FL - Abraham Shakespeare, 42, lottery winner, Polk County, 7 April 2009 #5

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I hope the suspect is already in custody and has been since they located him...regardless of what might have been reported.
Sounds like someone gave LE a very specific tip....spokesman said they found something, besides the body of Abraham, that they were looking for. I'd love to know what it was. The rug, maybe?
Deedee.. I hope before you go off to jail you get a chance to read this.. I mean we know you lurk here and have attempted to post as several different people..

Not too bad for a bunch of "potato chip" stuffin group of armchair detectives huh? Here's a fact for ya.. You attempted to bribe private citizens and succeeded in bribing a public official in regards to Abraham.. You then told us, it was Abraham who was bribing people.. You told us that Abraham wanted to disappear, when in fact it was you who wanted him to disappear... You also told us that Abraham was nearly broke.. We then found out he was only nearly broke because YOU had everything that was his.... There is no doubt in my mind that you bogarted your way into Abraham's life and he was too nice of a person to tell you to go take a flying leap and to leave him alone. What are you going to do now when everyone leaves you hanging? Even your own lawyer dropped you because he cannot for "moral or ethical" reasons represent you.. Do you know why lawyers say that??? It's because there's an overwhelming amount of evidence against you at this point.. and he doesn't want his good name tarnished with trying to defend the impossible. You're (the correct spelling.. I'll have you know..) going to jail Ms. Moore. And I can guarantee you that that little cell will not be as cushy as Abraham's beautiful house was. There's no pool, or beautiful kitchen with hardwood floors.. there's steel bars, orange jumpsuits, and people who are going to be very very unhappy with what you did. However, whatever treatment you receive there... will still probably be better than how you treated Abraham.

It's people like you who give good people bad names. People like you who make others weary of a helping hand... It's people like you.. that deserve to spend the rest of their life in prison.. (and even I think that's too good for you...)

I can't wait to see how this unfolds now.. Just how many people you're going to try to drag down with you to try to save your own @$$.

Enjoy what's left of your life Ms. Moore. It's too bad Abraham wasn't given the same chance.

oh and.. I bet your ticked that the picture they're passing around to the paper is that one with the black hair and you look about 65... Not your made-up blonde pictures.. ;)

I think your post encaspulates everything everyone here is feeling. Thank you for putting it so succinctly and eloquently. I wish there was a major kudo button for posts like this one!

p.s. I'm not at all sure that my spelling is perfect here and at this point, I so don't care lol
I know this is probably a question WAY out in left field here, but has anyone considered the possibility that Mike Ford (the dude who claimed the lotto tix were his) could have started this out of revenge?

I am by no means implying anything, just curious as to whether this has been discussed before.

there's several threads where every detail is discussed, including that!

it would probably take you days upon days to read back through everything but I can assure you, it would be interesting for you to at least scan them all

there are two sleuthers in particular who spent untold amounts of time digging up everything there is to know about this entire ring of despicable human beings

there's way more to this than DDMoore & co. murdering Abraham for his money - there are all kinds of people connected who have been committing all kinds of insurance & mortgage transaction fraud and the list goes on & on

it's complex, it's way above my head, and it's beyond disgusting
Why is there no word on an arrest in this case yet?? Maybe it will be "breaking news" at 5pm??
Seems to me they'd at least want her in custody, because it wouldn't be horribly surprising if she were to off herself to avoid prison.
It's just so creepy that she did all those interviews with Ms Green, crying and talking about how her life/reputation has been ruined and all she was trying to do was help Abraham. I mean, seriously. This guy is dead and this has been 9 months on her conscience and she hasn't had a nervous breakdown? I just can't see it......I wonder if she feels any remorse at all??
Just horrible :(
Why is there no word on an arrest in this case yet?? Maybe it will be "breaking news" at 5pm??
Seems to me they'd at least want her in custody, because it wouldn't be horribly surprising if she were to off herself to avoid prison.
It's just so creepy that she did all those interviews with Ms Green, crying and talking about how her life/reputation has been ruined and all she was trying to do was help Abraham. I mean, seriously. This guy is dead and this has been 9 months on her conscience and she hasn't had a nervous breakdown? I just can't see it......I wonder if she feels any remorse at all??
Just horrible :(


that's it right there though
there is no remorse & there is no conscience
if there was, she wouldn't have been able to do it in the first place
this isn't a crime of passion - this is a planned & deliberate manipulation of someone with the intent that murder will be the final outcome
god knows how many times this bunch of freaks have gotten away with this before
there is no hope for them, there is no redeeming them, there is no conscience to try to appeal to
I just watched the 5pm update on our local Fox news station. They were live on site and the newsgirl said there is NO SUSPECT!!!! They are still only calling DeeDee a "person of interest".

Also, one of AS's relatives took them by the $1mil house that DeeDee now owns and she said DeeDee was gone. She said everything is gone....Corvette, Silverado, Hummer, (at least one more car...I can't remember) jetskis, motorcycles, boat, and maybe some other things. Those were all apparently parked in the driveway, but now, they are all gone. Do you suppose she ran, or do you suppose LE took possession of everything? I'd be inclined to think LE took everything....otherwise, wouldn't someone be telling the news that DeeDee was spotted moving everything out???? That's alot of "stuff" to move in such a short time. Unless she did it swiftly and with alot of help in the middle of the night.

I'm trying to find links to the other news station's stories to see if I can find further info.
R.I.P Abraham :-(

Let there be justice for Abraham Shakespeare, his family, children, friends.

Way to go Websleuths Sleuthers, and the Polk County Sheriff's Office !!

I just watched the 5pm update on our local Fox news station. They were live on site and the newsgirl said there is NO SUSPECT!!!! They are still only calling DeeDee a "person of interest".

I'm trying to find links to the other news station's stories to see if I can find further info.

I also watched the Fox News. They also showed Howard Stitzel at the house on State Road 60. They said they let him go into the house to pick up some of his files. They said he is cooperating through his lawyer.
I guess he is not one of the ones they are currently interviewing.
He's lost the beard.
Maybe they are waiting for the cause of death before they arrest. I'm sure they want to have the best case they can possibly make against the culprits when they arrest.
I also watched the Fox News. They also showed Howard Stitzel at the house on State Road 60. They said they let him go into the house to pick up some of his files. They said he is cooperating through his lawyer.
I guess he is not one of the ones they are currently interviewing.
He's lost the beard.
Maybe they are waiting for the cause of death before they arrest. I'm sure they want to have the best case they can possibly make against the culprits when they arrest.

Thank you for adding that Susan....I completely forgot to mention about Stitzel being there. I guess having read EVERYTHING you guys have posted on the other threads in like 2.5 days, I felt like she was pretty much guilty. (Knowing that LE has MUCH more information that is not in the media, and with all the ties to all the notarys, the mortgage stuff, the aliases, etc) that I thought it would move very swiftly. That's a good point, they probably WILL wait for cause of death before they arrest. I am not a sleuther, obviously ;)

What are your thoughts on the house being "bare" outside?
I wish we'd have watched different newscasts, although I'm sure the stations will be posting their stuff soon.
Hopefully LE has taken possession of everything as evidence of her crimes..
Glad to see that the remains have been positively identified as Abraham; so sad to know that he has passed.
DM is, at last, getting what she always wanted...recognition. All her shady deals and including AS's death were to further her "look at me" attitude. Total sociopathic narcissism. Well, DD, smile, you're on candid camera and they got some good "pics" of you and your cronies, Stitzel and Krasniqi, etc. I pray you will all get what you richly deserve. Sow the wind; reap the whirlwind.
My love and sympathies to Abraham's mom and children for comfort and peace.
I just took some time to read through all the prior posts and the currents posts on this case.
I am so impressed by Websleuths-your insights and digging for information that I believe assisted LE.
This POI DeeDee is a piece of work. An obvious narcissist and sociopath.
I am truly saddened by society's obsession with the almighty dollar. Money is more important than precious human life to many like DM.
By reading the posts of DM, it is glaringly apparent she is in her own world, thinking she is smarter than anyone else. She did not help her case at all by going off at the mouth - but that just emphasizes her sociopathy. She dug her own grave, but I am sure glad she did. It is a symptom of mental illness when a person goes on and on about themselves as the victim, without regards to the true victim - in this situation, Abraham Shakespeare, who was IMOO murdered for his money by a demon-like being.
IMO there are several people involved, and I hope they all go down hard. There had to be those who helped kill, bury, lay concrete, provide the gravesite, etc.
Evil is alive and well on earth.:furious:
I have been silently following this case along with everyone here. So sad. We all knew that Abraham did not take off on his own.

RIP Abraham, I am so sorry your good fortune was a magnet that attracted all of the monsters from the woodwork. May everyone involved burn in hell.
Richard Land's family sold the house to Dorice and her boyfriend last year. They gave him a check that said Abraham Shakespeare, LLC.
Channel 9 Bay News
REPORTER: "Land later learned from her a body was buried back there."
LAND: "She said it wasn't her. She said somebody else put him there."
Sounds like this could be the person who gave LE the tip that he was buried there. The former owners were also the same ones who told LE the concrete driveway and the pad in the back had been added after they sold it. Media showed a picture of one of the former owners at the scene the other day.
Bay News 9 does not give the names of persons of interest, only those charged. So they just say her. The only her I can think of who would have told him that is Dorice.
Richard Land's family sold the house to Dorice and her boyfriend last year. They gave him a check that said Abraham Shakespeare, LLC.
Channel 9 Bay News
REPORTER: "Land later learned from her a body was buried back there."
LAND: "She said it wasn't her. She said somebody else put him there."
Sounds like this could be the person who gave LE the tip that he was buried there. The former owners were also the same ones who told LE the concrete driveway and the pad in the back had been added after they sold it. Media showed a picture of one of the former owners at the scene the other day.
Bay News 9 does not give the names of persons of interest, only those charged. So they just say her. The only her I can think of who would have told him that is Dorice.

What??? So she told the former owner there was a body back there?? Or do you mean the reporters never identified the "her" they were speaking of?
There was a female neighbor (at the property where the body was) who has given some statements in reference to "weird activity" around the place. Maybe she saw something further and told police?
That's the only other "her" I know of, except DM.
Richard Land's family sold the house to Dorice and her boyfriend last year. They gave him a check that said Abraham Shakespeare, LLC.
Channel 9 Bay News
REPORTER: "Land later learned from her a body was buried back there."
LAND: "She said it wasn't her. She said somebody else put him there."
Sounds like this could be the person who gave LE the tip that he was buried there. The former owners were also the same ones who told LE the concrete driveway and the pad in the back had been added after they sold it. Media showed a picture of one of the former owners at the scene the other day.
Bay News 9 does not give the names of persons of interest, only those charged. So they just say her. The only her I can think of who would have told him that is Dorice.
Omg! I wouldn't put it past DM one bit if she said that. Remember the day they started digging she said she was going to jail that day. She is not very smart when it comes to common sense. She's just a very good scam artist.
Hmmm...on the preview for Fox news at 10PM (Orlando) it showed a pic of DM and said "now the hunt is on for this woman."

I wonder if she is MIA now...
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