FL FL - Adam Walsh, 7, Hollywood, 27 July 1981

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I remember reading somewhere a few years back, which covered some of the very things in this article. Gosh I wish I could remember the name of it or where I read it. One thing that was mentioned that was not mentioned in the above article...and this was long ago so apologies if my memory is vague.......was that there was evidence of blood in the 'can wash' room of the sub restaurant where Dahmer worked. Also a tool was found in there which could have been the murder weapon. I can't remember the tool though. Also, Dahmer allegedly made a statement (can't remember to who) that he wouldn't admit to killing Adam even if he did because of what happens to child molesters in prison. (coward) I'll check around and provide a link if I can locate it because none of this is verbatim.

Thanks Daisy7. Very interesting article. I don't discredit the witnesses who saw Dahmer. There's just something about him that is creepy and I think I would recognize him. So I think he was in Sears that day. Whether he kidnapped Adam or not we'll never know. Dahmer did have a penchant for severing heads. Perhaps he didn't have a private place in FL to store such things.

OT Hollywood Beach is one of the coolest, most beautiful beaches I've ever visited! MOre than the Bahamas and Hawaii! Both are beautiful in their own respect but Hollywood Beach has such character!

Was this it? It is about 1/2 way down one of the pages called "The Story Breaks" where a network went with Art Jay Harris to the sub shop and they found blood on the walls.


The page is done in frames, so it all takes you to the beginning and there is not direct link I can post, but it is the page called "The Story Breaks" and like I said, it was about half way down the page.

If it was Dalmer, I would imagine that the reason he left this head was because he was homeless at the time and didn't have a place like he did 10 years later to store it. But that is just my opinion. He couldn't even use the store room thing, it would seem, until after the homeless guy died of liver disease that he didn't really have. Just sayin'... And in wondering if it were Dalmer, the fact that the body was never found would not ease my mind in the least if you kwim. That is the nicest way I can say what I am trying to get across without just saying it...and I don't want to say it.

If I was John Walsh I would never want to admit--especially to myself--that JD killed my child. But at the same time, I would want the truth. If Toole said that KC killed Caylee I would probably go over everything again to make sure I still feel the same and question it. I don't think a thing he said was ever the truth. He and Lucas were out for attention and that was that. Without presenting anything other than a confession, which by law cannot alone be used to convict someone, I feel like when they closed the case and said it was Toole that they were insulting my intelligence. But that's just me.
Was this it? It is about 1/2 way down one of the pages called "The Story Breaks" where a network went with Art Jay Harris to the sub shop and they found blood on the walls.


The page is done in frames, so it all takes you to the beginning and there is not direct link I can post, but it is the page called "The Story Breaks" and like I said, it was about half way down the page.

If it was Dalmer, I would imagine that the reason he left this head was because he was homeless at the time and didn't have a place like he did 10 years later to store it. But that is just my opinion. He couldn't even use the store room thing, it would seem, until after the homeless guy died of liver disease that he didn't really have. Just sayin'... And in wondering if it were Dalmer, the fact that the body was never found would not ease my mind in the least if you kwim. That is the nicest way I can say what I am trying to get across without just saying it...and I don't want to say it.

If I was John Walsh I would never want to admit--especially to myself--that JD killed my child. But at the same time, I would want the truth. If Toole said that KC killed Caylee I would probably go over everything again to make sure I still feel the same and question it. I don't think a thing he said was ever the truth. He and Lucas were out for attention and that was that. Without presenting anything other than a confession, which by law cannot alone be used to convict someone, I feel like when they closed the case and said it was Toole that they were insulting my intelligence. But that's just me.

Yes that sounds like the story I remember. Thank you for saying the unspeakable. I cringe to think of what may have happened to Adam's body. I Can't say how I would feel or what I would think if I were in the Walsh's shoes. However, I have never been fully convinced that Toole and Lucas are responsible for Adam's death. And it is an insult to our intelligence that the case was closed considering the known facts of the case. Maybe they know more than we do.....but I would certainly want the truth, IMO.

Yes that sounds like the story I remember. Thank you for saying the unspeakable. I cringe to think of what may have happened to Adam's body. I Can't say how I would feel or what I would think if I were in the Walsh's shoes. However, I have never been fully convinced that Toole and Lucas are responsible for Adam's death. And it is an insult to our intelligence that the case was closed considering the known facts of the case. Maybe they know more than we do.....but I would certainly want the truth, IMO.


I am so interested in the Dalmer angle on this case. I would honestly be interested in any angle other than Toole on this case because I am not only not convinced, but I really don't think it is true at all.

I spoke with Art Harris today. He is the person wrote the book and runs that website and went with the news crew when they found the blood and everything and I am going to buy his book later this week. I am also going to request the disc with all of the documents from the police department and I will post them for anyone who wants to see them. I am dying to see what is in there and go through it like we were able to on KC's case. I am the only person I know IRL that is happiest when reading discovery and trial transcripts, lol. But I will post here when I get them and put them up!
If I were the Walsh family , I would not want to think of JD having murdered my child either.
OT... I lived in Hollywood FL over 50 years ago and I was never allowed to be outside or in a place of business by myself. My Mom was very strict with my sis and myself that we had to stay with the family. I guess ? even back all those years ago children disappeared often enough that parents in that area were careful of their kids. Once we moved to KY , I was given more freedom.
At any rate , thanks for all the info on this case. So much of it I had never read before.
I am so interested in the Dalmer angle on this case. I would honestly be interested in any angle other than Toole on this case because I am not only not convinced, but I really don't think it is true at all.

I spoke with Art Harris today. He is the person wrote the book and runs that website and went with the news crew when they found the blood and everything and I am going to buy his book later this week. I am also going to request the disc with all of the documents from the police department and I will post them for anyone who wants to see them. I am dying to see what is in there and go through it like we were able to on KC's case. I am the only person I know IRL that is happiest when reading discovery and trial transcripts, lol. But I will post here when I get them and put them up!

Oh great! I look forward to your future posts. I'd love to compare the evidence against Dhamer vs Toole in this case.

Whether Dahmer or Toole is respnsible for Adam's death, either way, it's sickening to think what the poor little guy was subjected to by his killer.

I'll never understand why spineless individuals hurt little children. What is known about Dahmer's childhood? I'll google it and see what I can find.

OT If LE ever needs computer forensics from my pc, they will think they have a real peice of work on their hands after seeing the things I google for WS, LOL!
Oh great! I look forward to your future posts. I'd love to compare the evidence against Dhamer vs Toole in this case.

Whether Dahmer or Toole is respnsible for Adam's death, either way, it's sickening to think what the poor little guy was subjected to by his killer.

I'll never understand why spineless individuals hurt little children. What is known about Dahmer's childhood? I'll google it and see what I can find.

OT If LE ever needs computer forensics from my pc, they will think they have a real peice of work on their hands after seeing the things I google for WS, LOL!

I just got off the phone with the Hollywood Police department and they are going to have someone call me back because I don't live in Florida so they may not send them to me. I told them I was willing to pay whatever for them and they still said that they would have someone call me back. If I can't get them on my own, I have someone that will pick them up for me and I will post them as soon as I get them.

And I feel you on the computer forensics. Every time Steve gets on the computer he looks at the history and predicts how many years I am going to get when they "catch me" based upon what I was looking up earlier that day.

As far as Dalmer's childhood, it has been a long time since I looked into him, (I may be mixing it up with someone else) but I seem to remember that there was an operation and something went wrong and they believed that part of his mental problems were from that. I know that he used to cut up animals and such and I know that his first (known) victim was in 1978. I think I read that he decapitated that victim and beat his entire body with a sledge hammer. Adam's age may not have fit his pattern, but I also read that Dalmer was an opportunist and took whoever was available to him. It was also early in his "career" and he may not have set specifically on the older young boys yet. But the decapitation certainly fits.

That was the first part that caught my attention to this, because I remember when all of this happened (I was only 6 at the time, Adam's age---this is probably what got me so interested in crime. My mom wanted to "lay groundwork" for safety and making sure we didn't run off in the stores and she made sure I understood everything that was happening and had happened with the case) and decapitation is such an odd thing to do. It takes a......special kind of person to dismember someone else. Toole was (IMO) a coward. And claiming all of the kills that he and Lucas claimed was a way to look tougher and more notorious than they actually were.
I just got off the phone again with the Hollywood PD and they are going to send me the discs. He said I need to send payment for the discs and a self addressed stamped envelope and when he gets them he will call me and send them down, so I am mailing that out tomorrow. He said there are 3 discs and something like 10,000 pages of evidence. We shall see!

I have also invited Mr. Harris to come here and talk to us about the case. Currently, as you can imagine, he is very busy and getting a lot of media attention, but hopefully when it dies down he will drop in.
I just got off the phone with the Hollywood Police department and they are going to have someone call me back because I don't live in Florida so they may not send them to me. I told them I was willing to pay whatever for them and they still said that they would have someone call me back. If I can't get them on my own, I have someone that will pick them up for me and I will post them as soon as I get them.

And I feel you on the computer forensics. Every time Steve gets on the computer he looks at the history and predicts how many years I am going to get when they "catch me" based upon what I was looking up earlier that day.

As far as Dalmer's childhood, it has been a long time since I looked into him, (I may be mixing it up with someone else) but I seem to remember that there was an operation and something went wrong and they believed that part of his mental problems were from that. I know that he used to cut up animals and such and I know that his first (known) victim was in 1978. I think I read that he decapitated that victim and beat his entire body with a sledge hammer. Adam's age may not have fit his pattern, but I also read that Dalmer was an opportunist and took whoever was available to him. It was also early in his "career" and he may not have set specifically on the older young boys yet. But the decapitation certainly fits.

That was the first part that caught my attention to this, because I remember when all of this happened (I was only 6 at the time, Adam's age---this is probably what got me so interested in crime. My mom wanted to "lay groundwork" for safety and making sure we didn't run off in the stores and she made sure I understood everything that was happening and had happened with the case) and decapitation is such an odd thing to do. It takes a......special kind of person to dismember someone else. Toole was (IMO) a coward. And claiming all of the kills that he and Lucas claimed was a way to look tougher and more notorious than they actually were.

~above BBM respecfully~

LOL! I almost spit coffee on my keyboard I'm laughing so hard. thanks for the chuckle to start off myt day.

I found this link and am posting in case you all would like to bookmark because it contains a wealth of information on many crime subjects, etc. the name of the site is a bit morbid though.


The above link led me to this link about Dahmer's life.


I look forward to you receiving the discs and hopefully Mr. Harris will join us for discussion at his convenience. Thanks for all your hard work HRCODEPINK!

I have been saying for years that Ottis Toole was not involved in Adam's case. See my many other post regarding this. Highly recommend reading Arthur Harris' book about Dahmer and the connection regarding this case- it is a great read and it becomes more unbelievable that the HPD continue to take the public for fools. Then again, this has been going on since 1981.

If Jeffrey Dahmer was at the Hollwood and Sears Mall that day, what is the chance of him being there the same day and time Adam gets abducted? Coincidental?

Willis Morgan is the man who vehemently believes he saw Dahmer at the Radio Shack at the Sears mall that day and followed him into Sears. I have personally spoken to Mr. Morgan several times. He his a good man and I can say that I truly believe him on what he said transpired that day. His recollection is in the Arthur J. Harris book and it is chilling. I grilled Mr. Morgan wondering if he could have been mistaken. He 100% assured me there was no way it was NOT Dahmer who was there that day. This only came about after he saw the local daily paper in the days after Dahmer was arrested in Milwaukee for Dahmer's crimes there.

Many people point to the fact that Dahmer was never arrested for sexually assaulting young boys before 1981, therefore excluding him in Adam's case. Actually, Dahmer was arrested for exposing himself to a few children (boys) under 10 years old well before this. Dahmer was also an extreme alcoholic and only about 23 years old in 1981- a full 11 years before his notoriety came in Milwaukee. His access to the sub shop's van is also an important part of this case. Witnesses placed a very similar looking car in the vicinity at the time of Adam's disappearance.

Whether Dahmer was involved in Adam's case is debatable, but it seems a lot more likely in my view he is involved much more than Toole could have been.

What is known is that Dahmer was definitely in the area at the time of Adam's abduction, working at that Sub shop. Toole was known to have been in the Jacksonville, FL area only 1.5 days before from a check he cashed.

The theory goes that Toole drove some 400 miles south to Hollywood, FL to get more money than he would in Jacksonville for his prostituting. In a beat down car, high on qualudes, pills, and God knows what else. Possible? Sure. Probable? Not really.

For those who are interested in reading the Arthur J. Harris book on this case, here is a 50 page preview available on scribd.com- it starts from the beginning... Jeffrey Dahmer's Dirty Secret: The Unsolved Murder of Adam Walsh
Lawsuit seeks investigative files in Adam Walsh case

All copies of an investigative report that played a key role in the Hollywood Police Department's closing of the unsolved 1981 murder of Adam Walsh have either been destroyed or relocated to Cuba, according to a lawsuit filed this week.

The complaint, filed Tuesday in Broward Circuit Court, demands a copy of retired cop Joe Matthews' documents detailing his independent investigation into the case of the 6-year-old boy who was kidnapped from a Hollywood Sears and decapitated. Matthews is a confidant to John Walsh, father to Adam and host of America's Most Wanted.

Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/06/02/1660126/lawsuit-seeks-investigative-files.html#ixzz0pjsNb6b8
Lawsuit seeks investigative files in Adam Walsh case

All copies of an investigative report that played a key role in the Hollywood Police Department's closing of the unsolved 1981 murder of Adam Walsh have either been destroyed or relocated to Cuba, according to a lawsuit filed this week.

The complaint, filed Tuesday in Broward Circuit Court, demands a copy of retired cop Joe Matthews' documents detailing his independent investigation into the case of the 6-year-old boy who was kidnapped from a Hollywood Sears and decapitated. Matthews is a confidant to John Walsh, father to Adam and host of America's Most Wanted.

Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/06/02/1660126/lawsuit-seeks-investigative-files.html#ixzz0pjsNb6b8
WHY would LE investigative files be relocated to CUBA? I don't get it.
I have been saying for years that Ottis Toole was not involved in Adam's case. See my many other post regarding this. Highly recommend reading Arthur Harris' book about Dahmer and the connection regarding this case- it is a great read and it becomes more unbelievable that the HPD continue to take the public for fools. Then again, this has been going on since 1981.

If Jeffrey Dahmer was at the Hollwood and Sears Mall that day, what is the chance of him being there the same day and time Adam gets abducted? Coincidental?

Willis Morgan is the man who vehemently believes he saw Dahmer at the Radio Shack at the Sears mall that day and followed him into Sears. I have personally spoken to Mr. Morgan several times. He his a good man and I can say that I truly believe him on what he said transpired that day. His recollection is in the Arthur J. Harris book and it is chilling. I grilled Mr. Morgan wondering if he could have been mistaken. He 100% assured me there was no way it was NOT Dahmer who was there that day. This only came about after he saw the local daily paper in the days after Dahmer was arrested in Milwaukee for Dahmer's crimes there.

Many people point to the fact that Dahmer was never arrested for sexually assaulting young boys before 1981, therefore excluding him in Adam's case. Actually, Dahmer was arrested for exposing himself to a few children (boys) under 10 years old well before this. Dahmer was also an extreme alcoholic and only about 23 years old in 1981- a full 11 years before his notoriety came in Milwaukee. His access to the sub shop's van is also an important part of this case. Witnesses placed a very similar looking car in the vicinity at the time of Adam's disappearance.

Whether Dahmer was involved in Adam's case is debatable, but it seems a lot more likely in my view he is involved much more than Toole could have been.


Is Arthur Harris ART HARRIS?
Didn't Otis Toole and Henry Lucas kill a couple of people in the same town that Haleigh Cummings lived in?

EDIT - No, it was a different serial killer who was put to death by the state of FL. He did kill a few people in that town but I can't remember his name.
According to the complaint, Matthews spoke to Julin on May 13 and said ``he had destroyed all electronic copies of the report due to the fear that [Morgan] would break into his office and steal the report, asserted that one written copy of the report remained, and claimed that he had given that copy of the report to his `co-author' and that the co-author had taken it to Cuba.''

Julin, who represented several media outlets in a successful 1996 lawsuit that led to the first release of the case files, said he was skeptical that Matthews did not have access to his documents.

``It seems odd to me that someone who prepared something like that would risk its loss by giving it to someone to take to Cuba,'' Julin said.
Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/06/02/1660793/adam-walsh-witness-sues-for-report.html#ixzz0po0lgq2D
Is Arthur Harris ART HARRIS?

No, that Art Harris is the one who is on Nancy Grace show a lot and who has a bald head. Arthur Jay Harris is a different person. http://arthurjayharris.com/

After talking to Willis Morgan about 10 months ago, who is the plaintiff for retrieving the case file and witness that day at the Sears Mall and Radio Shack, I knew he was going to file some sort of inquiry into the case file. Good for him, because no one else seems to really care and he truly believes what he saw that day. I cannot express enough how upset he was when the Hollywood PD closed this case in Dec. 2008. He knew it was BS then. I tend to agree.
“Until that happens, we won’t have peace. It doesn’t matter that Ottis Toole is dead. He died without ever being charged, and as far as John and I are concerned, that’s the same thing as going free. Our baby was murdered and someone has to be held accountable. That’s not too hard to understand, is it?”
She paused, still wiping at her tears, and fixed Matthews with an even gaze. “Joe, will you do this for me?”

John and Reve will be on the today show

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