FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #17

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I think this is really important. As I remember, Misty said she noticed Haleigh was missing at 3:00 am?? So there was a 27 minute gap between the discovery and the 911 call--
-was she stoned/sedated and just too out of it to react appropriately?
-was she not really sleeping and actually doing something outside of the home/away from the sleeping kids?
-was she really fearful of invoking any authority until she talked to Ronald, for whatever reason??

27 minutes is a long time to do nothing--
I saw something written elsewhere on the internet to the effect of
if you wait 27 minutes to call LE, you're either:
cleaning up, covering up, or making up(lies)

I'd add that perhaps Misty was/is somehow impaired by drugs, fear or cognitive issues. But the 27 minutes is really important, IMO.

She also said she woke up at 3am and Haleigh was missing. that the Dad got their 5 minutes after she discovered Haleigh was missing. he is on ethe 911 call, and said They called as soon as He walked in. Hmm so did he get there at 3:05am or 3:27am?
I believe Le stated in the police report that Dad was sitting on the step when they got there. Uh why wasn't he searching for his kid?

Misty's interview standing next to the Dad is like da ja vu of Susan Smith. Also Dad had a problem in the begining with closing his eyes during interviews.

I still think they are both invovled.
just took son's date home, she lives in a dlb wide also, I looked up, and there was that stack sticking out over where the "fireplace" is......I have yet to form an opinion on who did what, but I am leaning towards it being staged also....thinking maybe the dad is in on it along with the girl friend, what ever the "it" is. Misty herself says "I didn't do it"...my immediate thought was "didn't do WHAT??"
Whew! FINALLY caught up and now ready to go to bed! OK, some comments and questions:

1. Could we possibly consider "sleuthing" here instead of the 18 pages of socioeconomic/redneck/cr@cker/insulting comments about these people? Most of what was posted was just plain ridiculous and has NOTHING to do with missing Haleigh! I live in Florida - have all my life and all over the place. If you don't have a high school diploma or a college degree, you can bet you MIGHT be making minimum wage. Any of you try to live on that? I do not have to but I know many that do - it is IMPOSSIBLE. Just leave the people alone and sleuth the case - yeesh... I agree.

2. The large pipe out of the roof of the trailer is NOT a toilet vent stack! It IS for a fireplace (otherwise occasionally known as a furnace here). I am sitting 10 feet from my brick fireplace, glass doors and yes, I have a regular brick chimney on my house. Doesn't get cold enough here so no need for a fireplace???? WHAT? Just last week it was SEVENTEEN DEGREES and winds of 30+ mph. Nope, no snow but yes - it gets very very cold here sometimes - double yeesh....I don't think it matters.

3. I remember last Monday night as well as Tuesday night. I live about 1.5 hours Southeast of this town - East of Orlando and about 3 rivers West of Cocoa Beach. I work at Kennedy Space Center for the major NASA subcontractor. I was outside looking up - most of us who work there do this quite often. The moon on Monday night was absolutely full and it was bright as daylight outside - same for Tuesday night but slight wispy clouds. Windy all over the state so no clouds anywhere (just FYI). Haleigh was scared of the dark - but it wasn't dark that night. Brighter than any nightlight or flashlight. It was breezy but not cold by any means. See? It went from 17 degrees last week to almost 80 degrees this week! It was just a nice night that night - no bugs, no "heat", no "cold", just nice breeze and giant full moon - all over the state! It said on weatherunderworld it was overcast and mid 40s-50s. Guess they were wrong.

4. Does anyone know anything at all about the A/C guy other than he was "cleared" by LE? Name? Where he lives/works? I did a quick Google for A/C repair and the city and the nearest ones are in Palm Coast and Gainesville - both quite a drive (by Florida standards)...probably 45 minutes to an hour of straight driving...seems odd to call in an A/C person from so far away especially that late in the day. I am beginning to think that AC guy WAS the friend of her brother's perhaps. She never mentioned him fixing anything and he left when brother did according to the story I heard.

5. I still think the A/C guy propped the screen, accidentally left the door not closed all the way and opportunity walked in. I also suspect gf may not have been home at the time - for whatever reason. Heck maybe she left the door open and went somewhere - friend/relative/neighbor's house? Maybe Haleigh woke up, couldn't find Misty, turned on light, went out open back door to look for her? Very bright out there - perp saw opportunity?

6. Iam very interested in the KJ guy - he is the missing SO correct? Anyone know how long he has been MIA? What direction he may have gone? Has LE searched HIS house? No. KJ is an SO living very near their house. Chad Reynolds is the 25yo missing SO. He absconded on 2/2/09, IIRC. They have no idea where he is now. Car was left in South Marion?

7. Whether it was 5 minutes or hours, I would like to know what Misty did immediately after noticing Haleigh missing? Run through the house? Look in closets? Notice open door so goes out and calls name and frantically looks for her? Carrying cell phone with her? Calling daddy at work or on his way home? WHAT WAS SHE DOING? I noticed she repeats several times in the background of the 911 call "I just woke up"...like she wanted to be SURE Ronald heard her (excuse?) :waitasec: We all would like to know.

Would LOVE to see some cell records on Misty, Ronald, birth mom, and everyone involved!! But alas...still waiting on the "A" cell records from a hundred years ago right? Again...we would, too!!

Thanks for bearing with the long post - appreciate any info anyone can give or any theories/input...I woulda ranted but no rant thread :crazy:
Rant away. I have been banging my head all day. LOL
Maybe a mod needs to give a ten minute warning when a thread will get locked, I made a long post with my theory and new fence sitting position and lost it. Ugh!


When you get the thread is locked screen hit your back button and you can at then cut and paste it into the new thread.
It could be anything, couldn't it? The pee/get a drink story isn't passing the smell test with me either.

Inadvertently I have heard about "pee" mentioned twice now. The first is when either GF or Haleigh getting up to pee, and another in mentioning the wet blanket from peeing. I just can't shake the feeling that some bedwetting incident may have been involved here....

Maybe she was awoken when the child accidentally started wetting the bed? It would explain the blanket being aired out and the cinderblock propping open the back door (perhaps to take the mattress outside too). Who knows...
FWIW I agree, and---a really good thought by the posters who mentioned that neither G/f or dad yelled, SCREAMED, at the top of their lungs for this little girl. THAT is something I hadn't thought about, very good thought...
I think this is really important. As I remember, Misty said she noticed Haleigh was missing at 3:00 am?? So there was a 27 minute gap between the discovery and the 911 call--
-was she stoned/sedated and just too out of it to react appropriately?

Hey Nancy,

Back in my partying days (and many nights when I was young and home alone) I heard every sound (not less of them). I can't imagine a 17 year old girl being stoned and not wondering about every creak, snap and pop. I think toking makes you notice noises more, not less. Moo

Now, if she was drinking alcohol that would be a different matter. But marijuana is going to heighten her senses not dull them.
Respectfully snipped: " They are NOT brother and sister. Kyle is NOT Virgil's son."

obguthr - where do you get this information from?? Post #347 in thread #16...How do you know?

Kyle's father is also named Kyle b. 1943. I believe he may be living in St. Petersburg. Source: U.S. Public Records Index, LDS library, Provo UT.
FWIW I agree, and---a really good thought by the posters who mentioned that neither G/f or dad yelled, SCREAMED, at the top of their lungs for this little girl. THAT is something I hadn't thought about, very good thought...

Yeah, wouldn't that logically be the first thing one would do? Run around the mobile home and then the yard area yelling her name? I mean, if the cat doesn't come in at night I'm out there calling his name.
BJB could you mean the fact that she was calling Daddy's cell phone to tell him that Haleigh was missing as he was pulling into the driveway?

ETA: How far down the road can you see a car coming?

To be as objective as I can be...I don't like it on two fronts:

1) It means Haleigh is 'discovered' missing at at time when Ronald is nearby. I understand his arrival time is fitting w/ someone looking up the drive-time and a 3AM departure from his workplace, but, I haven't seen any sourced information on his exact work schedule or his departure from work that night. Sooo...until I see mo' betta info on this I am reading that Ronald was nearby when Haleigh is 'discovered' missing. And, yes, I realize Haleigh could've legitimately been gone for hours and Misty spontaneously discovered her gone when Ronald was due to pull in from work...her habit to get up when he gets home? They're young...maybe so. But, as we have it right now the 'discovery' was made when Ronald was in the area.

2) It means Haleigh is 'discovered' missing at the absolute, very, couldn't-be-any-later, have-avoided-it-as-long-as-possible moment from Misty's perspective. IOW...Ronald pulled in and might find Haleigh's not there himself...if Misty doesn't come clean at that moment. If it was Misty's custom to be asleep when Ronald arrived from work, and she had any involvement...then...it would have been simpler for Misty to 'pretend' she was asleep and simply let Ronald come in and make the 'discovery'. However, if it was Misty's custom to meet & greet Ronald...well...she would have had no choice but to come clean @ that moment if she was involved.

We don't know if Misty was typically up when Ronald arrived from work do we?

We don't know if Misty has a key to the place do we? One would assume she does, but, we don't really know do we?

In at least one interview Misty used past tense to refer to Haleigh...IIRC, "I LOVED her like she was mine" or something similar. Anyone else paying attention to the tense being used by Ronald and Misty when they talk about Haleigh...notice any other instances of past tense being used by either one of them? One instance...maybe nothing...maybe...:waitasec:
OK ... nobody has said this .. so I gotta say:

If "I" woke up in middle of night, and saw a light on that "I" didn't turn on or leave on, and door opened .. with kids in house, I'm gonna FREAK and think the intruder is STILL in the house, or close by outside. So FIRST thing I'm going to do it call 911.

It's tough for me to say if I'd be scared enough to keep quiet while looking around, or go into panic mode and run around calling child. ... either way, I'd instantly think intruder is still near by.
Whew! FINALLY caught up and now ready to go to bed! OK, some comments and questions:

1. Could we possibly consider "sleuthing" here instead of the 18 pages of socioeconomic/redneck/cr@cker/insulting comments about these people? Most of what was posted was just plain ridiculous and has NOTHING to do with missing Haleigh! I live in Florida - have all my life and all over the place. If you don't have a high school diploma or a college degree, you can bet you MIGHT be making minimum wage. Any of you try to live on that? I do not have to but I know many that do - it is IMPOSSIBLE. Just leave the people alone and sleuth the case - yeesh...

Thanks for bearing with the long post - appreciate any info anyone can give or any theories/input...I woulda ranted but no rant thread :crazy:

(snipped) Cocoamom I appreciate your concern! I am as heartbroken as anyone; am one of the posters who has followed from Thread #1 (who actually reads most if not all the posts); have explored many varied theories, posted links to docs, and contributed in many other ways, at least as determined as any poster here to get to the bottom of this case including what motives and risk factors were present; did not pursue risks of lifestyle and other possible motives until today; and live on about as low an income as you and four children can get (all of which anyone will know who follows threads). I too want to stick to the business of sleuthing-and also hopefully of preventing future tragedies. My only purpose was to say it is not strictly, solely random uncontrollable factors that contribute to these sad stories nor which can help to solve them. As evidenced today while outside my apts w/ my little girl. There were no less than eight or nine children UNDER THE AGE OF SIX playing outdoors unsupervised SOME AS YOUNG AS THREE AND FOUR YEARS. I so badly want to be wrong Cocoa but my gut feeling here is Haleigh may have wandered off, while unattended, in daylight hours and if not drowned, maybe fallen prey to any of 44 SO's. Praying for Haleigh... JMO



The extremely short period of time that elapsed between the time Misty indicated she discovered Haleigh missing and the time Ronald pulled in really, really, really bothers me.

It's possible Misty's sleeping pattern has been effected by Ron's working hours. He probably wakes her up when he gets home, so after time she might be automatically waking up about 3am.
She also said she woke up at 3am and Haleigh was missing. that the Dad got their 5 minutes after she discovered Haleigh was missing. he is on ethe 911 call, and said They called as soon as He walked in. Hmm so did he get there at 3:05am or 3:27am?
I believe Le stated in the police report that Dad was sitting on the step when they got there. Uh why wasn't he searching for his kid?

Misty's interview standing next to the Dad is like da ja vu of Susan Smith. Also Dad had a problem in the begining with closing his eyes during interviews.

I still think they are both invovled.

Yeah, I gotta say ... I'd be looking all over with flashlight, calling her name, my boyfriend go one way, me the other .. while waiting for 911.

While I was alone, after calling 911 though, I'd be worried intruder would still be around, as mentioned earlier, so not sure how I would handle that.

But AFTER boyfriend got there .. you'd better believe we'd be out looking, knocking on neighbor's doors, no matter WHAT time it is!
OK ... nobody has said this .. so I gotta say:

If "I" woke up in middle of night, and saw a light on that "I" didn't turn on or leave on, and door opened .. with kids in house, I'm gonna FREAK and think the intruder is STILL in the house, or close by outside. So FIRST thing I'm going to do it call 911.

It's tough for me to say if I'd be scared enough to keep quiet while looking around, or go into panic mode and run around calling child. ... either way, I'd instantly think intruder is still near by.

Exactly esp. if I was a 17 yo girl alone with 2 kids!!!!
and I would be yelling Haleigh's name and out searching and asking for help.
But yes the first thing you do is call 911 before anyone else! (Unless you are scared of LE because you know who did it or drugs in house etc) IMO
Hey Nancy,

Back in my partying days (and many nights when I was young and home alone) I heard every sound (not less of them). I can't imagine a 17 year old girl being stoned and not wondering about every creak, snap and pop. I think toking makes you notice noises more, not less. Moo

Now, if she was drinking alcohol that would be a different matter. But marijuana is going to heighten her senses not dull them.

I agree, personally.:) I have to use sleep aids to drown out every snap crackle and pop I hear at night because I'm hyper-vigilant about noise. But some people do just sleep through everything-- even an intruder, lights turning on, cold drafts, yelling, etc. And some people really sleep through everything if they are zonked out on drugs or pot-- it depends on the individual, I think.

I'm just trying to angle in on a more innocent explanation for Misty's weird behavior-- her delay, her seeming really out of it and repeatedly saying she was sleeping, her changing story, etc.
I don't know if there is an innocent explanation, but Misty seems off in ways that IMO could make her look guilty when she's actually not. And on first impression, she looks pretty guilty of something. :waitasec:
You can get married with parental consent at the age of 16 in FL. Absent parental consent, you have to be 18 to marry. Marriage law and statutory rape law are in conflict in some states, including FL-- so if you're 16 and you get married with parental consent, you can bypass the statutory rape restrictions because sex with one's legal spouse is generally considered lawful.


If the minor is legally emancipated (which I don't think Misty is) s/he is still a minor for the purposes of some laws-- including statutory rape. Legal emancipation removes the age disability in some cases, but not all (i.e., you can't vote or purchase alcohol if you're under 18 or 21, respectively--even if you're adjudicated as a legally emancipated adult, etc.)

There really aren't any exceptions that would fit Misty and Ron's situation-- their sexual relationship (if it indeed exists) is unlawful.

eeps I hope I quoted the posts right-- it's hard when a new thread starts! :crazy:

My understanding is that emancipated is emancipated, she is an adult legally once she is emancipated. That is the highlighted portion of this statute? The fact remains that this happens all the time, her parents no it is happening they are not intervening. She is not pressing charges. The state can't prove a crime is even occuring unless she was to become pregnant. He is emotionally immature and attracted to teenage girls. She is a known abuse victim. There are couplings like this all over the country. If the girls parents can't or won't do anything there is nothing anyone else can do.
794.05 Unlawful sexual activity with certain minors.

(1) A person 24 years of age or older who engages in sexual activity with a person 16 or 17 years of age commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. As used in this section, "sexual activity" means oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another; however, sexual activity does not include an act done for a bona fide medical purpose.
(2) The provisions of this section do not apply to a person 16 or 17 years of age who has had the disabilities of nonage removed under chapter 743.
(3) The victim's prior sexual conduct is not a relevant issue in a prosecution under this section.
(4) If an offense under this section directly results in the victim giving birth to a child, paternity of that child shall be established as described in chapter 742. If it is determined that the offender is the father of the child, the offender must pay child support pursuant to the child support guidelines described in chapter 61.
I wonder what fingerprint dusting (or whatever it's called ) has shown around the doors and the kitchen light. Unless it was spur of the moment, I can't imagine a planned kidnapping during the full moon. There's more light out and more chance of being seen by someone.
I'm still working my way through the taped videos and IMO she is not telling the truth. She likes to close her eyes when she talks for one thing, as if she is reciting a story. Her demeanor does not match her words. I worked for too many years in the court system and I saw a lot of fake tears and a lot of genuine ones. There is something off about her. Doesn't mean she is guilty of something, just that she is not being truthful with her story. And she will break, soon enough unlike another FL lady we know.

Totally my opinion and I could be waaaaaaaaaay wrong.
This was what I thought too when I saw the closing of the eyes when answering questions, but then thought that it could be the shyness of a young person in front of cameras for the first time. I know some use the eye test as one part in assesing truthfullness, but there are other things that go into it...it can't be relied upon by itself. Some people are very good liars and will look the person square in the eye when telling a lie, most inexperienced liars I believe have trouble doing that. There is also some thought as to eye movement, right vs. left, when talking as an indicator of truthfullness, left gaze could mean deception, right could mean truthfullness as they are searching their memory storage for the answer. Of course this is not a science and if used is used, I believe, in conjunction with many other indicators of truthfullness or deception.
Ronnie said he was surprised to see her up and waiting on him that she is normally asleep when he comes home.
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