FL - Adam Kaufman on trial for the murder of wife Eleanora Kaufman, 33

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This defence attorny is doing what he is supposed to do insuring the rights of his client are protected .

The ME guy sure hurried out didnt he . I bet he will be having a few drinks at lunch today.

Of couse I usually think most (not all) defendants Ive seen are guilty so Im sure that makes a difference. The lawyer in the Daliah Dipolito (sp??) trial was aggressive and I couldnt stand him, that was clearly a bunch of bs.
The defense att. has no respect at all for the court or the judge......he's over the top. In NY most judges would have his arse hauled out by the baliffs and charge him with contempt...I think he is looking for a mistrial.
Will Roids give you that sleep disorder where you have violent attacks in your sleep? I have heard of people killing even driving their car to the mother-in-law's house and killing her and not waking till after he drove home. Just wondering if this could be the case and why it does not fit with any motive? I dont think after listening to this all week that those neck injuries were caused by vomiting or an allergic reaction. If it was allergic I would think we would see swelling of the lips.

I missed monday and watched yesterday so I think I have only seen small potion of the trial even thought I have watched for hours.

I do think still her neck injuries could have been caused by the fall. Except I am having trouble with the rack. It seems not to be a hard rack but something more maliable.

Her head would have bounced off a wood rack whatever it hit the force could her head to go backward then landing would cause foword/ backward motion

I had a woman at my home who had a seizure on the potty. from the potty to the floor she knocked her self out and needed 6 sticthes to the top of head and broke her nose. Her nose never bled ,just her head.

I broke in the bathroom ,found her on the floor with her pants down, facedown face in the floor and the top of her had been cut made no sence she need the 6 stictches on top of her head until I saw she had hit her on the doorway which was ,close but not where you would think it was possible.

Ever seen soome fall an be amazed at the way they fell or landed because it wouldnt be what you would predict ?

Had she landed on a towel and I had not heard her make a seizure sound she could have died she was out for 5 minutes.
The defense att. has no respect at all for the court or the judge......he's over the top. In NY most judges would have his arse hauled out by the baliffs and charge him with contempt...I think he is looking for a mistrial.

See, and I think he is making some great and valid points that I agree with, usually not the case for me.
I missed monday and watched yesterday so I think I have only seen small potion of the trial even thought I have watched for hours.

I do think still her neck injuries could have been caused by the fall.

He head would have bounced whatever it hit the force could her head to go backward then landing would cause foword/ backward motion

I had a woman at my home who had a seizure on the potty. from the potty to the floor she knocked her self out and needed 6 sticthes to the top of head and broke her nose. Her nose never bled ,just her head.

I broke in the bathroom ,found her on the floor with her pants down, facedown face in the floor and the top of her had been cut made no sence she need the 6 stictches on top of her head until I saw she had hit her on the doorway which was ,close but not where you would think it was possible.

Ever seen soome fall an be amazed at the way they fell or landed because it wouldnt be what you would predict ?

Had she landed on a towel and I had not heard her make a seizure sound she could have died she was out for 5 minutes.

that sounds consistent with a fall in this case first off there were 2 stories 1st she was kneeling down in front of the toilet as if vomiting and then she was on the toilet with head leaning on magazine rack. So i cant tell which scenerio I should consider to match the injuries. They say that petechiae of the eyeballs is suppose to be classic of stranglation. They said she had it all the way through the layers of the neck. Its kind of like a hicky from pressure. I dont know if it ever appears for any other reason but of the eye is suppose to be classic of being strangled. Wondered if he used a towel and just cuase she was in the bathroom does not mean that is where the murder occurred if it was a murder. it could have happened while she was in bed asleep with a towel or pillow. Just wondering of all the possibilities. I notice the defense has not brought up many other possibilities they seem to just be attacking the attackers with no other good cause.
Of couse I usually think most (not all) defendants Ive seen are guilty so Im sure that makes a difference. The lawyer in the Daliah Dipolito (sp??) trial was aggressive and I couldnt stand him, that was clearly a bunch of bs.

I mostly do not follow cases after a suspect is found. I follow until an arrest or until a recovery ,dont watch all the pretrial and media while the wheels turn so that I can watch the trial with objectivity.

I however am trying to follow the Guy Heinz Jr murder trial though the courts but the Georgia court system is not helping me get my much wanted exposure.
How young is that judge? She looks like she cant be over 35?
Petechiae on the face and conjunctiva (eyes) can be a sign of a death by asphyxiation. Petechiae are thought to result from an increase of pressure in the veins of the head and hypoxic damage to endothelia of blood vessels.[6]

Petechiae can be used by police investigators in determining if strangulation has been part of an attack. The documentation of the presence of petechiae on a victim can help police investigators prove the case.[7] Petechiae resulting from strangulation can be relatively tiny and light in color to very bright and pronounced. Petechiae may be seen on the face, in the whites of the eyes or on the inside of the eyelids.

this is the description of eyeball petechiae related to strangluation
remember one of the cops said she heard ticking in the garage and then touched the hood of the car to see if it was warm and she reported it was. So if he did kill her it is possible he dumped the weapon and I recall something about burn marks on the top of her feet like rug burns, that could be caused from the sheet being tucked into the bed like a made up bed your sleeping in and the force of the strangluation cause her to thrash about trying to get free and the sheet made that mark. He could have driven a block or two and dumped the sheet and towel somewhere. The car ticking concerns me..
remember one of the cops said she heard ticking in the garage and then touched the hood of the car to see if it was warm and she reported it was. So if he did kill her it is possible he dumped the weapon and I recall something about burn marks on the top of her feet like rug burns, that could be caused from the sheet being tucked into the bed like a made up bed your sleeping in and the force of the strangluation cause her to thrash about trying to get free and the sheet made that mark. He could have driven a block or two and dumped the sheet and towel somewhere. The car ticking concerns me..

There's all kinds of things that concern me, make me wonder, make me think he did it but I just can't get passed the shoddy investigation and then it makes me wonder even more. That's why I wouldn't be able to convict. There's enough to make you think AK probably did it but then on the other side, there's enough WTF, shoddy investigating and weirdness to make me go yeah, I don't know. I wouldn't want to be a juror on this case.

As for the defense, I don't like aggressivness at all but I think he's made quite a few points and he's poked enough holes in the witnesses testimony. I mean that ME may be well respected and qualified but he came across very unprofessionally and I'd wonder if I could believe him.

And there's a 911 analyst saying AK's pleas and choice of words show deception(was on insession). I don't know. I called 911 when my neighbor was having a heart attack and asked for the 911 operator to help me cause I didn't know what I was supposed to do, so I don't really get why saying help me is wrong. :/
I thought that Statement analyst was really over reaching.

He made the statement about adam having said "oh my god 9 times" like he was really trying to conveince them.

Well if you are looking at the statements people make as they are trying to conveince you then of course you will come to a conclusion they are lying or acting because you already have it in your head they have something to conveince you of.

If you listen to the tape as a what is going on here. you might get a different conclusion . Not to mention these comparisons are made based on what guilty people say to conveince people they are innocent. The guilty people base there behaviour on how innocent people react . Kinda make the whole idea of " he is sounding like a guilty person ''in his statement, a very hard point to make. I dont even understand why the FBI attemps this particulur method because there are much better ways to get the same information base in fact and not this mess. JMO

Who wouldnt ask for help? I did.
remember one of the cops said she heard ticking in the garage and then touched the hood of the car to see if it was warm and she reported it was. So if he did kill her it is possible he dumped the weapon and I recall something about burn marks on the top of her feet like rug burns, that could be caused from the sheet being tucked into the bed like a made up bed your sleeping in and the force of the strangluation cause her to thrash about trying to get free and the sheet made that mark. He could have driven a block or two and dumped the sheet and towel somewhere. The car ticking concerns me..


The witness who said that has already been caught lying under oath, so I don't think the jury should take her word for it.
what about the cologne they said they smelled at the hospital? I thought oh ok this guy was out late and when he got home from his tryst she went balistic and that led to the fight and strangluation. that would explain the warm car, the fully dressed defendant at the hospital and the cologne. just antoher possible scenerio.. he said he was in bed asleep why smell like cologne?

the defense tried to confuse them cause his twin was at the hosptial too
Tryst with who? Has there been any evidence presented showing that he was having an affair?
Sharon Barkwill is the witness on the stand now. Forensic expert for the state. Talking about fingernail scrappings she tested for DNA.
Tryst with who? Has there been any evidence presented showing that he was having an affair?

dont know they( the state ) havent done IMO a good enough job in that department but I know men LOL and they have been married long enough for the new to wear off, im not saying it happens all the time but big beefy meathead lookin guys like him are at least tempted. He apparently has done a good job keeping that quite IF it occurred im just throwing out possibilities and let me tell ya, im 51 ,I was a PI and paralegal married twice and I know men! Like a book I know them and of all I have ever known rarely im mean very rarely did I find one that didnt have a least 1 or 2 squeezes on the side. just men and testosterone and nature
Tryst with who? Has there been any evidence presented showing that he was having an affair?

Here's an article regarding your question and a couple of snippits out of it:

*Prosecutors argued to the judge that Adam Kaufman's possible motive was lust, and claimed that he started seeing another woman just after his wife died.
"Here he's asking this girl out with his dead wife's wedding ring on his finger, the next month, December of '07," prosecutor Matthew Baldwin said when the jury was not present. "By January, February, they're having regular sex. He was not exactly devastated by his wife's passing. I mean, the best analogy I can think of is when Casey Anthony [got a] a tattoo."*

*State prosecutors admitted they didn't have any evidence that Kaufman ever cheating on his wife before her death. Judge Miller ruled that any testimony about a possible woman that Kaufman might have been seeing was not admissible at that time, and could not be brought up in front of the jurors. *

Maybe, but they can't convict him of murder on the grounds that he has testosterone! They can't use a scent of cologne as evidence of motive either, that's very thin.

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