FL - Abraham Shakespeare, 42, lottery winner, Polk County, 7 April 2009 #5

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I want to say "thank you" to all the folks here who worked so hard to dig up all the damning information on the various dirtbags who harmed Abraham. I've really never seen anything like it and it's been so impressive!

I hope and pray Abraham is at peace now.
It's saddens me to think that Abraham's own money likely financed his murder and the cover up.
Glen Lansky, a Brandon lawyer representing Stitzel, said Tuesday his client is cooperating with investigators. “We have nothing to hide.”

Yea right! Only a BODY!

Is anybody suprised that Stitzel is not being represented by Birdsong?
I am so, so sorry to hear the news as well. I had really hoped he had taken off. This is such terrible news. What a senseless tragedy. Some people are truly horrible. They killed a wonderful person for some money. I hope his killers are brought to justice.
Prayers for Abraham's family. Money is the root of all evil. DD and company make me sick! So sad. :(
The remains unearthed Thursday were buried about 5 feet deep under a concrete slab that measured 30 feet by 30 feet some 100 yards behind the building at the address. The slab looked out of place at the scene, authorities said.

After ground-penetrating radar showed something might be under the slab, the concrete was broken up by heavy equipment into chunks so the ground could be searched underneath.

Using sifters, hand tools, brushes and buckets, investigators began the painstaking process of searching for evidence and removing the remains. Gee compared the work to that of an archaeological dig.

Representatives from the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, Polk County Sheriff's Office, the Hillsborough County Medical Examiner's Office and the University of South Florida's anthropology department remained at the scene late Thursday.

It will be up to the medical examiner's office to identify the remains and determine the cause of death. Officials there should be able to determine by the level of decomposition how long the remains have been buried there.

As workers excavated the remains, Judd dispatched deputies to the Polk County home of Shakespeare's mother to tell her of the find.

"We cannot identify it to be Abraham Shakespeare,'' Judd said. "We can only tell you we found human remains. It's painfully obvious he didn't get there by himself.''

Gee said investigators would remain at the scene as long as Saturday to collect evidence in the case...

(cont'd at link)


It's really unsettling to go back and read those posts.

Yeah. She should have kept her stupid, murderous mouth shut! It's a crying shame she didn't lawyer up long ago. But she probably really thought she could get everyone to believe SHE was a victim.

Criminals so often believe they're smarter than everyone else. That's so rarely the case.

What do you say we un delete all of her posts? I think everyone would be interested to see what she was babbling about.

I won't undelete the ones where she or her son list a phone number however.
What do you say we un delete all of her posts? I think everyone would be interested to see what she was babbling about.

I won't undelete the ones where she or her son list a phone number however.

I made few more of D.Moore's posts visable. I did not undelete the posts where her "son" was posting just in case it really was him.

Please PM or email me if you see something I have made visable that shouldn't be for privacy reasons. It's OK if it violates TOS as we are only looking at these posts so we can remember the good old days of her lies.
Awesome job all, I am truley amazed at all the work here and i just know you all had a major impact on breaking this case! now i want to see justice for this, I cannot say what i would like to see done to all of the perps, but i will feel better when i see that. I am numb as well. very sad feeling right now. R.I.P. Abraham.

Great Job W/S
A few classics from Deedee

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - FL- missing lottery winner Abraham Shakespeare, last seen April 2009

I was writing a book on this man and I only wanted to help him, not have my name slandered. All the money in the world is not worth what I've been through. It is not fair that you can post untrue statements about someone's real life.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - FL- missing lottery winner Abraham Shakespeare, last seen April 2009

I also knew he would have a warrant out for his arrest soon. He was in contempt of child support court and was refusing to fill information in correctly. I did not want to be involved with all that and knew if I had his address I would turn him in.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - FL- missing lottery winner Abraham Shakespeare, last seen April 2009

They did use Luminol and left it all over everything. I have white spray marks that I can't even get off in some places. Who in there right mind would buy his assets months before he left and then do something to him. That does not even make any sense.

And my absolute favorite post!

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - FL- missing lottery winner Abraham Shakespeare, last seen April 2009

I'm not even going to bother posting anymore since you already convicted me. I hope you enjoy ruining my life on here.

In a real investigation they look at all sides of the story and take their time. The investigators are real good on this case. They are doing their job and the truth will come out. I'm not really worried about it except for the fact you can judge someone without knowing the whole story.

If you could link the people of interest that know Abraham and what places they own you could help find where he his staying. But you're really not interested in finding him because the newspaper only gave you one lead and that's me. I'm not saying your not great at investigating but they don't list half the people involved which is amazing to me. Your only working with what you got so I can't blame you either. So, Thank GOD for the Sheriff's Department and I will pray for all of you.
What is with these people? She is a mental case to even think she is smarter then the peeps here no less LE!
I am beyond sad. I really thought that these people may have manipulated Abraham into disappearing but was never convinced that they would have killed him for money etc...Not that they weren't criminal enough necessarily but more that for a pack of criminals killing a lottery winner, just seemed too obvious, like planned from a bad novel if you get my drift. These peoples' evil exceeded my wildest expectations and their transparency almost had me fooled, not realizing that people like this just don't care. True sociopaths and stupid ones too. I am so sorry for Abraham's Mother, Son, friends and other family who truly loved him. And moreover, I am so sorry that Abraham had what should have been a blessing cause him the greatest curse. This story, from what we know thus far, is plain tragic and I hope LE is going to investigate and prosecute all these players who were involved on the periphery as well as the culprit(s) who actually planned and committed the murder. And finally I hope all of Dmoore's videos, posts etc...that were intended to cover her *advertiser censored** should her "philanthropy" be misinterpreted now be used to nail her a@@ to the wall. I am disgusted and sickened and hope most of all that Abraham can rest in peace since he was not granted that luxury here on earth.
:woohoo:They're getting ready to come and get you Mrs. Moore!

I-among others-warned you a couple of weeks ago-that it would probably be a good idea to start getting your affairs in order. Now, it is coming to pass. I guess you weren't as smart as you thought you were, huh?! I guess you weren't as smart as the people at Websleuths who have been investigating you up the ying yang the last few weeks. How does it feel when the shoe is on the other foot.

At least you had some warning-at least you had the opportunity to see it coming-I'll bet Mr. Shakespeare never saw you coming. He must have trusted you alot. You should be very proud of yourself. Say hi to Big Bertha for me!

~~RIP~~ Mr. Abraham Shakespeare
~~PEACE& COMFORT~~ to your family
I hope we see her arrested today, along with some more involved in this case...after going back and reading all of her post at the beginning of all this...i say she doesn't need to be in the health care field...she missed her calling..she should have been in the movies....i don't believe they will allow her to dye her hair in the hotel where she will be living...that is unless BIG BERTHA gives you permission...always remember one thing dm...everyone has to account to BIG BERTHA...you need to polish up your presentation...because if not you won't be able to run the same game in your new neighborhood...hope all of your friends that prayed for you will remember you when you are eating ROMAINE NOODLES everyday...hope you saved some money ...cause there ain't no free lunch ....do you remember the last vacation you went on..hope so...can't wait to see what your bond will be set at...i know...you've already made plans for that...in your plans did you take care of abraham's mother and son...because you have been so generous with the money that their son and father GAVE you...tone you game down BIG BERTHA don't like loud mouths...she runs things ....you won't have a chance...and as i have always said...you can't con a con..your not that good....


Very sad indeed.

A very belated thanks to ACandyRose for posting the info I requested about the "car repo" ...also thanks Tricia for putting D's posts back up. Special thanks to LBM and wanttohelp for all their wonderful sleuthing.
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