FL - Adam Kaufman on trial for the murder of wife Eleanora Kaufman, 33

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Why do you think that?

To me, they haven't proven a dang thing. Every witness for the state has turned into a witness for the defense. Defense is doing an excellent job. And, believe me, I'm not saying he didn't do it...I'm saying they aren't proving it.
I agree he looks unusual, but he has an identical twin who is no different. What are the odds they are both on steroids?

I agree. Both guys look exactly the same. I suppose they both could be using steroids, but I doubt it.
So where the slides lost or not?

I do not ilke the witness ,I no longer think he does sound believable. I dont think he is a lying but his excusses are making him sound to unreliable to have confidence in.
So where the slides lost or not?

I do not ilke the witness ,I no longer think he does sound believable. I dont think he is a lying but his excusses are making him sound to unreliable to have confidence in.

This is probably just me being silly, but yesterday when he was testifying and he was resting his head on his propped up hand, it looked unprofessional and it irritated me lol.
This is probably just me being silly, but yesterday when he was testifying and he was resting his head on his propped up hand, it looked unprofessional and it irritated me lol.

He reminds me of a less amusing Dr Vass.

Anyhow this lawyer is hot . He seems to be taking issues personaly.

Hot is in mad not the other hot.
So after all that, now they don't want to cross the Dr.? Color me confused lol.
Uh. When you can't find something, it is indeed lost, Dr.
He reminds me of a less amusing Dr Vass.

Anyhow this lawyer is hot . He seems to be taking issues personaly.

Hot is in mad not the other hot.


I noticed in the DailyMail article that another Dr. we all know of, Dr. Badan, will testify for the defense. Daily Mail spelled it Bodden, IIRC!


So where the slides lost or not?

I do not ilke the witness ,I no longer think he does sound believable. I dont think he is a lying but his excusses are making him sound to unreliable to have confidence in.

See, this is where I am at. I think Kaufman probably, maybe did it but the investigation is such that I just don't know if I could convict. It's just such a hot a mess. :/
So, the state is not putting the lead investigator on.....which doesn't bode well for them....is this their last witness?
OMG I think there's gonna be a fist fight lol.
WOW at this recross of the ME by the defense!

I am not getting much work done.

See, this is where I am at. I think Kaufman probably, maybe did it but the investigation is such that I just don't know if I could convict. It's just such a hot a mess. :/

Im torn. I havent been able to pay as much attention as I like but her injuries really bother me. At the same time I see things I rarely see, real emotion from the defendant, he actually cries and gets a red blotchy look under his eyes you just cant fake. That combined with her family support sways me....but I'm having a hard time getting over those injuries to her throat.

Thanks to those who comment! I dont comment nearly as much as I would like due to following on my touchpad and its so hard to type, I really enjoy reading so many posts that read the same thing I would say!
I really like this defense....just so rare for me!!

I don't think I've ever liked a defense lawyer this much.

I've instructed my whole family--God forbid I ever need one, but if I need a lawyer, get me the bald guy.
Just cause it can't be said enough... this case is just a mess. I don't understand how it got this far. :/ And if there's a conviction I'm pretty sure there will be a slew of things they can appeal on. :/ Reasonable doubt lives in this case, so I don't see how there can be a conviction.
I don't think I've ever liked a defense lawyer this much. Usually

I've instructed my whole family--God forbid I ever need one, but if I need a lawyer, get me the bald guy.

I know, right?! Usually they annoy me and I feel I'm being conned but I am impressed with the way he attacks this case.
This defence attorny is doing what he is supposed to do insuring the rights of his client are protected .

The ME guy sure hurried out didnt he . I bet he will be having a few drinks at lunch today.
Will Roids give you that sleep disorder where you have violent attacks in your sleep? I have heard of people killing even driving their car to the mother-in-law's house and killing her and not waking till after he drove home. Just wondering if this could be the case and why it does not fit with any motive? I dont think after listening to this all week that those neck injuries were caused by vomiting or an allergic reaction. If it was allergic I would think we would see swelling of the lips.
The ME guy sure hurried out didnt he . I bet he will be having a few drinks at lunch today.

He should have a few drinks; that was horrible. He did not look good at all. Even if he stuck with his findings, I don't know if I'd trust him. :/

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