FL - 17-yo Boy Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #2

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So now it's all HER fault? :what:

Why is it everyone's fault EXCEPT for GZ?

Do not twist what I am saying.I never blamed her To be honest I could not imagine being on the phone,hearing a confrontation phone going dead and not calling 911 to help. Where is that faulting her or blaming her?
Seems to me people aren't "cheering" at all, but are demanding the justice system do its job. Actual justice, not vigilante justice.
They weren't dead were they?

I'm guessing not.

Even IF Trayvon's parents did all of what you, as a good parent did, their child would still be gone.

It is entirely possible that they could NOT call the girlfriend, do you have a list of all your kids friends phone numbers??? This was a non custodial parent, so Tray had no friends in his town, he didn't live here. The girlfriend lives hundreds of miles away....so they called the PD and the hospitals and we do not know that they did not drive or walk looking for him, but there was nothing to find there he was at the morgue.

So somehow it must be ok that this kid was shot dead because his father and his father's girlfriend did not do everything you feel they should have to look for him afterwards? Does that somehow equate to meaning that they didn't really care about him, or were not really trying to find him?

<shakes head> Once again I don't even know where to go with that
Ideally, no he shouldn't. We don't know what happened and he hasn't been charged with anything. I hope people aren't cheering for vigilante "justice" now.

No, I'm not cheering for vigilante "justice" right now. That's something that George Zimmerman already took care of.
Word. I'm not American and the news of this young man being murdered like this has me incensed. It angers me so much that this young life was snuffed out because a dude with hero complex felt the need to be validated.

Thank you...that's it in a nutshell...well said.
You be the judge:


That statement is more than pushing it...I can't think of the right word to describe what it is though...

Come on! Black, brown..ish, what's the difference? I mean, all them minorities look alike, right? (Sarcasm alert).

I believe she was on the phone ,but if she could tell he was in a bad situation why she did not call his family or 911?Someone posted a link earlier today saying the family just found out she had been on the phone.

I think that is a legitimate question. Why was Trayvon lying in the morgue for 12 hours with no ID? Had this gal tried to call his parents? I can understand that she may not have had his dad's number as Trayvon did not live with his dad, but did she have his mom's number? Did she call the police and report what she had heard? Did she feel alarmed at the time or is it only in retrospect that she realized the enormity of what was happening during the call?

And what did Trayvon's dad do when he didn't come right back from the store? Did he worry? Did he go looking for him? If so, wouldn't he have seen the police? What about a call to police? When did he make that call?

BTW, anyone have the address of his father so we can get a google maps view of the location, the club house, etc?

In any event, these are good questions. But none of them change the facts we do know or excuse the murder of Trayvon. If his girlfriend or father had done differently, Trayvon would still be dead, just ID'd faster.

But they are interesting questions and I would like to know more about the timeline and how and when they realized something was very wrong.

Nevertheless, I do not for one moment believe these questions can be used to infer that Trayvon's girlfriend is lying. She has no reason to lie. According to her parents, (from what I have read here in posts) she is beyond devastated. I have seen nothing to suggest she refuses to talk to police, a grand jury (which she cannot refuse), etc. The only thing I have seen is that she contacted Trayvon's family's lawyer and that the police have yet to contact her.
Well, you know how those people are. :rolleyes:

I don't live in New York OR Florida, and I'm outraged about the situation. Is there some new law that people can only protest something that occurs in their state?

Umm no, I don't, and surely race baiting is against TOS?
Ideally, no he shouldn't. We don't know what happened and he hasn't been charged with anything. I hope people aren't cheering for vigilante "justice" now.
I don't think vigilante justice is his big worry.

This is the fastest gun in the west problem with a little twist.

In the old gunfighter days once you got a name you had to keep fighting the young guys who came to out draw you.

Zimmerman is facing that with a twist. Young black or white guy with a gun out walking at night sees Zimmerman coming up behind him could he really believe his life is threatened because of Zimmerman's reputation and justifiably shoot him?

Zimmerman has put himself in a terrible position and he has nobody to blame but himself.
MSNBC has really good coverage of this case on right now...
The WORLD is affected by this. Black men live in NYC, and some of the most horrific cases of police violence against young Black men happened in NY. (Sean Bell and Ahmadou Diallo)

If a young black man is murdered like this in Florida, and his killer walks free, it is sending a message to the entire WORLD.

Maybe emotionally affected. They surely are not going to suffer anything because of the SPD or GZ all the way up in NYC.
I don't think vigilante justice is his big worry.

This is the fastest gun in the west problem with a little twist.

In the old gunfighter days once you got a name you had to keep fighting the young guys who came to out draw you.

Zimmerman is facing that with a twist. Young black or white guy with a gun out walking at night sees Zimmerman coming up behind him could he really believe his life is threatened because of Zimmerman's reputation and justifiably shoot him?

Zimmerman has put himself in a terrible position and he has nobody to blame but himself.

Well I think that's pretty far fetched. Unless someone intentionally was trying to set up such a scenario.
Maybe emotionally affected. They surely are not going to suffer anything because of the SPD or GZ all the way up in NYC.

I'm really at a loss here. Can we think of something that happened in NYC that affected people across the US and the globe? Were we not affected because it didn't happen where we live?
Maybe emotionally affected. They surely are not going to suffer anything because of the SPD or GZ all the way up in NYC.

People around the world are giving voice to a young man who no longer has a voice. Be it Fl, NYC, whereever. It's the least this young man deserves, considering that GZ is walking around a free man.
If no one makes any noise...If there were not a crowd of people in NY marching now, if the family had simply kept requesting, as they have been doing for the past month that the Sanford PD actually DO something, explain to them how it is that the man that chased and shot their son is not legally responsible, they could have kept doing that for years and they would be no further along than they are now....Sanford PD was NEVER going to release those 911 calls, and they were NEVER going to do anything further as far as they were concerned the incident was over, done and they were finished.

Without the public pressure, it would be over and done and the truth would be buried with Trayvon and GZ would still be neighborhood watch captain with his gun and carry permit free to find another suspicious black kid.

Trayvons family is NOT advocating for anyone to get violent, they just want answers, and the reason that tensions are getting high is because NOBODY is giving answers, they still think that they can just bury this and make it go away without doing anything more and explaining anything else and the public is determined that is simply not acceptable.

Thank you!I was not aware of all you stated above esp about the 911 calls never being released without pressure being put upon the Police. I can understand the family wanting the whole truth to come out as it should.
I'm really at a loss here. Can we think of something that happened in NYC that affected people across the US and the globe? Were we not affected because it didn't happen where we live?

Thank you...it's really not that hard to understand.
MSNBC has really good coverage of this case on right now...

I agree. I think they've been doing a great job at reporting on this case.

Maybe emotionally affected. They surely are not going to suffer anything because of the SPD or GZ all the way up in NYC.

This didn't happen in a vacuum. Every case like this allowed to go un-investigated and/or un-prosecuted (I know those aren't words) just adds another...another brick in the wall (to borrow a phrase from that dear Pink Floyd song).
It didn't happen in New York, so why are the parents there? Seem like they're just getting people riled up. Was New York affected by this? No, not at all but some people will take any chance to show outrage. "No justice no peace" is a bit threatening.

Wow. Trayvon's parents happened to be in New York because they were appearing on the Today Show show to discuss their son's case. They said they were in awe and deeply moved that people so far away were marching for their son. They agreed to speak at the rally. http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/loca...-Hoodie-March-Union-Square-NYC-143649686.html

But they are "riling people up" because they agreed to support the protesters? http://media.nbcnewyork.com/images/654*368/141675368.jpg

Yes, this (view link) looks scary as can be to me and these grief-stricken, sad faced parents of a murdered child really look like they are trying to instigate a riot on the part of all those dangerous blacks milling about. Whew!

People chant "no justice, no peace" all the time at rallies. Is it only threatening when the cause is a black child killed due to racism? Or because many of the chanters are black?
Maybe emotionally affected. They surely are not going to suffer anything because of the SPD or GZ all the way up in NYC.

I'm emotionally affected and sufering from this horrible crime, and I'm in SC.

I'm emotionally affected and suffer from most of these cases posted here, as are most of our wonderful members.

That's why we are all here on this forum. To try and do whatever we can to understand, maybe make some noise so more people know about what is going on in our world.

Caylee brought me here, but thousands of other victims have kept me here.
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