not any of NC Doctor who where directly responsible for his mental or medical conditions have shared what he was diagnosed with or without. So to speculate he had autism from what a neighbor has said is not proof. But was has been said is what raises more flags is his Cruelty to animals. The killing began with the squirrels. As a fourth-grader, Nikolas Cruz would try to bloody them with his pellet gun. Then he started going after chickens.
By the time Cruz was a teenager, he was sneaking into his neighbors’ yard across the street and trying to get his dogs to attack their baby potbelly pigs.
One resident watched him take long sticks to rabbit holes, ramming them down as hard as possible to kill any creatures trapped inside.
Since the 1970"s, research has consistently reported childhood cruelty to animals as the first warning sign of later delinquency, violence, and criminal behavior.* In fact, nearly all violent crime perpetrators have a history of animal cruelty in their profiles.* Albert deSalvo, the Boston Strangler found guilty of killing 13 women, shot arrows through dogs and cats he trapped as a child.* Columbine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold boasted about mutilating animals for fun.
There has been not any of NC Doctor who where directly responsible for his mental or medical conditions have shared what he was diagnosed with or without. So to speculate he had autism from what a neighbor has said is not proof. But was has been said is what raises more flags is his Cruelty to animals. The killing began with the squirrels. As a fourth-grader, Nikolas Cruz would try to bloody them with his pellet gun. Then he started going after chickens.
By the time Cruz was a teenager, he was sneaking into his neighbors’ yard across the street and trying to get his dogs to attack their baby potbelly pigs.
One resident watched him take long sticks to rabbit holes, ramming them down as hard as possible to kill any creatures trapped inside.
Since the 1970"s, research has consistently reported childhood cruelty to animals as the first warning sign of later delinquency, violence, and criminal behavior.* In fact, nearly all violent crime perpetrators have a history of animal cruelty in their profiles.* Albert deSalvo, the Boston Strangler found guilty of killing 13 women, shot arrows through dogs and cats he trapped as a child.* Columbine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold boasted about mutilating animals for fun.
I would like to see the local law enforcement officers and FBI employees who took no action against this killer fired. Their inaction is inexcusable.

Perhaps that would wake people up in all LE agencies and maybe prevent a future incident. JMO

They may or they may be demoted. Or, there might be some facts we don't know that allows them to not be disciplined at all. I don't think they would be found legally responsible though.
I have to weigh in. Both my sons went to ‘day care’. I had to work. No choice. Neither one turned out to be anything but productive wonderful adults. Children can be loved by others, not just their parents. IMO

Amen, only4. [emoji119]
Freshman building where 17 people were shot dead by gunman Nikolas Cruz will be torn down to make way for a $30million memorial

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...udents-shot-dead-torn-down.html#ixzz57OqgHyEk

I think there absolutely should be a memorial but $25-30 million seems like an awful lot of money. Would it not be better to have a cheaper memorial and use the money for ongoing counselling or money towards college scholarships for the survivors in the memory of those who tragically died?

I think there will be various lawsuits against the school soon due to the fact this monster was able to enter the building.
They may or they may be demoted. Or, there might be some facts we don't know that allows them to not be disciplined at all. I don't think they would be found legally responsible though.

I think they will be held accountable in this case.....it will set a presidence. I also think that school administrators (that simply expelled N.C.) plus the local LE that were called 30+ times and of course the FBI who were alerted twice will all be investigated & their actions or lack thereof will be investigated thoroughly.

Imagine if we all could do our jobs without accountability & still get paid? Nope....I don’t think it will happen this time. Praying it doesn’t.....

We need accountability & we need change
They may or they may be demoted. Or, there might be some facts we don't know that allows them to not be disciplined at all. I don't think they would be found legally responsible though.

Being demoted isn't good enough for me. I don't care what kind of excuses they come up with.

I want them fired so that it's clear to the everyone that their poor performance will not be tolerated. JMO
They may or they may be demoted. Or, there might be some facts we don't know that allows them to not be disciplined at all. I don't think they would be found legally responsible though.

If that is the case then it needs to change. If the way things are currently done is ineffective, then they must find a better way.

It&#8217;s just the way it is <&#8212;no longer cutting the mustard.
Nikolas Cruz cut his arms on Snapchat and said he wanted to buy a gun in September 2016, more than a year before he was accused of killing 17 people in a school in Parkland, Florida, records obtained by the South Florida Sun Sentinel show.

The incident on the digital social network prompted an investigation by sheriff&#8217;s deputies and adult welfare investigators from the Department of Children & Family Services.

The documents provide further evidence that Cruz was a troubled teen who repeatedly went without help before he stalked the halls of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School with an AR-15 rifle on Wednesday.

In another stunning example, the FBI acknowledged Friday that it ignored a tip last month that Cruz was at risk of committing a school shooting.

A person close to Cruz contacted an FBI national tipline on Jan. 5 with concerns about the young man&#8217;s &#8220;gun ownership, desire to kill people, erratic behavior, and disturbing social media posts, as well as the potential of him conducting a school shooting,&#8221; the agency said in a news release.

Florida school shooting suspect investigated by state after he posted video on social media cutting himself

The Miami Herald obtained records from Florida’s Department of Children and Families and reported Saturday that Nikolas Cruz, 19, posted a video on Snapchat, a social media site, showing him cutting his arms in 2016.
The agency was called to investigate the video. Cruz, then 18, was listed as an “alleged victim” of medical neglect and inadequate supervision; his adoptive mother, then 68-year-old Lynda Cruz, the “alleged perpetrator.”

So Florida DCF also investigated NC. The red flags are numerous and mounting.

I think there absolutely should be a memorial but $25-30 million seems like an awful lot of money. Would it not be better to have a cheaper memorial and use the money for ongoing counselling or money towards college scholarships for the survivors in the memory of those who tragically died?

I agree. A memorial garden as a place for quiet reflection seems more appropriate than something grandiose and in-your-face.
Many people with autism are social and enjoy being around other people.
The "spectrum" isn't linear. There aren't two ends to it or whatever. These illustrations are a good description of what the spectrum really means.
If you've met one person with autism, you've met one person with autism. No two are the same at all. That is why I hate seeing all of these sweeping generalizations in this thread. Obviously this hits close to home to me as someone with a child on the spectrum. I really hope people will take the time to click the link above because it really helps see things in a different light.
As for "severe" or "low" or "high" or whatever....the current DSM classifies things on levels. It can be less offensive to hear a "level" when referring to someone instead of saying high or low. Because I imagine no one wants to be called "low functioning."

I really appreciate your participation on this thread AmyPond -I have read three of your posts so far - because your answers clearly show you have educated yourself about autism and parents like you is what society needs, knowledgeable and active participants on the improvement of provision/services for autistic children.

Unlike those who read an article about the subject and already consider themselves experts on it and throw generalizations here and there on a matter which affects people's lives.
&#8220;The younger brother of Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz has been involuntarily committed to a psychiatric facility, according to reports.
Zachary, who turns 18 next week, was removed from his Lantana home on Friday, days after his brother gunned down 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, sources close to the investigation confirmed to the Palm Beach Post.

He was taken to a mental health facility for treatment under the Baker Act, which allows an individual to be temporarily detained for mental health evaluation either on a voluntary or involuntary basis.

The Act allows minors to be held for up to 12 hours, but whether Zachary has been released remains unclear.&#8221;

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...taken-psychiatric-facility.html#ixzz57OuyjKMU

The younger brother must be going through hell after what his brother has done. Losing your mum so young is bad enough.
I think they will be held accountable in this case.....it will set a presidence. I also think that school administrators (that simply expelled N.C.) plus the local LE that were called 30+ times and of course the FBI who were alerted twice will all be investigated & their actions or lack thereof will be investigated thoroughly.

Imagine if we all could do our jobs without accountability & still get paid? Nope....I don&#8217;t think it will happen this time. Praying it doesn&#8217;t.....

We need accountability & we need change

Would be nice, wouldn't it? I am sure that when it comes to the many who encountered this young man, they did what they could legally do. I am as appalled as anyone else is about this shooting. But, I want to say that we have had plenty of egregious behavior and horrifying events in this country. There are lawmakers who are not held accountable. Leaders not held accountable. If the school expelled NC and that was the most they could do legally, why should they be dragged through the mud? We as voters and taxpayers need to be accountable for the budget requests we withhold, for the lack of services provided by our schools and public mental health providers and on and on. There may have been missed opportunities here but I can guarantee all of us that when we don't provide funds, laws, and systems to help LEO, first responders, school professionals, publicly paid mental health professionals, we should all be fired as well. It is expensive to have metal detectors and armed police, social workers, school counselors, mental health workers, CPS professionals (the most underpaid providers with the highest stress of most civil professionals) and prevention programs. Can we all handle what it costs to make a dent? Hell, teachers in many classrooms have to spend out of pocket to buy supplies.......
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