FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #17

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I wonder if she had closed the open back door. If she hadn't, that would mean she's out on the front step, the back door is open and the little boy is vulnerable in the house. Hmmm. If she did leave it open "to show Ron" that would make me very suspicious that she wasn't really frightened of an intruder. I wish we knew whether the door was open or closed when he got home from work.

Didn't he say it was wide open when he got home? :waitasec:
According to Ronald, he knew something was wrong when he got home because Misty was up and everyone is usually sleeping when he gets home.

I also agree, Misty would have been better off to pretend she was sleeping and let dad discover Haleigh missing, better for her if she is involved somehow and even better for both of them if they are both involved...why the convoluted story about the beds and the door and all that? Why not just say dad got home, front door was partially open, he ran to check on kids and GF and found Haleigh gone? Why the big deal about the beds, the backdoor, the cinderblock and all that?

This is what I am thinking...Misty often slips out at night to visit brother or friends while dad is at work. She goes out the backdoor...someone knows this, they have seen her do it before. So on that night, Misty puts the kids to bed at 8pm, she checks on them at 10pm and they are sound asleep, so she goes out the backdoor, leaving the kitchen light on. For some reason she props the screen door open with a cinderblock. She goes to another home nearby, loses track of time and sees dad's headlights coming up the road. She panics knowing he will be mad she is out, she runs back home, goes in the backdoor, dad is pulling up, she doesn't have time to turn off kitchen light, besides dad probably saw it was on, she goes to the bedroom and discovers Haleigh gone, now she is really panicked and she can't pretend she is asleep so she comes up with the bathroom story and meets Ron at the door.

As bad as her tale seems, I think it would take HER longer to come up with it.
I thought I read in the police report that Misty indicated she was up no more than a few minutes (i.e. 5 mins) before Ronald arrived. I know she's given different accounts...as early as 3AM, but, ITA...I wake up and can't find a child...find a light on and a door open...

MY adrenaline is gonna be surging and you couldn't MAKE me sit down if you wanted to...

So you wouldn't consider that intruder might still be inside house or near by outside? I guess I'd worry my son and I might be next.

Not that I wouldn't go crazy and running everywhere AFTER I knew it was safe .. but for a bit, I'd be cautious.
OK ... nobody has said this .. so I gotta say:

If "I" woke up in middle of night, and saw a light on that "I" didn't turn on or leave on, and door opened .. with kids in house, I'm gonna FREAK and think the intruder is STILL in the house, or close by outside. So FIRST thing I'm going to do it call 911.

It's tough for me to say if I'd be scared enough to keep quiet while looking around, or go into panic mode and run around calling child. ... either way, I'd instantly think intruder is still near by.

That was one of my first thoughts when I heard she had called the dad before calling 911. I would have been so freaked out, home alone, child missing, OMG! I mean did she need his permission to call LE or what? Way too relaxed, IMO.
Ok... I must be losing it. Everyone's been talking about Misty calling RC shortly before he arrived home...but I remember him saying he knew something was wrong because as he pulled up he saw Misty sitting on the step. Which one is it? Help!

I seem to recall that as well. I'm looking for the video now.
...sitting on the step?

...which means she was calling him as she watched him drive up.

Going to confession late & early @ the same time.
I'm gonna have to go back now and listen from the start. i need to get it straight in my head.
Maybe they didn't run to the neighbors for a few reasons. One being he said she just wouldnt wander off by herself and Ronald said she couldn't reach the dead bolt, another being it's after 3 AM and maybe they didn't really know any of the neighbors and you might be afraid of being shot, doesn't looke like many street lights in the area...it's not like a trailer park where one house is right next to another, this, to me, is more like a rural community where the trailers sit on acres.

If someone came running and screaming up to my house at that time in the morning they would be met by me and my gun.

OK, if the homes were far apart, I see that ... I was thinking if they were close together.
Any drugs stuff they had in there had to be gotten rid of before they could call the police. Lets face it, kids now days smoke weed on a regular basis. That stuff is probably in the septic tank.
Yes. They did interview one woman who allowed them to search her house.

On First Coast live webcast there was a man that got my attention. He said he and his wife had a vacation home there and drove in Tuesday. He was standing beside his pontoon boat and offering it to LE via the media. The thing that really made me interested in him was the story he told about his wife's sister going missing with her friend when they were 9 years old back in 1969 plus it is still unsolved with no bodies and this was the reason he wanted to help find Haleigh.

This has bothered me so much since I heard him say it. It made me instantly wonder how old he was in 1969. Where was he the night before when Haleigh went missing? He had the boat in the water already docked. When did he put his boat in? Where is his vacay home from their trailer?

Anyone willing to write to First Coast and ask this man's name so we can check him out? I looked for the story on his wife's missing sister, but couldn't find anything. The county he mentioned started with a P, but I don't recall where he said it took place for certain. It was in Florida tho.

That's interesting. I wonder if'n they would tell us? :waitasec:
OT probably but the first thing I would have done at 17 was to call my Mama screaming and hollaring so bad she would have run straight over and got there before I could've called 911.
I thought the same thing. Have we heard anything about her relationship with her mother?
Some things just make me suspicious. Who's word are we taking for what?
Things that stick with me:

1.) LE seems to not want to answer or has not answered whether Haleigh was at school Monday or not. Why? It was a simple question that certainly could not hurt the case by answering that she was. Makes me think she may not have been.

2.) Just because Ronald said he walked Haleigh from the bus does not make it so.

3.) Just because GF says she had company (family) that visited and left @ around 5:30 PM does not make it so.

4.) Unless it is on video or in print that neighbors saw the kids outside that afternoon and definately saw Haleigh, I am skeptical of it.

5.) Why does GF recount the kids supposedly playing outside and coming in @ 5:30 PM, then skips to bedtime? It would seem natural to me for the GF to tell of supper, baths, or whatever.

6.) Door propped open? Either staged or left that way by the A/C man. When I have my A/C serviced, the A/C man comes in and out a couple of times.

7.) That an intruder would turn on an inside light is a big exception rather than the rule. Think about it. The intruder would be in the light and if seen it would be a distinct advantage of anyone maybe having a gun. A seasoned intruder will not turn on the lights.

8.) We will certainly find out at some point whether or not the GF had a cell phone or if there was a landline phone there. It is just me thinking she did not. Again just me, but it seemed that Ronald wanted the GF off the phone with the dispatcher because 'they' weren't coming. And I think that Ronald's anger was too intense during the call. He is going to kill whoever had stolen his daughter. At that point he cannot know what happened yet. I think he was over the top with his anger.

9.) I am not about to believe every word from Ronald or the GF simply because they said so. It depends on what is proven to be so. Whatever happened with Haleigh could have happened even before Ronald went to work and he went to work to have an alibi planning for Haleigh to be reported missing just after he got home.

The incident report did state that LE had taken a full automatic firearm. Why was N/A put on the report where the serial number should be recorded? Why did LE take recordings from the home described as: recordings - tapes, CD's, and cassettes? LE did take a picture of Haleigh, and I know that tapes and CD's could have had Haleigh in them, but casettes?

OK, I will shut up now! I am thinking that the Dad and the G/F know exactly what happened with Haleigh. I am not taking their word for anything. I do promise not to write another post this long!

Bottom line is that we do not have anything confirmed other than what time the call came in to 911 and that Haleigh is missing. Then LE takes it from there.
Well if the story of her sitting on the step is true....she could not have been too scared. She was outside and where was Jr. at this time....still sleeping? If someone had just taken 1 kid wouldn't you make sure you were holding the other one? moo moo lol

Yup!!! Or locked in his room, if he were sound asleep.
I still tink something happened much earlier to Haleigh.............no one saw her after 5:30 pm.................I don't believe the 3 am story.......IMOO
Please disregard if already addressed, hard to keep up: IIRC the police report says that Ron was in the driveway, Not sitting on the porch fwiw.

Hmm. Very diferrent thougt there. Thanks for the info! gk
...going a different direction...

The trail that K9 followed per the police report.

1) Out back door
2) Down wooded path to water's edge
3) Back up to road by house w/ open outbuilding
4) To railroad crossing

Do I have the order right?

Anyone located this railroad crossing on Google sat view? Good place to park & walk to the house?
I'm being very technical when I write this, but I don't believe anything that MC says. It has nothing to do with her age or anything else, it has everything to do with her story changing over and over. It may be as simple as being fearful, or it could be something else.

The fact is SOMEONE took this little girl and she is NOT where she should be! I'm looking at the other facts known in this case and not what MC says.
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