FL FL - AMBER ALERT: Diana Alvares, 9, Fort Myers, 29 May 2016 #3

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I meant that I was very new ;p that was my reasoning for using tinypic to upload the photo as I was on my mobile & didn't see any of the advanced options. sorry for the confusion!

no problem Welcome to WS
you are doing just fine staywoke,

I am going to throw some of the thoughts out. With all the hub-bub lately, my immune system has decided to hate me...lol The meds to make it play nice tend to leave me pretty fuzzy...

I digress, thoughts -

I've had so many issues trying to sort the timeline and events based on info directly from family members, LE, media, and the family attorney. I really need to go back and look at the official docs again on JG, but for now....

What if....The 1-3am time frame is right, but JG wasn't out of the area?

ETA - I'm too tired to fix sentence structure and grammatical errors...So sorry.
What if.....JG just forwarded calls from "selfie" phone to another phone he had, shut off the selfie phone (ditching it at some point), and was actually in the area later than the ping indicate?

What if....JG actually did spirit DA away somewhere with "friends", not necessarily trafficking?

The oil on the stove and all the burners being on just don't line up with the phone ping time.

I'm playing devil's advocate here so don't throw things at me...We know, no matter what, JG's immigration status and the pics on phone he had a code to are nailed down fairly tight. Unless LE has more, and they do, than just the tower pings, hearsay, and conjecture, there is no way I can see JG getting any charges related to DA's disappearance. JG could claim that yes, he was in the area that night and maybe he even saw DA, but the last he saw of her, she was headed back to her house. That it could've been anyone that grabbed her (or pick a scenario) I mean, she didn't take any belongings with her that WE are aware of....OR Maybe JG actually admits to leaving with her because her home life was terrible (hey, put those rotten tomatoes down) and he felt sorry for her.

The only reason I mention this is, I was a young girl once, with crushes, and I know all my girlfriends felt something similar to older guys at some point..All of us thought our parents were terrible, didn't understand us, just didn't "get it"...So, of course, with JG being the predator he is offered to help her get to a "safe haven". In her mind, maybe he was going to be her savior from her mean ol' parents and they were going to live happily ever after. She thinks like a child, with the impulsive nature of a child, because she's supposed to - she's a CHILD! Reality has no place in a child's imagination. DA may have been feeling a bit left out too with a new baby coming, not being able to see her bio-dad, JG leaving and feeling panicked he wasn't going to be around to make things "better" or at least have that exciting bright spot to look forward to each day since her mom kicked him out.

None of those things are in any way meant to blame DA or her parents. The dynamic between a mom and a daughter on the cusp of puberty is tense, to say the least. As a mom of a teen girl, from 9-12, I never knew which face of Eve I was going to meet when she came home from school, friends, out of her room, etc.

Sorry this turned into a novella, but I felt I needed to throw some more bricks into the wall of confusion. :fence: Thanks for reading my rambling, foggy thoughts.
Saucy, I actually appreciate people thinking of alternate scenarios, especially in this confusing case. But there is no doubt in my mind, based on the images on his phone,that JG is a pedophile and abused DA. What I am unsure of is the timeline of when the parents realized she was missing and whether they spent time trying to negotiate her return before calling police. But I won't discuss anything further because the parents are victims here. And the oil on the stove, the phone turning up with a stranger, and JG's brother all make me think we don't know much at
What if he communicated with Diana between 12-3 on her family phone, telling her he was coming to get her in a few hours, then he turned off his phone after 3 AM because he thought police couldn't trace him that way. He willingly gave police his phone unlock code--he probably thought there was no evidence to put him in the area of her house. Do we know what time the pings show his phone moving away from Ft Myers? What if he picked Diana up between 5-7 AM with his phone off? As to the oil, he could have told her that they were going to go get food to make a surprise breakfast for her family and she needed to "help" by heating the oil so the stove was ready when they returned. (as an aside, this would also be an effective ruse to get her to delete the texts her sent her--so her family wouldn't know about the "surprise", little did she know, poor baby). It would have been so easy to lie to her and get her to do this. Her parents said in interviews she doesn't cook but she would know from watching her mom that it takes a while to heat up oil before you can fry food. I have a new flat top stove similar to the one shown and it takes much longer to heat than a gas stove or even an old fashioned coil electric stove (it's really annoying). The good thing is that the flat top means that it's very hard to start a fire on accident. I could pour a puddle of oil on the top on my stove and it would smoke a little but it's not in direct contact with the burner so it won't burn much. So I suspect that the oil was boiling much less time and didn't spatter enough to cause a fire--which was probably what JG was hoping for--a fire as a diversion. Evil Man.

Oh, this is my first post.:newhere:
i don't seeit as that dirty. maybe my cleaning standards aren't as high. ok they aren't, I hate cleaning. lol but yea that does look like print dust around the knobs. but the stove itself doesn't look "old" and "dirty" just used a lot.

The black smudges around the burners are from finger print dust but, yes, it isn't very clean. So they have moved out.
i don't seeit as that dirty. maybe my cleaning standards aren't as high. ok they aren't, I hate cleaning. lol but yea that does look like print dust around the knobs. but the stove itself doesn't look "old" and "dirty" just used a lot.

:sorry:... I didn't think about fingerprinting. My mistake. :runaway:
The black smudges around the burners are from finger print dust but, yes, it isn't very clean. So they have moved out.
Did I read this right? They moved out? :sorry: but if my child was missing I wouldn't want to move until I found her. I couldn't leave knowing she was out there somewhere. What if she returned and they aren't there? Seems odd to me that they up and move. :cry:
One thing that bothers me is the story of how the landscapers found the phone. Before I speculate though, are we allowed to discuss criminal records for people connected to this case other than the suspect? (For example, the landscapers who found the phone) I understand we can't link their social media, so I'm asking so I don't violate any forum rules by giving links about their past. Some interesting stories pop up when googling their names. Total newbie here, sorry!
Did I read this right? They moved out? :sorry: but if my child was missing I wouldn't want to move until I found her. I couldn't leave knowing she was out there somewhere. What if she returned and they aren't there? Seems odd to me that they up and move. :cry:
No I don't think they have moved. I'm not sure what that poster meant by that comment.

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No we can't discuss arrests warrants or past on anyone but Jorge at this point. If police name another suspect, or POI, then we can. Otherwise, everyone else is considered an innocent person. Sometimes we sleuth, but can't post about it, then if an arrest or POI is named, we have the 'goods' on them already. Hope that helps!
JG's phone left his residence in Orlando on May 28 in the evening hours and headed south to the Ft Myers area. The phone was in the area of DA's home between 12mid-3AM on May 29. After leaving Ft Myers "early that morning", records show the phone travelled to Okee, to YHJ where it was stationary for several hours, then back to Okee, then to place of origin Orlando. (Page 3&4, item#7 of the Criminal Complaint). There was communication between JG's phone and the household phone DA had access to during the time JG's phone was in the area of the home. DA has not been seen since this communication which took place on May 28, 2016 (page 4, item#8 of the Criminal Complaint).

RH said she got up at 2AM May 29 to fix a baby bottle and she also put the blanket over DA.

So the Criminal Complaint (CC) has a problem. JG's phone was not in the area of the house until 12mid May 29, yet the CC says the communication between JG's phone and the house phone was on May 28. And the CC says that DA was not seen after the communication, but DA's mother saw her at 2AM on May 29. I suppose like many early CC's and SW's, there are somtimes imperfections of facts not yet ascertained completely by LE.

Going from RH's statement that DA was in the house at 2AM... What if JG and DA left at 3AM. And from that point, JG turned off his phone (removed battery so no pings) to accomplish his goals with DA in the Ft Myers area in his car. After accidently killing her, now it might be 5-6AM. He panics. He comes up with the crazy idea to burn the home down, so JG returns to the home at about 6AM and lights all the burners on the stove while everyone is still asleep, in order to buy time. Then he leaves the Ft Myers areas with DA's body in the car, and turns the phone back on, going to Okee to get a shovel or whatever, then continues on his crazy trip to YHJ (where phone is stationary several hours, likey buried DA) to Okee to Orlando.

I am trying to account for the oil on the stove here. I had thought he took DA and then immediately left the area to do all his deeds at YHJ from assault to bury DA - but LE has not detailed the specific hours of the pings of JG's phone or explained any down time for the phone either, except the 12mid-3AM stated in the CC.
what was the landscaper's name again? I recall thinking it was not a Hispanic name.
JG's phone left his residence in Orlando on May 28 in the evening hours and headed south to the Ft Myers area. The phone was in the area of DA's home between 12mid-3AM on May 29. After leaving Ft Myers "early that morning", records show the phone travelled to Okee, to YHJ where it was stationary for several hours, then back to Okee, then to place of origin Orlando. (Page 3&4, item#7 of the Criminal Complaint). There was communication between JG's phone and the household phone DA had access to during the time JG's phone was in the area of the home. DA has not been seen since this communication which took place on May 28, 2016 (page 4, item#8 of the Criminal Complaint).

RH said she got up at 2AM May 29 to fix a baby bottle and she also put the blanket over DA.

So the Criminal Complaint (CC) has a problem. JG's phone was not in the area of the house until 12mid May 29, yet the CC says the communication between JG's phone and the house phone was on May 28. And the CC says that DA was not seen after the communication, but DA's mother saw her at 2AM on May 29. I suppose like many early CC's and SW's, there are somtimes imperfections of facts not yet ascertained completely by LE.

Going from RH's statement that DA was in the house at 2AM... What if JG and DA left at 3AM. And from that point, JG turned off his phone (removed battery so no pings) to accomplish his goals with DA in the Ft Myers area in his car. After accidently killing her, now it might be 5-6AM. He panics. He comes up with the crazy idea to burn the home down, so JG returns to the home at about 6AM and lights all the burners on the stove while everyone is still asleep, in order to buy time. Then he leaves the Ft Myers areas with DA's body in the car, and turns the phone back on, going to Okee to get a shovel or whatever, then continues on his crazy trip to YHJ (where phone is stationary several hours, likey buried DA) to Okee to Orlando.

I am trying to account for the oil on the stove here. I had thought he took DA and then immediately left the area to do all his deeds at YHJ from assault to bury DA - but LE has not detailed the specific hours of the pings of JG's phone or explained any down time for the phone either, except the 12mid-3AM stated in the CC.
Interesting theory!
JG's phone left his residence in Orlando on May 28 in the evening hours and headed south to the Ft Myers area. The phone was in the area of DA's home between 12mid-3AM on May 29. After leaving Ft Myers "early that morning", records show the phone travelled to Okee, to YHJ where it was stationary for several hours, then back to Okee, then to place of origin Orlando. (Page 3&4, item#7 of the Criminal Complaint). There was communication between JG's phone and the household phone DA had access to during the time JG's phone was in the area of the home. DA has not been seen since this communication which took place on May 28, 2016 (page 4, item#8 of the Criminal Complaint).

RH said she got up at 2AM May 29 to fix a baby bottle and she also put the blanket over DA.

So the Criminal Complaint (CC) has a problem. JG's phone was not in the area of the house until 12mid May 29, yet the CC says the communication between JG's phone and the house phone was on May 28. And the CC says that DA was not seen after the communication, but DA's mother saw her at 2AM on May 29. I suppose like many early CC's and SW's, there are somtimes imperfections of facts not yet ascertained completely by LE.

Going from RH's statement that DA was in the house at 2AM... What if JG and DA left at 3AM. And from that point, JG turned off his phone (removed battery so no pings) to accomplish his goals with DA in the Ft Myers area in his car. After accidently killing her, now it might be 5-6AM. He panics. He comes up with the crazy idea to burn the home down, so JG returns to the home at about 6AM and lights all the burners on the stove while everyone is still asleep, in order to buy time. Then he leaves the Ft Myers areas with DA's body in the car, and turns the phone back on, going to Okee to get a shovel or whatever, then continues on his crazy trip to YHJ (where phone is stationary several hours, likey buried DA) to Okee to Orlando.

I am trying to account for the oil on the stove here. I had thought he took DA and then immediately left the area to do all his deeds at YHJ from assault to bury DA - but LE has not detailed the specific hours of the pings of JG's phone or explained any down time for the phone either, except the 12mid-3AM stated in the CC.

the only problem I see with this is that I can't imagine their full grown pitbull not barking at JGT @ those early hours in the morning. even if the dog was familiar with him.. the family said the pitbull would bark at his water bowl.

the surprise breakfast theory is actually really good, as I really can't imagine someone managing to get back into the house after DA was gone. especially JGT, because he knew the family members would be waking so soon (7 am to get the children on the bus to church).

I remember UJ saying that he usually wakes up earlier hearing one of the children get ready, he said that this morning was so strange, no noise.

the original article where I read that statement from UJ has been updated.. but this is the video interview with him saying it.


I also remember reading a lot about DA's bedroom door opening & closing, which was not mentioned here. I definitely found that strange.

I know all this was linked & throughly spoke about before in the first thread. I apologize for the repetition xo ;* but I myself, have been watching & rewatching & reading & rereading everything pertaining to the case over the past few days; to keep it fresh & to see if maybe I'll notice something subtle I looked over at first.

I am hoping for an update from the lawyer now that it's Monday.

over the weekend there has been so much negativity on the news; the Orlando massacre, the Orlando shooting of the young singer :( I am praying mad hard for some good news to come from this specific case to break up this very sad rising death toll in Florida.
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